Getting positive Triglavian and EDENCOM standings

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Roaming Triglavian Collective and EDENCOM ships are aggressive and dangerous to all players who do not have positive standings with them. Most often these rats appear in Triglavian minor victory systems, EDENCOM systems and in Pochven. But randomly spawning wormholes can cause Triglavians to spawn in normal systems that are close to the old position of a detached Pochven system.

This makes large areas of normal space dangerous to all who do not have positive standings with both of these factions.

This guide explains how to get positive standings with both Triglavian and EDENCOM factions.

Basic information

Killing EDENCOM ships results in positive Triglavian standing gain, but it will also result in equal negative standing gain towards EDENCOM. This is not good.

Killing Triglavian rats results in negative Triglavian standing gain, but it will also result in equal positive standing gain towards EDENCOM. This is not good.

Killing Rogue Drones, Sleepers or Drifters in Pochven results in positive standing gain to both EDENCOM and Triglavians. So this is what you will have to do.

In general bigger ships give more standing. Rogue Drones give least standing, Sleepers give more and Drifters give the most.

If the system has no targets to kill you'll have to exit and try again with another filament. If you have probes you can use wormhole exit to skip 15 minute wait in between filament uses.

Standing mechanics

Standing is gained in ticks. These ticks occur once every 10 minutes.

If you kill multiple ships of same faction during same tick period you will gain standings from only the biggest kill. So if you find multiple big targets to kill you should kill one target, wait for standing tick and then kill the secon target.

Triglavians, EDENCOM, Rogue Drones and Drifters use different standing mechanics from other factions. The most notable differences are:

  • None of the standing skills have any effect.
  • Standing loss causes positive derived standing.

Entering Pochven

The easiest way to enter Pochven is to use an inbound filament. These can be bought off the market. These filaments come in many variants: border, cladistic, home and 5 or 15 pilot fleet sizes. For our purposes the destination system does not matter at all. Just buy the cheapest filament. It is also good idea to buy an exit filament so you can get out easily.

If you want to do this in a fleet note that, depending on the filament type, the filaments can take only 5 or 15 pilots.

The other way of entering Pochven is through wormholes. Entering through wormhole instead of filament has multiple benefits: No fleet size limit and no need to wait timers. The problem is that finding Pochven connections will require more work. The wormhole can also have Triglavian and EDENCOM rats guarding it. See Pochven Entry Manual for more details on how to easily find suitable wormholes.

Locating rats

Rats in Pochven are unusual in that they are visible in Directional scanner. This makes it much easier to locate rats.

Create new overview preset that includes the following

  • Drifter Entities
  • Rogue Drone Entities
  • Sleeper Entities

Use this overview preset in your d-scan to quicly locate targets to kill.

Rats can be found on stargates, stations, planets, moons, POCOs and cosmic anomalies.

Killing Rogue Drones

Rogue Drones are the weakest faction in Pochven. They are easy to kill and kive minimal standing gains.

If you have 0.00 standing (or close to it) with EDENCOM and Triglavians then Rogue Drones are good target for you. If you never lost any standing with Triglavians or EDENCOM then just a single drone kill is enough to make both factions neutral to you.

The standing gain from them is miniscule so gaining significant standings with them is not practical.

Do the following:

  • Grab a destroyer with long range weapons (artillery/rail/beam).
  • Enter Pochven.
  • Use d-scan to find Rogue Drone rats. The rat should be named something like "Phase-I Swarmer".
  • Warp to the rat at range, kill one of the weak drones, warp out.

You can find Rogue Drones on Incipient Drone Swarm combat anomalies, wormholes leading to null security systems and as randomly roaming fleets in systems with null security wormhole.

After approximately 10 minutes you will get the standing tick.

Leeching off kills

Pochven systems have roaming fleets from multiple factions. They kill each other.

If you activate an offensive module on a rat and that rat is killed by NPC you will gain standings.

This can be used to get standing if you are not able to kill rats on your own, or if you want to get bigger standing ticks than what the smallest drones give.

This is quite unreliable method as the roaming rats may not meet each other or they may not be "active" if players are not present.

  • Grab a T1 EWAR frigate. Fit one EWAR module and sensor boosters for extra targeting range.
  • Enter pochven.
  • Use d-scan to find a target.
  • Warp to the rat at 100 km, apply EWAR to biggest ship you see, warp out.

Eventually that rat will probably die and you get the standings.

Killing Sleepers

Sleepers give much more standings than Rogue Drones. They are also considerably harder to kill. Doing this solo is strongly not recommended. Bring a fleet with logi support. Onnly players who activated offensive module on the target get standings. So logi ships should bring combat drones.

The Sleepers deal omni damage and have flat resists. They use warp scramblers (real ones that shut down MWD/MJD), webs and energy neutralizers.

You can find Sleepers on Torpid Sleeper Hive combat anomalies, wormholes leading to wormhole space and as randomly roaming fleets in systems with wormhole space wormhole.

With a small fleet you should be able to take on the Sleepers on Torpid Sleeper Hive combat anomalies. If you have big and strong fleet you can engage Sleepers on wormholes leading to Anoikis. But be prepared for big fight as the wormhole may spawn very large number of hostile rats and even Drifters with doomsdays.

Killing Drifters

Occasionally Sleeper fleets can have Drifters with them. Drifters are the most powerful rats in Pochven. They also give the biggest standing gains so you will want to kill them when possible.

In addition to powerful normal weapons they have the feared superweapons.

The weakest Drifter cruisers and battleships do not have superweapons (Drifter Scout Cruiser, Drifter Raider Battleship). You can kill them on sight without worrying about doomsdays.

The stronger Drifters have superweapons on them. When the overshield is depleted the superweapon is fired on their currently aggressed target.

The superweapon is powerful enough to kill almost any subcapital ship in single hit. The weaker cruiser deals 102400 damage while the strongest battleship deals 512000 damage.

To reliably kill Drifters you need to be able to avoid the damage from the superweapon.

The drifter AI prioritizes logi ship that does the most repairing. This can be used to force it to target specific ship. Logi cruiser with afterburner and signature reducing command burst effect orbiting at 500 meters can cause the superweapon to miss with decent success rate.

Arataka Research Consortium has done research on how to kill Drifters in Pochven. Their method uses afterburner fitted Scimitar to dodge the doomsday. You can read their research findings on Operational Manual: The Drifter Doomsday Challenge

See also