Gallente Basic Ship and Skill Overview
This guide provides general information and recommendations for T1 ships of a single player faction.
For more advanced and in-depth information on specific ships refer to EVE ships. This guide simply gathers the characteristics and overview of racial lineups in an easy to browse format for the very new player.
Rookie Ship
The rookie ship is the first ship you start with. If you are Gallente, it will be a Velator. A new rookie ship is given whenever you dock at a station where you do not have any ships.
Role Bonus: The Velator class corvette is one of the older vessel types in the Gallente fleet. It was first deployed on the market as a fast passenger craft but the extra passenger quarters were later modified into weapon hardpoints as the newer models came to be used for small-scale security and military duties. The Velator is still a very solid mining and trading vessel. |
75mm Gatling Rail I
75mm Gatling Rail I
Cap Recharger I
Small Armor Repairer I
Antimatter Charge S

- Gallente Frigate II
- Energy Grid Upgrades II
- Hull Upgrades I
- Repair Systems I
- Small Hybrid Turret II
Frigates are small, fast ships, used often for PvE in level 1 missions. They are also used for tackling and electronic warfare roles in PvP.
Gallente Frigate bonuses (per skill level): The Atron is a hard nugget with an advanced power conduit system, but little space for cargo. Although it is a good harvester when it comes to mining, its main ability is as a combat vessel. |
The Atron is the Gallente attack frigate. In August 2012, it was updated to add additional slots and given an activation cost reduction for propulsion jammers. It can serve as a level 1 mission runner until Gallente Frigate III is trained for the Incursus and Destroyers I for the Catalyst.
Light Ion Blaster I
Light Ion Blaster I
Light Ion Blaster I
Adaptive Invulnerability Field I
Small Shield Booster I
1MN Afterburner I
Magnetic Field Stabilizer I
Magnetic Field Stabilizer I
Antimatter Charge S

Gallente Frigate bonuses (per skill level): The Imicus is a slow but hard-shelled frigate, ideal for any type of scouting activity. Used by merchant, miner and combat groups, the Imicus is usually relied upon as the operation's eyes and ears when traversing low security sectors. |
Core Probe Launcher I
Prototype Cloaking Device I
Cap Recharger I
1MN Microwarpdrive I
Data Analyzer I
Relic Analyzer I
Warp Core Stabilizer I
Nanofiber Internal Structure I
Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I
Small Gravity Capacitor Upgrade I
Hobgoblin I x3
Core Scanner Probe I x8

- Acceleration Control I
- Afterburner III
- Archaeology I
- Gallente Frigate IV
- Astrometric Acquisition III
- Astrometric Pinpointing III
- Astrometric Rangefinding III
- Astrometrics IV
- Cloaking I
- Drones III
- Capacitor Management II
- Capacitor Systems Operation II
- CPU management IV
- Energy Grid Upgrades II
- Evasive Maneuvering I
- Hacking I
- High Speed Maneuvering III
- Hull Upgrades I
- Jury Rigging I
- Mechanic III
- Scout Drone Operation I
- Warp Drive Operation II
- Use Sisters Core Scanner Probes for better scan results if you can afford them.
Gallente Frigate bonuses (per skill level): The Incursus may be found both spearheading and bulwarking Gallente military operations. Its speed makes it excellent for skirmishing duties, while its resilience helps it outlast its opponents on the battlefield. Incursus-class ships move together in groups and can quickly and effectively gang up on ships many times their size and overwhelm them. In recent years the Incursus has increasingly found its way into the hands of pirates, who love its aggressive appearance. |
The Incursus is the typical PvE and PvP frigate for Gallente players. It is faster and has a better scan resolution than the Tristan, which makes it better for tackling in PvP. It is also the only Gallente frigate with 3 turret slots. The Incursus will likely deal more damage than a Tristan for pilots without Drones V.
125mm Railgun I
125mm Railgun I
125mm Railgun I
1MN Afterburner I
Cap Recharger I
Cap Recharger I
Damage Control I
Small Armor Repairer I
Magnetic Field Stabilizer I
Hobgoblin I x1
Antimatter Charge S x1

- Acceleration Control I
- Afterburner II
- Capacitor Management II
- Capacitor Systems Operation II
- Controlled Bursts II
- Drones I
- Energy Grid Upgrades II
- Evasive Maneuvering I
- Gallente Frigate III
- Gunnery III
- Hull Upgrades II
- Mechanics II
- Motion Prediction II
- Rapid Firing II
- Repair Systems II
- Scout Drone Operation I
- Sharpshooter II
- Small Hybrid Turret III
- Target Management II
- Weapon Upgrades I
75mm Gatling Rail I
75mm Gatling Rail I
75mm Gatling Rail I
Stasis Webifier I
Warp Disruptor I
1MN Microwarpdrive I
Damage Control I
Overdrive Injector System I
Small Armor Repairer I
Warrior I x1
Lead Charge S x1

