EVE University Management

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This article is about the CEO, Directors, and Managers of EVE University. For the general functionality of CEOs and Directors in player corporations, see Corporations.
Christmas Eagle Logo.png This page is specific to EVE University. Other corporations or groups in the game may operate differently.
For a summary of EVE University's rules and code of conduct, see EVE University Rules.

EVE University is run as a dictatorship, with the CEO having overall control. There are seven main directorates which are each run by Directors, and each directorate is split into different departments which are run by Managers. Managers oversee the running of the departments, whilst Directors set policies and directions for Managers to follow.

Outside this management structure, EVE University also has a team of Student Advocates. Their role is to act as mediators to resolve any student disputes as well as to act as a point of contact for the student body and bring any concerns to the attention of management.

Chief Executive Officer

Laura karpinski.jpg Laura Karpinski - Send a forum PM

The CEO oversees the whole of EVE University, setting the general direction and making decisions which affect the whole corporation.

Head Diplomat

Treatle Omaristos.jpg Treatle Omaristos - Send a forum PM

The Head Diplomat manages the Diplomats and acts as a point of contact for organizations outside of EVE University who have questions about standings and other diplomatic issues.

Main article: Diplomacy Department

Assistant Managers:

Serendipity Wolfson.jpg
Serendipity Wolfson

Director of Education

TitusTallang.jpg Titus Tallang - Send a forum PM

The Director of Education oversees the training of members and new players. He decides on the overall strategies to maximise the educational side of EVE University.

Main article: Education Directorate

Events Manager

FalckLongbottom.jpg Falck Longbottom - Send a forum PM

The Events Manager oversees the scheduling of events, manages the Events Coordinators, and supports students in developing and running their own events.

Main article: Events Department

Assistant Managers: None

Fittings Manager

Budda Sereda.jpg Budda Sereda - Send a forum PM

The Fittings Manager manages Fittings Staff and oversees the updating of EVE University recommended ship fittings.

Main article: Fittings Department

Assistant Managers:

Biwako acami2.jpg
Biwako Acami

Teaching Director

DunarDolorgiet.jpg Dunar Dolorgiet - Send a forum PM

The Teaching Director oversees the teachers and guest lecturers. He is also responsible for the teaching and training resources EVE University provides.

Main article: Teaching Department

Assistant Managers:

Felecia Venucci.jpg
Jason Eoner Felecia Venucci

Director of Finance

AzmoValar.jpg Azmodeus Valar - Send a forum PM

The Director of Finance oversees the finances for EVE University, which is run almost entirely on donations.

Main article: Finance Directorate

Director of Human Resources

DuneBarphsaq.jpg Dune Barphsaq - Send a forum PM

The Director of Human Resources oversees the recruitment, orientation and progression of EVE University students. His job is to enable a smooth transition for new members joining EVE University, and as they progress through the corporation.

Main article: Human Resources Directorate

Mentor Manager

Beren Mahanaxar.jpg Beren Mahanaxar - Send a forum PM

The Mentor Manager administers the mentor program, pairing up new members with more experienced mentors to assist them.

Main article: Mentor Department

Assistant Managers:

Martin Vanzyl.jpg
Yrael Oramara.jpg
Martin Vanzyl Yrael Oramara

Orientation Manager

96px Torr Victros - Send a forum PM

The Orientation Manager manages the Orientation Officers, who provide a contact point for new EVE University members and follow up their early progress.

Main article: Orientation Department

Assistant Manager:

B'aldrick Aivoras.jpg
B'aldrick Aivoras

Personnel Manager

Jilokari kurvora.jpg Jilokari Kurvora - Send a forum PM

The Personnel Manager manages the Personnel Officers, who review applications and interview EVE University applicants, and sets policies affecting recruitment.

Main article: Personnel Department

Assistant Managers:

Jameson Bolmara.jpg
Palja Kurman.jpg
Jameson Bolmara Palja Kurman

Titles Manager

Sebastian Teg.jpg Sebastian Teg - Send a forum PM

The Titles Manager manages the Titles Officers, who review applications from members for progression titles, and sets policies affecting titles.

