The Blood-Stained Stars/Chapter 1 - Quality of Mercy

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Main article: The Blood-Stained Stars

Mission 1 - A Beacon Beckons

Type Encounter
Objective Approach the wrecked ships
Rewards 100,000 ISK + ~192,000-200,000 ISK (bonus)
Sister Alitura
Mission briefing
I ask for help, and they send me a capsuleer.

You are a capsuleer, aren't you? An immortal pilot who subverts the rules of life and death, who shapes the fate of empires? You'll have to excuse my skepticism.

I work with a humanitarian organization, the Sisters of EVE. I've seen your kind hasten the deaths of millions every day. You expect me to believe that you're different? To prove yourself, your actions will have to do the talking.

We've just received a distress call from a ship called the Damsel, and you're the closest aid available right now. Get out there and save some lives. Prove to me you're not just another murderous liar with a god complex. With all the power at your disposal, you certainly could be a force for good. And one thing is certain: Good is in dire need of allies these days.

--The mission can be completed remotely and the next mission can be accepted remotely.--

To start the mission go to Arnon IX - Moon 3 and dock up at the Sisters of EVE Bureau station. Click on the Agents tab, and start a dialogue with Sister Alitura.

This is a very easy mission - there is no danger of attack. You can do this mission in an unarmed shuttle, in fact. Just fly to the center of the wrecks. Check out the dreadnought wrecks - they're interesting to see. You can complete this mission remotely when you achieve the objective.

Approach the wrecked ships. Location: Manarq (0.8)

Finding the Damsel - Sometimes objects and entities found in space are not displayed in the default overview settings. Adding "Large Collidable Objects" in Celestials and "Large Collidable Structures" in Entities to the overview can reveal details such as object names.

Hand-in message
It seems CONCORD was faster to respond, but your backup was definitely appreciated. There were a handful of survivors picked up. They've been taken to various care facilities in the area – wherever vacancies could be found.

Mission 2 - Agent Inquiry

Type Talk to Agent
Objective Report to Tevis Jak
Rewards 100,000 ISK + ~149,000-209,000 ISK (bonus)
Mission briefing
We got some interesting information out of your trip. It seems no one fired on the Damsel. Something must have happened inside the ship.

We'd like you to track those survivors down, see if you can get any information about the ship's path, pilot, or cargo. We need to know what caused this disaster.

CONCORD is the first logical step. I've gotten in touch with CONCORD Agent Tevis Jak, who may have information for you. His location is being uploaded to your NeoCom: he's currently acting as an ORE agent. Go see if you can find a piece of this puzzle.

Tevis Jak

Another very easy mission - just fly to the agent in Tar and start a conversation. For people having trouble with this mission, the way you "report" to the agent is by selecting him from your PvE overview, then clicking the sound like shaped icon in the selected item window. If this button isn't visible, then you probably have the beacon selected instead. Try switching overviews.

Mission 3 - Of Interest

Type Encounter
Objective Eliminate any pirates present at the wreck site. Retrieve Strange Datacore (0.1 m3)
Faction Blood Raiders
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Rewards 100,000 ISK + ~140,000-203,000 ISK (bonus)
Mission briefing
Yeah, I picked up the crew that outlived that explosion – pretty massive, whatever it was. I'll see if I can track down the facilities they were sent to if you can do me a favor.

A bunch of pirates have been scavenging the explosion site. Go and take them out for me. It shouldn't be too much trouble for a capsuleer, and you might even find some extra information. Hell, you can probably get it done in the time I'll need to look up the rest of this data. Damn legacy systems...

Destroy all the ships present. There is now a "Strange Datacore" in your cargo hold, so return to Tevis Jak in Tar and start a conversation with him to complete the mission.


Frigate 2-3 x Frigate Corpii Follower/Worshipper Last ship triggers reinforcement 1

Reinforcement 1

Frigate 2-3 x Frigate Corpii Herald/Upholder Last ship triggers reinforcement 2

Reinforcement 2

Frigate 3-4 x Frigate Corpii Follower/Worshipper Mission Completion

On destroying last wave:
My sensors are picking up a strange bit of tech in your cargo. Bring it to me.

