Honor (Blood Raiders)

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Level 5
Type Encounter
Faction Blood Raiders
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Warp disruption T2 frigates(Elder Corpi prefix) have a chance to web/scramble.
EWAR Energy Neut Towers, Stasis Towers, NOS from battleships and T2 cruisers.
Ship suggestion Passive shield tanked ships(eg: Drake, Nighthawk, etc)

Video: Barghest Walkthrough (Jan 2025)

Space type: Deadspace with acceleration gates

Pocket 1

Initial Forces (Aggro on warp in
WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Cruiser 2 x Elite Cruiser Elder Corpum Arch Sage
Battlecruiser 3 x Battlecruiser Corpior Exorcist
Battleship 11 x Battleship Corpus Archbishop/Patriarch/Pope Neut by Archbishop Energy Neutralizer
Sentry 4 x Sentry Blood Cruise Missile Battery
Sentry 1 x Sentry Tower Sentry Bloodraider III
Sentry 1 x Sentry Blood Stasis Tower Stasis Webifier
Sentry 2 x Sentry Blood Energy Neutralizer Sentry III Energy Neutralizer

Pocket 2

Note: This pocket contains the recruitment station that must be destroyed to complete the mission.

Initial (Aggro on warp in)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Frigate 6 x Elite Frigate Elder Corpii Collector/Reaver
Elite Cruiser 2 x Elite Cruiser Elder Corpum Sage
Battlecruiser 4 x Battlecruiser Corpatis Exorcist
Battleship 10 x Battleship Corpus Archbishop/Patriarch/Pope/Harbinger Neut by Archbishop Last Harbinger triggers reinforcement A, last Patriarch likely triggers reinforcement B and last Pope likely triggers reinforcement C Energy Neutralizer
Sentry 8 x Sentry Blood Cruise Missile Battery
Sentry 4 x Sentry Blood Heavy Missile Battery
Sentry 5 x Sentry Blood Energy Neutralizer Sentry II Energy Neutralizer

Reinforcement A (last Corpus Harbinger)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Battleship 4 x Battleship Corpus Cardinal/Pope

Reinforcement B (last Corpus Patriarch)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Cruiser 3 x Cruiser Corpum Arch Priest
Battleship 4 x Battleship Corpus Patriarch

EVE-Survival import: Unclear if triggered by initial Corpus Patriarch or reinforcement C's. Initial most likely.

Reinforcement C (last Corpus Pope)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Frigate 4 x Elite Frigate Elder Corpii Reaver
Battleship 4 x Battleship Corpus Patriarch

EVE-Survival import: Unclear if triggered by initial Corpus Pope or reinforcement A's. Initial most likely.