Asteroids and ore
Reason: Need additional table information for border/A0 and Pochven asteroids. Outdated info on 'collossal' etc belts should be removed.
Asteroids are large irregular chunks of rock that can be found in many places throughout New Eden. When mined, asteroids yield ore which, when refined, produces minerals of various types that serve as the basic building blocks of almost every craftable item.
Where to find asteroids
Asteroid belts
Virtually every star system in EVE (with the notable exception of Jita) has at least one asteroid belt. Most star systems have several – up to more than a dozen in some cases. These belts are listed on the overview and the right-click menu, and can have two kinds of geometry: one is a rough semicircle of asteroids, approximately 50 km in diameter, the other being asteroids dispersed over a spherical volume with a radius of about 70 km. A ship warping to an asteroid belt's beacon (through the right-click menu or the overview) will warp to the center of the asteroids. Note that mining lasers have an (unboosted) range of only 10-15 km, so in order to mine asteroids a ship has to fly closer to the belt after warping in. If you want to save on travel time, you can warp to mining bookmarks instead.
A given belt will have a mixture of asteroids containing different ores. The mixture and size of the asteroids (i.e. how much ore each asteroid contains) is determined by the system's location in the EVE universe and its security status (see asteroid distribution below). Each asteroid belt contains a finite number of asteroids (which disappear once fully mined), but the asteroids respawn after downtime if there are no asteroids left. The website Dotlan has maps showing the number of belts per system.
Cosmic anomalies
One of the two kinds of cosmic anomaly contains asteroids (the others contains hostile rats). The asteroids in cosmic anomalies tend to be a little larger and contain rarer ore than the normal asteroid belts in a star system. However, unlike asteroid belts, once all the asteroids in the anomaly have been mined, the anomaly disappears after broadcasting a short message in Local. As with all cosmic anomalies, new anomalies spawn semi-randomly.
Note that in many locations you will find decorative asteroids, which cannot be mined or otherwise interacted with. These will have colorful names such as "Snake-shaped Asteroid".
There are different types of asteroid cosmic anomalies, named by what kinds of ores are contained within. Each type comes in several variants (small, medium, average, and large) – the "larger" the anomaly, the more asteroids (and hence the more ore) it contains. A "Small Kernite and Omber Deposit" therefore contains a small number of Kernite and Omber asteroids, while a "Large Bistot Deposit" contains a large number of Bistot asteroids. Different types may have different number of variants. Smaller anomalies tend to contain only base ore variety and larger ones contain all three variaties (base, +5% and +10%).
Highsec does not have ore anomalies, the exceptions being border ores (see § Border ores) and Asteroid Belt Remnants anomaly in new players spawn areas which contain Veldspar. Lowsec, NPC nullsec, Sovereign nullsec, Wormhole space and Triglavian space all have different types of anomalies.
Deadspace pockets
Mineable asteroids can also spawn in deadspace pockets, such as the ones created for missions. Unlike asteroid belts, these are not organized into a set shape. Some are composed of dense clumps of asteroids, while others are scattered fields. For a list of which missions' deadspace pockets contain asteroids, see Mission mining or EVE-survival.
Ore locations
- For the distribution of ice asteroids, see Ice distribution.
The EVE universe can be divided into four quarters:
- The Amarr quarter (includes systems held by the Amarr, Ammatar, Khanid, Blood Raiders, and Sansha's Nation)
- The Caldari quarter (includes systems held by the Caldari and Guristas)
- The Gallente quarter (includes systems held by the Gallente and Serpentis)
- The Minmatar quarter (includes systems held by the Minmatar and Angel Cartel)
Each of these four quarters has its own set of asteroid types. Additionally, systems with different security rating have different asteroid types.
