Difference between revisions of "New Frontiers 1-7"

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(Part 4 and minor fixes and info additions)
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{{Update|Need mission briefings for mission 1{{Ndash}}3.}}
|Level= 3
{{NPCTableCSS}} {{MissionLinks}}
|Type= Courier/Encounter/Mining
|Faction1= Mercenaries
|Faction2= Rogue Drones
|EWAR= Web, energy neutralizer
{| align="right"
'''New Frontiers''' is a level 3 mission series ([[Mission chain]]) consisting of 7 missions (4 encounter, 1 mining and 2 courier).
Line 25: Line 10:
* Damage can get quite high for a level 3 in later stages, especially if blitzing.
* Damage can get quite high for a level 3 in later stages, especially if blitzing.
==Raw Materials (1 of 7)==
== Raw Materials (1 of 7) ==
|Level= 3
|Type= Mining
|Type= Mining {{Verify|title= Use slash-command '/open journal' to check the mission type}}
|Objective= Mine 235{{m3}} of Green Aristite
|Faction1= Mercenaries
|Faction1= Mercenaries
Line 43: Line 27:
You must mine the Green Arisite yourself, buying it will not complete the mission.
You must mine the Green Arisite yourself, buying it will not complete the mission. While mining, 3 non-elite frigate rats will spawn{{Verify|title= These might be belt rats?}}<ref group=Note>Possibly [[belt rat]]s i.e belonging to the area default rats and not the mission rat type?</ref><ref group=Note>1 September 2024: No additional rats spawned while mining.</ref><ref group=Note>2 September 2024: Confirmed again, no additional rats spawned while mining in venture, I tried orbitting the ore for a minutes or so, and enabling and disabling the mining laser for a couple times.</ref><ref group=Note>3 October 2024: I took that mission in New Caldari 1.0. Many Mercenary NPCs were present on site (5 Cruiser + 3 Frigates). No initial aggro. After some time 3 Cruisers departed. I was able to mine the Green Arisite from a distanse without being attacked, using a Corvette (Civilian Miner), considered a combat ship (not a Venture). I did the right approach - NPCs aggro on proximity, about 15 km.</ref>.
* Just mine the Green Arisite while tanking.
* Mine the Green Arisite while tanking.
=== Warp-in ===
There are two reinforcement chains. The Mercenary Miners will warp out after a bit if not killed.
There are two reinforcement chains. The Mercenary Miners will warp out after a bit if not killed. Triggers are last kill of specified ship type.
{{NPCTableHead|Initial Group}}
{{NPCTableHead|Initial Group}}
{{NPCTableRow|Industrial|3|Mercenary Miner|cargo = Random drugs|note = Renamed Sansha Transport}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|3|Mercenary Miner|drop= Random drugs|note= Renamed Sansha Transport}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|3|Mercenary Elite Fighter|trigger = Final kill triggers Wave 1}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|3|Mercenary Elite Fighter|trigger= Reinforcement 1-1}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|2|Mercenary Lieutenant|trigger = Final kill triggers Wave 3}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|2|Mercenary Lieutenant|trigger= Reinforcement 2-1}}
{{NPCTableHead|Reinforcements 1}}
{{NPCTableHead|Reinforcement 1-1 (On Initial Group Frigate Destruction)}}
{{NPCTableSeparator|Wave 1}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|4|Mercenary Commander|trigger= Wave 2}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|4|Mercenary Commander|trigger = Final kill triggers Wave 2}}
{{NPCTableSeparator|Wave 2}}
{{NPCTableHead|Reinforcement 1-2 (On reinforcement 1-1 Destruction)}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|5|Mercenary Fighter}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|5|Mercenary Fighter}}
{{NPCTableSeparator|Wave 3}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|3|Mercenary Elite Fighter|trigger = Final kill triggers Wave 4}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|2|Mercenary Lieutenant|trigger = Final kill triggers Wave 5}}
{{NPCTableHead|Reinforcement 2-1 (On Initial Group Cruiser Destruction)}}
{{NPCTableSeparator|Wave 4}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|3|Mercenary Elite Fighter|trigger= Wave 4}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|2|Mercenary Lieutenant|trigger= Wave 5}}
{{NPCTableHead|Reinforcement 2-2A (On Reinforcement 2-1 Frigate Destruction)}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|4|Mercenary Commander}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|4|Mercenary Commander}}
{{NPCTableSeparator|Wave 5}}
{{NPCTableHead|Reinforcement 2-2B (On Reinforcement 2-1 Cruiser Destruction)}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|4|Mercenary Fighter}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|4|Mercenary Fighter}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|2|Mercenary Commander}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|2|Mercenary Commander}}
Mining: There are also approx 16433 units of Omber, 591937 units of Veldspar and 1995 units of Gneiss to be mined.
== Mad Scientist (2 of 7) ==
==Mad Scientist (2 of 7)==
|Level= 3
|Type= Encounter
|Type= Encounter
|Objective= Retrieve Professor Kajurei Delainen (1{{m3}})
|Faction1= Rogue Drones
|Faction1= Rogue Drones
Line 98: Line 83:
* Destroy Stasis/Energy Neutralizer towers as needed.
