User:Redeemed souvenir/Skill Plan

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Unofficial New Player Skill Planning (work in progress)

This page was last updated in January 2016. (This is intended to be an all-in-one place for new players to visit to understand the vast amount of skills in New Eden and get started with basic skill planning. It will also serve a place for new players to find wiki articles they should know about as new players. Perhaps one day E-Uni will have an official skill plan and I hope I could be a part of it. A large problem with discovering skill plans as a new player is that most Eve Online articles on the internet are outdated or skewed toward an alliance's doctrine. I hope this information, or lack thereof, helps. o7)

What are skills and how do they work?

Skills train in real time even when you log offline. The older a player's age the more skills they probably have, but don't be discouraged, it takes over a decade to learn everything in the game and a young specialized character can overcome an older jack-of-all-trades. Skills are trained level 1-5 with level 1 taking the shortest amount of time and level 5 taking the longest. Generally speaking, if you are going to train a skill you should probably train that skill to at least level 2 or 3 to get the most out of it in the quickest time. A level 5 skill takes about 80% of the total time with only about 20% of the benefit.

If you wish to understand more about how skills interact with each other and determine skill prerequisites visit Skill Tree Maps.

More great skill information is located at Skills and Learning and Support Skills.

Starting Skills

You start with roughly 400,000 skill points (around a week's worth of training). Back in my day we were gifted Thermodynamics, but you already have it trained. (Another great thing about being a newbro!) If you want to know what other races start with visit Starting Skills.

Neural Remapping

For more information on skills and remapping visit Skills and Learning. Support skills help new players fly every ship better and mostly need Intelligence/Memory attributes, but do not remap unless you know what you are doing. You could waste months of training time.

Skillbook Name Changes

Eve Online is an old game and things constantly get updated, including skillbook names. Sometimes when looking for skill plans you will see old names. Here are the old names you will see most.

(Old Name --> New Name)

Electronics --> CPU Management

Engineering --> Power Grid Management

Energy Management --> Capacitor Management

Energy Systems Operation --> Capacitor Systems Operation

Targeting --> Target Management

Multitasking --> Advanced Target Management

Armor Honeycombing --> Armor Layering

Scout Drone Operation --> Drone Avionics

EWAR Drone Interfacing --> Advanced Drone Avionics

Nanite Control --> Neurotoxin Control

E-Uni Member Perks

Free Skillbooks

As a member of E-Uni you can get up to one million ISK worth of free skillbooks per day. If you are interested visit The Skillbook Program.

+3 Implant Program

Did you know as a member of E-Uni you can get cheap +3 Implants? Implants help you train skills faster. If you are interested visit The +3 Implants Program.

Part 1: Basics

This plan is by no means perfect and should be tailored to suit your needs in New Eden. Miners don't need Gunnery skills and PvPers don't need to shoot rocks. If you don't want to use missiles at first you can skip those skills and save the time for something you want to try right now. This plan will help you get a good foundation and prepare you for almost anything Eve can offer.

Learn about the differences between the four main factions and see their basic ship fittings by visiting: Amarr | Caldari | Gallente | Minmatar

You can already be useful in E-Uni fleets from day one by flying ships in our Newbie Doctrine. Don't believe that you need a ton of skill points to be helpful.

If you choose to do the Beginner Career Agents, you should already start accepting those missions.

1A: Getting Started

First, never let your skill queue go empty. Always keep a skill with a very long training time as the last skill to be trained in case you cannot play for a while. CPU Management V or your 'racial' Frigate IV is a good choice. Don't worry about the space, you can fit up to 50 skills in your queue at once.

Optional Skills 1: Cross Training

In Eve Online, everyone can fly everything...if they have the skills. Train these if you want to fly another faction's ships right away. See if you still need to cross-train your tank as well.

  • You will start the game with two of these:
    • Amarr Frigate III
    • Small Energy Turret III
    • Caldari Frigate III
    • Gallente Frigate III
    • Small Hybrid Turret III
    • Minmatar Frigate III
    • Small Projectile Turret III

1B: Basic Support Skills

By now you should start to notice skill training time is going from minutes to hours.

(It seems you are one of the unlucky to visit this page in its early stages, so yea there is not much of a skill plan here yet. If you are interested in an older plan that is frigate focused visit Recommended skills for new players. The Minimum plan will help you get started. o7)





Your first skill to V

Optional Skills 2: (DK)

1C: Basic Weapon Systems




1D: Tank before Gank

Like support skills, tanking skills benefit every ship. Broadly speaking, shield skills are used for PvE and armor skills are used for PvP. Amarr and Gallente ships generally armor tank while Caldari ships generally shield tank. Minmatar ships can do either while real players hull tank. If you are unsure what which tank to focus on first, check the traits of the ships you eventually want to fly or expect to fly most often. Regardless, the goal is to get T2 shield tanking and armor tanking finished before training into T2 weapon systems. Dying in a fire creates 0 dps.

Never dual tank. Pick one or the other.

T2 Shield

  • Skills needed to use T2 shield modules:
    • Shield Operation IV
    • Shield Management III
    • Shield Upgrades IV
    • Tactical Shield Manipulation IV
    • Hull Upgrades IV
    • EM/Explosive/Kinetic/Thermal Shield Compensation III - IV
  • Optional:
    • Shield Compensation III
    • Capacitor Management IV
    • Capacitor Systems Operation IV
    • Shield Management IV

T2 Armor

  • Skills needed to use T2 armor modules:
    • Hull Upgrades V
    • Mechanics IV
    • Repair Systems III - IV
    • EM/Explosive/Kinetic/Thermal Armor Compensation III - IV
  • Optional:
    • Armor Layering III
    • Capacitor Management IV
    • Capacitor Systems Operation IV
  • Add more buffer
    • Shield Management III
    • Shield Operation III

Part 2: Time to Choose


Weapon Systems

Ship Type

Your Role in a Fleet


Logistics (Shield and Armor Healing)

Squad Leader These skills help you pass down bonuses to the rest of the fleet. If you fly in fleets regularly, the Uni will sometime pay you to train these:

  • Leadership V
  • Wing Commander III

Fleet Boss

Making ISK with your Main Character or Create an Alt

Miner Alt

Market Trader





Planetary Interaction


Part 3: Planning for the Future


Neocom app

3rd Party Tools

Fleet up