ORE Basic Ship and Skill Overview
Template:UwcThis guide provides general information and recommendations for T1 ships of a single player faction.
For more advanced and in-depth information on specific ships refer to EVE ships. This guide simply gathers the characteristics and overview of racial lineups in an easy to browse format for the very new player.
Fitting Overview
For more in-depth discussion of the purpose and use of some specific ORE ships, please see the Mining Ships and Orca pages.
With the introduction of the Ore Hold (in Inferno 1.2) to Mining Barges and Exhumers, the Expanded Cargohold modules and Cargohold Optimization rigs of past fits are no longer beneficial. The Ore Hold cannot be increased by modules or rigs (only skills).
Warrior drones are suggested since Aldrat's local rats are Angels. You will probably want to swap these for rat specific drones in other regions.
Required skills for ORE ships vary depending on the ship class. All mining-related ships require Mining Barge and Astrogeology to some level, though, and the Orca and Rorqual require leadership skills in order to give bonuses. The Primae does not require any skills to pilot, but the Noctis will require a new skill: ORE Industrial, which is available at the npc seeded price of 1.6 million at all stations that sell skillbooks.
Most ORE ships (with the notable exceptions of the Orca and Rorqual) are shield tanked. For hisec mining around Aldrat, you'll only need a tank with some decent EHP and 5 or 6 peak DPS, along with decent drone skills, in order to keep the rats away. Launch the drones when you arrive in the belt and set them to aggressive to make sure they attack rats as soon as possible; but if you don't have a few levels in Drone Durability then you'll need to keep an eye on your drone window to see if any of them are taking damage and pull in the ones that are.
The Orca and Rorqual are also shield tanked, but most of their EHP comes from a large hull buffer that is greatly extended by fitting a DCU2.
Mining Frigate
Retribution heralded the introduction of the ORE mining frigate, the Venture. With its release, the racial frigates' mining bonuses were removed, leaving it currently as the only mining frigate available.
Mining Frigate bonuses (per skill level): Recognizing the dire need for a ship capable of fast operation in unsafe territories, ORE created the Venture. It was conceived as a vessel primed and ready for any capsuleer, no matter how new to the dangers of New Eden they might be, who wishes to engage in the respectable trade of mining. The Venture has amazing abilities to quickly drill through to the ores and gases it's after, harvesting them at the speed necessary for mining in hostile space, and getting out relatively unscathed. |
Designed as an entry mining frigate, the Venture provides a platform for the beginner miner. While it's mining rate isn't very impressive compared to Destroyers and bigger hulls, it's ore hold and bonus to gas mining make it an efficient miner that doesn't have to worry about thieves. The stabilized warp core makes it easier for the ship to escape pirates, although it should be mentioned, that most ships could just take the frigate down rather than trying to keep it from running first.
Mining Barge
Mining barges are the first level of ORE mining ships. There are three mining barges, each optimised for a different role.
Mining Barge bonuses (per skill level): The mining barge was designed by ORE to facilitate advancing the mining profession to a new level. Each barge was created to excel at a specific function, the Covetor's being mining yield. This additional yield comes at a price, as the Covetor has weaker defenses and a smaller ore bay than the other mining barges. Mining barges are equipped with electronic subsystems specifically designed to accommodate Strip Mining and Ice Harvesting modules. |
The Covetor has the greatest mining yield out of the T1 mining barges, but has the smallest ore hold and the least tank. As a result, you need support from another pilot to be effective at your role, as you waste the time saved mining trying to haul the ore back to your drop off point.
Strip Miner I
Strip Miner I
Strip Miner I
Survey Scanner I
Mining Laser Upgrade I
Mining Laser Upgrade I
Mining Drone I x5
Warrior I x5