Mission 4 - Retrieving Red

Type Encounter
Objective Destroy the pirates, find Red and bring him back to Tevis Jak.
Faction Blood Raiders
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Rewards 100,000 ISK + ~150,000-199,000 ISK (bonus)
Mission briefing
Okay, I found your first guy, but it looks like he's already shipped out again. What a fighter, huh? He's down in the crew manifest as "Red", and his convoy has him listed under the same handle, so there you go.

I'm giving you coordinates to intercept the convoy now. You should be able to catch them before they get too far. Go quick, though: I'm worried that they don't have enough security to deal with the number of 'rats – sorry, pirates – where they're headed. They might need your help.

Destroy all ships present. Red's body magically appears in your cargo once all the ships are destroyed.

Taking it back to Tevis Jak gives you this message: "Dead, is he? Figures. I'll keep the investigation open, but unless something changes there's little CONCORD can do."

Initial Group

Frigate 3 x Frigate Corpii Follower/Worshipper Reinforcements


Frigate 1-2 x Frigate Corpii Raider/Diviner

Mission 5 - Alerting Alitura

Type Talk to Agent
Objective Report to Sister Alitura
Rewards ~155,000-202,000 ISK + ~148,000-172,000 ISK (bonus)
Mission briefing
Just got a message from Sister Alitura. I sent her that weird datacore you found at the site. She says they weren't able to decipher it. Pity.

Still, she's very interested in consulting with you. So go do what she wishes. The Sisters are good people.

Sister Alitura

Fly back to Sister Alitura in Arnon IX - Moon 3 - Sisters of EVE Bureau, and open a dialogue with her for the next mission.

Mission 6 - Jet-Canning a Janitor

Type Encounter
Objective Kill the pirates, find Nebben Centrien and return him to Sister Alitura.
Faction Serpentis
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Thermal damage ThKinetic damage Kin
Rewards 100,000 ISK + ~180,000-214,000 ISK (bonus)
Mission briefing
We have another crew member located. The ship's janitor, Nebben Centrien, is stationed at a small outpost. We hope he'll have a lead on where some of the other personnel are recuperating.

In light of what happened to Red, I'd like you to bring him back here once you've found him – for his own safety, you understand.

If you think it’s easy to find people to take on the janitor role between the stars -- well, it’s not, okay? Janitors are in high demand, especially in places frequented by capsuleers, who are not exactly famous for cleaning up after themselves.

After destroying the enemy ships, collect Nebben from his shuttle and return to Sister Alitura.

Initial Group

Frigate 2 x Frigate Coreli Spy/Agent Reinforcements


Frigate 3-4 x Frigate Coreli Scout/Initiate Last ship destroyed drops Centrien's Shuttle
  • On reinforcement destruction, Nebben Centrien says:
Nebben Centrien:
"Yeah, I know where Aubrei--the ship's cook--was headed, but I'll need a terminal to give you the coordinates. A terminal in a safe station. I'm not stupid."

Container Centrien's Shuttle 1x Nebben Centrien, Janitor

Mission 7 - Chivvying a Chef

Type Encounter
Objective Rescue Chef Aubrei Azil
Faction Rogue Drones
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Explosive damage ExKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Rewards 100,000 ISK + ~120,000-158,000 ISK (bonus)
Mission briefing
We got the information from Nebben, but there's a problem.

It appears Aubrei Azil, the ship's cook, has shipped out as well. There's no way they would all get reassignments so soon after an incident like this. They're being shuffled through the system so we don't find them. And then there're the drones….

You need to find Aubrei. If we follow this long enough, we might discover who doesn't want the truth uncovered.

Vital Staff
A good ship’s cook is a valuable asset. It’s much easier to keep morale up when you don’t have to rely solely on generic frozen food. Real chefs who are willing to work in the often-cramped conditions aboard ships are in high demand.

As you approach his transport, the enemy will appear.

You do not need to attack any of the enemies - you can simply get Azil aboard and head back to Sister Alitura's station.

Return to the SoE Bureau station in Arnon to complete the mission.

Upon arriving, Azil will transmit:
"Hey, could you give me a hand, here? The damn things took out my propulsion; I'm dead in the water!"

Container Azil's transport Aubrei Azil

When approaching Azil's Transport

In local
Aubrei Azil: "Holy shit, they're back!
Wave 1

Frigate 2-3 x Frigate Infester/Splinter Alvi Wave 2

Wave 2

Frigate 3-4 x Frigate Infester/Splinter Alvi
if you do destroy the rogue drones, Sister Alitura will say:
"Rogue drones? Hmm. Well, bring Azil back here and we'll see what we can do for him."

