Save the Trees is a 3 part mission chain, issued by Distribution division Agents. It consists of 3 Courier mission.
Save the Trees – Seeding a Future (1 of 3)
Level | 1 |
Type | Courier |
Objective | Deliver 1x Frozen Plant Seeds (0.5 m3) |
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Some of our scientists have discovered a strange species of tree previously unknown to us. We need to transport the seeds for further study. The nearby planet has vast, ancient forests, and this new species lies deep within one of its densest rain forests; no human has ever seen its like before. We have obtained a sample of one of its seeds and we will attempt to grow it in the laboratory.
The tree has the most peculiar means of procreation. The seeds must be germinated inside a living animal host. Our scientists on <Station> have prepared some suitable livestock to serve as host for the germination. Take the seeds to this station so the tests can begin.
Save the Trees – Forest’s Revenge (2 of 3)
Level | 1 |
Type | Courier |
Objective | Deliver 1x Cryogenic Stasis Capsule(25 m3) |
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Interesting, yes. Also disgusting.
One of the seeds had thoughts of its own on whom or what might be its host. Unbeknownst to us, a botanist here named Horei Falcosis took one of the seeds for examination before you shipped the package; a short time ago, as he worked with it, it shot out a tendril and sank it into his flesh. It was several minutes before he was discovered, and by that time, the seed's tendrils had penetrated his body in several locations. Falcosis was unconscious by this time, and the seed had pulled itself close to his body and started to secrete a protective resin.
Brings new meaning to giving one's body to science, don't you think?
In any case, this station does not have the proper facilities to care for him. And since this tree has now been designated noxious and dangerous — the other seeds were all incinerated safely, I understand — Falcosis has been placed in cryogenic stasis for transport. Deliver his cryo-tank for me, would you?
Save the Trees – Save the People (3 of 3)
Level | 1 |
Type | Courier |
Objective | Pick-up 1x Dem's Galactical Botanical (0.1 m3) |
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Dozens have been killed so far. That tree is vicious! It almost took over the entire station. And it's still growing!
As soon as Horei Falcosis was taken out of cryo-stasis, the tree started using his body for food. Fortunately for him, he didn't survive long. But the tree exploded with immediate growth. It reached a height of 4 meters in less than hour. And it is semi-mobile! It can move slowly on its roots as if they were tentacles! And it's predatory! Its vines killed several lab technicians. Apparently human body fluids kick the tree's metabolism into high gear. Its growth became rampant, and it's now trying to propagate itself some enormous, striated greenish-red fruit. We need to stop it before it takes over the whole station.
Since we don't yet know much about its biology, we need more information. I've uploaded the destination station to your Journal: Go there and pick up the copy of Dem's Galactical Botanical I've ordered, and bring it back to me here. Perhaps in that book there will be some clues about how to contain or destroy this thing.
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