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Level 2 Storyline
Type Encounter
Objective Retrieve the Caldari envoy (1x Political Envoy, 2m3).
Faction Gallente
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Mission briefing
A Caldari envoy is soliciting our assistance for his particular area of space. However, his transport ship is poorly guarded. Meet him at <System> and escort him the rest of the way here.
Caldari-Gallente Conflict
The Caldari-Gallente war began based upon differences of thought and opinion of the Federation they were both a part of. It ripped the Federation completely down the middle and became particularly vicious.

Space type: Normal space.


  • Eliminating all enemy ships flags the mission objective as completed.
  • The last ship killed drops a container with the Political Envoy.
Pop-up at start warp
It appears the envoy is being pursued by Gallente.

This could get messy.


Hauler 1 x Hauler Caldari Envoy Will be destroyed by the Ambushers.
Destroyer 4 x Destroyer Ambusher Renamed Federation Pelekus
In local - On arrival:
Ambusher: Can't get away like that, fascist.
In local - On destruction of Caldari envoy:
Ambusher: We've got the envoy. Let's take care of this egger scum and head home.