Core Skills

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This pages lists some of the more fundamental skills in eve for the given categories. It serves as an overview to show some "core" skills that are likely trained sooner or later by every pilot. These need to be trained to use common modules or increase basic attributes of ships or piloting attributes (e.g. targeting). It leaves many of the more specialized skills that are either depended on specific weapon types or used later in your eve career as well as all the skill needed to fly specific ship classes out.

For in-depth descriptions of skill training mechanics, and discussion of training strategies, consult Skills and Learning.

For a list of skills you would want to learn as a beginner see Basic Skills.

Ship Attributes

Ship Handling


Non Remote Shield/Armor Repairs

  • Repair Systems - 5% Reduction in repair systems duration per level. Allows use of armor/hull repair modules.
  • Shield Compensation - 2% Reduction of capacitor use in shield boosters.

Cap/CPU Resource Reduction Modules

  • Energy Grid Upgrades - Reduces CPU use of capacitor batteries and power diagnostic units
  • Electronics Upgrades - Reduces CPU use of signal amplifier, Co-Processors and backup sensor array.
  • Weapon Upgrades - Reduces CPU use of turrets and launchers.
  • Mining Upgrades - Reduces CPU use of mining upgrade modules.
  • Shield Upgrades - Reduces Powergrid use of shield extenders and shield rechargers. Allows use of shield upgrade modules.
  • Advanced Weapon Upgrade - 2% Reduction of powergrid usage for turret and missile systems. Requires Weapon Upgrades V.

Skills for Common Items and Tasks

Turret Based Skills

Missile Based Skills

Standings and Mission rewards

  • Connections - Boosts NPC standing.
  • Fast Talk - Faster security standing increases.
  • Negotiation - Increases ISK rewards offered by mission agents
  • Social - Boosts the size of standings increases with NPCs, NPC corporations and NPC factions

Mining and Refining




  • Trade - Increase of market orders possible at the same time.
  • Accounting - Reduction of transaction tax when selling items.
  • Broker Relations - Reduction of fee to put up market orders.