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==Mission 16 - The Knowledge to Act (Story Arc Branch) - (Hyasyoda path)==
==Mission 15a - The Knowledge to Act (Story Arc Branch) - (Hyasyoda path)==
{{:The Knowledge to Act}}
{{:The Knowledge to Act}}
==Mission 17 - Slipping Away - (Hyasyoda path)==
==Mission 16a - Slipping Away - (Hyasyoda path)==
{{:Slipping Away}}
{{:Slipping Away}}
==Mission 18 - Across the Line - (Hyasyoda path)==
==Mission 17a - Across the Line - (Hyasyoda path)==
{{:Across the Line}}
{{:Across the Line}}
==Mission 16 - A Difference of Opinion (Story Arc Branch) - (Nugoehuvi path)==
==Mission 15b - A Difference of Opinion (Story Arc Branch) - (Nugoehuvi path)==
{{:A Difference of Opinion}}
{{:A Difference of Opinion}}
==Mission 17 - Learning by Doing - (Nugoehuvi path)==
==Mission 16b - Learning by Doing - (Nugoehuvi path)==
{{:Learning by Doing}}
{{:Learning by Doing}}
==Mission 18 - The Price of Silence - (Nugoehuvi path)==
==Mission 17b - The Price of Silence - (Nugoehuvi path)==
{{:The Price of Silence}}
{{:The Price of Silence}}
==Mission 17 - Home In Peace - (Caldari State path)==
==Mission 16c - Home In Peace - (Caldari State path)==
{{:Home In Peace}}
{{:Home In Peace}}
[[Category:Epic Arcs]]
[[Category:Epic Arcs]]

Revision as of 14:56, 23 January 2021

Main article: Penumbra

The Bottom Line is the third and last chapter of Caldari epic arc. The decision you made in first chapter will dictate what missions you are offered in here. If you chose to side with Hyasyoda you will start with mission "The Knowledge to Act", otherwise you will start from mission "A Difference of Opinion".

Penumbra chapter3 branches.png

Mission 15a - The Knowledge to Act (Story Arc Branch) - (Hyasyoda path)

Type Branch
Objective Choose your path
Extra Decides the final reward
Mission briefing
The Knowledge to Act

<Character>, good. I talked to that old friend of mine about a compromise between Ishukone and the other corporations, and we've managed to come up with a solution he believes they'll agree to.

We're meeting shortly, but I wanted to update you on the progress. I believe we can solve this amicably, without pushing Ishukone into a corner. I can't imagine a better result myself, given the current situation.

It comes down to you, though. I'm not about to pretend that Katsen doesn't still have other ideas about how to deal with this. My guess is that he wants you to keep digging, to properly back Ishukone into a corner. Well, you're free to go off and start that war if you think it's necessary, but I won't be there alongside you.

Sometimes conflict isn't the solution. Take it from a man who has been fighting his whole life. There's some things my guns could never change, <Character>. Either you understand that and you're with me, or you can go the other way and learn the lesson yourself.

I'll push for a compromise either way, but it would help to have you in my corner on this one, more than you might appreciate.

Home in Peace >> If I'm honest, I wasn't sure that you and I would ever see one another again. I know that Katsen probably offered you all kinds of things to continue pursuing Ishukone. You didn't take it though, so good work. Maybe there were other temptations, perhaps? A few other bets you were hedging on the side? Hmm, yes, don't worry, I won't push the matter, but something tells me perhaps you're starting to appreciate things many Caldari forget to.

So then…let me catch you up. My friend and I believe a deal can be struck easily if we can put aside the question of moving recovered Ishukone personnel to their Headquarters in Malkalen. If you were to offer your help, it would lend a tremendous amount of credibility to the operation. Ishukone may not trust you, but they trust the Navy, and they will trust that you have the ability to do the job, if not the loyalty. Personally, I know you'll do what's right. You wouldn't be here otherwise.

There's a huge risk here though, <Character>. You'll be moving people from a low-security system in a warzone through to the heartlands of State space. Thousands of lives will depend on your ability to maintain a low profile.

Slipping Away >> In any other situation, a request for more time would be fine, <Character>. But there are hundreds, thousands of people waiting on us. What am I supposed to tell my friend in Ishukone, too? That things have to wait because the capsuleer we've been depending on needs to deal with something else? Your request comes at a bad time, friend.

