Archive:Industry at the NSC
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- Main article: Mining
Much like with anything in NullSec, Mining carries this myth about it that it is extremely dangerous and not profitable, unless done in a Rorqual. With the near constant wardecing that the Uni has to deal with and the added risk of ganking for groups such as CODE, the honest answer is that NullSec is not that much riskier than anywhere else. If anything, it can be potentially easier to identify threats from ganking because local is typically empty or filled with those people who have a +5 standing to the Uni (known as "Blues").
That said, it is vital that anyone who is mining at the NSC is also in the NSC Standing Fleet and in the NSC Mumble channel. These are by far the best and quickest way for the NSC to spread intel about the movement of neutrals and hostiles around Syndicate and therefore are the best places to get a heads up if someone undesirable is heading in the direction of your mining operation.
One other traditional issue is that of Logistics. Mined Ores and Minerals can take up a lot of cargo space and therefore can be a hassle to move to a market to sell. On top of this, we all know that time equals money and therefore moving minerals from NullSec to HiSec to sell can eat into potential earnings. The NSC has a number of members who conduct industry locally to supply the market in PC9-AY with all those lovely modules and ships that people enjoy blowing up. This means that there is a solid local market for minerals to be used for local production and therefore removes that need of the logistical burden. Access to an increased amount of high yield ores, and also rarer Ore and Ice types, only further increases the profits to be made over HiSec.
The NSC offers a Jump Freighter service which can be used to move both minerals and ships between PC9-AY and Jita. The service is there to help everyone, please do not abuse it. Campus members also maintain mining ships and modules on the local market however the supply of these can vary from time to time due to player availability.
Mining Safety
As previously touched on, the largest and most obvious threat to miners are neutral or hostile pilots coming to look for an easy kill at the NSC. There are a couple of basic measures which can be used to mitigate this.
- Never mine with a neutral pilot in system. Everyone who is friendly will be blue to the Uni. If they are not blue, treat them as having hostile intentions.
- Always always always join the NSC Standing Fleet/Mumble. This is the best source of Intel on offer at the NSC. Members will inform you if anyone enters the back pocket and you can also let them know if anyone is causing you hassle.
- Never mine at the warp in. Should anyone get this far and land on grid with you, you want to make sure they do not land at zero and can therefore easily apply a point and/or scram.
- Use bubbles to catch anyone warping from gates. You can place catch bubbles at 100km off the belt by simply warping to the belt from a gate at 100km. This will catch anyone not in an interceptor from trying to land a quick tackle on you. They might choose to warp to a celestial or station first, however that added time is all you need to warp off from the belt.
- Pay attention! Mining in NullSec is not an AFK activity. If you do not pay attention, you will die. If not by players, it will be by the belt rats.
- Never warp direct to an asteroid/ice belt. Create a couple of tactical Bookmarks and warp to them first. If a neutral or hostile pilot suddenly appears in local while you are in mid-warp to the belt it may give you a chance to warp away from the belt again, especially as the other pilot will probably be on grid before you get there.
The second threat is from the belt rats. Due to the much lower security status of NullSec systems, the belts rats are much tougher than those occupying the belts in HiSec and often include multiple battleship spawns. Capital ships can also spawn in NullSec belts which, when not paying attention, will end very badly for the miner. The belt rats and the required tank needed to survive them heavily affect the ships and fittings we use to mine, however they are not a problem 99% of the time. If anyone does find a capital ship occupying a belt, be sure to mention it in mumble and fleet chat. You are in mumble and the standing fleet, right?
- Make sure you add 'Asteroid Serpentis dreadnought' to your overview. This will ensure that you give yourself a chance to warp away with an early warning of the capital ship arriving on grid.
Ore Mining
- Main article: Asteroids and ore
With the security rating of a system affecting the quality of ore available in the asteroid belts, it is always best to mine in the lowest security rating possible in NullSec. For the NSC, the systems of AK-QBU (3 belts) and 5-DSFH (21 belts) offer the best ore mining opportunities and are also conveniently located deepest into the back pocket providing the most advancing warning any inbound hostiles. Both systems have a freeport citadel available that anyone can dock at and both can be used to refine ore, however only the citadel in 5-DSFH has the bonused rig to ore refining (AK-QBU is bonused for ice refining).
