The galaxy that is EVE is a beautiful and amazing place, though often we don't take the time to see the beauty that it has to offer. The day to day grind of being a Capsuleer and trying to rule the galaxy can take its toll, both on the mind and on the spirit. If you find yourself in need of a vacation, the following destinations are guaranteed to strike awe into your daily routine.
Note that some of these locations show different name in system than in map. Some of them are also not named in game so a player given name may be used.
High security locations
Kyonoke Memorial Research Site |
Location: Postouvin
The Kyonoke Research Center was the location where various entities poured their resources and found a cure to the Kyonoke plague on year YC119.
Mysterious Probe |
Location: Charmerout
What is this ancient probe doing all the way out here?
Despite its familiar construction, this ancient probe is made from materials and electronics unlike anything you’ve ever seen in New Eden. It floats silently through space, seemingly dormant.
Moving Station |
Location: Algogille
Caldari Monument |
Location: Luminaire
Federation Grand Prix |
Location: Luminaire
Federation Grand Prix was an in game event in YC120.
Federation Grand Prix
The Metropolis region contains several sites for Minmatar COSMOS. Only some of them are listed here.
The Forlorn Hope |
Location: Yrmori
Housed aboard a Ragnarok-class titan, the Forlorn Hope is a massive laboratory complex dedicated to finding a cure for former slaves infected with Vitoxin. It was built by Eifyr & Co. as a memorial to Dr. Mishkala Osnirdottir and her research team, who were killed when their research facility in this system was destroyed by sabotage. Some say her spirit haunts the new laboratory complex, protecting the scientists there and guiding them towards the cure she never found in her lifetime. Others say that’s superstitious nonsense, but there has never been an accident at The Forlorn Hope since the last.
This massive laboratory complex was once home to over 10,000 scientists, their staff and security personnel, working day and night to unravel the mysteries of Vitoc. Since the return of the Minmatar Elders and Otro Gariushi's bequest of Insorum to the Republic, the facility has largely fallen into disuse, but some few scientists cling on, pushing to finish what they started before they too seek more commercial roles.
For the most part, research continues inside the newer biodome nearby, but a few smaller laboratories and their staff still insist on basing out of the aging titan.
Myxhaut K8 - Waste Yard |
Location: Eurgrana
Project Discovery Phase One Monument |
Location: Lanngisi
The Project Discovery Phase One was a success. To celebrate this a monument was erected. The monumenr also acts as the starting point for Project Discovery treasure hunt.
In YC118, the Sisters of EVE launched the Project Discovery citizen science platform to the capsuleer community through the GalNet.
Beginning on YC118.03.09, Project Discovery's Phase One work was aimed at achieving a comprehensive categorization and analysis of tissue samples acquired from the Drifters since their emergence in early YC117.
Led by Professor Emma Lundberg, Chief Scientist for the SOE advanced research division, Project Discovery Phase One was particularly successful in mapping out a comprehensive protein atlas from the Drifter tissue samples collected and analyzed during the term of the project.
Project Discovery Phase One came to an end on YC119.07.11, after 16 months of highly successful work. Project Discovery Phase Two is a new Exoplanets Hunting Program and is being operated under the guidance of CONCORD's Chief of Deep Space Research, Professor Michel Mayor.
Please query the Phase One Monument's database for records of those capsuleers who were elite research contributors to Project Discovery's tissue analysis work.
Technical Note: there appears to be an open Entosis Link port on this structure.
Arek'Jaalan Site One: Antiquus, AJS1 |
Location: Eram
You can approach the various research archives to receive a copy of the research abstract of that project.
Thank you for your interest in Arek'Jaalan research.
Data on Project Theta is being uploaded to your cargo hold, please standby.
Evelopedia: Arek'Jaalan: Site One (Archived)
Hyperbole Nexus |
Location: Barkrik
This location is part of Minmatar COSMOS.
Minmatar Sculpture |
Location: Pator
Sing Laison
The Sing Laison region contains several locations for Gallente COSMOS. Only some of them are listed here.
Children of Light |
Location: Iyen-Oursta
Children of Light is an extremely rare space phenomen that can manifest on the stargate in Iyen-Oursta. Only few known images of the phenomena exist, the image shown here does not show the event.
Chronicle: Children of Light
Contested Gallente Azure Chasm |
Location: Colelie
This location is part of Gallente COSMOS
Contested Gallente Skeleton Comet |
Location: Deltole
This location is part of Gallente COSMOS
The Skeleton Comet, a comet that was picked clean during the early stages of Federation space exploration, is one of the many landmarks in Algintal that makes the constellation known as one of the most beautiful places in the whole Federation. While not as spectacular as its more renown cousin the Canyon of Rust the Skeleton Comet still attracted tourists from all over. But in recent years the smuggling cartels operating in the constellation have made the place their own. Driven from their other pirate havens by activists or, more recently, foreign corporations, they have convened here to make the Skeleton Comet their last great bastion of smuggling activity in the constellation. Needless to say, the only tourists now visiting the place are those in search of smuggled goods or illicit affairs.
Yet the Skeleton Comet holds one little-known secret unlocked by those early miners. While drilling in a remote corner of the complex they found ancient relics and definite signs that humans had tread here before, thousands of years earlier. Only recently these startling evidence were analyzed further to collaborate what had until then only existed as rumors whispered in shady mining bars around the Federation. A fascinating story of early settlers in the world of EVE was uncovered, a nation calling itself Yan Jung.
But the intrusion of the smuggling cartels halted further arcaeological diggings, though it is said that the smugglers themselves have been poking around in the old ruins. Some say fabulous discoveries have been made, but the smugglers keep silent on the subject.
Contested Gallente Skeleton Comet
Municipal Junkyard |
Location: Deltole
This location is part of Gallente COSMOS.
Central Administration |
Location: Fluekele
This location is part of Gallente COSMOS.
Pend Insurance Storage Bin |
Location: Fluekele
This location is part of Gallente COSMOS.
Damaged Drone Mind |
Location: Parchanier
This location is part of Gallente COSMOS.
Natura Seminary |
Location: Audaerne
This location is part of Gallente COSMOS.
Nickel & Dime Store |
Location: Augnais
This location is part of Gallente COSMOS.
Infested Comet Remains |
Location: Alsottobier
This location is part of Gallente COSMOS.
Wirykomi Engineering Outpost |
Location: Alsottobier
This location is part of Gallente COSMOS.
Carrou and Ignoitton |
Location: Carrou and Ignoitton
Carrou and Ignoitton are two star systems that are located extremely close to each other, only 0.1 light years apart. In fact they are the pair of stars with stargates that are the closest to each other. As a result the stars of these systems are bery bright in the two systems. On multiple occasions the brightness of the star has suprised visiting capsuleers making them think another stellar event like Caroline's Star is occuring.
