Fleet setup in Incursions

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Fleet Structure in Incursions

Below are a few examples of how you can setup the fleet. Remember that each command position unlocks the use of a booster, but is not limited to being the booster themselves.

Also if you assign someone other than the commander to be the booster, remember that you need to reset all booster roles below that for the chain to initiate correctly. So for example, everytime you set or change a Wing Booster, revoke and reset all Squad Boosters. If you change the Fleet Booster you'll have to reset everything else, Wing Boosters first, then all Squad Boosters.

You can read more about fleet structures and leadership on the Fleet Leadership page.

Basic fleet supporting a single wing booster

Fleet structure Description
Icon down green.png
Fleet Commander (Fleet Command I needed for one wing)
Fleet (13)

Fleet Commander (empty slot)    

This is the basic fleet setup we use for our community. It offers good flexibility for additional support roles as well as convenient use of fleet functions.
  • Two potential taggers.
  • Ability to utilize the Wing Commander to warp the entire fleet.
  • Squad and Wing Commanders can invite people to fleet, in addition to the waitlist manager who's the fleet boss.
  • Booster won't automatically get boss if someone leaves.
  • Everyone gets the wing boosts.
  • Only requires one person with Wing Command II (Wing Commander) and another with Leadership V (Squad Commander of the ongrid squad).

This setup can easily be expanded by putting a secondary booster in the Fleet Command position and add more squads to transition into an assault or headquarters fleet.

Icon down green.png
Wing Commander (Wing Command II required for two squads)
Wing (13)
Wing Commander (warper and tagger)    
Icon down green.png
Squad Commander (Leadership V required)
Ongrid Squad (11)
Squad Commander (tagger)    
Fleet Boss (no leadership skills needed)
Squad Member (waitlist manager)  
Squad Members
Icon down green.png
Squad Commander (no leadership skills needed)
Offgrid Squad (2)
Squad Commander (scout/picket)    
Wing Booster (no leadership skills needed)
Squad Member (wing booster)    

Fleet supporting multiple boosters

Fleet structure Description
  • [Fleet Commander] Booster +
    • [Wing Commander] Tagger
      • [Squad Commander] Tagger +++
        • Fleet member (damage dealers)
        • ... more fleet members ...
      • [Squad Commander] Fleet member (logistics)
        • Fleet members (logistics)
        • Booster ++
        • ... potential booster ++++

+ Fleet Commander set to Fleet Booster.
++ Booster set to Wing Booster.
+++ Squad Commander set to Squad Booster.
++++ Potential booster set to Squad Booster.

By having a Fleet Commander you unlock the ability to use Fleet, Wing and Squad boosters. The most common use of this is to have both an implanted Skirmish booster as well as an implanted Siege/Armour booster, so you can get perfect boosts for both.

The exact setup can be more flexible. If you have a damage dealer with Fleet Command trained, you can assign anyone in the fleet to be the Fleet Booster for example. The second squad doesn't necessarily need to be a logistics squad either, and one of the boosters can easily be the Squad Commander for either squad.

  • More flexibility in adding multiple offgrid boosters.
    • Everyone but the wing commander will get the fleet boosts (bug).
  • Requires Fleet Command I on one person, Wing Command II on another and two people with Leadership V.

Improving fleet efficiency

Gang links and utility modules offer tremendous effects for a fleet, easily capable of increasing efficiency for individual pilots or the entire fleet. Be that by pushing range of certain modules past a critical threshold to fleet-wide increases that allow you to operate effectively with fewer people, or simply be that much stronger with the people you already have.

Below are lists of skills required for and the effects of gang links, stacking penalties for webs, maintenance bot efficiency and various utility modules and their effects.

Command Ships and Fleet Assistance Modules

Relevant skills

Below are the skills required to become a perfect booster. The skills under Warfare Gang Links and Warfare Mindlink implants are general skills needed, while the skills differ if you're going to use a Command Ship for boosting or a Strategic Cruiser.