* Destroy Stasis/Energy Neutralizer towers as needed.
=== Warp-in ===
All enemies will aggro immediately. Destroying the two drone bunkers can stop additional reinforcements. Spawn 2 and 3 are possibly timed.
All enemies will aggro immediately. Destroying the two drone bunkers can stop additional reinforcements. Waves 2 and 3 are likely timed.
'''WARNING''' There is a chance that an Alvus Controller battleship will spawn after the initial frigate spawn. Frigate Strain Sunder Alvi, which warp disrupt, might spawn as well.
{{NPCTableHead|Initial Group}}
{{NPCTableHead|Initial Group}}
Line 105: Line 92:
{{NPCTableHead|Wave 1 (On Attacking Initial Group)}}
{{NPCTableSeparator|Wave 1 (On Attacking Group 1)}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|2|Bomber/Disintegrator Alvum}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|2-3|Bomber/Disintegrator Alvum}}
{{NPCTableRow|Destroyer|2|Shatterer/Ripper Alvior}}
{{NPCTableSeparator|Wave 2}}
{{NPCTableHead|Wave 2}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|1-2|Devilfish Alvi}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|1-2|Devilfish Alvi}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|1-2|Violator Alvum}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|1-2|Violator Alvum}}
{{NPCTableRow|Elite Cruiser|1|Viral Infector Alvum}}
{{NPCTableRow|Elite Cruiser|1|Viral Infector Alvum}}
{{NPCTableSeparator|Wave 3}}
{{NPCTableHead|Wave 3}}
{{NPCTableRow|Destroyer|1|Shredder Alvior}}
{{NPCTableRow|Destroyer|1|Shredder Alvior}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|1|Bomber Alvum}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|1|Bomber Alvum}}
===Single Pocket===
{{NPCTableHead|Battleship spawn}}
Neutralizer towers will be capping you for -10gj/s total. Spawns do not always occur and may be prevented by destroying bunkers at warp-in.
{{NPCTableRow|Battleship|1|Swarm Preserver Alvus}}
=== 1st Pocket ===
'''Warning:''' You will be webbed and neuted immediately after warp-in. Make sure you have weapons/drones capable of hitting the towers at about 50 kilometers or you will be stuck while being neuted and fired upon.
Neutralizer towers will be capping you for -10gj/s total. Reinforcements do not always spawn and may be prevented by destroying bunkers at warp-in.
{{NPCTableRow|Structure|1|Professor Delainen's Lab|cargo= Professor Kajurei Delainen}}
{{NPCTableHead|Initial Group}}
{{NPCTableHead|Initial Group}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|4-5|Decimator/Raider Alvi}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|4-5|Decimator/Raider Alvi}}
{{NPCTableRow|Battlecruiser|2|Defeater Alvatis}}
{{NPCTableRow|Battlecruiser|2|Defeater Alvatis}}
{{NPCTableRow|Sentry|2|Drone Neutralizer Sentry I|ewar= Neut|trigger= Wave 1}}
{{NPCTableRow|Sentry|2|Drone Stasis Tower|ewar= Web}}
{{NPCTableRow|Sentry|4|Tower Sentry Drone I}}
{{NPCTableRow|Sentry|4|Tower Sentry Drone I}}
{{NPCTableRow|Sentry|2|Drone Stasis Tower|ewar = Web}}
{{NPCTableRow|Sentry|2|Drone Neutralizer Sentry I|ewar = Neut|trigger = Wave 1}}
{{NPCTableHead|Wave 1 (On Neutralizer Sentry Destruction)}}
{{NPCTableSeparator|Wave 1}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|1|Devilfish Alvi|trigger= Wave 2}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|1|Devilfish Alvi|trigger = Spawn 2}}
{{NPCTableSeparator|Wave 2}}
{{NPCTableHead|Wave 2}}
{{NPCTableRow|Elite Frigate|2|Strain Sunder Alvi}}
{{NPCTableRow|Elite Frigate|2|Strain Sunder Alvi}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|2|Devastator Alvum}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|2|Devastator Alvum}}
{{NPCTableSeparator|Wave 3(On Attacking the Lab)}}
{{NPCTableHead|Wave 3(On Attacking the Lab)}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|5|Raider/Silverfish Alvi}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|5|Raider/Silverfish Alvi}}
{{NPCTableRow|Destroyer|2|Shatter Alvior}}
{{NPCTableRow|Destroyer|2|Shatter Alvior}}
== Toward a Solution (3 of 7) ==
{{NPCTableRow|Structure|1|Professor Delainen's Lab|drop = Professor Kajurei Delainen}}
==Toward a Solution (3 of 7)==
|Level= 3
|Type= Courier
|Type= Courier
|Objective= Deliver item 0.1{{m3}} cargo
Line 159: Line 155:
|Extra= 0.1m3 cargo
==The Unveiling (4 of 7)==
== The Unveiling (4 of 7) ==
|Level= 3
|Type= Encounter
|Type= Encounter
|Objective= Retrieve item from Delainen-ROM Symbiote
|Faction1= Rogue Drones
|Faction1= Rogue Drones
Line 178: Line 171:
|Well, that thing is gone, so the station is safe for now. The breached districts have been sealed off until repair crews can get in there. But I suppose you're wondering what happened. Let me back up for a moment.
Dr. Calus's original goal was to create a ship energy system that used advanced nanites to harvest the energy that binds subatomic particles together. The amount of energy that could be produced would be staggering. Think of it. The offensive potential of our ships and weapons systems could be increased a hundred-fold at least, maybe a thousand-fold.
But somehow Delainen subverted Calus's research. He spent years living in close proximity to a nest of rogue drones; he even claimed to have struck up a beneficial relationship with them. Who knows what that does to a person?
