Wormhole Community

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Template:On-Going Events


What is the wormhole campus?

The wormhole campus is a section of EVE University dedicated to educating students about wormhole life. It is currently based out of a
C2 wormhole with both a highsec static (allowing easy access to kspace for classes and logistics) and a C3 static (for ISK making and PvP opportunities).

Location: J211936

Time: 23/7

In-Game Chat Channel: WHC.E-Uni

Mailing list: WHC.E-Uni (accessible only to approved campus members)


Campus Manager
Niss Tymbrimi

WHC Administrative Officers
Artyum Zhvikov

WHC Logistics Officers
Larsen Knight
marlinspike von Crendraven
Rose Chanlin

WHC Education Officers
Hannah Onasi

WHC Reimbursement Officers
Azzy Ellecon
Vukae Dhoul

The WHC is overseen by the Director of Special Projects. In the event of other issues or problems with people please contact the Student Advocate.

Minimum Requirements

Skills Titles Recommended Knowledge

While we have shield T2 as a requirement, Armour is the more commonly used tank in the WHC.

Joining the WHC

Once you have met the requirements above and are ready to try out wormhole life, follow the instructions below to be invited to join the WHC.

NOTE: Receiving the "[X]" title will cause you to not be able to participate in the campus. And if you are already in when you get the title, you and your alts are required to leave.

Recommended Skills & Ships

Important: Due to the dangerous nature of PvE and PvP in w-space, and the mechanics of Ship Maintenance Arrays allowing access to all ships in storage, any ship and pod brought into the campus is to be considered lost or stolen. Do not fly what you cannot replace.

Also, keep in mind that when WSOP is in effect any sufficiently shiny loss to a war target is grounds for the X title and removal from the WHC. Lack of Local and not knowing they are in system is not a valid excuse.

This section lists skills and ships that, while not required, can increase the amount of roles you can fulfill while in the campus.

Skill Basic level Advanced level Why?
Astrometrics 3 4 Each level improves your ability to scan.
Astrometric Rangefinding 0 3 Each level increases scan strength.
Astrometric Acquisition 0 3 Each level increases scan speed.
Astrometric Pinpointing 0 3 Each level reduces scan deviation on results.
<Racial> Battlecruiser 3 4 Apart from HACs and Strategic Cruisers BCs are the best ships to fly in wormholes.
<Racial> Cruiser 3 5 Cruisers are a crucial stepping stone toward T3s, AHACs, and Heavy Interdictors; plus they are cheap.
Salvaging 3 4 Sleeper Battleships require IV. Note that salvage rigs increase salvaging efficiency by one skill level each.
Hacking 3 4 Data Analyzers are used in Data sites. The skill increases the HP [hit points] of your virus.
Archaeology 3 4 Relic Analyzers are used in Relic sites. The skill increases the HP [hit points] of your virus.
Covert Ops 3 4 To be able to cloak while scanning and to reduce the CPU requirements.
Ship Role Support skills
T1 Exploration Frigate Scanning/picketing <Racial> frigate 3; Cloaking 1
Covert Operations Frigate Scanning/scouting Covert Ops 4; Cloaking 4
<Racial> Battlecruiser Combat <Racial> Battlecruiser 3; Varies
Noctis Salvaging ORE Industrial 3; Science 3; Salvaging 3

The above are merely suggestions for being useful during your first few weeks in system without investing too many resources in the endeavor. Once you are more comfortable with day-to-day operations and better understand the risks involved, you may consider bringing in more specialized or expensive ships and equipment.

Ship fits for Wormholes can be found here, this page will have fittings for C5 wormholes, which can also be used for C3's.

Beyond Skills: The Wormhole Mindset

Most people's first concerns relate to "what skills do I need to get in" and the aforementioned skills are a good base with which to start life in the WHC; however, if you intend to stay for any length of time you should be aware of a few of the realities of WHC life.

  1. Scanning (and ultimately CovOps) isn't an optional activity
    • A T1 scanning frigate is a good starting point, but realize covert scanning (i.e. CovOps cloaking device) is one of the most important, valuable contributions that a lower-skilled player can make to WH operations.
  2. Battleships aren't used much beyond rolling wormholes and local defence
    • Wormholes have mass limits.
    • As you familiarize yourself with not just what, but also how things are done in a wormhole, you'll see that T3s, Logi, HACs and HICs are the most in-demand ship types. To maximize the roles you can fill over time, you should be willing to adjust the skill plan you may have had in mind.
  3. The space you're living in is no longer well-defined
    • The wormhole in which you're living may seem constant, but just about everything else is quite dynamic as connecting wormholes form and collapse. What you think of as the neighbourhood (and thus the neighbours) changes all the time.
    • Things you may take for granted such as easy access to trade hubs for shopping will vary over time.
  4. You're going to be trapped in here with us ;)
    • You won't always feel like you have a lot of choice in what you can do at any given moment. Perhaps you logged in thinking you'll run sites, but find that there is PVP going on. Such is life, guess you'll be doing PVP today. Life is fluid in a WH.
  5. The need for self-motivation
    • Passive players will find things boring before long. WH life is literally what you make it. New campers always have a period of time figuring out what is actually going on, but in the end you need to be a self-starter who can independently do what needs doing.
    • Eventually you'll notice some annoyance at the people who manage to log in and run sites all the time, but have no time for scanning, rolling an unwanted wormhole, etc. It's a team effort and everyone needs to play.