Mysterious Shuttle (True Immortal) |
Location: Geztic
If you entosis the shuttle you can get items for Project Discovery treasure hunt.
The only thing sensors can make out about this ship is that it has some kind of receiver that interacts with the star's natural magnetic field. There is one faint life sign, similar to a human in cryogenic stasis.
Fallen Capsuleers Memorial |
Location: Molea II moon 1
This memorial to Fallen Capsuleers is the centerpiece of the cemetery originally established in orbit of the moon of Molea II by capsuleers of the EVE Cemetery corporation.
Having been in place for over a decade, and in view of ongoing developments in structure technology, it increasingly became clear that a dedicated memorial structure would enhance the cemetery and help preserve it for decades more. The Upwell Consortium, at the urging of a large number of private citizens and corporations, constructed the new Fallen Capsuleers Memorial in YC122.
The Fallen Capsuleers Memorial continues to support the establishment of individual memorial containers by capsuleers in the cemetery at Molea II, moon 1 .
Any Secure Cargo Containers that are anchored within 200km of this structure will not automatically decay over time. This structure does not provide any special protection against intentional destruction or scooping of containers
Impetus Studios |
Location: Tolle
Agent Gian Parele is in his luxury yacht here. He is involved in the Gallente epic arc Syndication.
The Kador region contains several locations for the Amarr COSMOS. Only some of them are listed here.
Imperial Administration Complex |
Location: Zimse
This location is part of Amarr COSMOS
Carchatur Outpost |
Location: Nidupad
This location is part of Amarr COSMOS
Imperial Palace Complex |
Location: Nidupad
This location is part of Amarr COSMOS
This Amarrian Citadel looms over the acceleration gate leading to the Palace grounds. Anyone attempting to enter the palace without authorization would have to overcome the inhabitants of this majestic structure as well as its defenses. The Citadel is the primary link that the outside world has to the Imperial Palace, often serving as the meeting ground between Emperor Family staff and outsiders intent on getting the Emperor's attention.
Docking has been prohibited into this station without proper authorization.
Caor Korduin |
Location: Jakri
This location is part of Amarr COSMOS
Blood Raider Crypt |
Location: Garisas
This location is part of Amarr COSMOS
Port Maphante |
Location: Garisas
This location is part of Amarr COSMOS
Civic Court Plaza |
Location: Aphi
This location is part of Amarr COSMOS
Governor’s Audience Chamber |
Location: Chanoun
This location is part of Amarr COSMOS
The Bonfire |
Location: Munory
This location is part of Amarr COSMOS
Eternal Torch |
Location: Pator
At a distance of 1.3 AU from Matar is a statue named the 'Eternal Torch.' Erected by the government shortly after the formation of the Republic, it is meant to symbolize the everlasting passion and resilient spirit of the Minmatar people.
The Forge
The Forge region contains several sites for Caldari COSMOS. Only some of them are listed here.
In honor of intrepid explorer Marcus Yeon |
Location: Jakanerva
The landmark was erected by the winner of Sanctuary image contest in 2013.
This site stands as a quiet and somewhat unnerving mark of honor for the efforts of Marcus Yeon and all others who took Echelon Entertainment up on its exploration challenge. These capsuleers risked their ships, their clones and their crews on a perilous venture to capture some of the amazing sights of New Eden.
While those pilots who succeeded in the various stages of the challenge were rewarded with various material goods, Echelon Entertainment also commissioned a landmark to be created so that their fearless efforts would be remembered throughout history.
Echelon Entertainment also requested that the landmark be placed next to the scorched ruins of a quite astonishingly ill-fated secret experiment, in order to warn intrepid explorers that on a very few select occasions, discretion is very much the better part of valor. In an interesting quirk of fate, rumor has it that this experiment was being run by Yeon's own people - possibly a subtle warning from Echelon Entertainment not to get too boastful in the dangerous world of New Eden - and that the ghostly form of one of his past clones still haunts the place.
Dev blog: A New Live Event for July
Derelict Remains of a Long Time Ago (Derelict Ruins) |
Location: New Caldari
Clear Water Spring |
Location: Friggi
This site is part of Caldari COSMOS.
Red Rock Outpost |
Location: Otomainen
This site is part of Caldari COSMOS.
Rusty Ridge Mine |
Location: Ishisomo
This site is part of Caldari COSMOS.
Jita IV - Moon 4 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant |
Location: Jita
Jita 4-4 (not to be confused with the other Jita 4-4 station on the same moon) is the largest trade hub in New Eden. This station also has unique station model.
Jita Memorial |
Location: Jita
After the monoclegate riots of YC113 the previous monument was destroyed and replaced with a new monument.
This was once a memorial to the winners of a riddle contest sponsored by the late entrepreneur Ruevo Aram. After standing proud for half a decade, it was destroyed in late YC 113 by capsuleers who were staging a mass uprising against an intolerable status quo of intergalactic affairs. Today, the ruins of this once-great work of art stand as a testament to the fact that change is the universe’s only constant.
Journey of Katia Sae memorial |
Location: Saisio, Abagawa gate
In the unending dark of space, there are a few bright lights to which we can reliably turn for guidance and inspiration. Katia Sae is one such beacon, a shining example of what we can all aspire towards. She exemplifies the attitude of a true explorer: friendly to all in her travels, neutral and never initiating aggression, and very, very hard to catch.
She began her quest to explore all of New Eden starting from Saisio III on December 1 of YC111 and came full circle back to Saisio on March 9 of YC121 after having explored every known-space and wormhole system that can be reached – all without a single ship loss.
May Katia Sae’s epic journey be remembered forevermore by all who travel into the furthest reaches of New Eden and the fathomless depths of Anoikis. Every star is one of her footprints, and every heavenly body tells the tale: "Katia Sae was here."
The Journey of Katia Sae Memorial,
raised by the Achura Stargazers Society,
in association with Signal Cartel
Amarr Home Worlds |
Location: Amarr
Once, Amarr Prime was known as 'Athra', its name before the Amarr conquered the entire globe and began to carve out the greatest empire in New Eden. It is the original home world of the True Amarr, the Khanid, and the Udorians, a subject people long ago assimilated into Amarr society.
The Amarr Empire is so vast and ancient, however, that the oldest of its many settled planets have also come to be regarded as Amarr Home Worlds. Among these, perhaps the highest prestige is given to the 'Throne Worlds', those systems surrounding Amarr itself and the first to be connected in a newly-built gate network since the collapse of the EVE gate.
Nevertheless, the Amarr system remains at the centre of the Empire, with ancient Amarr Prime as the seat of an Imperial Throne, venerated by countless billions as holy ground.
