Understanding Augumene

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Revision as of 14:38, 30 December 2023 by Evon R'al (talk | contribs) (Add asteroids table.)
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Level 2
Type Mining
Objective Mine 7,500 x Augumene (2250  m3)
Faction Region specific belt rats
Best damage to deal See NPC damage types
Damage to resist See NPC damage types
Mission briefing
I've just gotten word about a deposit of Augumene in this system. Now, we're not really sure what use we might make of it, but a number of our competitors seem to want it for research, so that means we need to move on it too. Go out to the bookmark I'll provide for you and mine every unit of the stuff you find there for us to study… before anyone else gets their hands on it.

Asteroid 8 x Augumene Mission objective

As in all mining operations belt rats may randomly spawn.