- Mining Barge V
- Astrogeology V
- Electronics IV
- Drones V
- Combat Drone Operation III
- Drone Durability III
- Drone Interfacing III
- Hull Upgrades II
- Mining Upgrades IV
- Shield Upgrades I
- Scout Drone Operation III
- Drones III
- The Cargohold Optimisation rigs of past fits are no longer beneficial to the Ore Hold (introduced in Inferno 1.2). Rig slots are now available for other purposes (e.g. Defence).
Modulated Strip Miner II
Modulated Strip Miner II
Modulated Strip Miner II
Survey Scanner II
Mining Laser Upgrade II
Mining Laser Upgrade II
Mining Drone II x5
Warrior II x5
Veldspar Mining Crystal II x1
Scordite Mining Crystal II x1
Pyroxeres Mining Crystal II x1

- Mining Barge V
- Astrogeology V
- Electronics IV
- Drones V
- Combat Drone Operation III
- Scout Drone Operation III
- Hull Upgrades II
- Mining Upgrades IV
- Shield Upgrades I
- Energy Management III
- Energy Systems Operation III
- Drone Durability III
- Drone Interfacing III
- Mining V
- Refining IV
- Plagioclase Processing IV
- This is a good point to train for T2 Strip Miners, which add a significant boost to your mining output but require more management and capacitor skills.
- With no capacitor skills, you'll only just have enough capacitor to start all three strip miners at once, and only with hisec ore crystals. This can cause problems especially if you want to start mining just after coming out of warp, and training a couple of capacitor skills at this point is recommended.
- The Cargohold Optimisation rigs of past fits are no longer beneficial to the Ore Hold (introduced in Inferno 1.2). Rig slots are now available for other purposes (e.g. Defence).
Mining Barge bonuses (per skill level): The mining barge was designed by ORE to facilitate advancing the mining profession to a new level. Each barge was created to excel at a specific function, the Retriever's being storage. A massive ore hold allows the Retriever to operate for extended periods without requiring as much support as other barges. Mining barges are equipped with electronic subsystems specifically designed to accommodate Strip Mining and Ice Harvesting modules. |
The Retriever has the largest ore hold out of the T1 mining barges, but has a middling tank and yield. Its the most effective ship if you have no support (and are not worried about being ganked), as the large hold reduces the time spend travelling between your drop off point and the belt, which more then makes up for the slight drop in yield compared to the coveter.
Strip Miner I
Strip Miner I
Survey Scanner I
Mining Laser Upgrade I
Mining Laser Upgrade I
Mining Laser Upgrade I
Warrior I x5

- Mining Barge III
- Astrogeology IV
- Electronics IV
- Drones V
- Combat Drone Operation III
- Hull Upgrades II
- Mining Upgrades I
- Drone Durability III
- Drone Interfacing III
- Electronics Upgrades I
- Scout Drone Operation III
- The Cargohold Optimisation rigs of past fits are no longer beneficial to the Ore Hold (introduced in Inferno 1.2). Rig slots are now available for other purposes (e.g. Defence).
Exhumers are the T2 versions of Mining Barges. However, only the Hulk is a direct upgrade from a Mining Barge; the Skiff and Mackinaw serve specialized purposes. Exhumers all require various level of the Spaceship Command Exhumers skill to operate.
Mining Barge bonuses (per skill level): The exhumer is the second generation of mining vessels created by ORE. Exhumers, like their mining barge cousins, were each created to excel at a specific function, the Hulk's being mining yield and mining laser range. The additional yield comes at a price, as the Hulk has weaker defenses and a smaller ore bay than the other exhumers. Exhumers are equipped with electronic subsystems specifically designed to accommodate Strip Mining and Ice Harvesting modules. |
If you do not care about tank and have fleet support so you don't need to worry about hauling your extracted ore, the Hulk provides the most yield per cycle of any of the mining barges. It's tough enough to be able to hold off smaller rats long enough to have them killed, but can't be tanked enough to prevent a determined player from ganking your ship and still making a profit out of it.
Modulated Strip Miner II
Modulated Strip Miner II
Modulated Strip Miner II
Small Azeotropic Ward Salubrity I
Small Azeotropic Ward Salubrity I
Small Azeotropic Ward Salubrity I
Shield Recharger II
Mining Laser Upgrade II
Mining Laser Upgrade II
Warrior II x10
Veldspar Mining Crystal II x1
Scordite Mining Crystal II x1
Plagioclase Mining Crystal II x1

