Not Gneiss at All

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Level 4
Type Mining
Objective Mine 4,200 units of Green Arisite (21,000m3).
Faction Region specific belt rats.
Best damage to deal See NPC damage types
Damage to resist See NPC damage types
Ship suggestion Retriever
Mission briefing
I do. And it's going to be a big haul.

Demand for minerals is skyrocketing. All the big empires are stockpiling for the coming fight. Oh, come on, you've seen the signs! Ships, rockets, drones, fortifications — all these things take material. The skirmishes out in 0.0 aren't lessening the demand any, either. Which is good for us. More demand means more profit.

To fill that demand, we're having to turn to some unorthodox ores. Green Arisite, for instance. I know of a large field that's full of the stuff. If you can get it for me, I'll make sure you're reimbursed. We just may be able to make some use of it, with the right tech. Who knows?

Ungated normal space pocket. Rats listed are Guristas, other factions spawn based on region.

Structures, 50km away

Asteroid 1 x Green Arisite Mission objective 4200 units

Spawn example: Guristas

First spawn

Frigate 3 x Frigate Guristas Infiltrator/Invader
Second spawn

Frigate 3 x Frigate Guristas Despoiler/Saboteur