Wormhole Community
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This page is specific to EVE University. Other corporations or groups in the game may operate differently. For a summary of EVE University's rules and code of conduct, see EVE University Rules. |
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EVE University |
Communities |
Other Resources |
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Wormholes |
Life in wormholes |
EVE University specific |
Reference |
NPCs |
External links |
What is the wormhole campus?
The Wormhole Campus is an ongoing educational project of EVE University dedicated to instructing students about wormhole life. It was born in late November 2012, and its first manager was Sylvanium Orlenard. It is based out of a C2 wormhole with both a highsec static (allowing easy access to kspace for classes and logistics) and a C3 static (for ISK making and PvP opportunities).
Location: J211936
Time: 23/7
In-Game Chat Channel: "WHC (Eve Uni)"
Mailing list: WHC.E-Uni (accessible only to approved campus members)
Campus Manager
Conci Furiram
Assistant Campus Manager
Zako Maken
WHC Administrative Officers
Hannah Onasi
Tori Moliko
WHC Logistics Officers
Steffen Wolfe
Urban Oxide
Vlo Uhm
WHC Education Officers
Kabal Vaille
Mhzentul Lafarius
WHC Reimbursement Officers
Wroxton Vee
The WHC is overseen by the Director of Special Projects. In the event of other issues or problems with people please contact the Student Advocate.
Joining the WHC
Wormhole space favors the small gang. Close-knit communities thrive in our environment. In other words, the individual performance of each pilot and the strong communication between pilots are at the core of our lifestyle. We take great care that every pilot that joins us is able to participate in as many of our day-to-day activities as possible. So to that end, we drafted up the bare-bones; bring those in when you join and we'll nurture you into a wormhole denizen!
Required Skills | Required Titles | Required Ships (See Fleet-Up page on how to access the fits) | Recommended Knowledge |
Apply Here
Once you've met these requirements and are ready give wormhole life a try, apply here.
Although HACs, Guardians, and T3 Cruisers are the face of Wormhole space, they are not required for joining the Wormhole Campus. Many veteran WHC members fly T1 Battlecruisers and Cruisers on a daily basis.
Recommended Skills & Ships
Wormhole life is dangerous. As always, don't fly what you can't afford to lose.
This section lists skills and ships that, while not required, increase the number of roles you can fill in the WHC.
Skill | Basic level | Advanced level | Why? |
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3 | 4 | Each level improves your ability to scan. |
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0 | 3 | Each level increases scan strength. |
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0 | 3 | Each level increases scan speed. |
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0 | 3 | Each level reduces scan deviation on results. |
<Racial> Battlecruiser | 3 | 4 | Apart from Heavy Assault Cruisers and T3 Strategic Cruisers, Battlecruisers are the best ships to fly in the WHC. |
<Racial> Cruiser | 3 | 5 | Cruisers are a crucial stepping stone toward T3 Strategic Cruisers, Heavy Assault Cruisers, and Heavy Interdictor Cruisers. They're also cheap. |
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3 | 4 | Sleeper Battleship wrecks require IV to salvage. Salvage rigs also increase salvaging efficiency by one skill level each. |
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3 | 4 | Data Analyzers are used in Data sites. The skill increases the HP [hit points] of your virus. |
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3 | 4 | Relic Analyzers are used in Relic sites. The skill increases the HP [hit points] of your virus. |
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3 | 4 | Cloaking while scanning and reduction of CPU requirements. |
Ship | Role | Support skills |
T1 Exploration Frigate | Scanning/picketing | <Racial> frigate 3; ![]() |
Covert Operations Frigate | Scanning/scouting | ![]() ![]() |
<Racial> Battlecruiser | Combat | <Racial> Battlecruiser 3; Varies |
The above are merely suggestions for being useful during your first few weeks in system without investing too many resources in the endeavor. Once you are more comfortable with day-to-day operations and better understand the risks involved, you may consider bringing in more specialized or expensive ships and equipment.
Wormhole Campus Ship Fittings
Wondering how to fit your new Brutix or Tengu? The WHC Forum has helpfully collected a bunch of fits. The Wormhole Campus Ship Fittings page contains both fittings appropriate for newbros, as well as fittings for veteran pilots looking to travel further down the rabbit hole. As always, make sure to click on Notes for more information about each fit.
More up-to-date ship fittings are in fleet-up.com. You'll need an account and connect it with an Eve-API to access the fittings. You'll find under the Solo, Duo and Trio fits and the Rasharing doctrine that we're mostly flying shield fittings for bearing nowadays. However, we're armor heavier when going for PVP.