- Acceleration Control III
- Afterburner III
- Capacitor Management III
- Capacitor Systems Operation III
- Combat Drone Operation III
- Controlled Bursts III
- Drones III
- Evasive Maneuvering III
- Gallente Frigate III
- Gunnery III
- Hull Upgrades II
- High Speed Maneuvering III
- Hull Upgrades III
- Mechanics III
- Motion Prediction III
- Propulsion Jamming III
- Rapid Firing III
- Scout Drone Operation III
- Sharpshooter III
- Signature Analysis III
- Small Hybrid Turret III
- Target Management III
- Weapon Upgrades I
- Warp Drive Operation III
- Like other frigates, the Incursus is at risk of being popped quickly by smartbomb fitted battleships. Range should be maintained over 7,500m from battleships unless they are seen shooting from gun ports or missile launcher bays.
- Dealing damage is not a tackler's priority, and cap should not be wasted on guns if it is needed to maintain tackle in prolonged encounters.
Gallente Frigate bonuses (per skill level): The Maulus is a high-tech vessel, specialized for electronic warfare. It is particularly valued in fleet warfare due to its optimization for sensor dampening technology. |
The Maulus is an electronic warfare frigate, specialized in dampening. Its low locking range makes it ineffective at range damping snipers. However, it can resolution damp effectively with the help of ECM in the fleet.
125mm Railgun I
125mm Railgun I
1MN Afterburner I
Remote Sensor Dampener I
Remote Sensor Dampener I
Damage Control I
Signal Amplifier I
Warrior I x2
Scan Resolution Dampening Script x1
Targeting Range Dampening Script x1
Lead Charge S x1

- Acceleration Control II
- Afterburner III
- Combat Drone Operation III
- Controlled Bursts III
- Drones III
- Capacitor Emission Systems I
- Capacitor Management III
- Capacitor Systems Operation III
- CPU Management IV
- Electronics Upgrades I
- Electronic Warfare III
- Evasive Maneuvering II
- Frequency Modulation III
- Fuel Conservation III
- Gallente Frigate IV
- Gunnery III
- Hull Upgrades III
- Long Distance Jamming III
- Long Range Targeting III
- Mechanics III
- Motion Prediction III
- Navigation III
- Rapid Firing III
- Scout Drone Operation III
- Sensor Linking III
- Sharpshooter III
- Signature Analysis III
- Small Hybrid Turret III
- Target Management III
- Warp Drive Operation III
- The afterburner should only be used to get out of smartbomb range, or to go to optimal orbit in a defensive gate camp. Running the afterburner while damping will cap out the ship shortly.
- Like other frigates, the Maulus is at risk of being popped quickly by smartbomb fitted battleships. Range should be maintained over 7,500m from battleships unless they are seen shooting from gun ports or missile launcher bays.
75mm Prototype Gauss Gun
75mm Prototype Gauss Gun
Phased Muon Sensor Disruptor I
Phased Muon Sensor Disruptor I
F-90 Positional Sensor Subroutines
Experimental 1MN Afterburner I
Damage Control II
200mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane I
Small Ionic Field Projector I
Small Inverted Signal Field Projector I
Small Particle Dispersion Projector I
Warrior II x2
Scan Resolution Dampening Script x1
Targeting Range Dampening Script x1
Targeting Range Script x1
Iron Charge S x1

- The afterburner should only be used to get out of smartbomb range, or to go to optimal orbit in a defensive gate camp. Running the afterburner while damping will cap out the ship shortly.
- Like other frigates, the Maulus is at risk of being popped quickly by smartbomb fitted battleships. Range should be maintained over 7,500m from battleships unless they are seen shooting from gun ports or missile launcher bays.
Gallente Frigate bonuses (per skill level): In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. In the Gallente Federation, this led to the redesign and redeployment of the Navitas. |
The Navitas is the Gallente logistics frigate. Like it's cruiser counterpart the Exequror, it specializes in remote armor repair.
Small Remote Armor Repairer I
Small Remote Armor Repairer I
Small Remote Armor Repairer I
1MN Afterburner I
Cap Recharger I
Cap Recharger I
Damage Control I
200mm Reinforced Steel Plates I
200mm Reinforced Steel Plates I
Light Armor Maintenance Bot I x1

- Afterburner II
- Capacitor Management IV
- Capacitor System Operation IV
- Drones V
- Energy Grid Upgrades II
- Hull Upgrades III
- Mechanics III
- Power Grid Management I
- Remote Armor Repair Systems V
- Repair Drone Operation I
- Signature Analysis III
- Target Management III
- This is a starter fit for Logi 101.
- Hull and meta 0 modules are available from the Alpha Hanger in PTS
- Upgrade the meta level of the modules where possible.
- Because the Light Armor Maintenance Bots take slightly more time to tech into, they can be traded for Hobgoblin I's if needed. By the time the student has trained Drones V, they should look into flying a T1 Logistics cruiser
200mm Light 'Scout' Autocannon I
200mm Light 'Scout' Autocannon I
Small 'Solace' Remote Armor Repairer
Limited 1MN Microwarpdrive I
X5 Prototype Engine Enervator
Faint Warp Disruptor I
200mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Prototype Energized Explosive Membrane I
Prototype Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane I
Hobgoblin I x1
EMP S x1