The Resource Distribution update drastically reduced the available ore asteroids at the NSC. The available ores in the area are Pyroxeres(including +5/10% variants). Throughout the back pocket we also frequently get access to Asteroid Anomalies which gives the Campus access to Arkonor, Bistot, and Mercoxit.
The Procurer’s tank makes it the obvious choice for solo mining thanks to its ability to tank the belt rats long enough for your drones to dispatch them.
Modulated Strip Miner II, Veldspar Mining Crystal II
Modulated Strip Miner II, Veldspar Mining Crystal II
Medium F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Mining Laser Upgrade II
Mining Laser Upgrade II
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Hornet II x5
Hornet EC-300 x5
Veldspar Mining Crystal II x1
Dark Ochre Mining Crystal II x2
Jaspet Mining Crystal II x2
Plagioclase Mining Crystal II x2
Pyroxeres Mining Crystal II x2
Scordite Mining Crystal II x2

Ice Mining
- Main article: Ice Mining
The NSC is fortunate in that we have our own ice belt within the back pocket located with AK-QBU. If your sole purpose is to mine for profit, then ice mining is where the money is. Being in NullSec, the ice belt within AK-QBU spawns the enriched faction ice asteroids (Thick Blue Ice) and the rarer “standard” ice asteroids that are not available in HiSec (Dark Glitter, Gelidus, Glare Crust). Ice sells very well in trade hubs such as Jita IV-4 however it can be quite easy to flood the local NSC market with too much ice, therefore there can be additional logistics required to sell your minerals.
The Endurance Expedition Frigate is recommended over Mining Barges because of its ability to speed/sig tank belt rats while still maintain a similar yield to a Procurer (around 1 block of ice per min). Also being a Frigate, it has excellent speed and manoeuvrability to quickly evade any potential hostile threats that might appear.
To use the fit effectively, orbit an asteroid at 500m with the afterburner and adaptive invulnerability fields on. If you are not cap stable, capacitor related skills should be made a priority. The Endurance can only field 3 small drones which should be used to clear smaller rats such as frigates, destroyers and cruisers. Battleship rats will not able to hit you and therefore there is no need to remove them.
Prototype Cloaking Device I
Ice Mining Laser II
1MN Afterburner II
Medium F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Ice Harvester Upgrade II
Ice Harvester Upgrade II
Ice Harvester Upgrade II
Small Core Defense Field Extender I
Small Core Defense Field Extender I
Hornet II x3
Hornet EC-300 x3

Ice Harvester II
Ice Harvester II
Limited Multispectrum Shield Hardener I
Limited Multispectrum Shield Hardener I
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Medium Shield Extender II
Ice Harvester Upgrade II
Ice Harvester Upgrade II
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Core Defense Field Extender I
Medium Ice Harvester Accelerator I
Hornet EC-300 x5
Hornet II x5

Gas Huffing
- Main article: Gas cloud harvesting
NSC has access to Celadon and Veridian Mykoserocin gas nebulae that spawn in the pocket. These are cosmic signatures that need to be scanned down and contain clouds that can be harvested using gas cloud harvesters. The Mykoserocin harvested from these sites are used in the production of Gallente Navy Issue, Mordu's Legion, Sisters of Eve, Angel Cartel, Serpentis and Gurista faction ships, as well as capital ship production.
These gas sites do not spawn rats and harvesting the gas does not damage your ship, unlike null sec Cytoserocin gas sites.
Self-Boosting and Multiboxing
Mining is one activity in EVE that scales very well as you increase the number of alts that you use to do it. The addition of a single Porpoise will increase the effectiveness of your yield by approximately 30% with mining boosts while also being able to mine itself using drones. The addition of a swarm of Vespas and a remote shield rep can also allow the mining barge used to be switched to a Covetor to further increase yield, as belt rats can be dispatched that quick that the additional tank from the Procurer is not required. The overall effect is that you are now mining a combined yield similar to the output of three Procurers while only using two alts.
