A Greener World

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This article should be cleaned up or improved.
The reason is: Cargo description for level 1 is missing. Also, does the level 1 briefing has different text?

Level 1 Storyline
Type Courier
Objective Transport ?? (320 m3)

Level 3 Storyline
Type Courier
Objective Transport 10x Crate of Environmentally-friendly Mining Equipment (4,500 m3)
Rewards ISK, Caldari standing
Mission briefing
Let me start at the beginning. As you have probably seen on the news channels, a prominent Caldari mining company is in the middle of a very nasty battle for economic survival with a new, up-and-coming mining company from within the same large conglomerate. Both of these companies specialize in the extraction of ores from some of the more inhospitable and dangerous locations in this and several adjoining systems. While this can be hazardous with regard to men and equipment, the profit potential from these largely untapped ore reserves can be quite significant, which brings me to our current predicament.

As you may know, the specialized manual labor required for some of these mines can be significant in terms of numbers. Well, the Mining Health and Safety Commission, or MHSC, for this region recently conducted a survey of the first company's operations, and found that their mining practices at certain locations may have resulted in excessive pollution, then further alleged a corresponding link to long-term miner health problems. The company has loudly complained that this is a ridiculous witch hunt brought about by their new competitor, which happens to have several “friends” on the commission. While they work to ensure they are equally “represented” on that commission, the recent finding has mandated that they immediately improve worker conditions and reduce pollution or risk losing their mining rights. To remedy this problem, they recently purchased a large number of the latest environmentally-friendly – and obscenely expensive – manportable drills, which seems to have assuaged the MHSC for the moment. They do, however, have a deadline for actually putting these new drills into the hands of the miners, which brings us to the reason I contacted you.

We need you to deliver a rather large shipment of drills and other related equipment to a station that serves as a central service hub. From there, logistics pilots will deliver this and other items to the various mines in the system. Will you take on this important job?