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Data centers are beacon locations, located is several solar systems. Each data center has agents you can accept missions from. You can find the data center beacon in the overview or in you scanner window and warp to that location.

Agent missions from data centers consist of 2 different types of missions: Keeping Crime In Check (pirate tag hand-ins) and multi-part Graduation Certificate/Data Transportation (simple courier of 0.1m3) and combat mission chains.

  • Pirate tags can sometimes be looted from pirates or purchased from the regional market.

Data Center

Each faction has 3 systems with agents.

  • Two systems have between 2 and 3 agents, one of whom offers a simple courier mission of 0.1m3 of their faction's Graduation Certificate to a station a few jumps away in High Security space.
  • The third system has 12 agents for pirate tag hand-ins, with 3 of each being Level 1 (0.0 standing minimum), Level 2 (1.0 standing minimum), Level 3 (3.0 standing minimum), and Level 4 (5.0 standing minimum).

The exception to this are the Amarr Data Centers, which have 2 systems for pirate tag hand-ins with 12 agents each for a total of 24. Both the Amarr Empire and the Ammatar Mandate are represented.

If you fail a data center mission, you will lose corporation and faction standing. Remember, you can talk to each agent only once !

Documented Standing Changes with Social V

Gallante: Completing Beizan Picholen from agent Vausitte Yrier

  • Before Mission Amarr 1.94 - Caldari 2.52 - Gallante 2.2 - Minmatar 2.6
  • After 1st Mission - The Graduation Certificate: Amarr 1.92 - Caldari 2.47 - Gallante 2.26 - Minmatar 2.63