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(insert blurb about what skills are and how they are generally used in EVE)

(Note: Due to the length of this page, detailed information about skills has been broken out to separate pages, one for each category of skills. Most of this page will end up as mostly links, with very brief descriptions of the skills.)

Medical Clones

(talk about why you need to keep your med clone up to date, link to a more full-featured article)

Corporation Management

(insert 1-liner about corp management skills group)

  • Anchoring
  • Corporation Management
  • Empire Control
  • Ethnic Relations
  • Megacorp Management
  • Sovereignty
  • Starbase Defense Management


(insert 1-liner about skills group)


(insert 1-liner about skills group) (insert bullet list of skills, cross-linked to category page)


(insert 1-liner about skills group) (insert bullet list of skills, cross-linked to category page)


(insert 1-liner about skills group) (insert bullet list of skills, cross-linked to category page)


(insert 1-liner about skills group) (insert bullet list of skills, cross-linked to category page)


(insert 1-liner about skills group) (insert bullet list of skills, cross-linked to category page)


(insert 1-liner about skills group) (insert bullet list of skills, cross-linked to category page)


(insert 1-liner about skills group) (insert bullet list of skills, cross-linked to category page)


(insert 1-liner about skills group) (insert bullet list of skills, cross-linked to category page)

Planet Management

Planetary interaction core skills. Other related skills will be found under Science.


(insert 1-liner about skills group) (insert bullet list of skills, cross-linked to category page)


(insert 1-liner about skills group) (insert bullet list of skills, cross-linked to category page)

Spaceship Command

(insert 1-liner about skills group) (insert bullet list of skills, cross-linked to category page)


(insert 1-liner about skills group) (insert bullet list of skills, cross-linked to category page)


(insert 1-liner about skills group) (insert bullet list of skills, cross-linked to category page)