Mission 8 - Delivering a Doctor

Type Encounter
Objective Deliver the ransom money (3  m3) for Dr. Lujia Elban (1  m3).
Faction Serpentis
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Thermal damage ThKinetic damage Kin
Rewards 100,000 ISK + ~140,000-177,000 ISK (bonus)
Mission briefing
We've located the doctor from the wrecked ship. Unfortunately, we've located her by way of a ransom demand. We want this doctor alive, so we're going to pay it. Luckily they just want planetary currency, so the real ISK value is minimal. I'll put the money in your hangar when you accept this mission.

I need you to take the ransom to the designated drop location. They're to drop off the doctor as soon as you drop off the money.

That's the plan, anyway. I'd be prepared for a double-cross, just in case.

Video: [Talwar April 2020]

Deliver ransom money (provided by Sister Alitura) for Dr. Lujia Elban (1.0 m³). Then bring back Dr. Elban to the agent.

Be sure to put the "A Lot of Money" item (3.0 m³) into your ship cargo hold before leaving the station.

You will warp in 15km from a container called "Dead Drop". After placing the money in the container, the pirates will appear at ~25 km range and attack you.

After destroying the second wave, the doctor silently and magically appears in your cargo hold. Return to the SoE Bureau station to report back to Sister Alitura and complete the mission.

Anyone thinking about trying to get the money back from the dead drop should know that although the dead drop can be damaged, the money is destroyed along with it if you blow it up.

~15km from warp-in

Container Dead Drop

When delivering the ransom

Serpentis Raiders
That worked out well. I wonder how much cash we can get if we kill you and keep the doctor?
Wave 1

Frigate 2-3 x Frigate Coreli Spy/Agent Last ship destroyed triggers wave 2

Wave 2

Frigate 3-4 x Frigate Coreli Spy/Agent

Mission 9 - Engineering a Rescue

Type Encounter
Objective Rescue Engineer Tahaki Karin (1  m3) from her ship, The Heartbreak.
Faction Rogue Drones
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Explosive damage ExKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Rewards 100,000 ISK + ~105,000-129,000 ISK (bonus)
Mission briefing
We've gone a long way, but we've found the key survivor. Her name is Tahaki Karin. She was the engineer on the main ship from the ruined fleet, and she's signed on to the crew of the Heartbreak. She may be the only one who knows what really happened.

You know the drill by now: Get out there and get her before someone else does. I'm fairly certain there'll be someone there to shoot at you.

Rescue Engineer Tahaki Karin (1.0 m³) from her ship, The Heartbreak - Located in Arnon.

Note: you do not need to destroy any of the rogue drones to complete this mission.

You will warp in about 20km from The Heartbreak, and Tahaki Karin will transmit a panicked distress call. 4 x rogue drone frigates will be closing in, at 25km range.

Approach The Heartbreak to loot it and bring Karin into your cargo hold. If you destroy the first set of rogue drones, a second wave will appear at 5-10km ranges consisting of 4 x Decimator Alvi rogue drone frigates.

On arrival - Tahaki Karin
Get me out of here! This thing might explode any second now!


Container the heartbreak Tahaki Karin

Frigate 3-4 x Frigate Splinter/Infester Alvi reinforcement


Frigate 3-4 x Frigate Decimator Alvi

Mission 10 - Going Gallente

Type Talk to Agent
Objective Repport to Delphine Xarasier
Rewards 100,000 ISK + ~186,000-254,000 ISK (bonus)
Mission briefing
Remember the strange datacore you found? We've determined that it must have been made by rogue drones of some kind. I’m sending you to Gallente space, where I’ve contacted someone who can help you continue this investigation. Her name is Delphine Xarasier, an agent for CreoDron and the daughter of their chief researcher. We've tapped out our other leads for now, which leaves us in need of more information on drones, and she can certainly give you that.
Delphine Xarasier

Report to Delphine Xarasier: located in Harerget V - Moon 1 - CreoDron Factory.

No worries here - just set destination and travel to Harerget, eight high sec jumps away, and dock at the CreoDron Factory station.

Next chapter: Chapter 2 - Automaton Impediment