They inserted the nanites, programmed by Prof. Delainen, into the battlecruiser's systems, but the things immediately began to malfunction. In less than ten minutes, they had changed the structure of the ship to … something else. The security 'reels show a flash of light, almost like a jump gate activation, and then Delainen just disappears. Then, immediately, the metallic beast begins to move. We have heard of massive rogue drones, but this is different.
The ship actually spoke to Calus, who was injured during the ship's violent transformation. It said its name was "ROM." Then it blew a hole through the wall of the station into open space and blasted out of there. Everyone in the lab was killed, including Calus.
We believe that the nanites somehow merged Delainen into the ship they had created, making it some sort of bizarre biomechanical symbiote. But we need to know what happened for certain, and this ― well, this Delainen-ROM symbiote, I guess, for lack of a better name ― is the only thing that can give us the answers.
We want you to go out there and confront it; we've tracked its location, and it's still in this system. I'll send the coordinates to your NeoCom. Destroy it if you must, and then sift through the wreckage to find its central AI core. Bring that back for further study.
Line 185: Line 193:
* Kill Delainen-ROM Symbiote, loot Elite Drone AI, and warp out.
* Kill Delainen-ROM Symbiote, loot Elite Drone AI, and warp out.
===Single Pocket===
=== Warp-in ===
Mission objective is dropped by Delainen-ROM Symbiote on death, in a cargo container. Destroying the Drone Bunker can cause multiple waves to spawn.
Mission objective is contained in the cargo container created on destruction of Delainen-ROM Symbiote. Destroying the Drone Bunker can cause multiple waves to spawn. Triggers are last kill of specified ship type.
{{NPCTableSeparator|Group 1}}
{{NPCTableSeparator|Group 1}}
{{NPCTableRow|Battleship|1|Delainen-ROM Symbiote|drop = Mission objective dropped in Cargo Container|trigger = Trigger for Wave 3-6|note = Renamed Supreme Alvus Parasite}}
{{NPCTableRow|Battleship|1|Delainen-ROM Symbiote [Alvus Ruler/Supreme Parasite]|cargo= Mission objective dropped in cargo container|trigger= Trigger for Wave 3-6}}
{{NPCTableRow|Sentry|3|Drone Light Missile Battery|trigger = Trigger for Wave 1}}
{{NPCTableRow|Sentry|3|Drone Light Missile Battery|trigger= Wave 1}}
{{NPCTableSeparator|Group 2}}
{{NPCTableSeparator|Group 2}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|10|Render/Splinter Alvi|trigger = Trigger for Wave 2}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|10|Render/Splinter Alvi|trigger= Wave 2}}
{{NPCTableHead|Wave 1 (On Group 1 Destruction)}}
{{NPCTableSeparator|Wave 1}}
{{NPCTableRow|Destroyer|2|Dismantler/Marauder Alvior}}
{{NPCTableRow|Destroyer|2|Dismantler/Marauder Alvior}}
{{NPCTableSeparator|Wave 2}}
{{NPCTableHead|Wave 2 (On Group 2 Destruction)}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|2|Render Alvi}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|2|Render Alvi}}
{{NPCTableSeparator|Wave 3 (On Boss 75% Shields)}}
{{NPCTableHead|Wave 3 (On Boss 75% Shields)}}
{{NPCTableRow|Elite Cruiser|2|Strain Annihilator/Violator Alvum}}
{{NPCTableRow|Elite Cruiser|2|Strain Annihilator/Violator Alvum}}
{{NPCTableRow|Battlecruiser|1|Defeater Alvatis}}
{{NPCTableRow|Battlecruiser|1|Defeater Alvatis}}
{{NPCTableSeparator|Wave 4 (On Boss 50% Shields)}}
{{NPCTableHead|Wave 4 (On Boss 50% Shields)}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|3|Devastator Alvum}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|3|Devastator Alvum}}
{{NPCTableSeparator|Wave 5 (On Boss 50% Armor)}}
{{NPCTableHead|Wave 5 (On Boss 50% Armor)}}
{{NPCTableRow|Elite Frigate|3|Strain Raider/Sunder Alvi}}
{{NPCTableRow|Elite Frigate|3|Strain Raider/Sunder Alvi}}
{{NPCTableRow|Destroyer|3|Predator/Shredder Alvior}}
{{NPCTableRow|Destroyer|3|Predator/Shredder Alvior}}
{{NPCTableSeparator|Wave 6 (On Boss 50% Hull)}}
{{NPCTableHead|Wave 6 (On Boss 50% Hull)}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|1|Silverfish Alvi}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|1|Silverfish Alvi}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|2|Annihilator/Devastator Alvum}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|2|Annihilator/Devastator Alvum}}
====An Unexpected Twist (5 of 7)====
== An Unexpected Twist (5 of 7) ==
|Level= 3
|Type= Encounter
|Objective= Retrieve item from the Drone Battleship
|Faction1= Rogue Drones
|EWAR= Web, energy neutralizer
|Yes, I did. The good Dr. Calus ― whose value to us necessitates our keeping a clone in place for her ― is studying the Delainen-ROM's AI "brain" as we speak. But there's something else we'd like you to do.
Delainen apparently formed some sort of bond or relationship with the rogue drone colony near his previous home. But it's worse than that. Even now there are ongoing subspace transmissions taking place between these drones and the AI unit you recovered ― the thing's intelligence core is most certainly not dead.
Faction: Rogue Drones<br>
The drones have moved around several times, but they're remaining near, for whatever reason. Go to the <System> system and destroy that rogue drone colony once and for all. The hive mind CPU and construction center is in the central hive structure. That is your target. Once the drones there are all destroyed, salvage the hive mind CPU and return it to us.
