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A Non-Player Character (NPC) is any character in the game that is not controllable by a player, but that players are able to interact with in some fashion. Agents, Drifters, Rats, and CONCORD are all examples of NPCs.


All pages related to the EVE University Nullsec Campus.

Category:Navbox templates

Templates that display horizontally laid out lists of links usually placed at the bottom of a Page.

Category:Navigation templates

Category:Navigation templates

Category:Navigational templates

Templates that help users find related Pages. A Navigational Template should be placed on a Page if and only if the Navigational Template links to the Page.

Category:Navy Faction Battleships

Category:Navy Faction Battleships

Category:Navy Faction Cruisers

Category:Navy Faction Cruisers

Category:Navy Faction Destroyers

Category:Navy Faction Destroyers

Category:Navy Faction Frigates

Category:Navy Faction Frigates

Category:Needing updates

For pages requiring changes not related to content, such as phrasing or grammatical errors, see Candidates for cleanup. For articles not written with a neutral point of view, see Non-neutral articles.
See also: UniWiki:To-Do List

Articles with inaccurate or out-of-date information. Due to the often widespread nature of game changes, this maintenance category can often grow or shrink quickly over relatively short spans of time. Articles belonging to this category may need to be completely rewritten, or may even need to be deprecated if a change is particularly extreme.

Needing Updates uses the {{Update|something changed}} template.

This page should be updated due to game changes.
Reason: something changed

When the {{Update}} template is added to a page, that page is automatically included in this category. Anyone can edit these pages. If the problem is correctable with the skills you already possess, consider being bold and fixing it yourself.

This category does not include articles in need of copyediting; for articles in need of cleanup, see Category:Candidates for cleanup.

List of reasons for update

A Little Extra... (3 of 4)Needs mission briefing
AEGIS Secure Transfer FacilityReview for December 2021, Version 19.11 changes Patch notes #1Patch notes #2. Additional: Vital information missing and/or incorrect.

Icon timer capsuleer.png Site is more dangerous than it appears here Icon timer capsuleer.png
Accelerator FlashpointInfo from invasion site. Info most likely out of date.
Agent Failed (4 of 4)Needs mission briefing
Angel Military ComplexHostile names and amounts are an example and may not be accurate. Distances are missing.
Angel Mineral Acquisition Outpost, 2nd PartHostile names are an example and may not be accurate. Distances are missing.
Angel Sanctum#Station Spawn is TBC
Angel Sound/Chapter 3 - ParadiseConfirm that the cruiser at the end of room 2 actually points
Arctic Fox NebulaReview quantities in clouds due to December 2021, Version 19.11 changes
Asteroids and oreNeed additional table information for border/A0 and Pochven asteroids.
... further results

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Category:Needing updates

For pages requiring changes not related to content, such as phrasing or grammatical errors, see Candidates for cleanup. For articles not written with a neutral point of view, see Non-neutral articles.
See also: UniWiki:To-Do List

Articles with inaccurate or out-of-date information. Due to the often widespread nature of game changes, this maintenance category can often grow or shrink quickly over relatively short spans of time. Articles belonging to this category may need to be completely rewritten, or may even need to be deprecated if a change is particularly extreme.

Needing Updates uses the {{Update|something changed}} template.

This page should be updated due to game changes.
Reason: something changed

When the {{Update}} template is added to a page, that page is automatically included in this category. Anyone can edit these pages. If the problem is correctable with the skills you already possess, consider being bold and fixing it yourself.

This category does not include articles in need of copyediting; for articles in need of cleanup, see Category:Candidates for cleanup.

List of reasons for update

A Little Extra... (3 of 4)Needs mission briefing
AEGIS Secure Transfer FacilityReview for December 2021, Version 19.11 changes Patch notes #1Patch notes #2. Additional: Vital information missing and/or incorrect.