Crielere; a parable told to all aspiring young Caldari
“There once was a great rich merchant,” she began hesitantly, suddenly all too aware that all eyes in the room were on her. But she plunged on regardless, steeling her nerves. “He lived to a grand old age and possessed every wealth a man could dream of. Many looked to him in awe or envy, coveting his treasures and desiring to imitate his great successes. Yet the old man was never happy and on his deathbed, a young clerk working for him asked: ‘You must feel that your life has been one great success story, what with all the wealth you have accumulated.'

But the old man replied. ‘My life has been one of misery and sorrow. As a young man I chose wealth over family, discarding the love of my life. When I die all that I will leave behind in the world is money. But money is the same all over, mine is no different from anyone else's. Once my wealth has been scattered, all that I will be is dust and vague memories. My life is a failure young man, don't make the same mistakes I did.'

The last choice, select:

  • Home In Peace: leads to 25m ISK and Caldari State Faction standing increase as final reward
  • Slipping Away: leads to Standup Hyasyoda Research Lab Blueprint and Caldari State Faction standing increase as final reward
Penumbra chapter3 branches.png

Mission 16a - Slipping Away - (Hyasyoda path)

Level 4
Type Security
Objective Report back to Arikio Kuretsu in Wuos
Rewards 0.3M ISK + 1M ISK (4h)

Report to Arikio Kuretsu sixteen jumps away in in Wuos.

Take a combat ship. You'll need it for the next Mission.

Mission 17a - Across the Line - (Hyasyoda path)

Level 4
Type Security
Objective Retrieve Deteis Family (0.1 m3)
Faction Caldari State
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Warp disruption Elite Frigates
Ship suggestion Battleship
Rewards +10% Caldari State Faction Standing + Standup Hyasyoda Research Lab Blueprint Copy (1 run)
Extra No Caldari State Faction Standing loss; High damage
Mission briefing
Welcome back to Wuos, <Character>, it's reassuring to see you here, I have to admit. After all that time undercover, we were starting to worry that you'd forgotten your loyalties. Here you are though, and you've come bearing all kinds of vital information. Your loyalty and commitment is not characteristic of your kind, but then, everything about you has exceeded expectations. I have little doubt that on this last, most important mission, you will not fail me either.

Katsen Isha is a man gifted with considerable political acumen, and his known associates make for a long list of people I don't want to screw around with. We have learned a great deal from the information you've leaked us and uncovered much of the important details about this man. For the longest time, he seemed incorruptible and untouchable; a man with no bad habits, no sordid secrets and no exploitable desires, all surrounded by some serious corporate heavyweights. That impression of him has changed.

Although you helped us find a number of interesting things, we recently followed up on a lead you provided us and stumbled upon something that utterly dwarfs anything else so far unearthed. We have identified the one thing that he actually cares about; his family. We also have the coordinates of their current location in our possession.

It's unfortunate, I'm not about to pretend otherwise, but if capturing his family is the only way to get a genuine assurance of silence out of this man, then it is the path we must tread. Isha is bordering damn close to treason already, he deserves far worse. We cannot let Ishukone's operations be undone because of Nugoeihuvi's lust for profit. The notion that he would try to blackmail us on such a thing speaks volumes about the values held dear by NOH.

If you are willing to help us, then I can give you the coordinates of a central Nugoeihuvi Storage facility; a quiet but well protected little area that NOH staff use to store their ships and documents. Nobody would ever want to live there, and nobody actually living there would ever be that comfortable. It's the perfect place for a man with many enemies to hide what he values most.

Thousands of Caldari prisoners are depending on us to save them, and now it comes down to you, <Character>. Either our operation can continue under the radar, and thousands can be saved, or it can become a scandal that costs us ISK, our reputations, and the lives of countless Caldari. Isha must be stopped.

From Crielere; a parable told to all aspiring young Caldari
“There once was a great rich merchant,” she began hesitantly, suddenly all too aware that all eyes in the room were on her. But she plunged on regardless, steeling her nerves. “He lived to a grand old age and possessed every wealth a man could dream of. Many looked to him in awe or envy, coveting his treasures and desiring to imitate his great successes. Yet the old man was never happy and on his deathbed, a young clerk working for him asked: ‘You must feel that your life has been one great success story, what with all the wealth you have accumulated.'