Gallente Frigate bonuses (per skill level): Often nicknamed The Fat Man, this nimble little frigate is mainly used by the Federation in escort duties or on short-range patrols. The Tristan has been very popular throughout Gallente space for years because of its versatility. It is rather expensive, but buyers will definitely get their money's worth, as the Tristan is one of the more powerful frigates available on the market. |
The Tristan is an excellent frigate for PvP and PvE. It is a dedicated drone boat - the only T1 frigate that can operate 5 drones - and thus requires high drone skills to be flown effectively. It is also slower and has less scan resolution than the Incursus, making it slightly worse for a dedicated tackling role in fleets.
Light Ion Blaster I
Light Ion Blaster I
Small Energy Neutralizer I
1MN Afterburner I
Stasis Webifier I
Warp Scrambler I
Damage Control I
Small Armor Repairer I
Explosive Plating I
Warrior I x3
Antimatter Charge S x1

- Acceleration Control III
- Afterburner III
- Capacitor Emission Systems I
- Capacitor Management III
- Capacitor Systems Operation III
- Combat Drone Operation III
- Controlled Bursts III
- CPU Management IV
- Drones III
- Evasive Maneuvering III
- Fuel Conservation III
- Gallente Frigate IV
- Gunnery III
- Hull Upgrades III
- Mechanics III
- Motion Prediction III
- Navigation III
- Power Grid Management IV
- Propulsion Jamming III
- Rapid Firing III
- Repair Systems III
- Science II
- Scout Drone Operation III
- Sharpshooter III
- Signature Analysis III
- Small Hybrid Turret III
- Target Managment III
- Weapon Upgrades III
- Warp Drive Operation III
- This fit is made to speed tank, orbiting at close range. It is useful in limited circumstances in larger fleets due to having an afterburner and warp scrambler, instead of MWD and disruptor
- Train Drones V to use a full flight of 5 drones
Destroyers are ships slightly larger than frigates. They use the same sized modules as frigates, and they have more high slots. They are often used in PvE for level 1 missions, and as salvaging ships for pilots that have not yet acquired a Noctis.
Gallente Destroyer bonuses (per skill level): The Algos, as is custom with the Gallente, relies on swiftness of action - preferably at a respectable distance - to accomplish its goals. In this it reflects well-honed Gallente values, which include taking independent action without taking forever to wait for a committee decision, and also doing so, if at all possible, in a fashion that allows for a nice, safe buffer for immediate retreat; because theory is one thing, and practice is sometimes quite another. As such, the Algos focuses on being able to hit its targets in rapid-fire fashion, with guns that fire fast and drones that race through space with destruction in mind. |
Introduced with the Retribution expansion, the Algos differentiates itself from the Catalyst most notably through the spacious drone bay, available drone bandwidth, drone-based bonuses, and longer targeting range.
75mm Compressed Coil Gun I
75mm Compressed Coil Gun I
75mm Compressed Coil Gun I
75mm Compressed Coil Gun I
75mm Compressed Coil Gun I
Small 'Arup' Remote Armor Repairer
Experimental 1MN Afterburner I
Medium Azeotropic Ward Salubrity I
Adaptive Invulnerability Field I
Drone Damage Amplifier I
Drone Damage Amplifier I
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
Hobgoblin I x3
Salvage Drone I x3
Hammerhead I x2
Hobgoblin I x2
Antimatter Charge S x1

- Acceleration Control I
- Afterburner II
- Capacitor Management II
- Capacitor System Operation II
- Controlled Bursts II
- CPU Managements III
- Drones IV
- Energy Grid Upgrades II
- Evasive Maneuvering I
- Gallente Destroyer III
- Gallente Frigate III
- Gunnery III
- Mechanics III
- Navigation III
- Power Grid Management III
- Remote Armor Repair Systems I
- Repair Systems II
- Salvage Drone Operation I
- Salvaging II
- Science I
- Scout Drone Operation I
- Shield Management II
- Shield Upgrades I
- Survey III
- Tactical Shield Manipulation I
- Target Management II
- Weapon Upgrades II
- Fit three Small Core Defense Field Purger I rigs if you can afford it (requires Mechanic III, Jury Rigging III and Shield Rigging I).
- Train up Weapon Upgrades IV as soon as possible so you can use Drone Damage Amplifier II (essential for drone boats). Slot that in in place of the MAPC.
- Train Drones V to field a full flight of five drones
- The drone bandwidth allows 2 Hammerheads + 3 Hobgoblins
Gallente Destroyer bonuses (per skill level): Ideally suited for both skirmish warfare and fleet support, the Catalyst is touted as one of the best anti-frigate platforms out there. Faced with its top-of-the-line tracking equipment, not many can argue. |
125mm Railgun I
125mm Railgun I
125mm Railgun I
125mm Railgun I
125mm Railgun I
125mm Railgun I
125mm Railgun I
125mm Railgun I
1MN Afterburner I
Cap Recharger I
Damage Control I
Small Armor Repairer I
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
Antimatter Charge S x1