Beyond Skills: The Wormhole Mindset
If you're looking to stay in the WHC for a while, you'll need more than just a good base of skills. While skills are great, living in a wormhole requires a different mindset. There are realities to w-space that you've never thought about before, and there are things that you might find useful or commonplace in k-space that no longer apply.
- Scanning is mandatory.
- A T1 Scanning Frigate is a good starting point, but clandestine scanning in a T2 CovOps Frigate is one of the most important, valuable contributions a lower-skilled player can make to WHC operations. Nearly everything we do is scanned down. Scanning and especially scouting in secret is safer and much more useful.
- Battleships are too big for most of what we do.
- Wormholes have mass limits. Battleships have a lot of mass. They can only pass through a wormhole a few times before that wormhole starts to collapse.
- As you familiarize yourself with not just what, but also how things are done in a wormhole, you'll see that Tech 3 Strategic Cruisers, Logistics Cruisers (especially Tech 2 Logistics Cruisers), Heavy Assault Cruisers, Heavy Interdiction Cruisers, and combat battlecruisers (not tier 3 or attack battlecruisers) are the most used ship types. To maximize the roles you can fill over time, you should be willing to adjust your skill plan.
- The wormhole endgame, at least for a C2 wormhole, is all about packing as much offense and defense into the smallest ship size possible, which most of the time means Cruisers and below.
- The space you're living in is no longer well-defined. It is ever changing.
- The wormhole you call home may seem constant, but just about everything else is quite dynamic as connecting wormholes form and collapse. What you think of as the neighbourhood (and thus the neighbours) changes all the time.
- Things you may take for granted will vary over time. Access to trade hubs fluctuates day-to-day and hauling stuff can be both dangerous and inconvenient.
- You're going to be trapped in here with us.
- You won't always feel like you have a lot of choice in what you can do at any given moment. You might log in to run sites and find PvP happening instead. That's life and that's what you'll be doing that day.
- You need to be self-motivated. This can not be stressed enough. If you are not a self starter you will be spinning in structures and asking "Is there anything going on" quite frequently and that isn't any fun, unless you're odd and think it is.
- W-space is perhaps the most player-driven space in EVE. If you're not making it happen, it probably isn't happening. Passive players will find things boring before long. Of course newbros will always have a period of time figuring out what's actually going on, but in the end you need to be a self-starter who can independently do what needs doing.
- If you don't have anything to do, make something to do. Scan down the wormhole chain. Scout systems, looking for PvP opportunities or ganks. Find a lowsec connection and lead a roam. Go to nullsec and point a carrier. This is the most exciting thing about the WHC: You get to make it happen!
Wormhole life isn't everyone's cup of tea, but for a certain kind of player nothing beats it. The WHC is an amazing opportunity for players to experience wormhole life first hand. Come on a Noob Night In The Hole class, or join for a week and see if it sticks! Just be aware that beyond a minimal set of skills to join the campus, you can expect a few play style changes.
What can I do in WHC?
- Scan, scan, scan! Everything in W-space needs to be scanned down. Probe the chain, scout new connections, observe our neighbours, picket a hole if you are not doing anything. Do not sit in a citadel and wait for stuff to happen; content, whether PvP or PvE, is created by you!
- It is especially important to keep note of all new signatures so we don't get surprised by unexpected neighbours. Compare the signatures in the mapper with those in your scan window and right click->ignore all the known ones. This way you will immediately see if a new signature spawns.
- Rolling
- You can roll the wormhole connections if you scanned down the chain already and can not find any content.
- PvE
- Practice scouting using the Wormhole Campus Scouting Guide
- Also check out the more general: Wormhole Scouting Guide
- Earn ISK by running Sleeper sites with fellow Unistas. Be aware that Sleeper site running is a little different from site running in k-space, as there are no bounties and no module drops. Instead, Sleepers drop Sleeper Components (referred to as blue loot due to its icon colour), as well as valuable salvage.
- Please do not run Combat Sites or Null Data and Relic Sites in Innuendo - we save these as bait for day-trippers and the more of them we have in our system, the more likely someone will take the bait and run them. You can, however, mine Gas Sites and Ore Anomalies, run Sleeper Data and Relic Sites. If we use up the sites in Innuendo, they take a long time to respawn and that will ensure no visitors, and we want visitors so we can shoot at them.
- Practice scouting using the Wormhole Campus Scouting Guide
- PvP
- Baiting
- Practice Combat Probing
- Ganking clueless daytrippers
- Experiencing what the lack of local chat or static gates does to PvP
- Use K-space exits as covert bridges to engage in sudden non-consensual PvP
- Industry
- Gas cloud harvesting
- Conventional Mining
- Planetary Interaction
- Mining in W-Space
- Tech 2 / Tech 3 Research and Production (Please note that this is only possible in a citadel Group and on your E-UNI Character)
- Experience lawless and uncharted space
- Learn how to live without stations
- Bubbles
- Lack of gate mechanics
- Lack of other pilot's names in local chat
- Wormhole manipulation (e.g. using wormhole mass limits to collapse wormholes)
- Detailed Wormhole Campus Static Rolling Guide
Campus Rules, Procedures and Etiquette
- Join the WHC fleet if you're active in campus. If there's no fleet, make one and put up an advert so others may join. See this detailed guide.