Mission Type: Encounter<br>
Space Type: Deadspace<br>
Damage dealt: All kinds (54% Expl, 22% Kin, 19% Therm, 5% EM)<br>
Recommended Damage Dealing: EM<br>
Extras: '''Neutralizer Towers** and **Stasis Towers'''<br>
Web/scramble: Strain Drones<br>
Recommended ship types: passive tanked Battlecruiser or HAC<br>
The BS Drone (has different names) drops the can you need with the "Hive Mind CPU".
Energy Neutralizers combine for -15gj/s and have a range in excess of 120Km. Web towers have a range of about 30km. If you are active tanked focus down the neutralizers first.
Warp In:<br>
(group about 55-60km, neut range is extreme, stasis towers lock range is only about 28km)
* Kill Group 2 to trigger Wave 1. Kill the battleship, loot the can, warp out.
3x Drone Energy Neutralizer Sentry I '''Energy Neutralizer'''<br>
3x Drone Light Missile Battery<br>
2x Drone Stasis Battery '''Stasis Webifier'''<br>
2x Tower Sentry Drone I<br>
Wave 1:<br>
=== Warp-in ===
(After about 30 seconds)
Mission objective is contained in the cargo container created on destruction of Wave 1 Drone Battleship.
4x Drone Destroyer (Shredder Alvior)<br>
4x Drone Frigate (Silverfish Alvi)<br>
Wave 2:<br>
(When you attack a tower)
{{NPCTableSeparator|Group 1 (55-60km)}}
2x Drone Frigate (Render Alvi)<br>
{{NPCTableRow|Sentry|3|Drone Energy Neutralizer Sentry I|ewar= Neut|trigger= Wave 2}}
{{NPCTableRow|Sentry|2|Drone Stasis Tower|ewar= Web|trigger= Wave 3 and 4}}
{{NPCTableRow|Sentry|3|Drone Light Missile Battery}}
{{NPCTableRow|Sentry|2|Tower Sentry Drone I|trigger= Wave 5}}
Wave 3:<br>
{{NPCTableSeparator|Group 2 (Spawn after ~45sec)}}
(When you attack a different tower)
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|1|Render/Sunder Alvi|trigger= Wave 1}}
2x Drone Battlecruiser (Crippler Alvatis)<br>
3x Drone Frigate (Raider Alvi)<br>
Wave 4:<br>
{{NPCTableSeparator|Group 3 (Spawn after ~1min 45sec)}}
(When you attack a different tower)
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|3|Render/Sunder Alvi}}
4x Drone Cruiser (Wrecker Alvum/Viral Infector Alvum)<br>
3x Drone Destroyer (Predator Alvior)<br>
Wave 5:<br>
{{NPCTableSeparator|Group 4 (Spawn after ~2min)}}
(After a preset amount of time)
{{NPCTableRow|Destroyer|2|Shatter/Shredder Alvior}}
1x Drone Battleship (Supreme Alvus Parasite) '''Mission Objective'''<br>
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|2|Destructor/Violator/Wrecker Alvum}}
3x Drone Elite Frigate (Strain Sunder Alvi) '''Warp Scrambler'''<br>
{{NPCTableRow|Elite Cruiser|2|Viral Infector Alvum}}
2x Drone Frigate (Raider Alvi)<br>
Wave 6:<br>
{{NPCTableHead|Wave 1 (On Group 2 Destruction)}}
(When you attack a different tower)
{{NPCTableRow|Battleship|1|Alvus Ruler/Supreme Alvus Parasite|cargo= Mission objective in cargo container|trigger= Wave 6}}
4x Drone Cruiser (Annihilator Alvum)<br>
1x Drone Elite Frigate (Strain Splinter Alvi) '''Warp Scrambler'''<br>
{{NPCTableHead|Wave 2 (On Neutralizer Sentry Destruction)}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|3|Devilfish/Silverfish Alvi}}
{{NPCTableRow|Destroyer|4|Predator/Shredder Alvior}}
{{NPCTableHead|Wave 3 (On Attacking A Stasis Tower)}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|3|Raider Alvi}}
{{NPCTableHead|Wave 4 (On Attacking Second Stasis Tower)}}
{{NPCTableRow|Elite Frigate|2|Strain Raider Alvi}}
{{NPCTableHead|Wave 5 (On Destroying A Tower Sentry)}}
{{NPCTableRow|Elite Frigate|2|Strain Raider Alvi}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|2|Annihilator/Devastator Alvum}}
{{NPCTableHead|Wave 6 (On Boss 25% Armor)}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|2|Disintegrator Alvum}}
{{NPCTableRow|Battlecruiser|2|Defeater Alvatis}}
== Nanite Express (6 of 7) ==
|Level= 3
|Type= Courier
|Objective= Deliver item. 50{{m3}} cargo
|We've completed Dr. Calus's study of the Delainen-ROM symbiote's AI core and the CPU you got for us. They're like nothing we've ever seen before. A strange combination of human thought patterns, atomic-scale nanites, and constantly evolving neural networks. And the thing wouldn't stop telling bad jokes! But if those nanites were ever loosed, they could easily latch onto the nearest ship and reconstitute themselves. Er, itself. Well, whatever. We just can't risk that happening … again. Which is why it's too dangerous to study further ― the chance of a breakout is just too high.
Wave 7:<br>
But it's also too valuable to destroy. We have placed the items in a special cryogenic container for temporary cold storage. The closest station with an adequate facility for long-term cryogenic storage is in <Station>, though. Please take the container over there for safekeeping.
(When the BS reaches about 50% structure)
2x Drone Battlecruiser (Enforcer Alvatis)<br>
2x Drone Cruiser (Disintegrator Alvum)<br>
After few minutes, the Battleship Drone will spawn (Alvus Ruler, Supreme Alvus Parasite, possibly others). It has high damage, even at 50km, so be careful. As you shoot the BS, another group of drones (Wave 7) will spawn.
== Ascendance (7 of 7) ==
|Level= 3
|Type= Encounter
|Objective= Destroy Delainen-Solar Entity
|Faction1= Rogue Drones