Warfare Gang Links Strategic cruisers Command Ships Warfare Mindlink implants
  • Leadership V
  • Warfare Link Specialist V
  • <racial> Warfare V
  • <racial> Warfare Specialist V
  • Mechanics V
  • Electronics V
  • Engineering V
  • Navigation V
  • Gunnery V (all but Tengu)
  • Drones III (Legions & Proteus)
  • Missile Launcher Operation III (Lokis)
  • Missile Launcher Operation V (Tengu)
  • Shield Operation III
  • Spaceship Command III
  • <racial> Cruiser V
  • <racial> Defensive Subsystem V
  • Spaceship Command V
  • Signal Analysis V
  • Long Range Targeting V
  • Logistics IV
  • <racial> Cruiser V
  • Battlecruisers V
  • Command Ships V
  • Science III
  • Cybernetics V
  • <racial> Warfare V
  • <racial> Warfare Specialist V
  • <racial> Cruiser V means Amarr, Caldari, Gallente or Minmatar Cruiser V.
  • <racial> Warfare (Specialist) V means Armor, Siege, Skirmish or Information Warfare (Specialist) V.

Command Ships vs Strategic Cruisers

This article is deprecated and no longer in use. There is no replacement information available.
Need to update this with the new link effects of Odyssey.

Below is a breakdown on the differences between running in Command Ships and Strategic Cruisers. Keep in mind that while Command Ships may not give quite as good boosts as Strategic Cruisers, they have a much easier time fitting 5-6 links while fielding a decent tank (to ward off suicide gankers). Being able to fit both both skirmish and siege/armour links on a single ship adds flexibility.

The following will assume you have all the relevant skills trained to V and using tech 2 gang links, then show the difference between the various ships with or without (numbers in parenthesis) the appropriate mindlink implant.

You can read more about warfare links and the details on the warfare links page.

Type of Ship Skirmish Links Armour/Siege Links Practical effects (bonus with correct implant):
Web range Signature Resists, cycle & cap
Claymore (skirmish) +32,34%
Federation webs go from 14km to 18,5 km (20,8 km).
True Sansha webs go from 15 km to 19,9 km (22,3 km).
Meta 4 reps go from 5 sec to 4,1 sec (3,6 sec).
Tech 2 reps go from 4,5 to 3,7 sec (3,2 sec).
Damnation (armour)
Vulture (shield)
Federation webs go from 14km to 17,9 km (19,9 km).
True Sansha webs go from 15 km to 19,2 km (21,3 km).
Meta 4 reps go from 5 sec to 3,9 sec (3,4 sec).
Tech 2 reps go from 4,5 to 3,7 sec (3,0 sec).
Loki (skirmish) +35,2%
Federation webs go from 14 km to 18,9 km (21,4 km).
True Sansha webs go from 15 km to 20,3 km (22,9 km).
Meta 4 reps go from 5 sec to 4,1 sec (3,6 sec).
Tech 2 reps go from 4,5 to 3,7 sec (3,2 sec).
Legion (armour)
Tengu (shield)
Federation webs go from 14 km to 17,9 km (19,9 km).
True Sansha webs go from 15 km to 19,2 km (21,3 km).
Meta 4 reps go from 5 sec to 3,8 sec (3,2 sec).
Tech 2 reps go from 4,5 to 3,4 sec (2,9 sec).

Bonused webs and stacking

The primary percentage is from using a 60% base reduction web, like the Federation Navy Stasis Webifier and the percentages in parenthesis is for 55% base reduction webs, like the True Sansha Stasis Webifier. The parenthesis in the header is the effective rating of each new web given the stacking penalty.

Velocity bonused ships like the Vindicator or the Vigilant have a 50% stronger reduction in speed (90% and 82,5% respectively for the two faction webs).

Type of ship Effective speed for webbed targets with stacking Practical effects
First web
Second web
Third web
Fourth web
Fifth web
Sixth web
Given a base speed of 1000 m/s:
Federation reduce speed to 100, 22, 11 and 8 m/s.
True Sansha reduce speed to 175, 50, 26 and 20 m/s.
Given a base speed of 1000 m/s:
Federation reduce speed to 400, 191, 126 and 104 m/s.
True Sansha reduce speed to 450, 235, 161 and 136 m/s.

Maintenance Bots

Below is a breakdown on the statistics of logistical drones compared to remote armour repairs and shield transporters. The regular values are for tech one drones & modules and the values in parenthesis are for tech two drones & modules. The numbers are split up into unbonused ships, regular ships, and logistics ships who get bonus to drone repairs and range of remote armour repairs and shield transporters.