- Join the WHC mumble channel if you're active in campus. If you can't talk, at least be able to listen. If you're hearing impaired let a WHC staff member know.
- Wormhole Campus mumble is an event chat. You may join the channel even if you're not actively participating in the fleet. Follow combat comms when active, regardless.
- Help your fellow campers learn. EVE University and the Wormhole Campus are educational institutions. Learning opportunities override everything else.
- Adhere to all EVE University Rules.
- Fly what you can afford to lose.
A long, long time ago... |
How much you can bring in
Assembling Ships
- Stay logged out or cloaked in a safespot when you are not doing anything. The Citadel shows the number of people that are online in the citadel in a small bracket besides the name when on grid. If you are not in a combat recon you will show on d-scan outside the citadel. If our numbers look larger than they are, we might miss out on fights.
- We appreciate if you store expendable ships in the freshman hangar for common access in the spirit of sharing. Feel free to take ships out of freshman hanger yourself. If it blows up, you replace it. If the person who owns the ship is around you should ask.
- Some ships in the Alpha Hangar of the Citadel are named "WHC Defence". DO NOT take these ships without asking.
- Directors and WHC Staff can authorize the use of those ships for the express purpose of WHC Home Defence. They are not for site running, normal PVP, or hole rolling.
- PvE loot is property of the group who agree to rat or run sites together.
- The campus offers a loot hauling and selling service at a 7.5% cut which goes to fuel and other operational needs. See below for more info.
- Don't run the Combat Anomalies or Null Data and Relic Sites located in the home system; these are used as bait for day trippers. You are allowed to run Sleeper Data and Relic Sites, Gas Sites, and Ore Anomalies.
- Announce activations.
- Announce PvP to the WHC mumble Ready Room.
- PvP events should be advertised via Slack Pings.
- It is considered to be bad manners to conduct PVE in holes occupied by corps that are Blue to the Ivy League without asking for their permission first.
- Campus communications default to open comms. This may change if something is happening. For instance if there is an imminent threat or a quick response fleet forming, the channel may be closed comms or open command.
- Unless it's urgent, please wait a minute before speaking when entering the channel. This will allow you to get your bearings and not interrupt something important in progress.
- You may enter the WHC mumble channel without being a campus member or EVE University Staff. Please keep in mind that campus members may be engaged in other activities and may not be able to answer your questions immediately.
- Groups of students operating in the W-Space chain may remain in the WHC mumble without making a separate fleet and can join the Roaming WHC mumble sub channel.
- Operations in K-Space must move to a separate ILN Fleet mumble channel. Moving to a separate fleet from the campus is recommended but not required.
- We operate on a "built for purpose" foundation. If you're hunting someone in particular, or operating a continuing operation hunting targets, join a separate mumble channel until you accomplish your goal. This helps organize our fleet and keep comms clear for those who need it.
- Please follow our Communications Policy when on comms.
WHC Alternate Character Rules
In summary:
- You may bring one out-of-alliance alt to the WHC. They need to be specifically approved. Fill out this form to have the alt set +7.5 and given other appropriate permissions
In detail:
- All alternate character behaviour is subject to EVE University Rules. Any breach of these rules will result in disciplinary action taken on your main.
- No alt is allowed in the W-Space system if the main character is not an active WHC member. Your main may of course leave the WHC for short periods and return to campus, but if you leave the WHC permanently your alts will be asked to leave also.
- You may bring multiple alts who are in the Ivy League alliance (e.g. an alt in HALL). However we keep an eye on numbers. If we see pilots abusing this privilege a hard limit may be placed. NOTE: We still enforce the 1 alt rule for standings & structure docking, so either its 1 alt that is OOC or 1 alt that is a HALL alt. If you have multiple HALL alts or even OOC alts, there can only be 1. A way to get around this 1 alt limitation is to find a private structure group and apply to join so that alts have somewhere to dock or just log out in a safe somewhere in space.
- You may bring only one out-of-alliance alt into the WHC. This alt may be in a NPC Corporation or a personal, player-owned corporation.
- Personal player-owned corporations must be owned and inhabited only by alts of an active WHC member.
- Personal player-owned corporation standings must be set to +5. Please join the in-game channel Diplomacy.E-UNI for instructions on how to do this.
