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Below are expanded and clarified elements of the [[EVE University Rules|EVE University Rules]] and SOP. It is also suggested that members check the [[Do's and Don'ts During War]] article for tips and explanations as to why the rules are as they are.
Below are expanded and clarified elements of the [[EVE University Rules|EVE University Rules]] and SOP. It is also suggested that members check the [[Do's and Don'ts During War]] article for tips and explanations as to why the rules are as they are.
= Communications =
# Remember that no communication channels are ever 100% secure, so ensure that all information on targets or fleet composition is limited to Corp and Alliance channels. Remember to mention the formation of the fleet in the private [[Chat Channels and Mailing Lists|Chat.E-UNI]] channel for any members who are logged in on alts.
# It is important that all members ensure they do not discuss the war anywhere other than the private [[Chat Channels and Mailing Lists|E-UNI channels]] and [http://forum.eveuniversity.org forums]. This rule includes any alts and those who have left E-UNI for the duration of the war and expect to return.
# Fleet Commanders are authorized to say "GF" (good fight) in local after combat, or to answer questions from neutrals regarding the fleet. That is all.
# Actions or behavior that damage the morale of E-UNI is not permitted. If you do not like the restrictions, then you may leave for the duration of the war and still retain access to the majority of resources. Repeated issues may end up with a director doing this for you, and may adversely affect your ability to return.
= Requests for Clarification =
= Requests for Clarification =

Revision as of 20:51, 20 July 2011

This is a work-in-progress.

During war, EVE University and Ivy League uses a strict set of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), typically referred to as the "War SOP".

These are part of a carefully crafted war doctrine, based on years of experience in EVE, that is intended to bring the war to a quick close by denying the war's entertainment or profit value to the enemy, and by frustrating or even boring the enemy at every chance we get, while still meeting the University's educational goals by teaching students how to fight wars. To that end, the SOP is intended to:

  • Deny the enemy easy kills of helpless non-combat ships.
  • Deny the enemy easy kills of poorly-fitted ships.
  • Deny the enemy any kills of high-value ships that will look good on his killboard.
  • Deny the enemy any chance to banter or smack talk with us.
  • Ensure that the enemy's only contact with EVE University is losing his ships to our overwhelming war fleets.

During War

The Default SOP applies to all members when the DEFCON level listed in the Chat.E-UNI channel is set as DEFCON 1. While this is typically during wartime, it may also be applied during peacetime if required.

The below rules are as clear as they can be made, but if you require clarification, then please speak to a Director. There are no hidden meanings, and anything not listed here is not an official rule.

In the event you break one of the rules, then you should admit it and accept the consequences, rather than attempting to avoid the repercussions, as you will typically find leniency. Most wartime violations result in the person involved being temporarily removed from E-UNI, which we hate having to do.

You must not be undocked unless you are...

This counts for your characters in E-UNI; for those not in corp, it doesn't count.

...in a combat fleet

Combat fleets are three or more combat fitted ships, who are engaging war-targets, or hostiles in LowSec and NullSec.


Travelling is moving with no cargo (opposed to hauling) and is only allowed in Tackle Frigates, Shuttles and Starter Frigates. There is no requirement that you must travel toward HQ.

...at the E-UNI POS

Setting up overviews, practising scanning and sparring can be don at the POS, as it will engage any hostile targets on grid with you.

You cannot fly any...

There are a number of restrictions on what ships you are allowed to fly during wars. If you want to fly one of these ships, then you must receive written permission from the Fleet Admiral or CEO

...'Covert Ops' ship without a certification

This is any ship which can fit a Covert Ops Cloak, such as:

Individual certifications will be available from the ILN.

...Tech 2 BattleCruisers or Battleships

...Tech 3 ships

...Mining Ships

This is any ship which has a bonus to mining lasers, such as:

The only exception to this is the Osprey as it can be used as simple and cheap Tech 1 Logistics ship.