Icon timer capsuleer.png Site is more dangerous than it appears here Icon timer capsuleer.png
Accelerator FlashpointInfo from invasion site. Info most likely out of date.
Agent Failed (4 of 4)Needs mission briefing
Angel Military ComplexHostile names and amounts are an example and may not be accurate. Distances are missing.
Angel Mineral Acquisition Outpost, 2nd PartHostile names are an example and may not be accurate. Distances are missing.
Angel Sanctum#Station Spawn is TBC
Angel Sound/Chapter 3 - ParadiseConfirm that the cruiser at the end of room 2 actually points
Arctic Fox NebulaReview quantities in clouds due to December 2021, Version 19.11 changes
Asteroids and oreNeed additional table information for border/A0 and Pochven asteroids.
... further results

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Category:Needing updates

For pages requiring changes not related to content, such as phrasing or grammatical errors, see Candidates for cleanup. For articles not written with a neutral point of view, see Non-neutral articles.
See also: UniWiki:To-Do List

Articles with inaccurate or out-of-date information. Due to the often widespread nature of game changes, this maintenance category can often grow or shrink quickly over relatively short spans of time. Articles belonging to this category may need to be completely rewritten, or may even need to be deprecated if a change is particularly extreme.

Needing Updates uses the {{Update|something changed}} template.

This page should be updated due to game changes.
Reason: something changed

When the {{Update}} template is added to a page, that page is automatically included in this category. Anyone can edit these pages. If the problem is correctable with the skills you already possess, consider being bold and fixing it yourself.

This category does not include articles in need of copyediting; for articles in need of cleanup, see Category:Candidates for cleanup.

List of reasons for update

A Little Extra... (3 of 4)Needs mission briefing
AEGIS Secure Transfer FacilityReview for December 2021, Version 19.11 changes Patch notes #1Patch notes #2. Additional: Vital information missing and/or incorrect.

Icon timer capsuleer.png Site is more dangerous than it appears here Icon timer capsuleer.png
Accelerator FlashpointInfo from invasion site. Info most likely out of date.
Agent Failed (4 of 4)Needs mission briefing
Angel Military ComplexHostile names and amounts are an example and may not be accurate. Distances are missing.
Angel Mineral Acquisition Outpost, 2nd PartHostile names are an example and may not be accurate. Distances are missing.
Angel Sanctum#Station Spawn is TBC
Angel Sound/Chapter 3 - ParadiseConfirm that the cruiser at the end of room 2 actually points
Arctic Fox NebulaReview quantities in clouds due to December 2021, Version 19.11 changes
Asteroids and oreNeed additional table information for border/A0 and Pochven asteroids.
... further results

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Category:Non-neutral articles

For content-specific changes see Needing updates. For general cleanup, see Candidates for cleanup.
See also: UniWiki:To-Do List

"POV" is an abbreviation for "Point of View". It is most commonly used to signify that, in the opinion of the editor, some statement is biased, which is to say that it is "non-neutral and takes a point of view". Non-neutral content or style conflicts with the UniWiki's goal of being a neutral source of factual — and independently verifiable — information.

POV contrasts with "NPOV", an abbreviation for "Neutral Point of View", the UniWiki's editorial approach, which is inherited from Wikipedia's own editorial policy. See the page Wikipedia:Neutral point of view for this policy.

These articles should be reformatted or otherwise improved to reflect a neutral point of view. Pages that reflect a non-neutral POV use the {{NPOV}} template.

When the {{NPOV}} template is added to a page, that page is automatically included below. When the {{NPOV}} template is removed, the page is automatically removed from this page. Hence, the links on this page should not be edited directly. Anyone can edit these pages to improve them. If the problem is correctable with the skills you already possess, consider fixing it yourself.

Category:ORE Industrials

Category:ORE Industrials

Category:Obsolete Skills

Articles containing references to skills that no longer exist in the game. This category does not have boilerplate message or a specific template for marking such articles; instead, articles are automatically assigned to this category as a function of templates {{GetSkillAlpha}}, {{GetSkillLink}}, {{GetSkillPrice}} and {{GetSkillMult}}. If CCP changes skill names or groups, or adds/removes skills from the game, any UniWiki pages with obsolete skill links will automatically be added to this category, giving an overview of what pages need fixing.

Icon information square.png Note: Non-player skills and wrongly spelled skills will show up here as-well

Icon information square.png Note: The skill templates and their docs will always be here because there is a deliberate "wrong" skill in the docs

Category:Old Doctrines

This category should collect old doctrines so that they are easy to find although they are outdated or out of use.