|Yes. Very astute, <Pilot>. Do you recall that green goo in your cargohold a while back, when you returned with the drone AI core? That material was far more dangerous – and far more cunning – than we first realized. The nanites in the symbiote's AI core were the size of molecules, with atomic-scale manipulator arms. And because they are so small, they are practically undetectable. A billion of them could hide in the crevices of a speck of dust.  
Are you frightened yet? You should be. Because they are loose.  
Go in passive tanked, ignore all sentries and neut towers. While waiting for the BS, kill off the first spawn. Wait for the BS to come out of the range of the stasis towers (you won't have cap to tractor the loot can), then go for it, pick up the can, finito.
'''Alternative Blitz:'''<br>
Those nanites – perhaps even the self-same ones from your cargohold – somehow made their way onto a battleship called ''Solar Cinder'', which blasted out of its hangar, with no crew, just a few minutes ago. We don't know what to call this thing now, but it is sentient, and shows many similarities to the Delainen-ROM symbiote. But this is a battleship. An uncontrolled battleship with human-patterned AI ... and capable of ''self-replication''! Given time, it could lay waste to an entire planet!
Go in passive tanked, but kill the Stasis Towers early. There's plenty of time to take care of the triggered Strain spawn before the BS drone with the mission loot spawns, and this way you can attack it earlier (while still closer to the structures).
We need you to get out there and destroy it! The military is on the way, but they will not be here in force before it has time to escape, if that's what it intends.
- Smartbombs are a good idea again.<br>
- Stay out of the range of the stasis towers.<br>
- It is best to go for passive tanking and take the towers one by one (starting with the energy neutralizers). Destroy each spawn before continuing to the next tower.<br>
- If you are active tanked, then: primary the energy neutralizers, kill each spawn as it arrives and before proceeding to the next tower. Primary Strain drones (scramblers), and then the Violator Drones as they do the most damage.<br><br>
====Nanite Express (6 of 7)====
* Jump through first gate, kill Delainen-Solar Cinder Entity, warp out.
Mission type: Courier (50.0m3)<br>
=== Warp-in ===
//Can be completed remotely//
Gate is not locked. Delainen-Solar Cinder Entity will make a short appearance before using the acceleration gate. Enemy ships spawn in over the first 20 seconds.
====Ascendance (7 of 7)====
{{NPCTableHead|Inital Group}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|15|Decimator/Render Alvi}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|14|Annihilator/Devastator Alvum}}
Faction: Rogue Drones<br>
=== 1st Pocket ===
Mission Type: Encounter<br>
On entry only Delainen-Solar Cinder Entity will be present. Group 2,3 and 4 rapidly spawn in over the next ten seconds.
Space Type: Deadspace<br>
Damage dealt: All kinds (46% Expl, 29% Kin, 15% Therm, 10% EM)<br>
Recommended Damage Dealing: EM.<br>
Recommended ship types: Battlecruiser, HAC<br>
===Warp In===
{{NPCTableRow|Structure|1|Infested Station Ruins|note= No Drops}}
Arrive at deadspace to find 20 or so small/med rogue drones, and briefly the BS.
Pathfinder gate to next pocket.
===Second Pocket===
Around 30 small/med drones and the Mother Drone BS you need to destroy.
{{NPCTableSeparator|Group 1}}
{{NPCTableRow|Battleship|1|Delainen-Solar Cinder Entity|trigger= Wave 2|note= Renamed Supreme Alvus Parasite}}
Initial Spawn:<br>
{{NPCTableSeparator|Group 2}}
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|3|Devilfish/Hunter Alvi}}
1x Drone BS (Delainen-Solar Cinder Entity)<br>
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|3|Violator Alvum}}
Wave 1:<br>
{{NPCTableSeparator|Group 3}}
(Spawns a few moments after warp-in)
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|3|Barracuda/Devilfish Alvi}}
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|2|Vilator Alvum}}
11x Drone Frigate (Hunter Alvi/Silverfish Alvi)<br>
{{NPCTableRow|Elite Cruiser|2|Viral Infector Alvum}}
11x Drone Cruiser (Viral Infector Alvum/Violator Alvum)<br>
Wave 2:<br>
{{NPCTableSeparator|Group 4}}
(Spawns when Wave 1 frigates are killed off)<br>
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|5|Devilfish/Hunter/Silverfish Alvi}}
2x Drone Cruiser (Violator Alvum)<br>
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|3|Violator Alvum}}
Wave 3:<br>
{{NPCTableHead|Wave 1 (On Group 2 Destruction)}}
(Spawns when all from Wave 1 are killed off)<br>
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|3|Barracuda/Devilfish Alvi}}
3x Drone Frigate (Hunter Alvi)<br>
{{NPCTableRow|Elite Cruiser|3|Viral Infector Alvum}}
3x Cruiser (Viral Infector Alvum)<br>
Wave 4:<br>
{{NPCTableHead|Wave 2 (On Boss First Hit)}}
(Spawns when BS attacked)<br>
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|3|Barracuda/Devilfish Alvi}}
4x Drone Frigates (Hunter Alvi)<br>
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|2|Violator Alvum}}
3x Drone Cruisers (Violator Alvum)<br>
{{NPCTableRow|Elite Cruiser|2|Viral Infector Alvum}}
== Notes ==
- Kill any drones that target you, and then the BS.<br>
<references group=Note />
- New drone spawns don't always aggro, and can be ignored.<br>
Go straight for the BS, ignore everything else. DPS is a bit heavier than in Part 5.
[[Category:Mission reports]]
[[Category:Security missions]]