Choonka’s Ship-Wash |
Location: Ashab - Planet II, Moon 1
This unmarked landmark is located near the first moon of Ashab II.
Amarrian Monument |
Location: Amarr
The Veldnaught |
Location: Amarr (may not be present)
Chribba's mining Dreadnaught. One of the few player owned capital ships in high security space.
Mekhios Graveyard |
Location: Sarum Prime
In YC 110 the Minmatar Elder Fleet invaded Amarr Empire space. On June 10th Jamyl Sarum used a Terran superweapon to destroy the Elder Fleet in the Battle of Mekhios.
Lore: Mekhios Graveyard
Captured Dazh Porevitium Transmuter |
Location: Arshat, Stellar Observation Post
This system was invaded by Triglavian forces. The invading forces got far enough to deploy their Dazh Porevitium Transmuter but then EDENCOM pushed them out. The Dazh Porevitium Transmuter remains in partially constructed state right next to the Imperial Stellar Observatory.
The construction of these vast structures is clearly a key goal of this phase of the Triglavian Collective's invasion campaign. EDENCOM intelligence has assessed these huge arrays with their central structure as stellar harvesting installations capable of delving profoundly into the stars they are orbiting.
The clear intent of the unimaginable spatio-temporal manipulations these structures are undertaking is to harvest certain resources, and in doing so completely transform the nature of the star itself. This assessment has been implicitly confirmed by this type of installation's repeating monitor signals containing the deciphered term «Dazh Porevitium Transmuter».
While these structures initially carry out limited probing and sampling, the power and reach of the harvester escalates tremendously as an array of zero-point mass-energy entanglers is constructed around the core harvester. Barely understood Triglavian techniques that had hitherto seemed a mere scientific curiosity will surely have dire consequences for any star system where their full capability is achieved.
Arshat System Fully Fortified After EDENCOM Capsuleer Coalition Pushed Back Invasion Forces
Serpent's Coil |
Location: Vilinnon
The Serpent's Coil is at once one of the most exotic and most dangerous of all space locations in the vast world of EVE. It is currently inhabited by agents of the Serpentis Corporation, which use the place as a gathering point for smugglers and raiders alike. At the heart of the Serpent's Coil lies a ruined military installation. This military base was constructed by the Gallente Federation during the Gallente-Caldari War to defend against marauding Caldari ships. After the war the strategic importance of the base diminished and it was eventually abandoned. The base is ringed by huge rock boulders the size of mountains. These magnificent boulders broke off a comet traversing the Vilinnon system long time ago and today they stand proud in their protection of the most audacious Serpentis base around.
Chronicle: Serpenti's Coil
Gallente Counter-intelligence Center |
Location: Orvolle
Post for agent Arment Caute and the starting location for Guristas epic arc.
Smash and Grab
Pashanai Bombing Monument |
Location: Pashanai III - Moon 9 - Ministry of War Bureau Offices
On 25.3.YC112 the Pashanai III - Moon 9 - Ministry of War Bureau Offices was bombed by Bloody Hands of Matar terrorists. For a long time the station exterior showed visible damage from the bombing but eventually the station was repaired. To keep the memory of the bombing visible there is now a memorial monument by the station.
This monument honors the thousands of martyrs who lost their lives in the brutal terrorist attack against this station in YC112, including esteemed high officials of both the Ministry of War and the Theology Council.
These dedicated servants of the Empire were slain by a cowardly bombing orchestrated by the so-called "Bloody Hands of Matar" terrorist organization.
Let this monument and the fully repaired Ministry of War station stand as testaments to the resilience of the Holy Amarr Empire and as a commitment to bring the Empress's justice to all those who would seek to harm the Empire and its subjects.
Yulai Graveyard and CONCORD Station |
Location: Yulai
This ship graveyard marks the site of perhaps the boldest—or barbaric—military feat in the recorded history of EVE. It was here where CONCORD, the protectorate of interstellar travel, was attacked preemptively by a Minmatar Elder armada. With the Thukker Tribe fighting at their side, the Minmatars fought with a fury not seen since the Rebellion, even sacrificing their own ships to accomplish their mission. With CONCORD’s rapid-reaction force incapacitated, the Elders then launched an invasion of Amarr space and freed untold numbers of slaves.
Guristas Scout Outpost |
Location: Erenta
Kyonoke Pit |
Location: Taisy planet VIII
Kyonoke Pit was once a mining station. During the mining process a disease was released from the rock killing everyone on board. The mining installation has been under quarantine ever since.
Years later. In YC119 the Kyonoke plague spread out resulting in whole cities being quarantined and wide spread panic. Luckily a cure was found in Kyonoke Research Center in Postouvin.
The actual Kyonoke Pit is not visible in space.
Chronicle: Kyonoke Pit
City of God |
Location: Shastal
Built by the megalomaniac emperor Zaragram II some 2000 years ago, intended to be the home of the living god, namely himself. Zaragram set out to uproot and eradicate many of the most sacred traditions of the Amarrians, replacing them by his own mad ideas on divinity. He called his city Mezagorm, meaning Vision of God. Eventually, he was assassinated and later emperors, under pressure from the clergy, did their utmost to bury his memory. The ruins of Zaragram's city still exist, haunted by ghosts and pirates.
Lore: City of God
Kor-Azor Battle Site |
Location: Kor-Azor Prime
During the Elder Fleet incursion to Amarr Empire in YC 110 Kor-Azor saw heavy combat. The remains of this site are a reminder of those fights.
Asteroid Mining Post |
Location: Imih on Liparer gate
Low security locations
Black Rise
The Solitaire |
Location: Ienakkamon
The remains of a Ragnarok-class Titan. It is unknown why the ship is in Caldari space. You can use entosis module on the ship to retrieve items for Project Discovery treasure hunt.
A ghost ship of enormous proportions, this Ragnarok-class Titan should be at the core of a Minmatar strike force or planetary defense, yet here it floats in silence. Its hull is airtight, yet all useful technology has been meticulously stripped from it, including weapons systems, propulsion, and electronics. There is no trace of its crew, despite all of its escape pods being present.
Hangman’s Hill |
Location: Ihakana
Molden Heath
Alliance Barracks |
Location: Audesder
COSMOS site.
Amarr militarization of nearby Kenobanala has forced the Minmatar and their allies to hastily build up a defensive perimeter inside Audesder.
Alliance Defense Brigade |
Location: Audesder
COSMOS site.
