Cargo Delivery (Blood Raiders) (Level 1)

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Type Encounter
Objective Retrieve the goods (60m3)
Faction Blood Raiders
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Extra Normal space (Warp disrupted by natural phenomena during mission, but can use bookmarks after mission completed, which can help with salvage/looting)

The goods are in the Warehouse.


  • Warp-in, grab the goods, warp out.


On warp-in, no rats are present. Wave one appears when approaching the objective.

Wave 1 (At 15km from the objective)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 8 x Frigate Corpii Herald/Upholder
Frigate 2 x Frigate Corpii Raider Wave 2

Wave 2 (10-40km)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 8 x Frigate Corpii Worshipper
Frigate 1 x Frigate Kazem Tatha Renamed Corpii Worshipper


60 x Veldspar.


  • 500,000 EST. Value (Bounty)
  • 600,000 ISK Value (Salvage)