For the right kind of player, nothing beats living in a wormhole; however, it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea. The WHC is an amazing opportunity for players to experience it first hand and see if it's what they're after. Just be aware that beyond a minimal set of skills to join the campus, you can expect a few lifestyle changes that will likely extend to your skill plan and how you spend your time online.

What Can I Do in WHC?

  • Scan, scan, scan! Everything in W-space needs to be scanned down. Probe the chain, scout new connections, observe our neighbours, picket a hole if you are not doing anything. Do not sit at the POS and wait for stuff to happen, content, whether PvP or PvE is created by You!
    • It is especially important to keep note of all new signatures so we don't get surprised by unexpected neighbours. Compare the signatures in the mapper with those in your scan window and right click->ignore all the known ones. This way you will immediately see if a new signature spawns.
  • PvE
  • PvP
    • Baiting
    • Practice Combat Probing
    • Ganking clueless daytrippers
    • Experiencing what the lack of local chat or static gates does to PvP
    • Use k-space exits as covert bridges to engage in sudden non-consensual PvP
  • Industry
  • Experience lawless and uncharted space

Campus Rules, Procedures and Etiquette


  • Members active in the campus must be in the WHC fleet. If there is no fleet advertised, you may form one, and put up an advert so others may join.
  • Members active in the campus must be in mumble, at least able to listen. (if you are hearing impaired, let us know)
    • Wormhole Campus mumble is an event chat, so you may join mumble if you are not actively participating in the fleet, however you MUST follow combat comms when active.
  • Help your fellow campers learn. This is an on-going educational event. Lesson opportunities override all else.
  • Adhere to all EVE University Rules and WSOP.
  • Fly what you can afford to lose.

How much you can bring in

  • For the Communal POS
    • You can NOT bring in an orca and store it in the SMA's. However you can hide it in a safespot.
  • For POS Groups
    • Some ships at the 7-1 POS are named "WHC Defence" DO NOT TAKE SHIPS WITH THAT NAME WITHOUT ASKING FIRST.
    • Directors, WHC Staff and ILN Lieutenants, Commanders and Captains can authorize the use of those ships for the express purpose of WHC Home Defence. They are not for site running, normal PVP or for hole rolling.


  • PvE loot is property of the group who agree to rat or run sites together.
  • The campus offers a loot hauling and selling service at a 5% cut which goes to fuel and other operational needs. See below for more info.


  • Announce activations
  • Don't take ships with a NO in their title
  • Don't put cans in the CHA
  • If you blow up someones ship you have to replace it
  • Announce PvP to the Sleeper room
  • PvP events should be advertised via Jabber Pings


  • Campus communications are by default “OPEN COMMS”.
  • You may not enter the Wormhole Campus Mumble Channel unless you are a campus member, Eve Uni Staff, Manager or Director. You will most likely be asked to leave and then kicked.
  • When first entering the campus mumble, please wait at least a full minute before speaking, unless it is very urgent.
  • Campus may move to “Open Command” or "Closed Comms" if there is a threat in the immediate location or if a local QRF has formed.
  • Groups of students operating in the Wormhole chain may remain in the main campus mumble.
  • Operations in Known Space must move to a separate ILN Fleet mumble channel. Moving to a separate fleet from the campus is recommended but not required.
  • We operate on a "built for purpose" foundation. If you are hunting someone in particular, or are operating a constant operation hunting targets, join a separate mumble channel (or fleet as a whole) until you accomplish your goal or disband the initiative. This helps organize our fleet and keep comms clear for those who need it.

Assembling Ships

  • Ensure that the CHA and the SMA have space for the assembled hull.
  • Drag ship from hauler into accessible tab within the CHA.
  • Right click and select assemble
  • Drag ship from the CHA into the SMA