This is any ship which is designed to move large amounts of cargo around, such as:

...faction ships

  • Any ship with 'Issue' in the Name.
  • Any 'Pirate' faction ship.
  • Any ship listed in the 'Faction' subsection on the Market

...rare or unique ships

This is any ship which has been seeded by CCP, and the blueprints are not available for, such as:

...Capital Ships

This is any ship which requires a jump drive to move around, such as Dreadnoughts and Carriers.

You must fit...

...your ship for PvP

This depends greatly on the ship, but means no Mining lasers, cargo expanders or exploration modules, with a Buffer Tank. For appropriate fittings, see the forum.

...your guns and launchers efficiently

This means using faction ammo where you can as the extra damage is worth the money, but if you cant afford it, thats ok. Remember you don't need to fill your cargo, no matter what the ammo - you need only take one or two reloads on most fleets.

...no faction, officer or deadspace modules

This is any module with a Meta Level above 5.

...a Tech 2 tank on BattleCruisers and Battleships

This means your tanking modules are mainly Tech 2, such as Hardeners, Extenders, Plates and so on. There are some exceptions to this where the Meta 4 module has better statistics, and is cheaper or easier to fit, but in all cases you must have the skills to fit the modules individually.

...your ship for its role

This should go without saying, but it means the modules on your ship should not cost massively more than the value of the hull. Tackle frigates are fit cheaply and disposably, and module cost scales with the cost of the hull.

...appropriate rigs

You must always...

...be on Mumble when in space

You don't have to be able to speak, just to listen. This counts for travelling as well as fleets.

...follow OpSec

Operational Security is very important in a group the size of EVE University which has recruiting this open.

...check the Local channel for War-Targets

Check it before you undock, and keep checking it whenever you are in space. Hostiles may appear at any moment.

...dock up if there are War-Targets

If not in a fleet and you see a War-Target in space then dock up, otherwise the fleet should be killing them.

...avoid Trade Hubs

These are prime hunting grounds for most wartargets, and will often have war-targets or their alts present. Avoid them wherever possible, and use Trade skills for station trading there if you must.

You Must Never...

...speak to a War-Target

Apart from a "GF" (good fight) in local, we use our guns to communicate with war targets. Only Directors are allowed to talk to them, so just ignore them and report any attempts to contact you, and report their attempts to the Director of Public Relations or another Director.

...use the Autopilot

Apart from using it to plot a course and highlight gates, it must never be used to actually fly your ship. All manoeuvres must be done manually.

...mine, anywhere at all

Mining leads to sitting still for ages, not really paying attention, and is the ideal way to trade your ship for a cluster of twisted metal. Mining in exploration sites, mission spaces or even in wormholes is not allowed.

...haul items

A massive percentage of our war-targets declare war on E-UNI specifically to kill people hauling items. This means moving anything in your cargo other than ammo, charges or modules to swap out with current fit.

...run Agent Missions

This includes any mission which requires you to move items, such as Distribution or Mining and includes Epic Arc missions. Missions which require you to kill NPCs, such as Security Missions, may only be run during the Relaxed SOP.

...run any PvE in known space

This means exploration sites, COSMOS, static complexes, or Incursions. Exploration sites are allowed only in wormhole space.

...go AFK in space

Never leave your ship unattended when in space. Always dock up if you have to leave. Even if you are cloaked.


...must have at least three E-UNI members

These are individual people who are current EVE University members, so people running multiple accounts or alt's don't count toward this.

...should have a covert scout if possible

At least one covert scouts is encouraged but is not a requirement. If a scout isn't available, then you can use picket frigates instead. Remember that the scout does not have to be in E-UNI.

...must be on Mumble with the FC able to talk

Fleets must use the Uni Mumble server for voice communications, and the Fleet Commander must be able to talk. The few seconds needed to type out or otherwise pass a command are often the difference between a success and the loss of the whole fleet.

...members must not be impaired

This means in PvP, you have one account logged in, not multiple accounts you are splitting your focus across (for example an out of corp scout). Similarly, fleet members must not be tired and/or intoxicated.

...should save the Loot Log

Save the Loot Log where possible, and send it to the Fleet Admiral or another Admiral along with any loot from any war targets. Loot from E-UNI wrecks should be collected and given back to the owner where possible. If these aren't available, the items may be dropped into the "Ivy League Navy" Hangar at PTS or CBT in Aldrat. Fleets during peacetime may set their own loot policy or donate it to the ILN, with donations during in peacetime not required.