Revision as of 12:28, 18 October 2024

This page should be updated due to game changes.
Reason: Need mission briefings for mission 1–3.

New Frontiers is a level 3 mission series (Mission chain) consisting of 7 missions (4 encounter, 1 mining and 2 courier).


  • All gates in the missions are unlocked.
  • Several missions have pairs of Energy Neutralizer Towers that do 5gj/s each.
  • Damage can get quite high for a level 3 in later stages, especially if blitzing.

Raw Materials (1 of 7)

Level 3
Type Mining [Verify]
Objective Mine 235 m3 of Green Aristite
Faction Mercenaries
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th

You must mine the Green Arisite yourself, buying it will not complete the mission. While mining, 3 non-elite frigate rats will spawn[Verify][Note 1][Note 2][Note 3][Note 4].


  • Mine the Green Arisite while tanking.


There are two reinforcement chains. The Mercenary Miners will warp out after a bit if not killed. Triggers are last kill of specified ship type.

Initial Group

Cruiser 3 x Cruiser Mercenary Miner Renamed Sansha Transport Random drugs
Frigate 3 x Frigate Mercenary Elite Fighter Reinforcement 1-1
Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Mercenary Lieutenant Reinforcement 2-1

Reinforcement 1-1 (On Initial Group Frigate Destruction)

Cruiser 4 x Cruiser Mercenary Commander Wave 2
Reinforcement 1-2 (On reinforcement 1-1 Destruction)

Frigate 5 x Frigate Mercenary Fighter

Reinforcement 2-1 (On Initial Group Cruiser Destruction)

Frigate 3 x Frigate Mercenary Elite Fighter Wave 4
Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Mercenary Lieutenant Wave 5

Reinforcement 2-2A (On Reinforcement 2-1 Frigate Destruction)

Cruiser 4 x Cruiser Mercenary Commander

Reinforcement 2-2B (On Reinforcement 2-1 Cruiser Destruction)

Frigate 4 x Frigate Mercenary Fighter
Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Mercenary Commander

Mad Scientist (2 of 7)

Level 3
Type Encounter
Objective Retrieve Professor Kajurei Delainen (1 m3)
Faction Rogue Drones
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Explosive damage ExKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
EWAR Web, energy neutralizer

A passive tanked battlecruiser is a good choice for this mission due to energy neutralizers.


  • Go straight through gate, blow up Professor Delainen's Lab, and loot the cargo container spawned.
  • Destroy Stasis/Energy Neutralizer towers as needed.


All enemies will aggro immediately. Destroying the two drone bunkers can stop additional reinforcements. Waves 2 and 3 are likely timed.

WARNING There is a chance that an Alvus Controller battleship will spawn after the initial frigate spawn. Frigate Strain Sunder Alvi, which warp disrupt, might spawn as well.

Initial Group

Frigate 11-12 x Frigate Raider/Sunder Alvi

Wave 1 (On Attacking Initial Group)

Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Bomber/Disintegrator Alvum
Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Shatterer/Ripper Alvior

Wave 2

Frigate 1-2 x Frigate Devilfish Alvi
Cruiser 1-2 x Cruiser Violator Alvum
Elite Cruiser 1 x Elite Cruiser Viral Infector Alvum

Wave 3

Destroyer 1 x Destroyer Shredder Alvior
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Bomber Alvum

Battleship spawn

Battleship 1 x Battleship Swarm Preserver Alvus

1st Pocket

Warning: You will be webbed and neuted immediately after warp-in. Make sure you have weapons/drones capable of hitting the towers at about 50 kilometers or you will be stuck while being neuted and fired upon.

Neutralizer towers will be capping you for -10gj/s total. Reinforcements do not always spawn and may be prevented by destroying bunkers at warp-in.


Structure 1 x Professor Delainen's Lab Professor Kajurei Delainen

Initial Group

Frigate 4-5 x Frigate Decimator/Raider Alvi
Battlecruiser 2 x Battlecruiser Defeater Alvatis
Sentry 2 x Sentry Drone Neutralizer Sentry I Wave 1 Energy Neutralizer
Sentry 2 x Sentry Drone Stasis Tower Stasis Webifier
Sentry 4 x Sentry Tower Sentry Drone I

Wave 1 (On Neutralizer Sentry Destruction)

Frigate 1 x Frigate Devilfish Alvi Wave 2

Wave 2

Elite Frigate 2 x Elite Frigate Strain Sunder Alvi
Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Devastator Alvum

Wave 3(On Attacking the Lab)

Frigate 5 x Frigate Raider/Silverfish Alvi
Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Shatter Alvior

Toward a Solution (3 of 7)

Level 3
Type Courier
Objective Deliver item 0.1 m3 cargo

The Unveiling (4 of 7)

Level 3
Type Encounter
Objective Retrieve item from Delainen-ROM Symbiote
Faction Rogue Drones
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Explosive damage ExKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Mission briefing
Well, that thing is gone, so the station is safe for now. The breached districts have been sealed off until repair crews can get in there. But I suppose you're wondering what happened. Let me back up for a moment.

