Brand New Harvesters

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Level 2 Storyline
Type Coureier
Objective Deliver 32x Crate of Harvester Components (320 m3)
Mission briefing
One of our subsidiaries has recently suffered a major setback, <Pilot>. A hurricane wiped out half their planetside crops and wrecked the equipment. Most of it was already falling apart, the storm just finished it off. Obviously, this is a big problem for them, and us, but it's still the early part of the first growing season. Deliver these parts to the assembly plant at <Station> so we can replace the equipment before they lose too much from this harvest.
Acts of God
Recent decades have seen a resurgence in attempts to control planetary weather patterns on a full global scale, particularly on technologically advanced agricultural worlds. Ensuring a regular cycle of rain and sun enables farmers to plant crops throughout the year with a smaller margin for error.

Despite the advances, the most that can be claimed is weather ‘guidance'. The one successfully controlled year on Aforat in the Mishi system was followed by two years of raging, uncontrollable storms which flattened fields with hail and flooded river valleys. The blame was laid on aggressive methods exercised by the corporation in charge of the project; reactors placed within existing ocean currents prevented seawater from cooling regularly in the colder months, disrupting the planetary climate entirely.