Alt Rules while at the WHC

  • All of your Alts behavior, regardless of which Corp / Alliance they are in are subject to EVE University Rules. Any break of those rules will result in disciplinary action taken on your main.
  • No Alts shall be allowed in the W-Space system if the Main character is not an active member of the WHC. Your main may leave the WHC for events / shopping trips / and other activities but should return in a day or so, otherwise your Alt(s) will be asked to leave also.
  • If your main receives an [X] Title, your Alt must also leave the system.
  • You may bring multiple Alts who are in the Ivy League alliance (as in the alt is in the Ivy League Hall of Residence). Be advised that we will keep a close eye on the numbers and if we see that pilots are abusing this (as in bringing in 10 ALTS and not leave any PI for the regular Unistas) we may place a limit on this.
  • You may bring only 1 Alt that is out of the alliance, said Alt may be in a NPC Corporation or a personnal Player Owned Corporation.
    • Personal Player Owned Corporation must be owned and inhabited only by Alts of a UNI character who is an active member of the WHC.
    • Personal Player Owned Corporation standings must be set to +5. Please join the in-game channel "Diplomacy.E-UNI" for instructions on how to do this. (You can blame CCP POS mechanics for this one)
    • The Alt (as in the Character itself) must be set to +7.5 to the Ivy League Alliance please fill in this form to accomplish this, Wait for a confirmation email from the diplomats and then please wait 24 hours (to ensure standings register, we hope that is long enough)
  • Due to current POS mechanics, your Alt that is in the Ivy League Alliance (Ivy League Hall of Residence) will be able to enter the POS shield of the Communal POS, your Alt that is outside of the Alliance will not.
  • Note that even if Ivy League Hall of Residence alts can enter the communal POS, they will not have access to the Ship Maintenance Array (SMA). In clear, this means that alts can't store, board, assemble or package ships in the communal POS. If you join a POS group, your alt may be able to access the SMA there.
  • Ivy League Hall of Residence alts have however access to the same 50000 m3 private storage area as regular Eve University members.
  • No Out-of-Alliance Alts will have access to any of the POS modules. (That includes the Ship Maintenance Array and the Corp Hangar Array)

WHC Jabber

WHC uses the E-UNI Jabber server and it's own password-protected WHC channel. More information is here:WHC Jabber. You may subscribe to pings from the mapper.

Naming Conventions

What Are Bacon, Eggs and Innuendo?

Innuendo is our home system, the one with all our POSs.
Bacon is what we call the C3 static in our wormhole.
Eggs is what we call the Highsec static in our wormhole.

Mapper Naming Scheme

Given the dynamic nature of W-space, it is critical that we be able to share a map as well as agree on how we refer to the connections within it. Ideally the naming scheme helps to navigate the chain, or at the very least understand the approximate location of systems in the chain for those situations when time or speed is of the essence. The ability to navigate via bookmarks for situations when the mapper happens to be down or otherwise inaccessible is also helpful.

Reference: WHC Mapping Scheme

Bookmark Naming Scheme

Given that we all need to be able to navigate in the chain, sensible bookmark names are essential so that you can make sense of bookmarks that you didn't make yourself and so that others can make sense of yours. As such, the WHC has adopted a specific method for naming bookmarks to maximize the efficiency with which we can navigate the chain.

Reference: WHC Bookmarking Scheme

It is also recommended that you make and maintain certain personal bookmarks:

  • Bookmark the K-Space side of wormholes yourself
  • Make safe spots
  • Make tactical bookmarks
    • Double optimal from each POS defense grouping
    • On grid yet outside minimum warp distance (150km) of the POS
    • Just off grid from POS

Living in Wormhole Space

You can use this link for additional information on Living in Wormhole Space.
Useful notes for site running - Wormhole Exploration Sites
Nato Alphabet - We use this to say the sigs that we need to warp to. It just makes it easier to understand if you have an accent for example.


Loot Hauling & Selling

The WHC Campus operates a loot hauling and selling service. We strive to do the hauling and payouts related to the sheet weekly, so your payment is slightly delayed, but you won't have to haul loot through wartarget riddled K-Space. The WHC takes a 5% cut for operational costs and distributes the rest based on income.

Combined Sleeper / Ore / Gas Sheet

When you see an empty operation sheet, it means we've hauled materials out (or otherwise disbursed it via the trade post) and are in the process of doing payouts. You can expect payment relatively soon at this point; however, there can be short delays depending on the schedules of the people who handle WHC finances.

Newbro advice

As a new player wanting to join the WHC, the information can be overwhelming. EVE has existed for a decade and there's a multitude of links, threads, and information which sometimes can lead to more questions then they answer.

The important thing to know is that as long as you have the required skills to join (Sophomore Title, T2 Armor or Shield tank) and the knowledge listed on top of this page, you are welcome to apply. The WHC community welcomes players and lets them develop inside the WHC and make their choices AFTER they have arrived.

While this should lower the threshold to apply for some, you should also be aware that life in a wormhole is diverse and your choices will either enable or disable your participation in the different activities. As an example, you can join with a T2 Shield Tank, but more or less ALL ratting groups are armor repped. Guardian Logi pilots are highly appreciated, but if you don't want to fly a Logi, then you don't have to. Some of the popular threads make it sound like everything evolves around Strategic Cruisers, T2 Armor Logi and Cov Ops, but you will find that almost ANY ship has some use in wormhole life.

To participate in the most common activities you need an armor tanked BC with any kind of weapons + a scanning frigate. This will get you started and will let you get a grasp of what is going on and what to focus your training for.

Q&A Thread from E-UNI forums: http://forum.eveuniversity.org/viewtopic.php?f=236&t=73736