Thick Nebula

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Thick Nebula
Type Cytoserocin
Subtype Celadon
Location Icon corporation.pngPegasus constellation of the
Icon corporation.pngFountain Region
Units per Cloud 1000
Sum of Units 1000
Cloud Damage ?
Guarded ? Yes
Deadspaced ? No
Gas cloud harvesting

Thick Nebula is a gas exploration site containing gas used in the production of Medical boosters.

This is a null sec gas site found through Exploration.


Wave #1

Battleship 4 x Battleship Core Baron/Commodore
Hauler 3 x Industrial Serpentis Transport Ship Wreck may contain minor drugs, e.g. Blue Pill, Mindflood.

Minable Gas Clouds:

1 Celadon Cytoserocin (1000 units in the gas cloud)

Celadon Cytoserocin is used in the production of the Standard Exile Booster Booster.

This site is found only in theIcon corporation.pngPegasusconstellation of theIcon corporation.pngFountainregion of space.