- The alt character itself must be set to +7.5 to the Ivy League Alliance. Please fill in this form to accomplish this, you also get access to the citadel with the same application. Wait for a confirmation email from the diplomats, then wait at least 24 hours to ensure standings registration. NOTE: It's a three step approval process which may take time, please don't apply multiple times but instead get in contact with a WHC Admin Officer about the status via slack, forum, mumble, or in-game.
- If you have an alt who is itself a member of EVE University, and that character otherwise meets the entry requirements of the campus, that character may apply for WHC membership through the ordinary application process.
WHC Pings
A long, long time ago... |
WHC previously used an E-UNI Jabber server with its own password-protected WHC channel. Members could subscribe to pings from the mapper. |
The WHC now uses Slack for pings. It is also worth mentioning that there are guidelines for pinging that are a must read!
WHC Fleet-Up Group
Fleet-up.com is a powerful online tool for the game EVE-Online that allows you to manage fittings, doctrines, pilots and fleets.
We have our own Fleet-Up group for the WHC. Once you are a campus member, you can request access (you will find instructions in your welcome mail).
Naming Conventions
What Are Bacon, Eggs and Innuendo?
Innuendo is our home system, the one with all our POSes.
Bacon is what we call the C3 static in our wormhole.
Eggs is what we call the Highsec static in our wormhole.
Mapper & Bookmark Naming Scheme
Wormhole space is dynamic. Navigation is challenging. Coordinating an entire campus is more challenging still. To do this we:
- Share a wormhole map, allowing WHC campers to see the surrounding space and get a sense of what is where.
- Share a wormhole mapping scheme which gives each wormhole a useful and meaningful name on the mapper.
- Create campus bookmarks that all campers can see and use.
- Share a wormhole bookmarking scheme which gives each wormhole a useful and meaningful name in the corporation bookmarks, and helps campers navigate even if the mapper is malfunctioning.
Personal Bookmarks
It is also recommended that you make and maintain certain personal bookmarks:
- Bookmark the K-Space side of wormholes yourself
- Make safe spots
- Make tactical bookmarks
- On grid yet outside minimum warp distance (150km) of the citadel
Living in Wormhole Space
You can use this link for additional information on Living in Wormhole Space.
Useful notes for site running - Wormhole Exploration Sites
Nato Alphabet - We use this to say the sigs that we need to warp to. It just makes it easier to understand if you have an accent for example.
Loot Hauling & Selling
The WHC Campus operates a loot hauling and selling service. We strive to do the hauling and payouts related to the sheet weekly, so your payment is slightly delayed, but you won't have to haul loot through wartarget riddled K-Space. The WHC takes a 7.5% cut for operational costs and a 7.5% cut to pay for scanners and distributes the rest based on participation.
Wormhole Ops Unified Loot Sheet
When you see an empty operation sheet, it means we've hauled materials out (or otherwise disbursed it via the trade post) and are in the process of doing payouts. You can expect payment relatively soon at this point; however, there can be short delays depending on the schedules of the people who handle WHC finances.
Newbro advice
As a new player looking to join the WHC, the amount of information can be overwhelming. EVE has existed for over fifteen years. There is a plethora of links, threads, and videos which sometimes can lead to more questions then they answer. One of the reasons why some newbros lose ships is that they were not prepared for the change of game play and demands of wormhole life.
The good news is that you don't need to have all the answers right now. That's why the Wormhole Campus exists!
As long as you have the required skills to join and have read and understood this page, you are welcome to apply. The WHC community welcomes new campers, and lets them develop inside the WHC. With the guidance of existing campers, you get to make your choices after you've arrived.
While this should lower the threshold to apply for some, you should also be aware that life in a wormhole is diverse and your choices will either enable or disable your participation in the different activities. For example, you can join with a T2 Shield Tank, but a significant majority of PvP fleets are armor tanked. Guardian logi pilots are highly appreciated in PvP, but if you can't fly T2 logi, T1 logi is useful as well. Alternatively, if you don't want to fly logi, you don't have to. Some of the popular threads on the WHC forum make it sound like everything revolves around Strategic Cruisers, T2 armor logi, and Cov Ops, but you will find that almost any ship has some use in wormhole life.
To participate in the most common activities you need an armor tanked battlecruiser with any kind of weapons, plus a scanning frigate. This will get you started and will let you get a grasp of what is going on and what to focus your training on by engaging in a range of different activities. For example a T1 battlecruiser such as a Talos can participate in both PvP and PvE activities. A Cov Ops frigate can map out the wormhole chain, act as a picket, scout out wormholes for potential PvP, and even act as hero tackle on occasion.
If you have any further questions, there is a Q&A Thread on the WHC forum where current WHC members will be more than happy to help.