EVE University Management
This article is about the CEO, Directors, and Managers of EVE University. For the general functionality of CEOs and Directors in player corporations, see Corporation (Corp Mechanics).
The management of EVE University is appointed as a meritocracy, using demonstrated ability to select staff.
The University has six distinct divisions, all under overall control of the CEO Azmodeus Valar. These are Education, Human Resources, Logistics, Public Relations, Special Projects, and Student Advocacy.
Chief Executive Officer
Azmodeus Valar
About the role: The CEO oversees the general day-to-day running of the University, setting the general direction and making decisions which affect the whole group. This post has various departments reporting to it including Human Resources, Education, Logistics and Public Relations, as well as Special Projects. About the person: Azmodeus Valar has been a pilot since April of 2007, joining the University the following fall. He was appointed Hangar Manager the following summer, and promoted to Dir Logistics the Fall of 2008. He is trained as a PVP pilot, but somehow got the job of building things. It is believed he has alternate personalities in various other aspects of the game. |
Director of Education
Bairfhionn Isu
About the role: The Director of Education oversees the core business of EVE University, training new players. He decides on the overall strategies to maximise the educational side of EVE University. He manages the training department (classes), events department and mentoring department and ensures operations in these departments are running smoothly. About the person: After Neville Smit stepped down to finally undock, Bairfhionn Isu took over as the Director of Education. After being the Events Manager for 9 months she accepted the offer to join the Directorship. Not much is known about what she does besides directoring but she can be seen in fleets or hunting pirates now and then, making them cry. Reports to: CEO |
Teaching Director
Neville Smit
About the role: The Teaching Director oversees recruiting and development of UNI teachers, organizing guest lectures, scheduling classes, and developing recorded training classes, the Syllabus Library and related player guides on the EVE University wiki. About the person: Neville Smit discovered the UNI very early in his career, and immediately became obsessed with collecting titles, in order to feed his insatiable ego. In love with the sound of his own voice, he lectures frequently in UNI-sponsored classes, even if no one shows up. An admitted carebear, Neville is a master at getting in on killmails while flying in the shadows of far superior pilots, resulting in an impressive-looking but ultimately hollow efficiency ratio. His only redeeming quality is his dedication to providing quality education services to his fellow UNIs. Teaching Managers: Kivena and Titus Tallang Reports to: Director of Education |
Mentor Manager
About the role: On request, EVE University provides members with individualized coaching and mentoring from experienced UNI Graduates. The Mentor Manager is responsible for ensuring that this Mentor Program runs smoothly and efficiently. About the person: Haxxi joined EVE University in November 2009 after a short and turbulent week. EVE University gave him a home and helped him a lot with the harsh and dark space called New Eden. After a short while, he joined the ILN in which he's still serving. In October 2010, Haxxi decided to give something back to the UNI and joined the mentor team. After a short time, he got promoted to an assistant mentor manager. In June 2011, Haxxi was recognized for his good work by being promoted to head of the mentor program. Assistants: Morgrell and Polarina Reports to: Director of Education |
Events Manager
Post Vacant
About the role: The Events Manager oversees the Events Department, including the scheduling of special events, recruiting Events Coordinators, and supporting students in developing and running their own events. About the person: Since this post currently is vacant, there is no person. If you think you have the guts to provide fun and entertainment for Unistas, contact the Director of Education. Reports to: Director of Education |
Director of Human Resources
Kaein Soturus
About the role: The Director of Human Resources (HR) oversees the enrollment of University students both new and old with both the Personnel Department and Student Guidance Department falling under his/her remit. The role also includes reviewing student status and promotions via the Titles Department as well as offering guidance and training (or help training) new volunteers in assisting with these departments. About the person: Soon™ Reports to: CEO |
Personnel Manager
Rose Chanlin
About the role: The Personnel Manager oversees the group of 25+ volunteers that make up the Personnel Department, the job of whom it is to put aside their time to filter University applicants, ensuring that only those who fit with E-UNI's mission and moral code are permitted entry. Tasks involve creating and updating recruitment policies, managing staff (bringing new Personnel Officers in, seeing that inactive POs are taken out, training new POs, promoting experienced POs etc.), monitoring recruitment activity, policing the University's public channel and, perhaps most importantly, defending the recruitment cookies. About the person: Information not yet available. Assistants: Treatle Omaristos, Laura Karpinski, and Bates Larsson Reports to: Director of HR |
Student Guidance Manager
Hannibal Barcca
About the role: The Student Guidance Manager essentially functions as a moderator, addressing Rules and WSOP issues and transgressions by students and staff before they escalate to the point where a director should need to get involved. The SGM oversees any member issues relating to the EVE University Rules and the Wartime Standard Operating Procedures and also assisting members who may be overwhelmed with what to do in regards to our many programs and services. Have you got an issue or need an explanation regarding our Rules, WSOP, or one of our various programs or services? Then the Student Guidance Manager or his Assistants and staff in the Student Guidance Department are the people you should speak to. About the person: Likes to guide people. Which is fortuitous, since that is what this job entails. Reports to: Director of HR |