- Acceleration Control I
- Afterburner II
- Capacitor Management II
- Capacitor System Operation II
- Controlled Bursts II
- CPU Managements II
- Energy Grid Upgrades II
- Evasive Maneuvering I
- Gallente Destroyer I
- Gallente Frigate III
- Gunnery III
- Hull Upgrades II
- Mechanics II
- Motion Prediction II
- Navigation III
- Power Grid Management III
- Rapid Firing II
- Repair Systems II
- Science I
- Sharpshooter II
- Small Hybrid Turret III
- Target Management II
- Fit three Small Capacitor Control Circuit I rigs if you can afford it (requires Jury Rigging I and Mechanics III).
Limited Light Ion Blaster I
Limited Light Ion Blaster I
Limited Light Ion Blaster I
Limited Light Ion Blaster I
Limited Light Ion Blaster I
Limited Light Ion Blaster I
Limited Light Ion Blaster I
Limited Light Ion Blaster I
Experimental 1MN Afterburner I
Fixed Parallel Link-Capacitor I
Small Inefficient Armor Repair Unit
Linear Flux Stabilizer I
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
Small Capacitor Control Circuit I
Small Capacitor Control Circuit I
Small Capacitor Control Circuit I
Antimatter Charge S x1

- Acceleration Control I
- Afterburner II
- Capacitor Management II
- Capacitor System Operation II
- Controlled Bursts II
- CPU Managements II
- Energy Grid Upgrades II
- Evasive Maneuvering I
- Gallente Destroyer II
- Gallente Frigate III
- Gunnery III
- Hull Upgrades II
- Jury Rigging I
- Mechanics II
- Motion Prediction II
- Navigation III
- Power Grid Management III
- Rapid Firing II
- Repair Systems II
- Science I
- Sharpshooter II
- Small Hybrid Turret III
- Target Management II
- This fitting with recommended skills should break Dagan's tank within a few minutes.
- While orbiting at 500m, Dagan's guns should not be able to track the Catalyst. If your own guns have difficulty tracking at full speed, reduce speed to 75%.
- This fitting should also work well against Kristan Parthus.
Small Tractor Beam I
Small Tractor Beam I
Small Tractor Beam I
Small Tractor Beam I
Salvager I
Salvager I
Salvager I
Salvager I
Cap Recharger I
1MN Microwarpdrive I
Capacitor Power Relay I
Capacitor Power Relay I
Co-Processor I
Small Salvage Tackle I
Small Salvage Tackle I
Small Salvage Tackle I

- Acceleration Control II
- Afterburner III
- Armor Rigging II
- Capacitor Management II
- Capacitor System Operation II
- CPU Managements III
- Electronics Upgrades I
- Energy Grid Upgrades II
- Evasive Maneuvering II
- Gallente Destroyer I
- Gallente Frigate III
- High Speed Maneuvering III
- Jury Rigging III
- Mechanics III
- Navigation III
- Power Grid Management III
- Salvaging III
- Science III
- Survey III
- The low slots on a salvaging boat can vary. The co-processor is only needed if you lack cpu, Electronics IV will give enough cpu to fit a third Capacitor Power Relay I. The capacitor power relays help running the modules for longer periods of time, especially if cap skills are low. Cargo expanders can be of use in missions with many wrecks to loot. Even with cargo expanders, a destroyer will often run out of cargo space in level 4 missions
- Rigs are optional, they are very expensive for most newbies
Gallente Cruiser bonuses (per skill level): The Celestis cruiser is a versatile ship which can be employed in a myriad of roles, making it handy for small corporations with a limited number of ships. True to Gallente style the Celestis is especially deadly in close quarters combat due to its advanced targeting systems. |
The Celestis is the Gallente EW cruiser. It can be made surprisingly tough for an EWAR cruiser with its 5 lows. Its extra lock range and bonus to sensor dampener range makes it considerably better at range damping snipers than the smaller Maulus.
Small Energy Neutralizer I
Drone Link Augmentor I
Drone Link Augmentor I
10MN Microwarpdrive I
Remote Sensor Dampener I
Remote Sensor Dampener I
Remote Sensor Dampener I
Remote Sensor Dampener I
Damage Control I
800mm Reinforced Steel Plates I
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane I
Signal Amplifier I
Signal Amplifier I
Vespa EC-600 x3
Hornet EC-300 x2
Scan Resolution Dampening Script x4
Targeting Range Dampening Script x4