- Hull Upgrades II
- Mining Upgrades V
- Shield Upgrades IV
- Drones V
- Combat Drone Operation III
- Drone Durability III
- Scout Drone Operation III
- Mining V
- Refining IV
- Plagioclase Processing IV
- Energy Management III
- Energy Systems Operation III
- Drone Interfacing III
- Exhumers III
- Minmatar Drone Specialization I
- Engineering V
- Like the Mackinaw, the Hulk has trouble fitting a normal tank when using two T2 upgrades. We can do slightly better than four civilian shield boosters here, though. ( edit: Powergrid fit is still very tight. Engineering V is a must for this one. )
- The Cargohold Optimisation rigs of past fits are no longer beneficial to the Ore Hold (introduced in Inferno 1.2). Rig slots are now available for other purposes (e.g. Defence).
Modulated Strip Miner II
Modulated Strip Miner II
Modulated Strip Miner II
Small Shield Booster II
Upgraded EM Ward Amplifier I
Limited Adaptive Invulnerability Field I
Limited Adaptive Invulnerability Field I
Internal Force Field Array I
Mining Laser Upgrade II
Warrior II x10
Veldspar Mining Crystal I x1
Scordite Mining Crystal II x1
Plagioclase Mining Crystal II x1

- Exhumers III
- Minmatar Drone Specialization I
- Drones V
- Combat Drone Operation III
- Drone Durability III
- Energy Management III
- Energy Systems Operation III
- Mining V
- Refining IV
- Plagioclase Processing IV
- Drone Interfacing III
- Scout Drone Operation III
- This fit should be able to tank a lot of nullsec pirate spawns, but upgrading the shield booster to a faction or deadspace booster is a common choice that will significantly upgrade the tanking capabilities.
- The Cargohold Optimisation rigs of past fits are no longer beneficial to the Ore Hold (introduced in Inferno 1.2). Rig slots are now available for other purposes (e.g. Defence).
Mining Barge bonuses (per skill level): The exhumer is the second generation of mining vessels created by ORE. Exhumers, like their mining barge cousins, were each created to excel at a specific function, the Mackinaw's being storage. A massive ore hold allows the Mackinaw to operate for extended periods without requiring as much support as other exhumers. Exhumers are equipped with electronic subsystems specifically designed to accommodate Strip Mining and Ice Harvesting modules. |
Upgrade for the Retriever, the Mackinaw has more tank then the hulk but less then the skiff, and has the largest ore hold of the exhumers, making it ideal for solo mining. The mackinaw used to have bonuses for ice mining, but now is equally proficient at harvesting ore and ice.
Strip Miner I
Strip Miner I
Survey Scanner I
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Mining Laser Upgrade II
Mining Laser Upgrade II
Mining Laser Upgrade II
Medium Processor Overclocking Unit I
Medium Processor Overclocking Unit I
Mining Drone I x5
Hobgoblin II x5

- Exhumers II
- Ice Harvesting I
- Drones V
- Combat Drone Operation III
- Shield Upgrades I
- Tactical Shield Manipulation I
- Drone Interfacing III
- Scout Drone Operation III
- Drones III
- Drone Durability III
- If you have the skills trained up, you can swap the Strip Miners I's out for their T2 alternatives. This will free enough CPU up to add an LSE in the last Mid slot.
- This fit provides plenty of defence for high sec, solo mining, and with three MLU's there is plenty of yield on those lasers as well.
Ice Harvester II
Ice Harvester II
Civilian Shield Booster
Civilian Shield Booster
Civilian Shield Booster
Civilian Shield Booster
Ice Harvester Upgrade II
Ice Harvester Upgrade II
Ice Harvester Upgrade II
Warrior I x10