But the old man replied. ‘My life has been one of misery and sorrow. As a young man I chose wealth over family, discarding the love of my life. When I die all that I will leave behind in the world is money. But money is the same all over, mine is no different from anyone else's. Once my wealth has been scattered, all that I will be is dust and vague memories. My life is a failure young man, don't make the same mistakes I did.'

Video: [Typhoon January 2021]

Ungated semi-deadspace pocket four jumps away in Ishisomo.

Blitz: create Bookmarks, destroy the Nugoeihuvi Caretaker, warp to the Office Facility and grab the Deteis Family.


  • You can freely warp inside the pocket.
  • You always land at the beacon when you warp from the outside.
  • Fire your long range weapon and warp to another location to avoid getting hit.
  • No standing loss for destroying enemy ships, even if their description say they belong to the Caldari State.


Nugoeihuvi Central Storage Facility
This unassuming facility appears to house a number of different storage departments, allowing Nugoeihuvi staff to safely stow away anything from ships to chemical goods. As with most of these compounds, all goods are held in the strictest of confidence. Nugoeihuvi maintains complete discretion through the application of lethal force to anyone foolish enough to venture in to these dens of secrets. Regardless of their intentions, those who have crossed the line inside can never be allowed to live.

Defenders spawn when you attack or approach the Nugoeihuvi Caretaker at 130 km.

Initial Spawn (160 km)

Elite Battleship 1 x Elite Battleship Nugoeihuvi Caretaker

Structures (160 km)

Container 1 x Office Facility Locked until Nugoeihuvi Caretaker is destroyed. Deteis Family

Defenders (160 km)

Elite Frigate 13 x Elite Frigate Nugoeihuvi Elite Frigate Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Elite Cruiser 4 x Elite Cruiser Nugoeihuvi Elite Cruiser Target Jammer
Battleship 3 x Battleship Nugoeihuvi Battleship (Shogun)
Elite Battleship 3 x Elite Battleship Nugoeihuvi Battleship (Nagashin)
Elite Battleship 1 x Elite Battleship Nugoeihuvi Caretaker
Mission debriefing
You've done it, <Character>. You've actually done it. Those people are, without a doubt, Katsen Isha's family. We can guarantee his silence now, an absolutely excellent result.

You've brought a potentially disastrous situation to a clean and comfortable end. We are all indebted to you for it, particularly those whose lives will be spared when our rescue teams continue to find them out there, waiting for someone. Your actions give us all hope.

I know it hasn't been an easy journey for you; getting mixed up in the machinations of corporate agendas and personal grudges is never pleasant. It's the darker side to our society, and not something anyone ever wants to contend with. The way you handled everything however, it was exemplary. If only more Caldari would work for peace and stability like you did, we would be faring even better as a nation.

I'd like to give you something as thanks. I'm sure it's not much to a capsuleer like you, but all the same, we in Hyasyoda would like you to have it. We salvaged it from the research facility that Serpentis overtook – the same one you were misled into raiding. I like to think that it will remind you of everything you accomplished, and that good things can come out of bad situations if you only work at it.

Thank you once again, <Character>, and fly safe. We won't forget what you've done for us.

Mission 15b - A Difference of Opinion (Story Arc Branch) - (Nugoehuvi path)

Type Branch
Objective Choose your path
Extra You choice decides the final reward
Mission briefing
<Character>, good. I talked to that old friend of mine about a compromise between Ishukone and the other corporations, and we've managed to come up with a solution he believes they'll agree to.

We're meeting shortly, but I wanted to update you on the progress. I believe we can solve this amicably, without pushing Ishukone into a corner. I can't imagine a better result myself, given the current situation.

It comes down to you, though. I'm not about to pretend that Katsen doesn't still have other ideas about how to deal with this. My guess is that he wants you to keep digging, to properly back Ishukone into a corner. Well, you're free to go off and start that war if you think it's necessary, but I won't be there alongside you.

Sometimes conflict isn't the solution. Take it from a man who has been fighting his whole life. There's some things my guns could never change, <Character>. Either you understand that and you're with me, or you can go the other way and learn the lesson yourself.

I'll push for a compromise either way, but it would help to have you in my corner on this one, more than you might appreciate.

Learning by Doing >>
From the looks of things, you're not coming with me on this last leg, are you? I can tell you share Katsen's conviction on this. You want Ishukone to pay for looking after their own people and turning their back on the rest. Well, I can understand it, <Character>. It's admirable even, but not something I can support. You can't teach a Caldari ethics by holding a gun to their head; things just don't work that way, no matter how well-intentioned.