Title Manager
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About the role: The Title Manager is responsible for processing title applications with the aid of the staff within the Titles Department, conducting relevant security and background checks before clearing a title application that they or other directors can then action. About the person: Likes to title things. Which is fortuitous, since that is what this job entails. Assistants: Mia Sedgwick Reports to: Director of HR |
Director of Logistics
Turhan Bey
About the role: The Logistics Division is made of 6 main sections (POS Operations, Research, Production, Hangar Management, Reimbursement, and Market). Each section has a distinct focus, and all of them work in harmony on multiple projects. The Logistics Director is responsible for coordinating the actions of all 6 sections, and ensuring that each is fulfilling its responsibilities. He/She sets policy for the Department, appoints section managers, acts as a liaison to other departments, and serves as a Director for the university as a whole. The Freighter Production project, Ship replacement project, Refining program, copying program, and BYOM program are directly under the supervision of the Logistics Director instead of assigned to a distinct department. About the person: Data eaten by small rat named Steve. Reports to: CEO |
POS Operations Manager
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Ellin Einher
About the role: Maintains the POS, used for research by the members. About the person: You don't want to know. Reports to: Director of Logistics |
Reimbursement Manager
David Matsuda
About the role: Oversees the Ship Replacement Program and +3 Implants Program. About the person: Likes to reimburse things. Which is fortuitous, since that's what this job entails. Reports to: Director of Logistics |
Hangar Manager
About the role: In charge of maintaining stocks in corporate hangars. About the person: Information not yet available. Reports to: Director of Logistics |
Market Manager
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About the role: Responsible for maintaining the PYOS program. About the person: Cervator joined New Eden around August 2009 and EVE University shortly after that. He enjoys a strange satisfaction from organizing things, so he turned out to be a perfect fit for the Logistics Department. Cervator established the PYOS program with direction from Azmodeus Valar, which provides T1 ships at cost to students for ISK (similar to how BYOM does it for minerals). Reports to: Director of Logistics |
Director of Public Relations
Irdalth Delrar
About the role: The Director of Public Relations is responsible for dealing with they day to day management all the Uni's public resources as well as dealing with third party contacts and news. About the person: Irdalth Delrar started as the alt of Keleth Delrar, part of the Uni since 2006. As many of the other directors, Keleth started as an RO, when he left to 0.0, and Irdalth took his place, moving from RO to mining manager to teacher, when finally, 3 years later, his Jedi mind-tricks convinced Lord Kelduum to take him as an apprentice. Reports to: CEO |
Diplomatic Director
About the role: The Diplomatic Director coordinates Ivy League's diplomats and acts as a point of contact for organizations outside of Ivy League who have questions about standings. About the person: I've played eve on and off (and off and on) for quite some time, I remember the dark early days of eve with no skill queue and no "warp to 0 on gates", I enjoy putting some knowledge back into the game and the Uni. Reports to: Director of Public Relations Staff List Can be found at: Diplomacy Department |
Forum Manager
About the role: The forum manager is responsible for day-to-day management of the E-UNI forum, dealing with forum moderation where needed, resetting user passwords, and assuring the quality of image-macro responses. About the person: Smoogle has been around for a while now, with a near-complete lack of training focus and more than a couple hiatus periods. Finally failed at avoiding responsibility. Has not yet managed to ban everyone. As far as fixing accounts? His attempts to develop psychic powers have so far failed, so it is recommended that you include more information as opposed to less. For example, if you need an email changed, try including email addresses, both old and new. Reports to: Director of Public Relations |
Wiki Manager
Miranda McLaughlin
About the role: The Wiki Manager's role is to patrol all wiki changes and identify and deal with any inappropriate edits to UniWiki as needed. About the person: TBC Reports to: Director of Public Relations |
Media Manager
Post Vacant
About the role: The Media Manager looks after the news content on eveuniversity.org writing articles detailing what has been going on in E-UNI, as well as running the official E-UNI Twitter and Facebook pages. About the person: This position is currently vacant. For some reason, whomever takes this job falls to some ill fate, leading many to think it has been cursed by an ancient Takmahl artifact, discovered by a previous UNI Media Manager and who promptly vanished in a puff of smoke. Reports to: Director of Public Relations |
Director of Special Projects
Frood Frooster
About the role: Oversees the special projects Low-Sec Campus • Nullsec Campus • Wormhole Campus • Project Solitude • Ivy League Navy • Intel Department and works to coordinate PVP across the entire University. About the person: Mostly harmless Reports to: CEO |
ILN Manager / Admiral
About the role: The ILN admiral is responsible for the ILN About the person: Likes to blow things up. Also moonlights as The Most Interesting Man in the World. Reports to: Director of Special Projects |