Ores in belts
Highsec and lowsec
System security rating |
Quarter | |||
█ High Sec 1.0 to 0.5 |
Veldspar Scordite | |||
█ High Sec 0.9 to 0.5 |
Pyroxeres | Pyroxeres ≤ 0.7: also Plagioclase |
Plagioclase | Plagioclase |
█ Low Sec 0.4 to 0.1 |
Pyroxeres Kernite Jaspet |
Kernite Pyroxeres |
Omber Jaspet |
Kernite Omber |
█ Low Sec 0.2 to 0.1 |
Hemorphite | Hedbergite | Hemorphite | Hedbergite |
Ores in null security space
Null security space is not as clearly defined as high security due to being player owned. Instead it is easiest to classify it by Security Class, which is most easily viewed via sites like Dotlan by using the Security Class filter on a map. We will ignore the security class number, using only the letter, as it seems this is exactly what is important.
The following table shows the security class letter used for null security regions:
Class Letter | Region | Pirates type |
F | Detorid, Cache, Insmother, Impass, Feythabolis, Tenerifis, Omist | Angel Cartel |
G | Stain, Esoteria, Querious, Paragon Soul, Delve, Period Basis | Blood Raiders and Sansha |
H | Vale of the Silent, Tribute, Venal, Geminate, Deklein, Tenal, Branch | Guristas |
I | Wicked Creek, Scalding Pass, Great Wildlands, Curse, Catch, Immensea, Providence | Angel Cartel |
J | Pure Blind, Syndicate, Fade, Cloud Ring, Outer Ring, Fountain | Serpentis and Guristas (Pure Blind) |
K | Cobalt Edge, Perrigen Falls, Malpais, Oasa, Kalevala Expanse, Outer Passage, Etherium Reach, The Spire | Drones |
Security class F-J follow simple rules defined in the following table. Note that for many regions some security levels do not exist leading to missing some ores, for example in Curse all systems are between 0.0 and -0.3 which according to this table leads to no ore belts at all.
Note that there seem to be some additional exceptions that do not show ingame through Agency window, but are present in belts. For example, -1.0 system MVUO-F in Period Basis seems to have Arkonor in belts in addition to four other ores predicted by this table.[Verify]
Dronelands regions (class K) all contain Arkonor, Bistot and Mercoxit, but the security level at which each ore starts differs from region to region. Moreover, even inside of a region contents of belts differ a lot between systems which hints that there is some other rule used here. The general rule seems to be that the further from Empire, the less ores are present. For example, in Etherium Reach, close to Empire, Bistot starts from 0.0, Arkonor starts from -0.2 and Mercoxit starts from -0.5 (though not in all -0.5 systems). On the other hand, in Cobalt Edge Bistot starts from -0.6, Arkonor from -0.7 and Mercoxit from -0.8.
Note that mining Mercoxit requires the Deep Core Mining skill as well as special mining modules (Deep Core Miners or Deep Core Strip Miners). All other ore types can be mined with all types of ore mining lasers or strip miners.
Ore anomalies
For more detailed information on ore locations:
High security space
- See also: High-sec
Highsec does not have ore anomalies, the exceptions being border ores (see § Border ores) and Asteroid Belt Remnants anomaly in new players spawn areas which contain Veldspar.
Low security space
- See also: Low-sec
- Jaspet (medium)
- Gneiss (small • average • large)
- Dark Ochre and Gneiss (small • average • large)
- Crokite and Dark Ochre (small • average • large)
- Crokite, Dark Ochre and Gneiss (small • average • large)
- Hedbergite, Hemorphite and Jaspet (small • average • large)
Null security space
- See also: Null-sec
- Arkonor and Bistot - Pre-Equinox sites
- Small Arkonor and Bistot Deposit - unknown respawn, 224k m3 volume, rocks size: 28k, 37k
- Medium Arkonor and Bistot Deposit - unknown respawn, 448k m3 volume, rocks size: 32k, 45k
- Average Arkonor and Bistot Deposit - unknown respawn, 576k m3 volume, rocks size: 16k, 19k
- Large Arkonor and Bistot Deposit - unknown respawn, 2.63m m3 volume, rock size 21k, 23k, 30k, 36k 41k, 44k
- Bistot - Pre-Equinox sites
- Small Bistot Deposit - unknown
- Average Bistot Deposit - unknown
- Large Bistot Deposit - unknown respawn, 2.39m m3 volume, rock size 56k
Note that mining Mercoxit requires the Deep Core Mining skill as well as special mining modules (Deep Core Miners or Deep Core Strip Miners). All other ore types can be mined with all types of ore mining lasers or strip miners.