Main article: Titles Department

Assistant Managers: None

Director of Logistics

Turhan Bey.jpg Turhan Bey - Send a forum PM

The Director of Logistics is responsible for coordinating logistical support for EVE University, including providing EVE University supply services to benefit and support members.

Main article: Logistics Directorate

Hangar Manager

OspreyPrime.jpg OspreyPrime - Send a forum PM

The Hangar Manager is responsible for ensuring an adequate supply in the EVE University hangars.

Main article: Hangar Department

Assistant Manager:

Telorian Shoran.jpg
Telorian Shoran

Industrial Services Manager

PaulUmwelt.jpg Paul Umwelt - Send a forum PM

The Industrial Services Manager is responsible for promoting industry and supporting EVE University members in their industrial ventures.

Main article: Industrial Services Department

Assistant Managers: None

Reimbursement Manager

DavidMatsuda.jpg David Matsuda - Send a forum PM

The Reimbursement Manager administers the Ship Replacement Program and The Implants Program.

Main article: Reimbursement Department

Assistant Manager:

Krevlorn Severasse.jpg
Krevlorn Severasse

Director of Special Projects - AMC, NSC, Project Solitude, WHC

This role is shared, see also Director of Special Projects - HSC, Incursions, LSC, Cross Campus Initiative
BoraVyvorant.jpeg Bora Vyvorant - Send a forum PM

One Director of Special Projects oversees the Amarr Mining Campus, Project Solitude, Null Sec Campus and Wormhole Campus.

Main article: Special Projects Directorate

Amarr Mining Campus Manager

Jeffersonspence.jpg Jefferson Spence - Send a forum PM

The AMC Manager is responsible for the Amarr Mining Campus.

Main article: Amarr Mining Campus

Assistant Manager:


Null Sec Campus Manager

LanikSolette.jpg Lanik Solette - Send a forum PM

The NSC Manager is responsible for the Null Sec Campus.

Main article: Null Sec Campus

Assistant Managers: None

Project Solitude Manager

96px Exorcist Wraith - Send a forum PM

The Project Solitude Manager is responsible for Project Solitude.

Main article: Project Solitude

Assistant Managers: None

Wormhole Campus Manager

Arimos.jpg Arimos - Send a forum PM

The Wormhole Campus Manager is responsible for the Wormhole Campus.

Main article: Wormhole Campus

Assistant Managers: None

Director of Special Projects - HSC, Incursions, LSC, Cross Campus Initiative

This role is shared, see also Director of Special Projects - AMC, NSC, Project Solitude WHC
Pehuen.jpg Pehuen - Send a forum PM

One Director of Special Projects oversees the Cross Campus Initiative, High Sec Campus, Incursion Community, Low Sec Campus.

Main article: Special Projects Directorate

Cross Campus Initiative Manager

96px Croixant - Send a forum PM

The Cross Campus Initiative Manager is responsible for administering the Cross Campus Initiative Program.

Main article: Cross Campus Initiative

Assistant Managers: None

High Sec Campus Manager

LeFleur.jpg LeFleur - Send a forum PM

The High Sec Campus Manager is responsible for the High Sec Campus.

Main article: High Sec Campus

Assistant Manager:

Ersin Oghuz.jpg
Ersin Oghuz

Incursion Coordinator

Cassiel Seraphim.jpg Cassiel Seraphim - Send a forum PM

The Incursion Coordinator is responsible for the EVE University Incursion Community.

Main article: EVE University Incursion Community

Assistant Managers: None

Low Sec Campus Manager

Glen Burney.jpg Glen Burney - Send a forum PM

The Low Sec Campus Manager is responsible for the Low Sec Campus.

