Informed Attack

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Main article: Location Location (Amarr)
Level 5
Type Encounter
Objective Destroy the Amarr Bio Weapons Facility
Faction Amarr Empire
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Warp disruption Stasis Tower (Web), Divine Imperial Imran/Sixtus (Web, Scram)
EWAR Energy Neutralizer Sentry (Neut), Imperial Templar Seer/Diviner (Neut, Tracking Disrupt), Divine Imperial Ambrose/Basil (Neut)
Ship suggestion Passive Battleship + Logistics, Capital (No gates)

Blitz: Destroy the Extremely Powerful EM Forcefield, then the Amarr Bio Weapons Facility.

Single Pocket

Ships are split into 4 groups.

Initial Group, 65-80km
WD EWAR CollapseL

Sentry 16 x Sentry Amarr Cruise Missile Battery
Sentry 4 x Sentry Amarr Energy Neutralizer Sentry I/II/III Energy Neutralizer
Sentry 4 x Sentry Amarr Stasis Tower Stasis Webifier
Elite Frigate 18 x Elite Frigate Divine Imperial Napat Tracking Disruptor
Battlecruiser 10 x Battlecruiser Imperial Templar Seer 1st Reinforcement, at 50% Armor Energy Neutralizer Tracking Disruptor
Battleship 4 x Battleship Imperial Templar Diviner 2nd Reinforcement, at 50% Structure Energy Neutralizer Tracking Disruptor

1st Reinforcement
WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Cruiser 3-5 x Elite Cruiser Divine Imperial Ambrose/Basil Energy Neutralizer

2nd Reinforcement
WD EWAR CollapseL

Battleship 2-3 x Battleship Imperial Templar Judgment

Mission Objective
WD EWAR CollapseL

Structure 1 x Extremely Powerful EM Forcefield 5,200 HP. Recharges 83 HP/s.
Destroying Extremely Powerful EM Forcefield
Structure 1 x Amarr Bio Weapons Facility
Shooting the Bio Weapons Facility
Fighter 5 x Fighter Imperial Fighter Destroying triggers 5 more Fighters
Elite Frigate 4 x Elite Frigate Divine Imperial Imran/Sixtus Warp Scrambler Stasis Webifier
Battlecruiser 8 x Battlecruiser Imperial Templar Phalanx/Donus/Tamir
Bio Weapons Facility, 20% shields (3 Groups)
Elite Frigate 4 x Elite Frigate Divine Imperial Imran/Sixtus Warp Scrambler Stasis Webifier
Battlecruiser 8 x Battlecruiser Imperial Templar Phalanx/Donus/Tamir


  • Use a passive tank or plan a capacitor that receives an additional 90+ units/s.
  • Maximum damage dealing of initial group, if it gets into range, is 1,956 hp/s (EM 68%, Therm 32%)
  • No gates exist, so using a Carrier or HAW Dreadnought is possible

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