Golgothan Fields |
Location: Ennur
The Minmatar Rebellion saw many battles, both on ground and in space. The largest of the space battles took place in the Ennur system a few weeks after the start of the rebellion. The main Amarr battle fleet had returned from Jove space and intended to break the power of the rebels once and for all by sweeping through their core systems. The Minmatar met the Amarr with everything they had. The battle was fierce and lasted for hours. In the end the Minmatar withdrew and the Amarr claimed a victory, but the Minmatar had succeeded in disabling or destroying the best capital ships in the Amarr fleet, thus reducing their offensive strength dramatically. Today the old battlefield, commonly known as Golgothan Fields, is littered with old shipwrecks and infested with pirates that have taken refuge in the giant hulks. They fiercely defend their base, but daring scavengers can still sneak in and rummage around.
Lore: Golgothan Fields
Fort Kumar |
Location: Kenobanala
This location is part of Amarr COSMOS.
Krusual Mobile Library |
Location: Tanoo
The Black Monolith |
Location: Dead End
EVE Gate |
Location: New Eden
In the system of New Eden sits the impenetrable EVE Gate. Thousands of years ago the forefathers of all the human races used the gate to travel to the world of EVE. But the gate has been closed for a long time, a catastrophe that destroyed all planets in the New Eden system and plunged the fragile human settlements to the brink of extinction. Anyone foolish enough to get too close to the gate today will be ripped apart by the magnetic storms that still surround the massive gate.
Lore: EVE Gate
Hollow Asteroid |
Location: Djimame, on Stargate to Antem
This massive asteroid's surface is covered in gaping holes, giving way to an internal chamber. The work of miners or the winds of space and time.
Traumark Installation |
Location: Saminer
The Traumark Installation, a massive fortress guarding the southern space territories of the vastly rich royal family, represents the proudest moment in the history of the Tash-Murkon family. Yet that proud moment came and went, for the fortress, once thought to be impregnable, fell into the hands of Sansha’s Nation. All efforts to retake the installation have failed, and today it stands as a thorn in the side of the proud, but humbled Tash-Murkons
Pandemic Legion Monument |
Location: Amamake, Osoggur gate
Constructed in honor of the capsuleers of Pandemic Legion who fought and defeated their opponents, in a series of gruelling and murderous fights, to claim their place as winners of the sixth round of the great Alliance Tournament. Pandemic Legion can truly claim to be among the true elite, the best of the best.
Sinq Laison
Crielere Research Station |
Location: Crielere I
Crielere I has two station unusually close to each other. This pair of stations once ran important joint research projects for Gallente Federation and Caldari state. The research gave capsuleers the cloaking device.
Lore: Ciere Research Laboratories
Ancient Tomb |
Location: Oyeman IV, Moon 1
This ancient tomb is dedicated to Barak Makdar. The Amarr Empire considers him a war hero who took part in the very first Amarr-Minmatar war. The Minmatar Republic on the other hand views him as a war-criminal who is held responsible for many atrocities committed during the early days of Amarr rule in the Matar regions.
Myridian Strip |
Location: Ezzara
Several decades ago the Amarr Empire was desperate to improve their relations with the other empires, mainly to increase trade and tourism. One of the projects they embarked on was to build the Myridian Strip vacation resort, located above the plasma clouds in the Ezzara system. From an aesthetic point of view the location was perfect: stunningly beautiful and exotic. The resort itself was also a wonder of the world and for the first few years of its operation tourists from all over flocked to it. But the location had one fatal flaw, one that was to manifest itself less than 5 years after it opened: it was located too close to Blood Raider space. The Blood Raiders eagerly jumped on the opportunity presented to them on their doorstep and hundreds perished in their initial raid. Not long after the resort was permanently closed and since then only inhabitants it has had are Blood Raiders, reveling in their prized asset.
R55 Colonial Ruins |
Location: Isie
In the system of Isie the Lai Dai Corporation once ran the largest bio-chemical research facility in Caldari space. The facility was intended to establish Lai Dai as the main biotech company within the State. But only a few years into its operation an accident ruptured the storage tanks and the station had to be abandoned. The myriad chemical substances leaking from the storage tanks mingled in unexpected ways in the zero-g vacuum outside the station and in time formed a eerily beautiful, but highly toxic, gas cloud around the station. After the accident Lai Dai scuttled their biotech ambitions and the station remained vacant for years. Recently, Guristas pirates have started using it as an outpost.
Guristas Recruitment Center |
Location: Taisy
Agent Yada Vinjivas is here. You can star the Guristas epic arc Smash and Grab here if you have enough standings.
Abandoned Guristas Transportation Facility |
Location: Nalvula
Once a hive of pirate activity, this Guristas Transport Facility now drifts in space blackened and scarred, left partially intact by its attackers to serve as a message to its former owners. As you draw closer, it is apparent that the facility’s distress beacon has been hijacked and reprogrammed to loop an audio message of defiance:
“You believed you could hunt us, but you have become the quarry. You believed you could subdue us, but we have risen up. You may be Fatal, but we are immortal.
We have proven that the Empyreans stand with us.
Do not test us again. If you attempt to do so, you will burn at the hands of the Valkyrie and our most loyal and skilled capsuleer wingmen.
Kavik out.”
A data packet is attached to the transmission, listing the DED profiles of a number of capsuleers known to have aided the Valkyrie during their fight against Guristas forces.
Abandoned CRC Monitoring Station |
Location: Arnher
The remains of wreck of Eshtir's Raven floats by the broadcast tower.
The Caldari call these propoganda towers, however the Gallente people prefer to call them liberty towers. Whatever their designation these hidden broadcast towers send their amplified signal throughout the system they are located in. The Gallente networks use them to broadcast their channels to areas of space where such signals are usually banned. There are a network of relay towers which utilise the FTL networks to bring their underground signal to the source tower.
ISD Eshtir leaves
Null security locations
Minecore Facilities |
Location: K-X5AX
COSMOS location.
Minecore Inc. is a corporation founded by groups of freelance miners and mercenaries who had ventured into Feythabolis in search of valuable asteroids and gas clouds rumored to be located in this perilous territory. By banding together they also hoped to withstand attacks from marauding pirates and other outlaws. Inside this area of space they have set up an outpost which operates mainly as a gathering point for their mining expeditions before they venture out into uncharted space in search of harvestable gas clouds.
Shortly after Minecore's conception, the Angel Cartel came in force to I-3ODK to claim their share of the profit. Minecore was forced to concede a large portion of their earnings to the Cartel, and have paid tribute ever since to keep them off their backs. Today Minecore is partially controlled by the Cartel, and their outposts are guarded by Angel ships.
T-M0FA Graveyard |
Location: T-IPZB
Some believe that the Blood Raiders who died here still haunt these tombs of twisted metal, and that if you listen closely, you can hear their hateful cries across the depths of space. What happened at this place is indistinguishable from fact or legend, miracle or nightmare. All that is known for sure is that the origins of Jamyl Sarum’s resurgence can be traced to this spot, and that the Blood Raiders suffered horribly to her wrath.