You can...

There are a number of options which you can do during wars apart from fleets hunting War Targets.

...run fleets in LoSec and NullSec

Just because there are no war targets around doesn't mean there is nobody to fight. Take a fleet out to losec or nullsec, and see what you find.

...run Wormhole Operations

You may run combat sites in wormholes during wartime. All the other rules are in effect however, so fleets must be PvP fitted and have at least three E-UNI members. A cloaked scout is required to stay at the exit to known-space.

If you have a significant sized fleet (eight or more members), salvage Destroyers, BattleCruisers or a Noctis may be used in wormhole fleets. These ships MUST fit a cloaking device and full tank, and sit cloaked at a safe spot until time to salvage and then be guarded while salvaging. This is the ONLY exception.

...station trade

Remember that moving cargo (items not for your current ship) is prohibited while using an E-UNI character, and the Daytrading, Marketing and Procurement skills allow you to trade remotely. Shopping trips are still prohibited.

...use an out of corp character

You can use an out-of-corp character or alt for Missions, Mining and Hauling. Many missions may be accepted on your E-UNI character but performed with an alt.

...leave E-UNI until the war ends

If you want to, you may leave the Uni until the war ends without any penalties. You will retain access to the vast majority of forum content, channels, classes, the Wiki and even Mumble, and will be fast-tracked when returning.

Relaxed SOP

The "Relaxed SOP" is a modification to the normal SOP which allows E-UNI members to engage in limited PvE activity without dropping from the corporation. Management will notify E-UNI members when Relaxed SOP is in effect via the Message of the Day Chat.E-UNI and an EVE-mail to the alliance.

  1. Missioning (agent missions) may be run in a fleet of at least three E-UNI members.
  2. All fleet members must be together on the same grid (i.e. in the same mission space)
  3. All ships must be fitted for PvP combat, and be ready to engage a hostile target.
  4. Courier/mining/non-combat missions are still prohibited and must be performed using an out-of-corp alt.
  5. Should wartargets enter the system, you must dock immediately.
  6. Ratting, Complexes, Exploration sites are still prohibited in k-space.
  7. All other rules remain in place.


Lockdowns may be called by ILN ranks Captain and up, managers in dire need, and Directors.

  • Lockdowns mean any NON-fleet activity is no longer allowed and all pilots MUST be docked unless in a combat fleet and ordered to be undocked by their FC.
  • Once the wartargets are gone, the lockdown should be lifted by the one calling it or another who may call one.
  • The only people allowed in space during a lockdown are combat fleets hunting the wartargets in system.
  • If there is a lockdown in an area, you may not travel into or out of the lockdown area, except via clone jump.


In the event of a violation of the above restrictions, ILN personnel are to follow the process below, leading to destruction of a members ship and pod if they do not respond.

If at any time the subject 'wakes up', then must be ordered to dock immediately, or if the subject refuses to cooperate, or a war-target appears on-grid, then the personnel are authorised to skip straight to destruction of the subjects ship or pod.

  1. Try to convo, evemail and get their attention via alliance and corp chat.
  2. Fire a single warning shot.
  3. Wait 30 seconds.
  4. Warp scram and web target, fire second shot.
  5. Wait 30 seconds.
  6. Destroy ship.
  7. Collect loot, vaporize or salvage the wreck immediately and place the remains on contract to the subject.
  8. Repeat with Pod if needed.

This may seem harsh, but denying the war-targets kills of the 'easy targets' they expect has shown to end the war significantly quicker than normal, and there can be no excuse for not knowing the rules.


Below are expanded and clarified elements of the EVE University Rules and SOP. It is also suggested that members check the Do's and Don'ts During War article for tips and explanations as to why the rules are as they are.

Requests for Clarification

All requests for clarification must be made directly to the directors. If in doubt, avoid the element which is unclear until clarified.

Further Reading


For new players, its not immediately obvious why the rules are as they are. Below are some explanations to some of the more common questions.