Well, like I say, this is something for you to figure out yourself. Maybe someday you'll recognize your error. Until then, safe flying my egger friend. Regardless of anything else, you've done more for me, and more for those people out there, than most others would do in a lifetime. I may disagree with how you're handling the endgame, but what got you here was a good head and a good heart.

Good luck with whatever you do, and try to remember what I said.

Home in Peace >>
If I'm honest, I wasn't sure that you and I would ever see one another again. I know that Katsen probably offered you all kinds of things to continue pursuing Ishukone. You didn't take it though, so good work. Maybe there were other temptations, perhaps? A few other bets you were hedging on the side? Hmm, yes, don't worry, I won't push the matter, but something tells me perhaps you're starting to appreciate things many Caldari forget to.

So then…let me catch you up. My friend and I believe a deal can be struck easily if we can put aside the question of moving recovered Ishukone personnel to their Headquarters in Malkalen. If you were to offer your help, it would lend a tremendous amount of credibility to the operation. Ishukone may not trust you, but they trust the Navy, and they will trust that you have the ability to do the job, if not the loyalty. Personally, I know you'll do what's right. You wouldn't be here otherwise.

There's a huge risk here though, <Character>. You'll be moving people from a low-security system in a warzone through to the heartlands of State space. Thousands of lives will depend on your ability to maintain a low profile.

The last choice, select:

  • Home In Peace: leads to 25m ISK and Caldari State Faction standing increase as final reward
  • Learning by Doing: leads to 20 Nugoehuvi Synth Blue Pill Boosters and Caldari State Faction standing increase as final reward
Penumbra chapter3 branches.png

Mission 16b - Learning by Doing - (Nugoehuvi path)

Type Travel
Objective Report to Katsen Isha at Poinen IV - Moon 13 - Nugoeihuvi Corporation Development Studio
Ship suggestion Battleship for the next mission

Report to Katsen and bring a ship for the last mission.

Mission 17b - The Price of Silence - (Nugoehuvi path)

Type Encounter
Objective Retrieve 1x Ishukone Operational Reports
Faction Ishukone (Caldari ships)
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Warp disruption The Ishukone Watch Hawks Rooks
EWAR Damping
Rewards 20 Nugoehuvi Synth Blue Pill Booster and +12.5% Caldari State Faction standing increase
Mission briefing
Welcome back to Poinen <Character>, it's good to see you again, particularly under these circumstances. To be honest with you, I had some concerns that your time with Sinas changed the way you see things. He's a good friend; a patriot, as I told you earlier, but this talk of coming to a compromise with Ishukone betrays the weaker side to him. There is no such thing as a fair deal from the likes of Ishukone – they won't agree to help others unless they get to help themselves first.

We Practicals know when to make and break deals, and we always remember the larger picture. It's time to forget about Sinas and remember the fighting men and women abandoned by Ishukone rescue teams. That won't stop until we make it stop, <Character>.

You're flying to Malkalen, to a major security headquarters for Ishukone Watch known as “Base 3”. This station acts as an archive for all Ishukone Watch operations in Black Rise. This is an internal archive, meaning it will house not only the original reports, but in their full, uncensored glory, too. As you might expect, that information is well guarded. They know they can't hide the evidence from Nugoeihuvi, all they can do is put it behind a fleet. You are our best weapon now, <Character>.

I won't lie. I'm sending you into a fortress. I have no more doubts about you though. You have come this far and not once strayed from the path we have walked together. I know you will deliver.

Crielere; a parable told to all aspiring young Caldari
“There once was a great rich merchant,” she began hesitantly, suddenly all too aware that all eyes in the room were on her. But she plunged on regardless, steeling her nerves. “He lived to a grand old age and possessed every wealth a man could dream of. Many looked to him in awe or envy, coveting his treasures and desiring to imitate his great successes. Yet the old man was never happy and on his deathbed, a young clerk working for him asked: ‘You must feel that your life has been one great success story, what with all the wealth you have accumulated.'

But the old man replied. ‘My life has been one of misery and sorrow. As a young man I chose wealth over family, discarding the love of my life. When I die all that I will leave behind in the world is money. But money is the same all over, mine is no different from anyone else's. Once my wealth has been scattered, all that I will be is dust and vague memories. My life is a failure young man, don't make the same mistakes I did.'