Chronicle: The Spiral
Blood Reach |
Location: CX8-6K
COSMOS site.
Blood Reach is a fortified outpost run by the Blood Raider organization. Its purpose is to house pilgrims coming to visit the holy site in OK-FEM. In recent times it has also served as a base of operations for Blood Raider forces sent here to find and eliminate Amarrians who come to the constellation to sabotage the Pagera Manton.
Blood Raider Ship Graveyard in the T-IPZB System |
Location: T-IPZB
Cloud Ring
Assilot |
Location: PPG-XC
COSMOS site.
Pioneer’s Sanctuary |
Location: ZH3-BS
Settlers from the Caldari State and beyond took up residence in 09-4XW a few years back after incredibly valuable gas clouds were discovered in the constellation. They braved the Guristas territories to get there, but have now become embroiled in a bitter war with local racketeers and pirates. The migrant's force is vastly outnumbered and it is only a matter of time before the Guristas launch an attack on their outpost.
Serpentis Distribution Outpost |
Location: 8V-SJJ
Vale Of The Silent
First Sergeant Hakiro’s Lookout |
Location: G5ED-Y
COSMOS site.
Black Jack's |
Location: BR-6XP
COSMOS agent Isana Dagin is here.
Syndicate Trade Hub |
Location: UL-4ZW
COSMOS agent Gue Mouey is here.
Contested Kois City |
Location: G5ED-Y
COSMOS site.
The major State outpost in E-8CSQ was recently nicknamed 'Kois City', in referral to Admiral Aurobe Kois who runs the military operation in the constellation. It began as a small base of operations but quickly expanded as more and more personnel arrived from the Caldari State, especially with the fleet Aurobe brought with him. It is now a bustling hub of activity, 'a beacon of Caldari strength that shines through the unremarkable corner of the galaxy we call E-8CSQ' (Admiral Aurobe Kois's words).
The Guristas have proven to be quite the adversary, however, attacking and looting many of the State's small outposts in the constellation. Many expeditions have not returned, which is usually blamed on Guristas interference. However to this day none of the pirate factions have attempted a direct assault on Kois City, as they would most likely be no match for its formidable defenses.
Contested Kois City
Steve Memorial |
Location: C9N-CC
Memorial for Steve, the first titan that was killed.
Titanomachy Visitor Center |
Location: B-R5RB
Here lie the wrecks of monstrous ships, commemorating a battle that blotted out the sky on Jan 27-28 in YC 116.
Two coalitions of capsuleers clashed in vessels numbering in the thousands, causing destruction on a scale of war never before seen by human eyes. CONCORD elected - after advising with the various empires - to leave a few wrecks left on the field for all spacefarers to see. Ostensibly this was a warning to capsuleers of where their folly would lead them, but those who've encountered the immortals will know it was more likely taken as an ideal of death and destruction to which they can aspire from now until the end of time.
The Bloodbath of B-R5RB, Gaming’s Most Destructive Battle Ever
Wicked Creek
The Tain |
Location: DUO-51
At the center of this pocket lies Martokar's hideout. COSMOS agents Ilkur Eiren, Akelf Ortar, Lafuni Oduntra, Androver Hnill and Sigulo Ansa are here.
The Tain is a reflection of the cold space that surrounds it. A past refuge of the notorious Thukker warlord Martokar Alash, a man who rivals galactic storms in ferocity and the destruction of lives, it still bears the marks of his presence there, with ruined equipment and tattered debris strewn about like the broken remnants of a now-lifeless husk.
Martokar moved on, after having decimated the place with assistance from his brother Okelle, and eventually lesser creatures appeared there to take his place. It is said that the Tain is haunted, and certainly most people give it a wide birth.
Of course, the shadowy figures glimpsed there may be ghosts of ancients battles, but in the Tain, you worry less about the dead than you do about the restless living.
Fatimar Outpost |
Location: MY-W1V
Amarr COSMOS location.
Frolo Fatimar was a famous Amarrian explorer that passed away only a few years ago. During his later years he founded this outpost, hidden within a deadspace pocket which originally contained large quantities of Arkonor asteroids. Those are now long gone, having been mined to oblivion, but what remains is a sizable colony of harvesters and miners that have been scouring the 9HXQ-G constellation for the valuable gas clouds Frolo claimed to have found in massive quantities.
Now that the Sansha's Nation has launched a frenzied attempt at eradicating 9HXQ-G of any 'outsiders', the colony is under direct threat from attack. It can hardly expect to remain hidden from the watchful gaze of Sansha patrols for long, unless something drastic is done.
Rakogh Administration Complex |
Location: 3GD6-8
Amarr COSMOS location.
The Rakogh Administration Complex is the heart of Sansha presence in the constellation. Ruled by one of the most cunning and deceptive overlords in Sansha's army, Pashan Mitah, it has long been a beacon of strength that has caused fear and doubt in all but the bravest pioneers in 9HXQ-G.
Currently the complex is being used as a staging point for Sansha's offensive in the constellation, aimed at uprooting all opposition to firmly claim it as a province of the Nation. From here Pashan controls hordes of minions which scour the asteroid belts and moons and other obvious areas in search of prey.
Because of its importance, Rakogh has been the target of sabotage numerous times in the past, but with its formidable defenses few have succeeded in causing any serious damage.
Rakogh Administration Complex
Amarr Military Brigade |
Location: HY-RWO
COSMOS agent Karo Zulak is here.
A Memorial to War |
Location: C-J6MT on 78-0R6 stargate
Monument honoring the notorious sieges and violent battles in C-J6MT and all those involved or impacted by these events.
Empires of EVE: The Siege of C-J6MT
Yakura Harvesting Depot |
Location: A8-XBW
Locations in wormhole space
Eyjafjallajokull II |
Location: J102834
Eyjafjallajokull II is the only named planet in wormhole space. It is named after the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in iceland.
Drifter systems
Sisters of EVE Flotilla |
Location: Drifter wormholes
Caged Wormhole |
Location: Redoubt (J174618)
Though the wormhole seems stable, the exotic radicals pouring from the tear imply that using it would be catastrophic.
Hollow Asteroid |
Location: Redoubt (J174618)
Despite its familiar construction, this ancient probe is made from materials and electronics unlike anything you've ever seen in New Eden. It floats silently through space, seemingly dormant.
Spatial Rift Generator |
Location: Redoubt (J174618)
Superficially similar to natural phenomena observed throughout space, this spatial rift appears to be artificially generated by a Talocan static gate array. Observations have shown that large quantities of dangerous gamma radiation and x-rays are pouring out of the rift. If this tear in space-time leads anywhere it is likely to be very inhospitable.