- Acceleration Control III
- Afterburner III
- Capacitor Emission Systems III
- Capacitor Management III
- Capacitor Systems Operation III
- Combat Drone Operation III
- CPU Managemant IV
- Drones V
- Drone Navigation III
- Electronics Upgrades I
- Electronic Warfare IV
- Electronic Warfare Drone Interfacing III
- Evasive Maneuvering III
- Frequency Modulation III
- Gallente Cruiser IV
- Gallente Destroyer III
- Gallente Frigate III
- High Speed Maneuvering III
- Hull Upgrades III
- Long Distance Jamming III
- Long Range Targeting III
- Mechanics III
- Navigation III
- Power Grid Management III
- Science II
- Scout Drone Operation IV
- Sensor Linking III
- Signature Analysis III
- Target Management III
- Warp Drive Operation III
- The neuts on this version are purely defensive if some small ship decides to tackle the Celestis and orbits close
- Bring Scan Resolution Dampening and Targeting Range Dampening Scripts and change as needed
Gallente Cruiser bonuses (per skill level): In YC114 each major empire faction, having been embroiled in a harrowing, extensive, long-term war, recognized the growing need for support and logistics functionality in their vessels during the kind of protracted interstellar warfare that might otherwise prove exhausting for its participants. Both Frigate and Cruiser-class ships were put under the microscope, and in the Gallente Federation the outcome of the re-evaluation process led, among other developments, to a redesign and redeployment of the Exequoror. |
The Exequror is the Gallente logistics cruiser. It's bonuses to remote armor repair range and power allow it to serve as a T1 armor logistic cruiser. It is an effective ship for new logistics pilots.
Gallente Cruiser bonuses (per skill level): The Thorax-class cruiser is the latest combat ship commissioned by the Federation. While the Thorax is a very effective ship at any range, typical of modern Gallente design philosophy it is most effective when working at extreme close range where its blasters and hordes of combat drones tear through even the toughest of enemies. |
The Thorax is the first ship newbie pilots should look at to fill a damage dealing role in PvP fleets.
Heavy Ion Blaster I
Heavy Ion Blaster I
Heavy Ion Blaster I
Heavy Ion Blaster I
Heavy Ion Blaster I
10MN Microwarpdrive I
Large Shield Extender I
Warp Scrambler I
Adaptive Invulnerability Field I
Damage Control I
Magnetic Field Stabilizer I
Magnetic Field Stabilizer I
Tracking Enhancer I
Tracking Enhancer I
Hammerhead I x5
Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M x1

- Acceleration Control III
- Afterburner III
- Capacitor Management III
- Capacitor Systems Operation III
- Combat Drone Operation III
- Controlled Bursts III
- CPU Management IV
- Drone Interfacing III
- Drone Navigation III
- Drone Sharpshooting III
- Drones V
- Evasive Maneuvering III
- Gallente Cruiser IV
- Gallente Destroyer III
- Gallente Frigate III
- Gunnery V
- High Speed Maneuvering III
- Hull Upgrades III
- Mechanics III
- Medium Hybrid Turret IV
- Motion Prediction III
- Navigation III
- Power Grid Management IV
- Propulsion Jamming III
- Rapid Firing III
- Science I
- Scout Drone Operation III
- Sharpshooter III
- Shield Management III
- Shield Upgrades III
- Signature Analysis III
- Small Hybrid Turret III
- Surgical Strike III
- Tactical Shield Manipulation III
- Target Management III
- Trajectory Analysis III
- Warp Drive Operation III
- Weapon Upgrades III
- Faction ammo is not required, but the benefit to DPS is substantial. A full load of Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M (600 rounds total, 120 rounds per gun) costs around 600,000 ISK. More rounds are rarely needed, but having 2000 additional standard antimatter rounds in case of ratting or long engagements is recommended.
- This training plan should take 1 month or so to complete, although this will vary a lot with implants and neural remap.
- With the recommended skill list, EFT calculates DPS at 324 and EHP at 13,739. Capacitor lasts 5 min. 24 sec. with MWD inactive. New pilots looking to get into the Thorax early should aim for 300 dps with faction antimatter and 10k EHP minimum.
Gallente Cruiser bonuses (per skill level): The Vexor is a strong combat ship that is also geared to operate in a variety of other roles. The Vexor is especially useful for surveying in potentially hostile sectors as it can stay on duty for a very long time before having to return to base. Furthermore, it is well capable of defending itself against even concentrated attacks. |
The Vexor, like the Myrmidon and Dominix, is a drone boat. The vexor is an excellent mission ship, and it can also be a good PvP ship. For low skill pilots, it is usually easier to get DPS out of the Thorax, even with more skills in drones than gunnery.
Dual 150mm Railgun I
Dual 150mm Railgun I
Dual 150mm Railgun I
Dual 150mm Railgun I
Experimental 10MN Afterburner I
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II
Medium Armor Repairer II
Prototype Armor Kinetic Hardener I
Prototype Armor Thermic Hardener I
Drone Damage Amplifier I
Capacitor Power Relay II
Hobgoblin I x5
Hammerhead I x5
Iridium Charge M x1
Lead Charge M x1