Dr. Calus's original goal was to create a ship energy system that used advanced nanites to harvest the energy that binds subatomic particles together. The amount of energy that could be produced would be staggering. Think of it. The offensive potential of our ships and weapons systems could be increased a hundred-fold at least, maybe a thousand-fold.

But somehow Delainen subverted Calus's research. He spent years living in close proximity to a nest of rogue drones; he even claimed to have struck up a beneficial relationship with them. Who knows what that does to a person?

They inserted the nanites, programmed by Prof. Delainen, into the battlecruiser's systems, but the things immediately began to malfunction. In less than ten minutes, they had changed the structure of the ship to … something else. The security 'reels show a flash of light, almost like a jump gate activation, and then Delainen just disappears. Then, immediately, the metallic beast begins to move. We have heard of massive rogue drones, but this is different.

The ship actually spoke to Calus, who was injured during the ship's violent transformation. It said its name was "ROM." Then it blew a hole through the wall of the station into open space and blasted out of there. Everyone in the lab was killed, including Calus.

We believe that the nanites somehow merged Delainen into the ship they had created, making it some sort of bizarre biomechanical symbiote. But we need to know what happened for certain, and this ― well, this Delainen-ROM symbiote, I guess, for lack of a better name ― is the only thing that can give us the answers.

We want you to go out there and confront it; we've tracked its location, and it's still in this system. I'll send the coordinates to your NeoCom. Destroy it if you must, and then sift through the wreckage to find its central AI core. Bring that back for further study.

Damage is primarily thermal.


  • Kill Delainen-ROM Symbiote, loot Elite Drone AI, and warp out.


Mission objective is contained in the cargo container created on destruction of Delainen-ROM Symbiote. Destroying the Drone Bunker can cause multiple waves to spawn. Triggers are last kill of specified ship type.

Group 1
Battleship 1 x Battleship Delainen-ROM Symbiote [Alvus Ruler/Supreme Parasite] Trigger for Wave 3-6 Mission objective dropped in cargo container
Sentry 3 x Sentry Drone Light Missile Battery Wave 1
Group 2
Frigate 10 x Frigate Render/Splinter Alvi Wave 2

Wave 1 (On Group 1 Destruction)

Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Dismantler/Marauder Alvior

Wave 2 (On Group 2 Destruction)

Frigate 2 x Frigate Render Alvi

Wave 3 (On Boss 75% Shields)

Elite Cruiser 2 x Elite Cruiser Strain Annihilator/Violator Alvum
Battlecruiser 1 x Battlecruiser Defeater Alvatis

Wave 4 (On Boss 50% Shields)

Cruiser 3 x Cruiser Devastator Alvum

Wave 5 (On Boss 50% Armor)

Elite Frigate 3 x Elite Frigate Strain Raider/Sunder Alvi
Destroyer 3 x Destroyer Predator/Shredder Alvior

Wave 6 (On Boss 50% Hull)

Frigate 1 x Frigate Silverfish Alvi
Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Annihilator/Devastator Alvum

An Unexpected Twist (5 of 7)

Level 3
Type Encounter
Objective Retrieve item from the Drone Battleship
Faction Rogue Drones
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Explosive damage ExKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
EWAR Web, energy neutralizer
Mission briefing
Yes, I did. The good Dr. Calus ― whose value to us necessitates our keeping a clone in place for her ― is studying the Delainen-ROM's AI "brain" as we speak. But there's something else we'd like you to do.

Delainen apparently formed some sort of bond or relationship with the rogue drone colony near his previous home. But it's worse than that. Even now there are ongoing subspace transmissions taking place between these drones and the AI unit you recovered ― the thing's intelligence core is most certainly not dead.

The drones have moved around several times, but they're remaining near, for whatever reason. Go to the <System> system and destroy that rogue drone colony once and for all. The hive mind CPU and construction center is in the central hive structure. That is your target. Once the drones there are all destroyed, salvage the hive mind CPU and return it to us.

Energy Neutralizers combine for -15gj/s and have a range in excess of 120Km. Web towers have a range of about 30km. If you are active tanked focus down the neutralizers first.


  • Kill Group 2 to trigger Wave 1. Kill the battleship, loot the can, warp out.


Mission objective is contained in the cargo container created on destruction of Wave 1 Drone Battleship.