- Main article: Wormhole sites#Ore sites
Arkonor, Bistot, Gneiss, Kernite, Omber, and Pyroxeres deposits may be found in wormholes.
With the creation of Pochven, new ore types were added to the game which can only be found in these areas. Bezdnacine, Rakovene, and Talassonite are the new ores, while Spodumain and Mercoxit can also be found there, with Mercoxit only spawning in home systems.
█ Pochven | Talassonite Rakovene Bezdnacine |
Ore Prospecting Arrays
In player-owned sovereign nullsec, it is possible to deploy Ore Prospecting Arrays, a deployable sovereignty structure which, when deployed in a system, periodically generates asteroid clusters of various sizes at set intervals.
All sizes of asteroid clusters are capable of spawning regardless of system security status, and all clusters of a given size contain the same volume of ore, but asteroid clusters in lower security levels will spawn the more valuable ore variants with greater frequency. All clusters contain varying amounts of all Arkonor and Bistot, additionally different clusters provide access to Mercoxit, Pyroxeres, Omber, Kernite, Crokite.
These sites sometimes spawn as Large Potent Asteroid Cluster, Enormous Potent Asteroid Cluster, and Colossal Potent Asteroid Cluster. Rich variants have been spotted as well. These are usually variations of the sec status of the space.
- Small Asteroid Cluster - 1 hour respawn, 340k m3 volume, rocks size: 20k or 80k m3
- Medium Asteroid Cluster - 2 hour respawn, 1.18m m3 volume, avg rocks size: 12k, 15k, 72k, 133k, 160k
- Large Asteroid Cluster - 3 hour respawn, 1.88m m3 volume, avg rock size: 2.6k, 48k, 192k, 266k
- Enormous Asteroid Cluster - 4 hour respawn, 3.21m m3 volume, avg rock size: 7k, 8k, 30k, 200k, 432k
- Colossal Asteroid Cluster - 5 hour respawn, 3.90m m3 volume, avg rock size: 28.8k, 160k, 200k
Respawn cooldown to all Asteroid Cluster anomalies scales based on the size of the anomaly, listed above.
Some of these new sites are majorly changed with the new Equinox release, with NPC players able to pick which anomalies they want to spawn. This data is rapidly being gathered at this time. A new smaller Prospecting Array was added, and the existing Prospecting Arrays were move to 'Isogen Prospecting Arrays 2' with a patch [1].