- Acceleration Control II
- Afterburner III
- Capacitor Management III
- Capacitor Systems Operation III
- Combat Drone Operation II
- Controlled Bursts II
- CPU Management II
- Drone Durability II
- Drone Interfacing III
- Drone Navigation III
- Drone Sharpshooting II
- Drones V
- Energy Grid Upgrades IV
- Fuel Conservation III
- Gallente Cruiser III
- Gallente Destroyer III
- Gallente Frigate III
- Gunnery III
- Hull Upgrades III
- Mechanics IV
- Medium Hybrid Turret III
- Motion Prediction II
- Navigation III
- Power Grid Management III
- Rapid Firing II
- Repair Systems IV
- Scout Drone Operation III
- Sharpshooter II
- Small Hybrid Turret III
- Science I
- Target Management III
- Weapon Upgrades II
- The example fitting has drones and hardeners fitted for Serpentis rats.
- Drones IV is the minimum amount of drones recommended to start running level 2 missions in a Vexor.
- This recommended skill plan should take approximately three weeks to complete. The Vexor can be piloted earlier to get into level 2 missions, after about one week, depending on how the character was skilled and the player's ability to pilot the ship effectively using proper kiting techniques in difficult missions.
Heavy Electron Blaster I
Heavy Electron Blaster I
Heavy Electron Blaster I
Heavy Electron Blaster I
Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I
Warp Scrambler I
Stasis Webifier I
Stasis Webifier I
Damage Control I
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane I
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane I
800mm Reinforced Steel Plates I
Drone Damage Amplifier I
Hammerhead I x5
Warrior I x5
Hornet EC-300 x5
Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M x1