Ship Graveyard |
Location: Redoubt (J174618)
Sleeper Enclave |
Location: Redoubt (J174618)
Stone Circle |
Location: Vidette (J164710)
An archaic reminder of the days of olde.
Sleeper Enclave |
Location: Vidette (J164710)
Imposing in its majesty, this giant dome stands as a testament to the technological might of the ancient Sleeper race. Even millennia old, the innumerable electronics systems within are still comparable to contemporary technology, in some cases even exceeding it. The distinctive hub-like design of this particular structure suggests that it operated as some kind of central data nexus, a shining capital amongst a digital metropolis.
Although entirely functional and intact, the only signs of life within are electrical currents and the eerily constant transfers of data.
Sleeper Engineering Station |
Location: Vidette (J164710)
This enigmatic structure appears to house numerous engineering subsystems. An outer defense system is still online, shielding the installation from any hostile actions. Inside the facility there is a maze of data networks tangled amongst the cables and conduits that sustain them.
Mysterious Probe |
Location: Vidette (J164710)
Despite its familiar construction, this ancient probe is made from materials and electronics unlike anything you've ever seen in New Eden. It floats silently through space, seemingly dormant.
Spatial Rift |
Location: Vidette (J164710)
Superficially similar to natural phenomena observed throughout space, this spatial rift appears to be artificially generated by a Talocan static gate array. Observations have shown that large quantities of dangerous gamma radiation and x-rays are pouring out of the rift. If this tear in space-time leads anywhere it is likely to be very inhospitable.
Sleeper Enclave Debris |
Location: Sentinel (J055520)
The remnants of this Sleeper Enclave are a stark reminder of the harshness of space.
Monolith |
Location: Sentinel (J055520)
opposing Spatial Rifts |
Location: Sentinel (J055520)
Tiny windows looking out into space offer a glimpse past this structure's impressive armor plating and through to the strange sights within. Barely visible in the dim light are rows upon rows of small chambers, stretching out endlessly inside the darkened hallways of this mammoth conduit. A myriad of connective wires interlace with giant pipelines, feeding into every area of the facility. Although they can be seen coiling up through the foundations, the compounds they are ferrying remain a mystery.
A strange electronic interference emanates from deep within, pulsing randomly every few seconds.
Violent Wormhole |
Location: Sentinel (J055520)
Though the wormhole seems stable, the exotic radicals pouring from the tear imply that using it would be catastrophic.
Orange and blue asteroids |
Location: Sentinel (J055520)
This towering asteroid seems to have suffered a tremendous impact, splitting it into multiple pieces.
Ship Wrecks |
Location: Barbican (J110145)
The mangled wreck floats motionless in space, surrounded by a field of scorched debris, leaving no hint to its form of demise.
Rock Circle |
Location: Barbican (J110145)
An archaic reminder of the days of olde.
Spatial Rift |
Location: Barbican (J110145)
Superficially similar to natural phenomena observed throughout space, this spatial rift appears to be artificially generated by a Talocan static gate array. Observations have shown that large quantities of dangerous gamma radiation and x-rays are pouring out of the rift. If this tear in space-time leads anywhere it is likely to be very inhospitable.
Orange crystal Asteroid |
Location: Barbican (J110145)
This towering asteroid seems to have suffered a tremendous impact, splitting it into multiple pieces.
Unstable Wormhole |
Location: Barbican (J110145)
Your sensors show readings off the chart when you aim them at this peculiar phenomenon. From what little information you can gather you surmise that a stabilizing mechanism of some sort is needed for it to be safe to venture through the wormhole. But the readings also seem to indicate that this wormhole might not be a totally random natural phenomenon, but rather something that was created. When or by whom is impossible to tell and where it leads is an even bigger mystery.
Particle Acceleration Array |
Location: Conflux (J200727)
Asteroid Station |
Location: Conflux (J200727)
Violent Wormhole |
Location: Conflux (J200727)
Monolith |
Location: Conflux (J200727)
Rock Formation |
Location: Conflux (J200727)
Testing Facilities |
Location: Thera
Testing Facilities Wreck Apparently set up to study nearby Talocan technology, this station has been buckled and broken by numerous impacts, possibly from material thrown up from the devastated planet below. The array of Talocan static gates nearby is eerily intact and seems to be functional to some degree.
Spatial Rift Superficially similar to natural phenomena observed throughout space, this spatial rift appears to be artificially generated by a Talocan static gate array. Observations have shown that large quantities of dangerous gamma radiation and x-rays are pouring out of the rift. If this tear in space-time leads anywhere it is likely to be very inhospitable.
Talocan Static Gate This standing structure shares many similar aspects with modern acceleration gates. Whispers among Talocan lore-keepers tell of the Talocan's firm grasp of astronautical engineering, and this gate may offer some insight into this ancient race's knowledge.
Talocan Disruption Tower The Talocan disruption tower is the most mysterious of the Talocan structures. Although certainly a part of the Talocan station, its hinges and propulsion systems imply ready removal from stations, but the peaks and points are unlike any current weapon grouping or turret structure. The tower appears as more of a mechanical syringe than a defense turret, but that may be just speculation. Regardless of the theories, the disruption tower is an unsettling relic of the Talocans.
Epicenter |
Location: Thera
Talocan Polestar The central piece of this Talocan station is the Polestar, the nerve center of the complex and the heart of Talocan survival. Though dilapidated and unusable, the Polestar's outer hull holds many propulsion jets and mini-generators, implying its use as a self-sufficient structure with independent capabilities. From the burn marks around the propulsion thrusters, this Polestar has been jettisoned many times as a necessary structure for a migrant culture.
Talocan Extraction Silo This towering structure contains all the basic elements of a regular silo: cavernous storage areas, thick walls, extensive ventilation, etc. Based on the scans of this silo, however, the silo's previous contents are unknown. The residue from inside reveals nothing known in modern times, or even odd genetic combinations. Whatever its contents, the silo emits an unfamiliar – and uneasy – presence.
Sleeper Preservation Conduit Tiny windows looking out into space offer a glimpse past this structure's impressive armor plating and through to the strange sights within. Barely visible in the dim light are rows upon rows of small chambers, stretching out endlessly inside the darkened hallways of this mammoth conduit. A myriad of connective wires interlace with giant pipelines, feeding into every area of the facility. Although they can be seen coiling up through the foundations, the compounds they are ferrying remain a mystery.
A strange electronic interference emanates from deep within, pulsing randomly every few seconds.
Expedition Command Outpost Wreck |
Location: Thera
Scarred and scorched by devastating forces, this wrecked station apparently served as the command post for the Sanctuary expedition to Thera. Wreathed in clouds of plasma, gas and dust, the station's destruction, while not absolute, is profound and the interior has been gutted by fire and explosions.
