Shipyard Theft (Angel Cartel)
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Mission briefing |
I'm glad you made your way here, ,Character>. We had an amazing breach of security earlier today when a band of Angel Cartel agents managed to infiltrate one of our shipyards and steal some very valuable equipment from its compounds. We've tracked them down to a Cartel supply depot in Ysiette, where they have set up a defensive perimeter in preparation for an attack. I know this might be a difficult assignment for you, Bluddenguttz, but it's vital that we retrieve the stolen goods from those thieving vermin.
Our spies tell us that the equipment we're looking for is located in one of their storage facilities in the depot, still in its sealed container. Don't hesitate to destroy the structure, in order to retrieve the goods. And you can keep anything extra you find there. Good luck. |
No Hostiles at initial gate.
1st pocket
All spawns are quite close and vaguely in a semi-circle. Multiple spawns aggro if you try to use drones. (Can use drones if you pull the groups away from the circle)
Acceleration Gate is locked until all ships are eliminated.
Attacking Group 1 may aggro Group 2
2nd pocket
Last ship killed will drop the mission objective item
Some have reported no drone aggro, need update on this. Drones can get aggroed by group 2 (20 km away). To avoid this, turn to the right and AB away from the group. Usually a 30+km distance will do. You can use medium drones to pop the webbing frigates but watch drones carefully!
Group 1 (might auto-aggro) - 15km:
(aggro is random depending on your exact warp-in range)
4x frigates (3x Angel Viper, 1x Webifier) - Web
8x battlecruisers (3x Gistatis Praefectus, 5x Gistatis Tribuni)
Group 2 (might aggro with group 1) - 24km:
(aggro from shooting group 1 if you did not already have range-aggro; also drone-aggro based on range)
4x battlecruiser (Gistatis Primus)
4x destroyer (Gistior Defiler)
2x battleships (Gist War General/Gist Warlord)
Group 3 - 30km:
5x battlecruiser (4x Gistatis Legionaire, 1x Gistatis Primus)
2x battleships (Gist Malakin/Gist Nephilim)
Group 4 - 40km:
2x Battleships (Gist Seraphim/Gist Cherubim)- Seraphim does EM damage
Group 5 - 60km:
7x cruisers (5x Gistum Centurion, 2x Gistum Phalanx)
2x battleships (Gist Nephilim/Gist Warlord/Gist Saint)
Pocket 2
Single Group (Auto Aggro) - 17km:
4x destroyers (Gistior Haunter/Defiler)
3x battlecruisers (2x Gistatis Tribuni, 1x Gistatis Praefectus)
2x battleships (Gist Throne/Gist Cherubim)
Last ship you kill will drop the objective can. (50 m^3)
Some have reported no drone aggro, need update on this. Drones can get aggroed by group 2 (20 km away). To avoid this, turn to the right and AB away from the group. Usually a 30+km distance will do. You can use medium drones to pop the webbing frigates but watch drones carefully!
Storage Silo [one of Minmatar UUA, UUB, or UUC Nexus, ammo, general items]
Habitation Module (There is 3 of them but only one drops the items) [General items]
(Silo is a Deadspace Overseer's Structure, turn on Large Collidable Structure on Overview to see others)