History has shown us that a properly motivated slave work force can work harder and longer - especially in harsh conditions - if they are provided the means to enhance their everyday lives. Well, for many decades, the provision of various stimulant drugs to slave laborers was considered a standard method of doing business. However, the downside to this was that, while the use of stims typically increased productivity, more often than not it resulted in significant long term health problems for the slaves leading to shortened lifespans and, more importantly, to decreased profits. So, while the use of stimulants has largely been discontinued, the idea that drugs could increase slave output never entirely went away, though it did require a new approach.
To this end, my company recently developed an inexpensive new drug that works on the pleasure centers of the brain, providing what we might call a “reward” for hard work. Importantly, this drug, known as Blue Paradise, or "Beep" as the techs call it, has been proven in real-world testing to increase slave labor output by as much as twenty percent across the board, without any known long term health problems. As you can guess, the increased profit potential here is, well, staggering. Equally important is the fact that we have not reported this new drug to the various control boards; nor do we intend to at this juncture.
We need you to deliver a very large shipment of this drug to a forward logistics hub station from which it will be transshipped to ore mines, agricultural farms, and other slave-intensive operations. I can give you my guarantee that this cargo will not be flagged by customs or the police, as it is not yet deemed an illegal substance.
So, can we count on you to deliver this?
Biochemical Agents for Improved Slave Workloads
We all know that there have been a long series of proclamations, laws, and rules banning the transportation of illegal drugs (and some legal drugs) in Amarr space for use in slave labor. These prohibitions have typically had no real teeth, unless of course the Empress herself sets forth an official decree specifically banning a given substance. The logical, time-tested way around this has been to create entirely new generations of performance enhancing biochemical drugs.
As slaves are typically wary of any pills or other obvious means of altering their behavior (recalling, as we must, the various slave uprisings that have occurred when we tried to openly force drugs on them), we've had to resort to less obvious methods. For example, we have surreptitiously and gradually delivered the drugs into laborer's systems through aerosols in their habitat ventilation systems, impregnated substances into their foodstuffs and water supplies, and other rather clever means, I won't go into here. What is important is that the result has almost always been a positive one, with significant increases in worker productivity.
The downside to this, however, has been a decline in overall slave lifespans due to the long term effects of these drugs. Normally, this would be considered simple attrition; a cost of doing businesses. However, as it continues to become more and more difficult to obtain new slaves (particularly given the intolerable and unjust interference of the other empires), this solution is less and less viable. We need them to live as long as possible. This reality, of course, leads us to the only other benign option – drugs as a part of a rewards system for those slaves who meet a certain work quota each day.
To this end, we shall continue to develop new substances to both avoid interference by Customs and police forces and to ensure the maximum possible output by our slave laborers.