Category:Ore sites

Articles related to Cosmic Anomalies that spawn large quantities of ore, intended for mining.


Main article: Player-owned starbases

Articles related to player-owned starbases. While these structures are still used, this category may become deprecated in the future.

Category:Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls

This category contains pages with template calls that pass the same argument (parameter value) more than once, such as {{foo|bar=1|bar=2}} and {{foo|bar|1=baz}}. When the same parameter is given a value more than once in a template, only the final value of that parameter is used to display the template.

This category is automatically populated by the MediaWiki software.

Category:Pages using invalid self-closed HTML tags

Category:Pages using invalid self-closed HTML tags

Category:Pages where template include size is exceeded

Articles that contain too many template calls, including templates within templates. This category is generated automatically by the MediaWiki software, and does not have a template associated with it. It is rarely used because the maximum template include size is far beyond that of most normal articles.

Category:Pages with broken file links

Articles that contain internal links to media files that no longer exist (have been deleted). This category is generated automatically by the MediaWiki software, and does not have a template associated with it.

Category:Pages with ignored display titles

Category:Pages with ignored display titles

Category:Pages with reference errors

Category:Pages with reference errors

Category:Pages with template loops

Category:Pages with template loops

Category:Past content

This category contains articles that are for content that is not in the game anymore. To include an article here use the {{Past content}} template. Hence, this category should not be added to a page manually.




These are articles on the capsuleers of New Eden.

If you would like your user page to be included add Category:Pilots at the very end of the page. User pages are not articles, and thus do not belong in content categories such as Category:EVE University.

Please avoid creating a page outside the User namespace for yourself.

Category:Pirate Faction Battlecruisers

Main article: Battlecruiser
See also: Pirate Faction Ship Overview

Category:Pirate Faction Battlehips

Category:Pirate Faction Battlehips

Category:Pirate Faction Battleships

Main article: Battleship
See also: Pirate Faction Ship Overview

Category:Pirate Faction Cruisers

Main article: Cruisers
See also: Pirate Faction Ship Overview

Category:Pirate Faction Destroyers

Main article: Destroyers

Category:Pirate Faction Dreadnoughts

Main article: Dreadnoughts
See also: Pirate Faction Ship Overview

Category:Pirate Faction Force Auxiliaries

Main article: Force Auxiliaries
See also: Pirate Faction Ship Overview

Category:Pirate Faction Frigates

Main article: Frigates
See also: Pirate Faction Ship Overview

Category:Pirate Faction Ships

Main article: Pirate Faction Ship Overview

Ship Database articles(using the {{ShipArticle}} template) of Pirate Faction ships, regardless of class.

Category:Pirate Faction Ships,Battleships, Pirate Faction

Category:Pirate Faction Ships,Battleships, Pirate Faction

Category:Pirate Faction Supercarriers

Main article: Supercarriers
See also: Pirate Faction Ship Overview

Category:Pirate Faction Titans

Main article: Titans
See also: Pirate Faction Ship Overview

Category:Planetary Industry

Main article: Planetary Industry

Articles related to planetary industry.

Articles related to mining and other non-planetary resource harvesting should be placed in Category:Mining, while articles related to the manufacturing and production of ships and other non-PI items should be placed in Category:Industry.

Category:Planetary Interaction P4 & P3

Category:Planetary Interaction P4 & P3



Category:Precursor Battlecruisers

Main article: Battlecruisers

This is a collection of the pages containing Precursor battlecruisers, organized by ship.

Category:Precursor Battleships

Main article: Battleships

This is a collection of the pages containing Precursor battleships, organized by ship.

Category:Precursor Cruisers

Main article: Cruisers

Category:Precursor Destroyers

Main article: Destroyers

This is a collection of the pages containing Precursor destroyers, organized by ship.

Category:Precursor Dreadnoughts

Main article: Dreadnoughts

This is a collection of the pages containing Precursor dreadnoughts, organized by ship.

Category:Precursor Frigates

Main article: Frigates