- Isogen Prospecting Arrays
- 1 - TBD - 1:00 hour respawn time, 325k volume, avg rock size: unknown
- 2 - Griemeer Deposit - 4:20 hours respawn time, 3m volume, avg rock size: 36k, 37k, 39k, 43k
- Mexallon Prospecting Array
- 1 - TBD - 1:00 hour respawn time, 500k volume, avg rock size: unknown
- 2 - Kylixium Deposit - 4:20 hour respawn time, 3.0m volume, avg rock size: 26k, 33k, 37k, 39k
- Megacyte Prospecting Array
- 1 - Small Ueganite Deposit - 1 hour respawn time, 500k volume, avg rock size: 11k, 15k, 20k, 24k
- 2 - Ueganite Deposit - 4:20 hour respawn time, 4.0m volume, avg rock size: 37k, 45k, 51k
- Mercoxit (Does not have an official Prospecting Array, just shows up alongside other arrays)
- Small Mercoxit Deposit - exists, 10k volume
- Average Mercoxit Deposit - exists, 40k volume
- Large Mercoxit Deposit - 2.5 hours respawn time, 240k volume, avg rock size: 10k, 13k, 17k
- Nocxium Prospecting Array
- 1 - TBD - 1:00 hour respawn time, 325k volume, avg rock size: unknown
- 2 - Nocxite Deposit - 4:20 hour respawn time, 3.0m volume, avg rock size: 19k, 22k, 27k, 63k
- Pyerite Prospecting Array
- 1 - TBD - 1:00 hour respawn time, 1,000k volume, avg rock size: unknown
- 2- Mordunium Deposit - 4:20 hour respawn time, 6.0m volume, avg rock size: 38k, 40k, 46k, 63k
- Tritanium Prospecting Array
- 1 - TBD - 1:00 hour respawn time, 500k volume, avg rock size: unknown
- 2 - Veldspar Deposit - 4:20 hour respawn time, 3.7m volume, avg rock size: 31k, 35k, 41k
- Zydrine Prospecting Array
- 1 - Small Hezorime Deposit - 1:00 hour respawn time, 750k volume, avg rock size: unknown
- 2 - Hezorime Deposit - 4:20 hours respawn time, 5.6m volume, avg rock size: 33k, 132k, 240k
Note that the respawn timer for medium deposits begin when a site is fully cleared, but small deposits begin their respawn timer as soon as the first ship warps onto the site.
Mining Escalation
The Equinox release introduced a mining Escalation called the "Interstitial Ore Deposit". (Escalations are chance-based secondary sites that can be created when you finish certain sites.) This voluminous asteroid field is more valuable compared to standard null sec fields both in total value and ISK-per-minute terms, however it seems to be quite rare. They de-spawn 6 hours after creation, per the person who reported it [2].
- Interstitial Ore Deposit - no respawn timer, expires in 6 hours, 8.5m volume, avg rock sizes: 69k, 89k, 160k. (was 4.5m volume, avg rock sizes: 8k, 11k, 15k, 18k, 20k, 22k)
Border ores
█ Null Sec & Wormhole with A0 star 0.5 High-Low border systems |
Ducinium Eifyrium Mordunium Ytirium |
- Empire Border Rare Asteroids - instant respawn, 211k m3 volume, avg rock size: 7.5k, 8k, 17k, 33k
- Nullsec Border Rare Asteroids - instant respawn, 279k+ m3 volume, avg rock size: 13k, 15k, 49k
- Nullsec Blue A0 Rare Asteroids - instant respawn, 3.5m m3 volume, avg rock size: 9k, 28k, 44k, 144k
- W-Space Blue A0 Rare Asteroids - instant respawn, 1.8m m3 volume, avg rock size: 9k, 21k, 40k, 43k, 64k, 108k
[show]A long, long time ago... |
Ore variants
Most asteroid types have two extra subtypes that yield more (+5% / +10%) minerals when reprocessed; some of the ores have also a +15% subtype. Otherwise they are identical in every way to their base ore, and are found in the same regions, but in lower quantities. For instance, if an asteroid belt has Omber asteroids, it will also have some Silvery Omber asteroids and a few Golden Omber asteroids. If you get the chance, you should always mine the higher-yield variants before mining the base ore.