- Exhumers II
- Ice Harvesting V
- Electronics V
- Combat Drone Operation III
- Drones V
- Mining Upgrades V
- Shield Upgrades I
- Tactical Shield Manipulation I
- Drone Interfacing III
- Drone Durability III
- Scout Drone Operation III
- Drones III
- If you mine ice often, then it's worthwhile to train up to T2 Ice Miners for a significant boost in yield.
- This fit is the fastest possible ice harvester, but doesn't have room for a significant tank and needs Electronics and Mining Upgrades trained to 5. Between the ship's naturally good T2 resists and the surprisingly effective civilian boosters, though, it should tank hisec rats fine, and you can create a balance between this and the previous fit depending on the situation.
- The Cargohold Optimisation rigs of past fits are no longer beneficial to the Ore Hold (introduced in Inferno 1.2). Rig slots are now available for other purposes (e.g. Defence).
Mining Barge bonuses (per skill level): The exhumer is the second generation of mining vessels created by ORE. Exhumers, like their mining barge cousins, were each created to excel at a specific function, the Skiff's being durability and self-defense. Advanced shielding and drone control systems make the Skiff the toughest mining ship in the cluster. Exhumers are equipped with electronic subsystems specifically designed to accommodate Strip Mining and Ice Harvesting modules. |
The T2 version of the Procurer, the Skiff has a larger cargo hold then the hulk, but less then the retriever or Mackinaw. However, it has the largest tank out of all the exhumers, and when fitted out has as much effective hitpoints as a battleship, making it all but impossible to gank for a profit in highsec. The skiff used to be a dedicated mercoxit mining ship, but now is equally effective at mining all types of ore and ice. It also used to have an innate +2 to warp strength, which has since been removed.
Modulated Deep Core Strip Miner II
Small Shield Booster II
Thermic Dissipation Amplifier II
EM Ward Amplifier II
Medium Shield Extender II
Mining Laser Upgrade II
Mining Laser Upgrade II
Hobgoblin II x5
Mercoxit Mining Crystal II x1

- Drones V
- Combat Drone Operation IV
- Gallente Drone Specialization I
- Drone Durability IV
- Drone Interfacing IV
- Scout Drone Operation IV
- Exhumers I
- Mercoxit Processing IV
- Since the Skiff has to spend its time in nullsec, it needs a much better tank than most of the fits here in order to deal with nullsec rats. The shield modules can be replaced with faction items depending on personal preference and ISK available. The shield booster is the most common module to upgrade.
Has a bay for holding Planetary Commodities. The Primae is a repurposed ORE design intended to ease the task of extracting resources from planetbound environments. Initially devised as a deep space salvage vessel for large-scale ore retrieval from destroyed ORE fleets in pirate-occupied areas, its previous incarnation was made all but obsolete by the arrival of capsuleers on the interstellar scene. Realizing that the ship could, with a few minor modifications, be made into an efficient resource harvesting aid, ORE wasted no time in revamping the design. |
The Primae was a free ship given out along with the Tyrannis expansion. While it can be useful if the player doesn't have another industrial ship available, it is generally thought of as too specialized and an easy target for gankers.
Warp Core Stabilizer I
Warp Core Stabilizer I
Nanofiber Internal Structure I
Nanofiber Internal Structure I