Be warned though, like most things in EVE the increased reward from using multiple alts also comes with an increased risk. Players need to be extremely aware of their surroundings and staying focused is key. The second you stop paying attention is the second that you get caught out. Getting the booster off grid as soon as possible should always be your first priority. If you do use an alt, always be on comms and in the standing fleet, and please feel free to announce to anyone else in game or in Discord that you are now offering mining boosts. You will quickly make friends.
Mining Foreman Burst II, Mining Laser Field Enhancement Charge
Mining Foreman Burst II, Mining Laser Optimization Charge
Small Tractor Beam II
Medium Murky Compact Remote Shield Booster
10MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Large F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender
'Halcyon' Core Equalizer I
Damage Control II
Medium Drone Mining Augmentor II
Medium Drone Mining Augmentor II
Medium Drone Mining Augmentor I
Ice Harvesting Drone II x2
Vespa II x5
Hornet EC-300 x5
Mining Drone II x5
Mining Laser Field Enhancement Charge x1
Mining Laser Optimization Charge x1

NSC Mining Fleets
Mining fleets are a great chance for everyone at the Campus to come together when the rest of Syndicate is quiet, rather than pilots doing activities solo or worse, spinning ships in home station. The sheer amount of ore than can be mined in this manner is great for the local economy and mineral market, and the instant injection of isk into everyone pockets allows individual pilots to further fund the bloodthirsty PvP lifestyle.
Much like many people would be used to if they have flown at the AMC or HSC, a Shared Can mining fleet involves miners jetcanning their ore with all the ore being collated and hauled back to station by a separate pilot. Mining boosts will be provided and scouts will be placed out into the surrounding systems to further enhance the security of the Op. The fleet FC will handle the ore buyback and payouts, based on the AMC’s buyback spreadsheets, before offering the ore to local buyers. Excess ore is moved to Jita and sold, the profits of which go back to the Campus to further fund the SPR and Jump Freighter programs.
Again, much like with using additional alts, as the number of pilots in a belt increases the amount of tank needed decreases as we are able to the kill the rats faster and faster thanks the large size of the drone blob. For this reason, the Covertor is the mining barge of choice when it comes to any and all mining fleets.
If you are interested if conducting a Shared Can mining fleet at the NSC, please contact a NSC Officer and the Campus will support you fully.
- Main article: Mining Fleets
Upwell structures receive higher Material Efficiency and Time Efficiency bonuses from their rigs in Null Security space, 2.1 times higher than High Security space and 1.1 times higher than Low Security Space. This makes the NSC a popular destination for Unistas looking to engage in industry.
There are a number of redundantly bonused structures throughout the backpocket, and you are encouraged to spread your industry activities around to different systems to avoid raising the System Cost Index too high in any given system.
There are a wide variety of Refineries and Engineering Complexes available at NSC. A list of structures and what bonuses they have is maintained on the Eve University forum.
Refining, Reprocessing and Compression
- Main article: Reprocessing
There are refineries at NSC bonused for Ice, Ore, and Moon Ore reprocessing throughout the NSC backpocket.
For assistance with perfect refining, see the Perfect Refine List.
- Main article: Manufacturing
The NSC has a large number of Engineering Complexes available for manufacturing anything from T1 to Capital Ship production.
Moon Mining and Reactions
The NSC backpocket has a variety of moon ores available from a number of Refineries. Structures for Moon Ore reprocessing and Composite, Hybrid, and Biochemical Reactions are also available.
Moon pulls are randomly timed and there is not a schedule available for operational security purposes.
Research & Invention
The NSC maintains two Engineering Complexes, one with bonuses for Invention and Copying (New Republic Research Facility), and the other for Research (Endor). These structures also house the NSC Campus BPO Library. The bonuses are reported taking into account both the rigs and the structure bonus.
Activity | Job Duration Bonus | Job Cost Bonus |
Material Efficiency Research | -15% | -3% |
Time Efficiency Research | -15% | -3% |
Copying | -50.7% | -3% |
Invention | -50.7% | -23.37% |
Activity | Job Duration Bonus | Job Cost Bonus |
Material Efficiency Research | -50.7% | -23.37% |
Time Efficiency Research | -50.7% | -3% |
Copying | -15% | -3% |
Invention | N/A | N/A |