Foreign Investment

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Level 2
Type Encounter
Objective Destroy the Federation Navy guards and their headquarters
Faction Gallente Federation
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
EWAR Gallente Navy frigates (Sensor Dampening)
Ship suggestion Destroyer, Cruiser
Rewards 82,000 ISK + 113 LP + 75,000 ISK (time completion bonus)
Standing loss 0.24 loss to Gallente Federation for killing the objective (the HQ, marked as Gallente Starbase Control Tower in logs)
Extra Objective requires Large Collidable Structures to see on overview
Mission briefing
There has been an ongoing situation in the entertainment industry, the gambling sector in particular. We've started to see Gallente companies buying out the smaller ones here and reaping profits from our own citizens. Worse, they've offered Navy vessels as security for these companies' spacebound offices, many of which are located in our own regions.

Make no mistake, <player>: This is in all likelihood just their first step. Their intentions are nothing short of an economic war with us over one of our key industries, followed by a direct assault in our own backyard once we're sufficiently weakened.

So, we're getting loyal pod pilots like you together and sending them off to as many of the "company sites" as we can find. A local recon force recently found such a Gallente Navy headquarters nearby in Maurasi. Get out there and deal with them. This is a standard office complex; an outer layer of security with the offices behind them. Take out all of the guards, then go for their headquarters.


Initial Group, 25km (auto-aggro)

Frigate 4 x Frigate Gallente Navy Remote Sensor Dampener
Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Gallente Navy

Pocket 1

Initial Group (auto-aggro)

Sentry 4 x Sentry Gallente Light Missile Battery
Structure 1 x Gallente Company HQ Triggers mission completion once destroyed


Tags: ~90k ISK (estimate) Federation Navy Midshipman Insignia II 3 Federation Navy Midshipman Insignia III 1 Federation Navy Sergeant Insignia I 2


  • Video: Corax Mission ends at 9:33 mark