- Warp Drive Operation I
- Hull Upgrades I
- Cargohold expansion is avoided in favour of boosting warp strength and align time in an effort to avoid gankers, and because expanders only affect the 100m3 cargohold.
ORE Hauler bonuses (per skill level): The Noctis marks Outer Ring Excavations' entry into the lucrative bulk salvaging market. Building on their successes integrating Marauder-class tractor technology into the Orca command platform, and innovations in automated salvaging technology, they designed a compact, affordable wreck recovery solution. |
The Noctis is the newest ORE ship released with the first part of the "Incursion" expansion in November 2010. It requires the skillbook "Ore Industrial" to fly and blueprints are available at ORE stations in the Outer Ring Region. While generally an excellent salvage ship.
Salvager I
Salvager I
Salvager I
Salvager I
Small Tractor Beam I
Small Tractor Beam I
Small Tractor Beam I
Small Tractor Beam I
Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I
F-90 Positional Sensor Subroutines
Expanded Cargohold II
Expanded Cargohold II
Expanded Cargohold II
Medium Salvage Tackle I
Medium Salvage Tackle I
Medium Salvage Tackle I
Warrior I x5
Scan Resolution Script x1

- The ratio of salvagers and tractor beams can be adjusted to suit player skill and salvaging style, and low slots can be adjusted as well depending on the situation. Pilots with good targeting and salvaging skills sometimes fit a 5 tractor / 3 salvager configuration.
Industrial Command Ships
Industrial Command Ships bonuses (per skill level): The Orca was developed as a joint venture between Outer Ring Excavations and Deep Core Mining Inc as a vessel to help meet the demands of New Eden's industry and provide a flexible platform from which mining operations can be more easily managed. The Orca is also capable of using a large industrial core to substantially increase its industrial capabilities, while empowering its defenses during deployment in a static configuration. A key element of the industrial capacity unlocked by activating an industrial core is the ability to use compressor modules, with the Orca having the flexibility to use a number of specialized large compressors. The Orca uses much of the technology developed by ORE for the Rorqual and integrated with the latest advancements from Deep Core Mining research division has developed a vessel which offers a diverse role to all sizes of operations and needs. |
The Orca is a command ship designed to support mining fleets, but can be fill many support roles due to its large cargoholds and ship maintenance bay.
Small Tractor Beam I
Mining Foreman Link - Laser Optimization I
Mining Foreman Link - Mining Laser Field Enhancement I
Medium Shield Extender II
Medium Shield Extender II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Expanded Cargohold II
Damage Control II
Large Cargohold Optimization I
Large Cargohold Optimization I
Large Cargohold Optimization I
Warrior II x10
Light Armor Maintenance Bot I x5

- Industrial Command Ships I
- Leadership V
- Astronautics Rigging I
- Drones V
- Repair Drone Operation I
- Remote Armor Repair Systems III
- Tactical Shield Manipulation IV
- Shield Upgrades IV
- The Armor Maintenance bots give the Orca a little bit of extra utility: they can repair any armor damage that other ships might have taken, instead of having to spend ISK to repair at the station.
Small Tractor Beam I
Mining Foreman Link - Laser Optimization I
Mining Foreman Link - Mining Laser Field Enhancement I
Large Shield Extender II
EM Ward Field II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Expanded Cargohold II
Damage Control II
Large Cargohold Optimization I
Large Cargohold Optimization I
Large Cargohold Optimization I
Warrior II x5
Light Shield Maintenance Bot I x5
Light Armor Maintenance Bot I x5

- Industrial Command Ships I
- Leadership V
- Industrial Command Ships IV
- Mining Director IV
- Warfare Link Specialist IV
- Tactical Shield Manipulation IV
- Shield Upgrades IV
- Drones V
- Drones V
- Repair Drone Operation I
- Remote Armor Repair Systems III
- Shield Emission Systems III
- Astronautics Rigging I
- Another variant which is slightly more efficient than the above mentioned fit. By changing to a single large shield expander and adding an EM-hardener, the ship will have a higher average resist and slightly larger buffer. Also added recommended skills to get the most out of the links, plus switched in some shield maintenance bots, since there were room for them.
Prototype 100MN Microwarpdrive I
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Medium Shield Extender II
Power Diagnostic System II
Power Diagnostic System II
Large Cargohold Optimization I
Large Cargohold Optimization I
Large Cargohold Optimization I
Warrior II x10
Light Armor Maintenance Bot I x5