- Acceleration Control III
- Afterburner III
- Capacitor Management III
- Capacitor Systems Operation III
- Combat Drone Operation III
- Controlled Bursts III
- CPU Management IV
- Drone Interfacing III
- Drone Navigation III
- Drone Sharpshooting III
- Drones V
- Electronic Warfare IV
- Electronic Warfare Drone Interfacing II
- Energy Grid Upgrades IV
- Evasive Maneuvering III
- High Speed Maneuvering III
- Gallente Cruiser IV
- Gallente Destroyer III
- Gallente Frigate III
- Gunnery V
- Hull Upgrades III
- Mechanics III
- Medium Hybrid Turret IV
- Motion Prediction III
- Navigation III
- Power Grid Management III
- Propulsion Jamming III
- Rapid Firing III
- Scout Drone Operation III
- Sharpshooter III
- Signature Analysis III
- Small Hybrid Turret III
- Science I
- Surgical Strike III
- Target Management III
- Trajectory Analysis III
- Warp Drive Operation III
- Weapon Upgrades II
- The Hornet EC-300 can be handy to disengage from fights, but are completely optional. If you don't wish to train up Electronic Warfare and Electronic Warfare Drone Interfacing to use them, you can replace them by hobgoblins instead to have some spare light drones.
Gallente Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level): One of the most ferocious war vessels to ever spring from Gallente starship design, the Brutix is a behemoth in every sense of the word. When this hard-hitting monster appears, the battlefield takes notice. |
The Brutix is renowned for its high DPS potential in PvP. It is also a popular suicide gank ship.
Although Gallente ships are usually better armor tanked, the Brutix benefits from a shield tank in several areas. Low slots can be dedicated to gank modules to increase DPS. The shield tank Brutix also has the advantage of being faster than an armor tank, which means it can get into the short blaster range sooner.
Template:Fittings Template:Fittings
Gallente Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level): Worried that their hot-shot pilots would burn brightly in their eagerness to engage the enemy, the Federation Navy created a ship that encourages caution over foolhardiness. A hardier version of its counterpart, the Myrmidon is a ship designed to persist in battle. Its numerous medium and high slots allow it to slowly bulldoze its way through the opposition, while its massive drone space ensures that no enemy is left unscathed. |
The Myrmidon is the typical level 3 missioning ship. It can fit a passive shield tank like the Drake, but most Gallente players will focus on armor tanking skills, and its armor repair bonus make it an excellent armor tanker.
The Myrmidon can also be an excellent PvP ship, though the damage potential is less than the Brutix with most fittings. The myrm is sometimes used in PvP with dual or triple reps. The Myrmidon has a 100 mb drone bandwidth. Ogres may have difficulty tracking targets smaller than battleships, and travel time can also be an issue depending on the initial engagement range. Pilots without T2 ogres may wish to use hammerheads, valkyries, warriors, and ec-300 drones in their drone bay instead.
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Gallente Battlecruiser bonuses (per skill level): The Talos began in YC 110 as an R&D concept by ORE. Conceived as a patrol craft for mining operations in lawless space, the Talos would have been abandoned completely were it not adopted by the Black Eagles, a black-ops branch of the Gallente government. The Black Eagles stripped the Talos of non-essential systems and bolted on battleship-class weapons, creating a quick-strike craft ideal for guerilla action. |
The Talos is the Gallente Attack Battlecruiser.
Gallente Battleship bonuses (per skill level): The Dominix is one of the old warhorses dating back to the Gallente-Caldari War. While no longer regarded as the king of the hill, it is by no means obsolete. Its formidable hulk and powerful drone arsenal means that anyone not in the largest and latest battleships will regret ever locking horns with it. |
The mission Dominix fits are cap stable with Energy Management IV, Energy Systems Operation IV, Controlled Bursts III, and Fuel Conservation III (for the afterburner version). The single LAR tank version should be used in easier missions and the dual LAR in harder missions. Although as your skills increase and you become more familiar with L4 missions, you may want to set up some mission-specific fitting variants. Some people prefer heavy drones, other prefer sentries. Try both and upgrade whichever you prefer to Tech 2. If you use sentries, you should consider fitting some Omnidirectional Tracking Links in mid slots.
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Gallente Battleship bonuses (per skill level): Recognizing the necessity for a blaster platform to round out their high-end arsenal, the Federation Navy brought in top-level talent to work on the Hyperion. The result: one of the most lethal and versatile gunboats ever to take to the dark skies. |
The Hyperion is unloved by many. In battleship fleets, remote repping is far superior, making the local rep bonus pointless. For Uni operations, it might act as a decent bait ship during lowsec patrols for pilots with too much ISK on their hands.
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Gallente Battleship bonuses (per skill level): The Megathron has established itself as one of the most feared and respected battleships around. Since its first appearance almost two decades ago it has seen considerable service in the troublesome regions on the outskirts of the Federation, helping to expand and defend Gallentean influence there. |
The Megathron is one of the best player vs. player ships available to the Gallente. With his high amount of high slots and low slots, it can fit a sporty tank while dealing out a relatively high amount of DPS. Common setups for the Megathron include "Blaster"-throns and "Sniper"-throns, the former being a close range blaster fitted ship while the latter being a railgun fitted long range ship.
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The Gallente industrial hauler ships between them provide tremendous flexibility in hauling. The Nereus and the Iteron Mark V are the "standard" haulers, with the Nereus focusing on speed and tank over cargo capacity, and the Iteron Mark V focusing on the opposite. The Kryos, Epithal and Miasmos are specialised haulers with massive cargo bays for specific cargo (minerals, planetary commodities, and ore, respectively).
T1 industrials are useful to transport large amounts of cargo, but they are vulnerable to suicide ganks in highsec, and piracy in lowsec. For war time hauling, a hauling alt is recommended. See the Creating an Alt Hauler article for more information.
Gallente Hauler bonuses (per skill level): Originally set to sail under the guise of "Iteron", this new iteration of an old stalwart is fast and reliable. It is equally popular among civilians and militaries due to its low price and ability to be fitted in myriad different ways. Despite its speed and resilience, however, it may need to be guarded while in particularly unfriendly territories, which is why it has also been outfitted with a drone bay for extra protection. |
Gallente Hauler bonuses (per skill level): This lumbering giant is the latest and last iteration in a chain of haulers. It is the only one to retain the original "Iteron"-class callsign, but while all the others eventually evolved into specialized versions, the Iteron Mk. V still does what haulers do best: Transporting enormous amounts of goods and commodities between the stars. |
Ammunition, Range, and Kiting