Module/Drone Light Bots (unbonused) Light Bots (logistics) Medium Bots (unbonused) Medium Bots (logistics) Heavy Bots (unbonused) Heavy Bots (logistics) Remote Repair Modules
Armour Shield Armour Shield Armour Shield Armour Shield Armour Shield Armour Shield No Boosts Max Boosts
Optimal Range 6,250 m
(6,250 m)
9,375 m
(9,375 m)
12,500 m
(12,500 m)
8,400 m (normal ships)
71,500 m (for logistics)
MWD Speed 4,000 m/s
(4,800 m/s)
3,437,5 m/s
(4,125 m/s)
2,500 m/s
(3,000 m/s)
Speed 350 m/s
(420 m/s)
300 m/s
(360 m/s)
250 m/s
(300 m/s)
HP / cycle 15 hp
(17,5 hp)
15 hp
(18 hp)
30 hp
(35 hp)
30 hp
(36 hp)
30 hp
(35 hp)
30 hp
(36 hp)
60 hp
(70 hp)
60 hp
(72 hp)
75 hp
(90 hp)
150 hp
(180 hp)
384 hp
(384 hp)
Duration 5 seconds
(5 seconds)
5 s
(4,5 s)
3,71 s
(3,34 s)
HP / sec 3 hp/s
(3,5 hp/s)
3 hp/s
(3,6 hp/s)
6 hp/s
(7 hp/s)
6 hp/s
(7,2 hp/s)
6 hp/s
(7 hp/s)
6 hp/s
(7,2 hp/s)
12 hp/s
(14 hp/s)
12 hp/s
(14,4 hp/s)
15 hp/s
(18 hp/s)
30 hp/s
(36 hp/s)
76,8 hp/s
(85,3 hp/s)
103,6 hp/s
(115,1 hp/s)
5 x
(full flight)
15 hp/s
(17,5 hp/s)
15 hp/s
(18 hp/s)
30 hp/s
(35 hp/s)
30 hp/s
(36 hp/s)
30 hp/s
(35 hp/s)
30 hp/s
(36 hp/s)
60 hp/s
(70 hp/s)
60 hp/s
(72 hp/s)
75 hp/s
(90 hp/s)
150 hp/s
(180 hp/s)
  • Tech two light and medium armour drones only increase efficiency by 16,67% whereas the tech two shield drones are 20% more effecive. Both heavy armour and shield drones have the same +20% efficiency however.
  • A single flight of Heavy Shield Maintenance Bot II drones can help keep a logistics ship alive for a quite some time, as could a few flights of Medium Shield Maintenance Bot II drones, so do not underestimate the value of having tech two maintenance bots as backups on damage dealers.
  • Logistics drones rarely get any aggro, so there is no reason not to use tech two drones if you can.

Tracking Links and Remote Sensor Boosters

Tracking links are extremely useful to push the range on weapons or give battleships a much needed boost to their tracking. Remote sensor boosters aren't quite as good, but can still be useful to boost a battleship's scan resolution, allowing them to actually lock frigates in time or push targeting range for snipers.

Tracking links Scripted Unscripted
Tracking speed script Optimal range script
Tracking Link II
+30% tracking
(+45% tracking)
+15% optimal and +30% falloff
(+22,5% optimal and +45% falloff)
+15% tracking, +7,5% optimal and +15% falloff
(+22,5% tracking, +11,25% optimal and +22,5% falloff)
Shadow Serpentis Tracking Link
Federation Navy Tracking Link
+35% tracking
(+52,5% tracking)
+16% optimal and +32% falloff
(+24% optimal and +48% falloff)
+17% tracking, +8% optimal and +16% falloff
(+26,5% tracking, +12% optimal and +24% falloff)
Remote sensor boosters Scripted Unscripted
Scan resolution script Targeting range script
F-23 Reciprocal Sensor Cluster Link +64% scan resolution +76% targeting range +32% scan resolution and +38% targeting range
Remote Sensor Booster II +66% scan resolution +81% targeting range +33% scan resolution and +40,5% targeting range
  • These modules suffer from stacking penalties as well, so the effect isn't necessarily as good as the numbers shown.