Intel Manager
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Achanei Belvar [currently MIA, will be back in March]
About the role: The Intel Manager communicates with the network of alumni and other E-UNI supporters regarding any intelligence they may have. He is also responsible for maintaining the various intel systems provided to members which track external and internal threats. About the person: I like torches, pitchforks, stakes and long walks on the beach. Reports to: Director of Special Projects |
Guest FC Manager
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About the role: The Guest FC Manager coordinates the guest FC program and acts as point of contact for guest FCs. About the person: Korr is really old and has aged well. Reports to: technically to the Director of Special Projects but actually Frood is Korr's devote servant and will do his bidding |
LSC Manager
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About the role: The LSC Manager is responsible for the Low-Sec Campus. He is the main point of contact in regard of questions relating to the LSC. About the person: Mostly reformed carebear that has a serious passion for all things LowSec. I love PvP, but I also take long exploration trips. When I am not playing Eve, I am taking care of my kids as a full time stay at home dad. I also love to develop web sites/tools and create 3D art with Blender. Reports to: Director of Special Projects |
NSC Manager
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About the role: The NSC Manager is responsible for the Nullsec Campus. He is the main point of contact in regard of questions relating to the NSC. About the person: He is really interesting but shy. Reports to: Director of Special Projects |
WHC Manager
Sivney Quincannon
About the role: The WHC Manager is responsible for the Wormhole Campus. He is the main point of contact in regard of questions relating to the WHC. About the person: Reports to: Director of Special Projects |
Student Advocate
Kermit Pental
About the role: The Student Advocate is a manager chosen to essentially function as a mediator, addressing issues at student level before they escalate to the point where a director should need to get involved. They are a point of contact for the student body, acting much like EVE's CSM in that they try to filter through the popular issues and bring the important ones to the attention of the directorate. The Student Advocate can also be considered the "voice" of the students, acting on their behalf in dealings with the directorate. Have you got an issue or a complaint with someone? Then the Student Advocate is the person you should speak to. About the person: Reports to: CEO |
EVE University Founder
Morning Maniac
I founded EVE University to create a place where new players could get together and be appreciated for who they were. Classes and doing things together were important but nothing was, and is, more important than the positive attitude towards new players. In the first three years I clocked about 4000 hours logged-in in the service of the University. After some real life changes my available free time was greatly reduced but I could rely on a great team of directors and managers to run the Uni. In the last three years I was mainly concerned with extinguishing fires and the occasional directorship drama, but fortunately for me and everyone involved these issues have become less frequent and intense. The current leadership is stable and doing well, and they seem to share my vision of what the University should be and they work hard to shape it as such, with all the limitations of the game and the people in it. More changes in my real life have resulted in even less EVE time and as a result I feel now removed from the game. Because of that I have decided that it is in the best interest of EVE University that I resign from my CEO position. I have asked Kelduum to succeed me and he has accepted the job. What does this mean for the University and its members? Well, nothing. It means that now the formal power will be with the person who has already been in charge for a long time. I trust that Kelduum and the rest of the leadership will continue to run and build the University as they have done in the past. If they should decide to take another route then that's fine too. As for me? I hope to stay a member of the University. If and when I have time I would like to log in and just join the chat with the new guys. The enthusiasm of new players is what I always enjoy most about EVE. Besides, there is always a lot to learn in EVE. Finally, I would like to thank everyone for putting your trust in me. When I founded the Uni I had no idea where it would go. Where we are today is far beyond anything I could have imagined. I have learned so much, I have met amazing people and had a great time. All thanks to you, members past and present of EVE University. |
Directors Emeriti
The following were once directors E-UNI who have stepped down from their positions and while they no longer hold any official authority, their considerable knowledge and history is still called upon from time to time, and their input is welcome in E-UNI management discussions.
- Irrilian
- Bruno Bonner
- Finraer
- Kassie Kelmar
- Dookagalla
- Kodell
- Morning Maniac - EVE University founder
- Miraki Alsento
- Dierdra Vaal
- Korr'Tanas - was never technically a director, but served 9 months as Student Relations Manager among near 3 years of other solid Uni contributions, earning him the same honor
- Kyrlin DiShai
- Storiim Tsovoran
- BladeHeart - like Korr'tanas, never technically a director, but a long serving and valued member of staff who held several management positions, including Recruitment Manager and Student Relations Manager.
- Neville Smit - "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in."
- Silentbrick
- Ubercado
- Gibson Thunderbird - Best of luck, Gibson - where ever you are. We miss you.
- Darian Reymont
- Kelduum Revaan - Former CEO
- Marius Labo