Probing Question

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Level 3
Type Encounter
Objective Destroy the Amarr forces.
Faction Amarr Empire
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
EWAR Imperial Tamir/Templar Muzakir type (Neut)
Ship suggestion Battlecruiser
Mission briefing
Good, I have some work for you. We're facing a serious issue in this area. The Amarr are conducting an unprecedented number of probing missions in this and the surrounding systems.

I need you to defend a military gate in <System>. You must utterly destroy any Amarr forces that approach the gate. We need to send a message of strength in our position.

Space battles generally occur around targets of strategic and tactical significance: gates, stations, corporate structures, asteroids or mining colonies, research facilities, outposts, etc.


Initial Group, 30km (auto-aggro)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Cruiser 8 x Cruiser Amarr Raider/Heavy Raider Renamed Imperial Tamir/Templar Muzakir Last ship destroyed triggers reinforcement 1 Energy Neutralizer

Reinforcement 1, 30km
WD EWAR CollapseL

Cruiser 5 x Cruiser Amarr Raider Renamed Imperial Templar Agatho/Mathura
Elite Cruiser 4 x Elite Cruiser Amarr Raider Renamed Divine Imperial Champion/Justicar Last ship destroyed triggers reinforcement 2

The elite cruisers, renamed Divine Imperial Justicars, have a noticeable amount of armor repair.

Reinforcement 2, 30km
WD EWAR CollapseL

Cruiser 5 x Cruiser Amarr Raider Imperial Templar Tamir/Donus