Base ore | +5% variant | +10% variant | +15% variant | size (m3) | Minerals |
Veldspar | Concentrated Veldspar | Dense Veldspar | Stable Veldspar | 0.1 | Tritanium |
Scordite | Condensed Scordite | Massive Scordite | Glossy Scordite | 0.15 | Tritanium, Pyerite |
Pyroxeres | Solid Pyroxeres | Viscous Pyroxeres | Opulent Pyroxeres | 0.3 | Pyerite, Mexallon |
Plagioclase | Azure Plagioclase | Rich Plagioclase | Sparkling Plagioclase | 0.35 | Tritanium, Mexallon |
Omber | Silvery Omber | Golden Omber | Platinoid Omber | 0.6 | Pyerite, Isogen |
Kernite | Luminous Kernite | Fiery Kernite | Resplendant Kernite | 1.2 | Mexallon, Isogen |
Jaspet | Pure Jaspet | Pristine Jaspet | Immaculate Jaspet | 2 | Mexallon, Nocxium |
Hemorphite | Vivid Hemorphite | Radiant Hemorphite | Scintillating Hemorphite | 3 | Isogen, Nocxium |
Hedbergite | Vitric Hedbergite | Glazed Hedbergite | Lustrous Hedbergite | 3 | Pyerite, Nocxium |
Gneiss | Iridescent Gneiss | Prismatic Gneiss | Brilliant Gneiss | 5 | Pyerite, Mexallon, Isogen |
Dark Ochre | Onyx Ochre | Obsidian Ochre | Jet Ochre | 8 | Mexallon, Isogen, Nocxium |
Crokite | Sharp Crokite | Crystalline Crokite | Pellucid Crokite | 16 | Pyerite, Mexallon, Nocxium |
Spodumain | Bright Spodumain | Gleaming Spodumain | Dazzling Spodumain | 16 | Tritanium, Isogen, Nocxium, Zydrine, Megacyte |
Arkonor | Crimson Arkonor | Prime Arkonor | Flawless Arkonor | 16 | Pyerite, Mexallon, Megacyte |
Bistot | Triclinic Bistot | Monoclinic Bistot | Cubic Bistot | 16 | Pyerite, Mexallon, Zydrine |
Mercoxit | Magma Mercoxit | Vitreous Mercoxit | 40 | Morphite | |
Ducinium | Noble Ducinium | Royal Ducinium | Imperial Ducinium | 16 | Megacyte |
Eifyrium | Doped Eifyrium | Boosted Eifyrium | Augmented Eifyrium | 16 | Zydrine |
Mordunium | Plum Mordunium | Prize Mordunium | Plunder Mordunium | 0.1 | Pyerite |
Ytirium | Bootleg Ytirium | Firewater Ytirium | Moonshine Ytirium | 0.6 | Isogen |
Bezdnacine | Abyssal Bezdnacine | Hadal Bezdnacine | 16 | Tritanium, Isogen, Megacyte | |
Rakovene | Abyssal Rakovene | Hadal Rakovene | 16 | Tritanium, Isogen, Zydrine | |
Talassonite | Abyssal Talassonite | Hadal Talassonite | 16 | Tritanium, Nocxium, Megacyte | |
Griemeer | Clear Griemeer | Inky Griemeer | Opaque Griemeer | 0.8 | Tritanium, Isogen |
Hezorime | Dull Hezorime | Serrated Hezorime | Sharp Hezorime | 5 | Tritanium, Isogen, Zydrine |
Kylixium | Kaolin Kylixium | Argil Kylixium | Adobe Kylixium | 1.20 | Tritanium, Pyerite, Mexallon |
Nocxite | Fragrant Nocxite | Intoxicating Nocxite | Ambrosial Nocxite | 4 | Tritanium, Pyerite, Nocxium |
Ueganite | Foggy Ueganite | Overcast Ueganite | Stormy Ueganite | 5 | Tritanium, Megacyte |
[show]A long, long time ago... |
Mineral Composition of Ores
- Main article: Minerals
- See also: Reprocessing
The main goal of asteroid mining is to obtain ore that may be reprocessed into minerals: Tritanium, Pyerite, Mexallon, Isogen, Nocxium, Zydrine, Megacyte and Morphite. The amounts of particular mineral highly differ between different ores, leading to some ores being in high demand and having high market value and some ores being borderline worthless.
- ^ Patch notes: Version 22.01 release 2024-10-30.1
- ^ Redit post: Mining Escalations by matzy_2000
External links