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Embed a list of Category Pages

Category:Distribution missions

Category:Distribution missions


Main article: Doctrines

Articles detailing specific fleet doctrines. These articles should ideally include information about fittings, design philosophy, and intended use.


Main article: Dreadnoughts


Main article: Drones

Articles and media related to drone mechanics and use.

Category:E-Uni Services

Category:E-Uni Services

Category:EDENCOM Battleships

Main article: Battleships

This is a collection of the pages containing EDENCOM battleships, organized by ship.

Category:EDENCOM Cruisers

Main article: Cruisers

This is a collection of the pages containing EDENCOM cruisers, organized by ship.

Category:EDENCOM Frigates

Main article: Frigates

This is a collection of the pages containing EDENCOM frigates, organized by ship.

Category:EVE Partnership Program

Category:EVE University

This category contains all articles directly relating to EVE University and the Ivy League Alliance.

Any articles or media directly relating to EVE University should belong to this category. Apply the most specific sub-category as possible. Most sub-categories will not contain any media.

Category:EVE University Campuses

EVE University was previously ran by runs several campuses later renamed communities. These were supported by hangers in their various headquarters.

Category:EVE University Communities

EVE University runs several communities. These are supported by hangers in their various headquarters.

Category:EVE University Departments

The departments of EVE University.

Category:EVE University Directorates

The Directorates of EVE University.

Category:EVE University History

Articles about EVE University's history. Though not technically a maintenance category, articles in this category should be considered deprecated and are no longer maintained. They are kept for their historical relevance to EVE University, and should not be deleted.

To add a page to this category, use the Template {{Historical}}

Category:EVE University Incursion Community


A category for pages about Incursions that is mostly about how we do things in the EVE University Incursion Community, which may differ from how other public communities do things. This category is a subcategory of Category:Incursions.


The {{eunic}}-template should be added to pages that fall into this category to add the notice on top of the page.

Category:EVE University Policies

This page contains links to EVE University's official policies. These should be read in conjunction with the EVE University Rules. If you have any questions about these policies please contact EVE University Management. Please do not modify any policies without approval from a Director.

Category:EVE University Services

EVE University runs a variety of programs for the benefit of its members.

This category lists all the services provided by EVE University.


All content that assists with editing or creating content on Eve Uni Wikipedia should be categorised here.

Category:Electronic Attack Frigates

Main article: Electronic Attack Ships

Category:Encounter missions

Category:Encounter missions

Category:Epic Arcs

This category contains articles related to Epic arcs such as lists, guides or other adjacent articles.

Individual epic arc mission articles should be assigned to Category:Epic arc missions.

Category:Epic arc missions

This category contains individual Epic arcs mission articles.

Category:Equilibrium of Mankind

Category:Equilibrium of Mankind

Category:Event Sites

Category:Event Sites

Category:Event sites

Category:Event sites


This category contains a library of standard plans and resources for popular events.

Media integral to running an Event, such as images used in forum posts or third-party applications, and screenshots of the event should always be in this category. Media in this category may often belong to both Category:Events and their normal, most appropriate category.

Any UniWiki user can create a new event by using the Template:EVEUniEvent provided, and following the guidelines in the Guide to Running Events.


Main article: Exhumers


Main article: Expansions

Articles detailing the changes introduced in the various expansions. Though these articles almost always detail past events, they should not be marked as deprecated, as they serve as a useful record for tracking when particular changes were implemented.

Category:Expedition Frigates

Main article: Expedition Frigates


Articles detailing expeditions (also known as escalations).


Main article: Exploration

Articles related to exploration, scanning, and hacking. This category includes both combat and non-combat sites.

Category:Faction Battlecruisers

Main article: Battlecruisers

Category:Faction Battleships

Main article: Battleships

Category:Faction Cruisers

Main article: Cruisers

Category:Faction Destroyers

Main article: Destroyers

Category:Faction Dreadnoughts

Main article: Dreadnoughts

Category:Faction Frigates

Main article: Frigates

Category:Faction Warfare

Main article: Faction warfare

Articles related to faction warfare and pirate insurgency.


Main article: Factions

Articles and media related to NPC factions. Faction logos belong here, but logos for corporations within a faction should be placed in Category:Corporations.


Articles containing player-created fiction. Articles detailing official fiction published by CCP should be put in Category:Lore.


This is a category for pages about ship fitting in general. It includes fitting guides and strategies, both for all fits and for specific ship classes.

For fittings for a specific ship, see Category:Fittings.


This is a collection of the pages containing one or more ship fittings (See also: Template:ShipFitting). For more general information about fitting, see Category:Fitting. See UniWiki:Announcements for why most ship fittings were deleted.

Category:Flag Cruiser

This is a collection of the pages containing information on Flag Cruisers, ships that specialize in survivability and observation at the expense of virtually all other functions. These are typically used by Fleet Commanders who need to maintain visibility on grid and defend against "headshotting", the elimination of a fleet commander early in a fight to reduce the opponent's ability to coordinate actions.


Pages relating to fleets, fleet formation and fleet roles.

Articles assigned to Category:Fleets should not also be automatically assigned to Category:PvP. Fleets are used outside of PvP in a variety of situations, particularly in Incursions, but also during group mission running, or as a means to form "standing" or "quick-response" fleets.

Category:Force Auxiliaries

Main article: Force Auxiliaries

Force Auxiliaries (singular: "Force Auxiliary", sometimes abbreviated as "FAX") are capital-sized logistics and fleet boosting ships that receive bonuses to logistics drones. Only Force Auxiliaries can fit triage modules.

Category:Formatting templates

Templates used for formatting the input into Templates, tables, boxes, panels or other shapes.


Main article: Freighters

Category:Game Events

Category:Game Events

Category:Game Mechanics

Category:Game Mechanics