You should carry 3 types of ammo during missions, and switch when required. By default, close range (antimatter or plutonium) ammo should be used. If you are taking too much damage at close range, switch to medium range (lead or thorium) or long (iron or tungsten) range ammo and fire from further away. Guns can suffer from tracking issues, so it is recommend to use the 'keep at range' option instead of the 'orbit' option. With the amount of enemies in missions, orbiting is less likely to mitigate the total incoming damage from rats. Even close to optimal, when orbiting and using close range ammo, guns will often have difficulty tracking enemies. Enemies should be kept close to optimal with the 'keep at range' option, this should keep angular velocity low to avoid suffering from tracking issues, and as long as enemies are within optimal there will be no reduction in damage from range.
Antimatter requires the most cap, has the shortest range, and does the most damage. Lead requires the least cap, has no range modifier, and does middling damage. Iron has the longest range, and the least damage.
To find out your optimal with ammo, load ammo in your guns, then right click and show info. The optimal displayed in the attributes will be adjusted for ammo and skills. Or better yet, use EFT and import your character skills to see all of your ship's stats.
For PvP, faction antimatter and null (blasters) or spike (rails) are usually used. Javelin (rails) has half the optimal of antimatter, better tracking, and similar DPS. Void (blasters) has slightly better DPS than faction antimatter, and better optimal, worse falloff, worse tracking, and worse cap consumption. Void can be useful in some circumstances, especially if the target has multiple webs applied to it. It is often better to keep at range close to your optimal in PvP to avoid tracking problems. Orbiting can cause tracking problems, except with small ships orbiting large ships due to the higher signature radius making shots hit the target easily.
When using a battleship that requires cap boosters, it is recommended to keep a medium standard container in the cargo hold. This will provide extra space, which is handy for switching out ammo types and picking up loot after a fight. Always make sure you have the required space for one full load of ammo in the cargo hold, otherwise switching ammo will be difficult.
Tech and Meta Levels
- See also: Techs, Tiers and Meta levels
These fittings were made mostly using Tech 1 Meta 0 modules for frigates and cruisers, and meta 4 and Tech 2 for larger ships. Higher Meta items up to meta 4 will often be easier to fit. Tech 2 is Meta 5, and usually harder to fit. Meta 3 and 4 are usually expensive, often more expensive than Tech 2. Meta 1 and 2 modules will often be less expensive than Meta 0, due to low demand and high supply on the market. Sometimes meta 4 is cheaper and better than Tech 2, like for ECCM modules. Some meta 4 modules are nearly always used instead of the T2 version, because the T2 having worse attributes and being harder to fit, like for armor plates.
In PvP, frigates and cruisers are often not worth fitting expensive modules on for low skill point or inexperienced pilots. Tech 1 Meta 0 modules are provided freely by the university. Once pilots have the skill points, a certain amount of combat experience, and enough ISK to replace bigger ships, they should consider moving to a battlecruiser with T2 fittings.
Pilots without T2 guns fitting a BC for PvP should probably avoid the overpriced meta 3 and 4 guns. Some of the meta 3 and 4 medium waepons are reasonably priced, but many are not, and will only make your ship into a loot piñata for the enemy when it is destroyed, for very little increase in effective dps. It is recommended to get T2 guns before getting into BC, BS, or any T2 damage dealing ships for PvP.
Meta 4 guns are recommended on some of these PvE ships, as many gallente pilots in their early careers will focus sooner on T2 drones than T2 guns. Some Meta 4 guns are reasonably priced, others are hideously expensive. If you can't afford to lose expensive Meta 4 guns, downgrade them to meta 3 or 2 instead.
Meta level can be checked in the 'show info' window under the attributes tab. Items without a meta level displayed in the attributes tab are meta 0. Meta level can also be displayed in a ship or station hangar when the items are displayed in list mode. To add the Meta column, right-click the header and select 'show meta lvl'.
Small drones should be used against frigate sized enemies, medium drones should be used against cruiser sized enemies, and heavy drones should be used against battleship sized enemies. Sentries are mostly meant for battleship sized enemies, but if smaller enemies are far enough that tracking and signature radius isn't an issue, they can deal relatively well those.
Amarr drones are not recommended; due to their low damage multiplier, they are rarely useful. Even against rats who's lowest resistance is EM damage, they can be outperformed by Gallente drones. However, the Amarr curator sentry drones can be good to use against rats with a low EM resist (depending on range and tracking). Gallente drones have the highest damage multiplier, and thermal damage is the best or second best damage to deal against many rat types. It is strongly recommended to fit the best drone types to match rat weaknesses.
- Caldari scout drones: Guristas, Mordu's Legion, Mercenaries, Serpentis
- Gallente scout drones: Blood Raiders, Sansha's Nation, Rogue Drones
- Minmatar scout drones: Angel Cartel
Some of these factions have ships with variable resists in different ship sizes. It is advised to check the two lowest resist options and compare drone damage reports. NPC Damage Types
Drone aggro should be watched. When arriving in a mission room, aggro should be acquired by approaching enemies and shooting them with guns. If a new wave of enemies arrives and the drones catch aggro, they should be recalled to the drone bay, and released only when the enemies have targeted your ship. Under normal circumstances, you should never lose drones when using proper aggro management with rats. Some missions have particular aggro rules that can lead to drones getting shot, check Eve Survival mission reports for details.
Keyboard shortcuts are recommended for drone management. Drones need to be initially launched manually from the drone window, but shortcuts can be set for attack and return to drone bay commands.
In PvP, Gallente and Minmatar scout drones are used almost exclusively. Gallente drones for their damage potential, Minmatar drones for their speed and explosive damage which armor tankers will not always patch. Explosive damage is also better than thermal against a wider range of T2 ships that have augmented resists. Amarr drones are sometimes used in PvP to gank mission runners and ratters that have a weak EM hole. For sentries, bouncers are popular for their damage type and range.
In general, it is better to keep drones in passive mode. In missions and wormholes, drones on active can trigger a new wave earlier than desired. In PvP, drones on active mode can lead to having an aggression timer when it is not wanted and being unable to dock or jump through a gate.
See Drones and Using Drones for more advice on drone selection and deployment.
Related Links
- Basic skills and Support skills - Training support skills is a key step towards flying a ship well. Read up on support skills here.
- Fitting Guidelines - Some general guidelines for fitting ships.
- Fitting Modules and Rigs Guide - A list of rigs and module types with short descriptions.
- NPC damage types and NPC Ship Attributes - To see which resists to use and damage types to deal against NPC rats.
- Creating an Alt Hauler - Having an alt hauler can be useful for shopping trips during wartime, if you are living in highsec.