Matyrhan Lakat-Hro Surviving markings on the wreck of this Hel-class supercarrier identify it as the Matyrhan Lakat-Hro. In many places symbols of the Thukker Tribe are present along with numerous caravan markings that appear to confirm a link to the lost Lakat-Hro Great Caravan.
The presence of such a vessel in the Thera system has drawn attention to the Thukker contingent working with the Sanctuary here but no comment on the matter has been forthcoming from either party. Early delvers into the wreck's scorched interior soon discovered that all data storage devices had been carefully purged and destructively irradiated.
Shakor: Thukker Caravan Was Destroyed
Planetary Colonization Office Wreck |
Location: Thera
Perhaps the saddest testament to the shattered dreams of the expedition to Thera, this wrecked station seems to have been established as a coordinating center for the colonization of the planet it orbits. As Thera VIII is shattered and wracked by titanic quakes, such an effort would seem improbable unless the shattering happened relatively recently.
While the damage to this station is extensive and very little survives, there are large storage areas containing bins of rock samples that apparently originated from a geologically stable barren or temperate planet.
Thera XII - The Sanctuary Institute of Paleocybernetics |
Location: Thera
Tasked with investigating ancient yet still functioning artificial intelligence systems, this station is home to the Sanctuary’s foremost experts in the behavior and anatomy of the enigmatic Sleeper drones.
Unconfirmed reports leaked in YC116 suggest that researchers at this institute may have succeeded in what was once considered unachievable: capturing and containing operational Sleeper drone subjects. The vast majority of the station is accessible only to authorized Sanctuary personnel, and a heavy security presence discourages snooping.
Thera XIII - The Sanctuary Applied Gravitation Laboratory |
Location: Thera
This station houses the Sanctuary’s cutting-edge graviton physics research facility. Approaching vessels are advised to carefully follow all instructions from traffic controllers, as potentially hazardous spatial distortions may be present in the immediate vicinity.
It is widely assumed that this laboratory’s previous breakthroughs are responsible for the advanced cloaking capabilities of the Astero and Stratios class vessels. Access to the laboratory and administrative levels are restricted and all capsuleer guests are confined to their quarters without exception.
Thera XII - The Sanctuary Surveillance Observatory |
Location: Thera
The advanced omni-spectral sensor arrays equipped to this station enable detailed observation and tracking of the Sleeper activity anywhere in this massive star system.
This facility also serves as the central processing location for data fed from gravitational field sensors fitted to each of the Sanctuary stations spread across Thera. This infrastructure allows rapid trilateration of nearby irregularities in space-time, whether they are detectable through normal scanner probes or not.
Thera XIV - The Sanctuary Fullerene Loom |
Location: Thera
This station contains equipment dedicated to the delicate task of processing and manipulating fullerene-rich gases and their byproducts. The resulting polymers are used in multiple applications throughout Thera, enabling continued expansion and maintenance of the Sanctuary’s expedition.
Capsuleer guests at the stations are welcome within clearly designated zones, however use of the hybrid reaction lines is restricted to authorized Sanctuary personnel only.
Svarog Vyraj Anchorage |
Location: Niarja
Vast and resplendent with the energies of a harnessed singularity, the Svarog Vyraj Anchorage is a truly titanic structure. Lying at the heart of Krai Svarog, this enormous anchorage is large enough to serve as a dock for Xordazh-class World Arks and is effectively an even greater artificial world in its own right.
The positioning of the Vyraj Anchorage at the core of Svarog Clade's section of the Pochven region's loop of conduit gates implies a vital role in the "weaving" of the constructed Triglavian region. For the Triglavians, the true primary role of the mighty structure appears be one of anchoring this space to the Abyssal Domain of Bujan, facilitating the Flow of Vyraj through the Domain of Pochven.
Veles Vyraj Anchorage |
Location: Archee
Vast and resplendent with the energies of a harnessed singularity, the Veles Vyraj Anchorage is a truly titanic structure. Lying at the heart of Krai Veles, this enormous anchorage is large enough to serve as a dock for Xordazh-class World Arks and is effectively an even greater artificial world in its own right.
The positioning of the Vyraj Anchorage at the core of Veles Clade's section of the Pochven region's loop of conduit gates implies a vital role in the "weaving" of the constructed Triglavian region. For the Triglavians, the true primary role of the mighty structure appears be one of anchoring this space to the Abyssal Domain of Bujan, facilitating the Flow of Vyraj through the Domain of Pochven.
Perun Vyraj Anchorage |
Location: Kino
Vast and resplendent with the energies of a harnessed singularity, the Perun Vyraj Anchorage is a truly titanic structure. Lying at the heart of Krai Perun, this enormous anchorage is large enough to serve as a dock for Xordazh-class World Arks and is effectively an even greater artificial world in its own right.
The positioning of the Vyraj Anchorage at the core of Perun Clade's section of the Pochven region's loop of conduit gates implies a vital role in the "weaving" of the constructed Triglavian region. For the Triglavians, the true primary role of the mighty structure appears be one of anchoring this space to the Abyssal Domain of Bujan, facilitating the Flow of Vyraj through the Domain of Pochven.
Disrupted Gate (Pochven side) |
Location: Pochven
This wrecked Caldari stargate was disrupted by the Triglavian Collective's manipulation of the star system in which it lies. The awesome local disruption of space-time led to severe gravitational anomalies drawing a huge quantity of exotic matter into the gate threshold. The energies released have definitively wrecked the stargate, leaving it a non-functional monument to a time when this system was part of the Caldari State.
Galactic Hour News Roundup: Triglavian Totality Edition
Birthday Bash |
Location: Tunudan
What was once a battlefield juggernaut has been reduced to nothing but a silent, slowly deteriorating tomb.
Chappy’s Birthday Bash
Locations in multiple places
Epicenter |
Location: Shattered wormholes
Every shattered wormhole system has an epicenter near their sun. The area contains multiple Sleeper and Talocan structures and violent wormholes that can not be accessed.
Epicenter (Sansha's Nation) |
Location: J005299, J010556, J011195
This shattered wormhole is inhabited by the Sansha's Nation instead of the usual Sleepers. This is also reflected by the epicenter which shows remnants of a battle.
Jove Observatory |
Location: Various
CONCORD's analysis has revealed only scant and confusing information about this structure. Surveys of the damaged areas of the structure reveal a series of clearly powerful but functionally mysterious elements. The structure is undoubtedly Jove in origin but it is hard to determine its exact age given the advanced nature of the materials and construction. Regardless of its age, it is safe to say the structure surpasses anything we have previously seen.
