Diablo Nebula

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Diablo Nebula
Type Mykoserocin
Subtype Amber

CaldariBlack Rise

CaldariThe Forge
Units per Cloud 2000, 2000, 2000
Sum of Units 6000
Guarded ? No
Deadspaced ? ?
Gas cloud harvesting

This is a high/low sec gas site found through Exploration. It may also spawn in some nullsec systems.

Gas Harvesting in low and null sec is perilous.

Defenders: None

Minable Gas Clouds:

3 Amber Mykoserocin (2000 units each) 6,000 units total.

Amber Mykoserocin is used in the production of the Synth Blue Pill Booster and Axosomatic Neurolink Enhancer.

This site is found in Cache, Black Rise and The Forge regions of space.