Main article: Low Sec Campus

Assistant Managers: None

Director of Structures

Kaein Soturus.jpeg Kaein Soturus - Send a forum PM

The Director of Structures oversees the deployment and maintenance of EVE University structures, including citadels and player owned starbases.

Main article: Structures Directorate

Director of Web Services

Bateslarsson.jpg Bates Larsson - Send a forum PM

The Director of Web Services is responsible for the development and maintenance of software and tools used by EVE University.

Main article: Web Services Directorate

Wiki Manager

DjavinNovienta.jpg Djavin Novienta - Send a forum PM

The Wiki Manager manages the Wiki Team and oversees the updating and general maintenance of the UniWiki.

Main article: Wiki Department

Assistant Managers: None

EVE University Founder

Morning Maniac.jpeg Morning Maniac

I founded EVE University to create a place where new players could get together and be appreciated for who they were. Classes and doing things together were important but nothing was, and is, more important than the positive attitude towards new players.

In the first three years I clocked about 4000 hours logged-in in the service of the University. After some real life changes my available free time was greatly reduced but I could rely on a great team of directors and managers to run the Uni. In the last three years I was mainly concerned with extinguishing fires and the occasional directorship drama, but fortunately for me and everyone involved these issues have become less frequent and intense. The current leadership is stable and doing well, and they seem to share my vision of what the University should be and they work hard to shape it as such, with all the limitations of the game and the people in it.

More changes in my real life have resulted in even less EVE time and as a result I feel now removed from the game. Because of that I have decided that it is in the best interest of EVE University that I resign from my CEO position. I have asked Kelduum to succeed me and he has accepted the job.

What does this mean for the University and its members? Well, nothing. It means that now the formal power will be with the person who has already been in charge for a long time. I trust that Kelduum and the rest of the leadership will continue to run and build the University as they have done in the past. If they should decide to take another route then that's fine too.

As for me? I hope to stay a member of the University. If and when I have time I would like to log in and just join the chat with the new guys. The enthusiasm of new players is what I always enjoy most about EVE. Besides, there is always a lot to learn in EVE.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone for putting your trust in me. When I founded the Uni I had no idea where it would go. Where we are today is far beyond anything I could have imagined. I have learned so much, I have met amazing people and had a great time. All thanks to you, members past and present of EVE University.

Directors Emeriti

The following were previous EVE University Directors or very long-serving Managers who have stepped down from their positions but have been granted Director Emeritii status.

Name Previous position Comments
Irrilian TBC
Bruno Bonner TBC
Finraer TBC
Kassie Kelmar TBC
Dookagalla TBC
Kodell TBC
Morning Maniac EVE University Founder
Miraki Alsento Director of Communications
METADOG Director of Personnel
Dierdra Vaal Director of Education
Korr'Tanas Student Relations Manager Was never technically a director, but served 9 months as Student Relations Manager among near 3 years of other solid Uni contributions, thus earning him the same honor.
Kyrlin DiShai Director of Intelligence
Storiim Tsovoran Director of Intelligence
BladeHeart Student Relations Manager Never technically a director, but a long serving and valued member of staff who held several management positions.
Neville Smit Director of Education "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in." (First time)
Silentbrick Fleet Admiral of the ILN
Ubercado Fleet Admiral of the ILN
Gibson Thunderbird Director of Special Projects Best of luck, Gibson - where ever you are. We miss you.
Darian Reymont Director of Human Resources Also spent time as Director of Personnel.
Kelduum Revaan CEO
Marius Labo Director of Human Resources Also spent time as Student Relations Manager.
Bairfhionn Isu Director of Education
Neville Smit Director of Education Second time
Frood Frooster Director of Special Projects
Irdalth Delrar Director of Public Relations Managed the EVE University tools and server. Previously also spent time as Director of Diplomacy.
Kivena Director of Communications Also spent time as Director of Education and Director of Public Relations (before that became Communications)
Bashir Managing Director Was previously Director of Diplomacy for many years
Rose Chanlin Director of Communications Was also previously the Personnel Manager and Campus Coordinator