Jove Observatory
Shattered Planet |
Location: Seyllin, IPZB, SL-YBS, Z8-81T, 3HQC-6, EAWE-2, 35-RK9, J115422, J164104, Thera
The shattered planets were formed during the Seyllin Incident. The same incident caused wormholes to appear and later the Caroline's Star.
Shattered worlds were once terrestrial planets, torn asunder by some immense cataclysm. All such worlds in the New Eden cluster are products of the disastrous stellar events that occurred during the "Seyllin Incident". However, reports continue to circulate of similar planets discovered in the unmapped systems reached exclusively through unstable wormholes. How these met their fate, if indeed they exist at all, is unknown.
Chronicle: World on Fire, The Seyllin Report (pdf)
Astrahus Exemplar Site |
Location: Multiple
Monument for the Upwell Consortium launching the citadel class structures.
Citadel Class: Astrahus
Manufacturer: Upwell Consortium
Manufactured in YC-118 by the Upwell Consortium with great assistance from capsuleers.
The Upwell Consortium and its known affiliates wish to specifically thank Naava Edios, for going above and beyond all limits and expectations to make these dreams become a reality.
The following capsuleers have earned an Astrahus blueprint copy for services rendered to the Upwell Consortium:
Aeris Cuprum
Ruth Maude
Shinron Sakai
The following capsuleer has earned a Fortizar blueprint copy for services rendered to the Upwell Consortium:
Dzen Avi
Disrupted Gate (empire side) |
Location: Systems that used to be connected to systems that now form Pochven
This is a disconnected Caldari stargate disrupted by the Triglavian Collective's manipulation of the star system to which it once led. The disrupted gate is now a navigation hazard and attempts to use it for interstellar travel will fail.
Galactic Hour News Roundup: Triglavian Totality Edition
Wandering locations
Space Oddity |
Location: Varies
The Space Oddity is a tribute to the Musician David Bowie.
It is classified as a combat site in your scan window.
This site is very hard to scan down and a scanner strength of above 105 is needed to get to 100%. This site appears in all of K-Space and also W-Space.
Despite being a combat site, there is no actual combat in this site. Just a single, blue NPC ship similar to the Zephyr will appear within a gas cloud.
This mysterious shuttle is slowly passing through the system, following a predetermined course from some unknown origin. Although similarities between its design and some current starships can be discerned, this vessel appears to predate those ships by many centuries. Scans indicate that the shuttle once had room for a single occupant but now lies empty, sailing onward in silent memory of the visionary pilot it once ferried.
Site Video
Unidentified Wormhole |
Location: Wanders in systems that have Jove Observatories
Systems that have a Jove Observatory in them can occasionally spawn an Unidentified Wormhole beacon. On the beacon is a deadspace pocket with a wormhole leading to one of the Drifter systems.
An unstable wormhole, deep in space. Wormholes of this kind usually collapse after a few days, and can lead to anywhere.
This wormhole seems to lead into unknown parts of space.
Stellar phenomena
Caroline's Star |
Location: Located in W477-P, visible everywhere
Around 6000 years ago or earlier the Talocans built a dyson swarm around the star of W477-P solar system. The details of this construct are unknown but it was used for mass generating stable wormholes leading to Anoikis. The Syillin incident of YC111 damaged the lattice around the star opening unstable wormholes all over New Eden. Later in YC116 the star went supernova, possibnly due to Drifter or Sleeper inteference. The resulting explosion destroyed the stargrate network of Jove space, opened wormholes to a number of "shattered wormhole" systems and the explosion itself is visible in all of New Eden as the Caroline's Star.
Chronicle: Inheritance
Filler locations
The space of New Eden is also filled with various locations that don't have any particular story. They usually contain small number of rats native to the region.
Very rarely these sites can also contain a commander rat that can drop faction modules.
Unidentified Cartel Hideout |
Location: Various
Forgotten Amarr Outpost |
Location: Various
Deserted Gallente Outpost |
Location: Various
Quarantined Blood Raider Sanctuary |
Location: Various
Abandoned Caldari Outpost |
Location: Various
Derelict Ruins |
Location: Various
Abandoned Research Outpost |
Location: Various
Abandoned Research Project |
Location: Various
Natural Phenomenon |
Location: Various
Ruined Minmatar Outpost |
Location: Various
Rogue Cloning Facility |
Location: Various starter systems
The site contains very weak rats that drop civilian module blueprint copies and ectoplasma.
The power of the empires is waning and new capsuleers now seek freedom from the schools that trained them. Rather than going through the proper channels more and more are choosing to use illegal pop-up cloning facilities that will provide them with their first body in space, then disappear before the authorities catch wind of their nefarious activities. These facilities lack the protection afforded to legitimate facilities and are often targeted by young pirates with something to prove.
Abandoned Mining Colony |
Location: Various
Massive construction girders stretch between the crumbled asteroids, giving a solid ground for a station or outpost.
Abandoned Battlefield |
Location: Various
After thousands of years among the stars, the space lanes of New Eden have become littered with the presence of countless battlefields. The twisted and gnarled hulls of defeated vessels float in silent memory of humanity’s endless capacity for violence.
Roden Center |
Location: Various
This facility bears the red color scheme particular to Roden Shipyards.
Roden Shipyards Manufacturing Center |
Location: Various
Abandoned Ship Wreck |
Location: Various
Pilfried Guristas Outpost |
Location: Various
Rogue Drone Site |
Location: Various in drone regions
This gigantic superstructure was built by the effort of thousands of rogue drones. While the structure appears to be incomplete, its intended shape remains a mystery to the clueless carbon-based lifeforms.
Derelict Sansha Outpost |
Location: Various in drone regions
Removed locations
The locations listed here were in the game but are no more.
Caldari Prime Titan |
Location: Luminaire
Destroyed in the Battle of Caldari Prime.
Gate Inside Of A Station |
Location: Central Point, jumpgate to Dead End
Ultra Premier Nebula |
Location: Elarel
In YC 106 the Quafe corporation held a party at the Rent-A-Dream Gardens in Elarel. The party was attacked by United against Decadence and Impurity (UDI) and over 300 personnel were slaughtered in event commonly known as "Elarel Massacre".
The site appears to have been removed.
UDI – Where are they now?
Blood Raider Crawler |
Location: Saidusairos
Crimson Cathedral |
Location: Saidusairos
Pashanai III - Moon 9 - Ministry of War Bureau Offices |
Location: Pashanai
On 25.3.YC112 the Pashanai III - Moon 9 - Ministry of War Bureau Offices was bombed by Bloody Hands of Matar terrorists. For a long time the station exterior showed visible damage from the bombing but eventually the station was repaired. Nowadays there is a monument near the station.
External links