- Industrial Command Ships I
- Engineering V
- Drones V
- Energy Grid Upgrades IV
- High Speed Manoeuvring I
- Tactical Shield Manipulation IV
- Shield Upgrades IV
- Repair Drone Operation I
- Astronautics Rigging I
- The MWD is pulsed to help the Orca align faster, giving it a 10 second align instead of 30-40 seconds. Fitting a single faction PDS instead of the two PDS2 will allow you to fit a damage control too.
- A much better idea is to use an Ancillary Current Router rig, leaving both low slots free for tank or cargohold expanders which provide much more expansion than cargohold optimization rigs. With a single ACR and two cargohold rigs, grid will be tight; consider replacing the shield extender with an EM Ward Field II.
Improved Cloaking Device II
Sisters Expanded Probe Launcher
Small Tractor Beam II
Prototype 100MN Microwarpdrive I
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Adaptive Invulnerability Field II
Caldari Navy EM Ward Field
Damage Control II
Beta Reactor Control: Reaction Control I
Large Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I
Large Anti-Kinetic Screen Reinforcer I
Large Hyperspatial Velocity Optimizer I
Warrior II x5
Vespa EC-600 x5
Sisters Combat Scanner Probe x8

Capital Industrial Ships
Capital Industrial Ships bonuses (per skill level): The Rorqual was conceived and designed by Outer Ring Excavations in response to a growing need for capital industry platforms with the ability to support and sustain large-scale mining operations in uninhabited areas of space. The Rorqual is notably capable of using a capital industrial core to substantially increase its industrial capabilities, while empowering its defenses during deployment in a static configuration. A key element of the industrial capacity unlocked by activating an industrial core is the ability to use compressor modules, with the Rorqual able to use the powerful and logistically impressive capital compressors. Additionally, the Rorqual is able to fit a capital tractor beam unit, capable of pulling in cargo containers from far greater distances and at far greater speeds than smaller beams can. It also possesses a sizeable drone bay, jump drive capability and the capacity to fit a clone vat bay. This combination of elements makes the Rorqual the ideal nexus to build deep space mining operations around. Due to its specialization towards industrial operations, its ship maintenance bay is able to accommodate only industrial ships, mining barges and their tech 2 variants. |
The Rorqual is a capital version of the Orca, and is generally only seen in nullsec. As well as fielding similar bonuses to the Orca, it can carry a mining fleet to their destination and compress ore to make it easier to haul. Often, though, the Rorqual is seen as too risky to deploy in an asteroid belt and is set up within a POS shield instead; miners still get the bonuses and ore compression, and most pilots see this as a worthwhile tradeoff.
Capital Tractor Beam I
Industrial Core I
Clone Vat Bay I
Mining Foreman Link - Harvester Capacitor Efficiency II
Mining Foreman Link - Laser Optimization II
Mining Foreman Link - Mining Laser Field Enhancement II
Capital Shield Booster I
Explosive Deflection Field II
Thermic Dissipation Field II
Kinetic Deflection Field II
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II
Expanded Cargohold II
Expanded Cargohold II
Damage Control II
Large Cargohold Optimization I
Large Cargohold Optimization I
Large Cargohold Optimization I

Related Links
- Basic skills and Support skills - Training support skills is a key step towards flying a ship well. Read up on support skills here.
- Fitting Guidelines - Some general guidelines for fitting ships.
- Fitting Modules and Rigs Guide - A list of rigs and module types with short descriptions.
- NPC damage types and NPC Ship Attributes - To see which resists to use and damage types to deal against NPC rats.
- Creating an Alt Hauler - Having an alt hauler can be useful for shopping trips during wartime, if you are living in highsec.