Blitz: You need to get close to the structure. Best use a frigate or shuttle, create a ping while warping in, ping off, warp to the structure, and warp out immediately. The mission will be marked finished shortly after.

Notes: The mission is in ungated semi-deadspace which means it allows warping inside the pocket, although you will always warp to the mission location when warping from outside the pocket. Create a bounce bookmark as you land on grid for easy repositioning.

The cruise missile batteries will hit battleships hard. You will want to take them out soon.

Ishukone Operational Reports will drop from a can next to you when you get near the station. Picking it up is not required to complete the mission.

Killing NPCs is optionnal but they drop Caldari Navy insignias, which can be profitable (approx. 25M). No standing loss for killing them.


Frigate 2 x Frigate Ishukone Watch Hawk Warp Disruptor
Frigate 2 x Frigate Ishukone Watch Buzzard Remote Sensor Dampener
Frigate 4 x Frigate Ishukone Watch Kitsune
Cruiser 4 x Cruiser Ishukone Watch Moa
Cruiser 4 x Cruiser Ishukone Watch Rook Remote Sensor Dampener
Battleship 6 x Battleship Ishukone Watch Raven
Battleship 1 x Battleship Watch Commander
Sentry 8 x Sentry Ishukone Watch Cruise Missile Battery
Sentry 2 x Sentry Ishukone Watch Stasis Tower Web Stasis Webifier
Mission briefing
Simply impressive work, <Character>, but after seeing you come back to Poinen, I knew you would pull it off and make it look easy. Ishukone has played all their cards now; it's our turn to make the moves. My turn, more precisely. I've no further need for a capsuleer, but I have to say, you've been more than worth the ISK you cost. Since you've been with me for the long haul and, I believe, have as much of a personal interest in this matter as I do, let me tell you how Nugoeihuvi plans to proceed from here.

First, we will use the rock-solid evidence you recovered to extort the people behind this. My people are still doing the final calculations, but our figures are based on the average compensation given to a family who loses someone in battle, then multiplied for each person we estimate they left behind, then tripled.

Once they pay – and they will pay – that ISK will find its way into various Caldari State veteran's funds; a series of unrelated donations from a number of wealthy capsuleers. Your lot could do with some good press, and I will not allow Ishukone to milk their “donation” for any PR value.

In the future, Ishukone rescue operations will operate under one simple guideline: the recovery of Caldari prisoners of war. Ishukone may be a family of its own, I don't deny the way things work, but the larger family we are all a part of comes before anything else.

You have taught them this lesson, <Character>, reminded them of this simple truth. There are few who could have done so, and out of those, even less who would have been willing to try. I can't thank you enough, or offer anything that will appropriately compensate you for your troubles. I do have the remaining ISK I had budgeted for hiring you though, it's of no use to me now, so please take it.

I also have something interesting that arrived from KFR-ZE a few days ago. You could call it the fruits of our earlier labor. Consider it a gift, from one friend to another.

Completing this mission ends the Caldari epic arc.

Mission 16c - Home In Peace - (Caldari State path)

Level 4
Type Security
Objective Retrieve Caldari POWs (5,000 m3)
Ship suggestion Blockade Runner
Rewards +10% Caldari State Faction Standing + 25M ISK
Mission briefing
If I'm honest, I wasn't sure that you and I would ever see one another again. I know that Katsen probably offered you all kinds of things to continue pursuing Ishukone. You didn't take it though, so good work. Maybe there were other temptations, perhaps? A few other bets you were hedging on the side? Hmm, yes, don't worry, I won't push the matter, but something tells me perhaps you're starting to appreciate things many Caldari forget to.

So then…let me catch you up. My friend and I believe a deal can be struck easily if we can put aside the question of moving recovered Ishukone personnel to their Headquarters in Malkalen. If you were to offer your help, it would lend a tremendous amount of credibility to the operation. Ishukone may not trust you, but they trust the Navy, and they will trust that you have the ability to do the job, if not the loyalty. Personally, I know you'll do what's right. You wouldn't be here otherwise.

There's a huge risk here though, <Character>. You'll be moving people from a low-security system in a warzone through to the heartlands of State space. Thousands of lives will depend on your ability to maintain a low profile.

Go to Teskanen six jumps away and then transport the Caldari POWs twelve jumps to Malkalen where three jumps are through Low Security Systems.

Technically you could eventually sell them on contracts for 50 billion ISK instead...