Group 1 (55-60km)
Sentry 3 x Sentry Drone Energy Neutralizer Sentry I Wave 2 Energy Neutralizer
Sentry 2 x Sentry Drone Stasis Tower Wave 3 and 4 Stasis Webifier
Sentry 3 x Sentry Drone Light Missile Battery
Sentry 2 x Sentry Tower Sentry Drone I Wave 5
Group 2 (Spawn after ~45sec)
Frigate 1 x Frigate Render/Sunder Alvi Wave 1
Group 3 (Spawn after ~1min 45sec)
Frigate 3 x Frigate Render/Sunder Alvi
Group 4 (Spawn after ~2min)
Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Shatter/Shredder Alvior
Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Destructor/Violator/Wrecker Alvum
Elite Cruiser 2 x Elite Cruiser Viral Infector Alvum

Wave 1 (On Group 2 Destruction)

Battleship 1 x Battleship Alvus Ruler/Supreme Alvus Parasite Wave 6 Mission objective in cargo container

Wave 2 (On Neutralizer Sentry Destruction)

Frigate 3 x Frigate Devilfish/Silverfish Alvi
Destroyer 4 x Destroyer Predator/Shredder Alvior

Wave 3 (On Attacking A Stasis Tower)

Frigate 3 x Frigate Raider Alvi

Wave 4 (On Attacking Second Stasis Tower)

Elite Frigate 2 x Elite Frigate Strain Raider Alvi

Wave 5 (On Destroying A Tower Sentry)

Elite Frigate 2 x Elite Frigate Strain Raider Alvi
Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Annihilator/Devastator Alvum

Wave 6 (On Boss 25% Armor)

Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Disintegrator Alvum
Battlecruiser 2 x Battlecruiser Defeater Alvatis

Nanite Express (6 of 7)

Level 3
Type Courier
Objective Deliver item. 50 m3 cargo
Mission briefing
We've completed Dr. Calus's study of the Delainen-ROM symbiote's AI core and the CPU you got for us. They're like nothing we've ever seen before. A strange combination of human thought patterns, atomic-scale nanites, and constantly evolving neural networks. And the thing wouldn't stop telling bad jokes! But if those nanites were ever loosed, they could easily latch onto the nearest ship and reconstitute themselves. Er, itself. Well, whatever. We just can't risk that happening … again. Which is why it's too dangerous to study further ― the chance of a breakout is just too high.

But it's also too valuable to destroy. We have placed the items in a special cryogenic container for temporary cold storage. The closest station with an adequate facility for long-term cryogenic storage is in <Station>, though. Please take the container over there for safekeeping.

Ascendance (7 of 7)

Level 3
Type Encounter
Objective Destroy Delainen-Solar Entity
Faction Rogue Drones
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Explosive damage ExKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Mission briefing
Yes. Very astute, <Pilot>. Do you recall that green goo in your cargohold a while back, when you returned with the drone AI core? That material was far more dangerous – and far more cunning – than we first realized. The nanites in the symbiote's AI core were the size of molecules, with atomic-scale manipulator arms. And because they are so small, they are practically undetectable. A billion of them could hide in the crevices of a speck of dust.

Are you frightened yet? You should be. Because they are loose.

Those nanites – perhaps even the self-same ones from your cargohold – somehow made their way onto a battleship called Solar Cinder, which blasted out of its hangar, with no crew, just a few minutes ago. We don't know what to call this thing now, but it is sentient, and shows many similarities to the Delainen-ROM symbiote. But this is a battleship. An uncontrolled battleship with human-patterned AI ... and capable of self-replication! Given time, it could lay waste to an entire planet!

We need you to get out there and destroy it! The military is on the way, but they will not be here in force before it has time to escape, if that's what it intends.


  • Jump through first gate, kill Delainen-Solar Cinder Entity, warp out.


Gate is not locked. Delainen-Solar Cinder Entity will make a short appearance before using the acceleration gate. Enemy ships spawn in over the first 20 seconds.

Inital Group

Frigate 15 x Frigate Decimator/Render Alvi
Cruiser 14 x Cruiser Annihilator/Devastator Alvum

1st Pocket

On entry only Delainen-Solar Cinder Entity will be present. Group 2,3 and 4 rapidly spawn in over the next ten seconds.


Structure 1 x Infested Station Ruins No Drops

Group 1
Battleship 1 x Battleship Delainen-Solar Cinder Entity Renamed Supreme Alvus Parasite Wave 2
Group 2
Frigate 3 x Frigate Devilfish/Hunter Alvi
Cruiser 3 x Cruiser Violator Alvum
Group 3
Frigate 3 x Frigate Barracuda/Devilfish Alvi
Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Vilator Alvum
Elite Cruiser 2 x Elite Cruiser Viral Infector Alvum
Group 4
Frigate 5 x Frigate Devilfish/Hunter/Silverfish Alvi
Cruiser 3 x Cruiser Violator Alvum

Wave 1 (On Group 2 Destruction)

Frigate 3 x Frigate Barracuda/Devilfish Alvi
Elite Cruiser 3 x Elite Cruiser Viral Infector Alvum

Wave 2 (On Boss First Hit)

Frigate 3 x Frigate Barracuda/Devilfish Alvi
Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Violator Alvum
Elite Cruiser 2 x Elite Cruiser Viral Infector Alvum


  1. ^ Possibly belt rats i.e belonging to the area default rats and not the mission rat type?
  2. ^ 1 September 2024: No additional rats spawned while mining.
  3. ^ 2 September 2024: Confirmed again, no additional rats spawned while mining in venture, I tried orbitting the ore for a minutes or so, and enabling and disabling the mining laser for a couple times.
  4. ^ 3 October 2024: I took that mission in New Caldari 1.0. Many Mercenary NPCs were present on site (5 Cruiser + 3 Frigates). No initial aggro. After some time 3 Cruisers departed. I was able to mine the Green Arisite from a distanse without being attacked, using a Corvette (Civilian Miner), considered a combat ship (not a Venture). I did the right approach - NPCs aggro on proximity, about 15 km.