Silence the Informant (Level 2)

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This article details the Level 2 version of this mission. For other variants, see Silence The Informant (disambiguation).

Level 2
Type Encounter
Objective Find the former secret agent and eliminate him before he can reveal the top-secret information to agents from DED.
Factions MercenariesRogue Drones
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinThermal damage ThElectromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Kinetic damage KinThermal damage ThExplosive damage ExKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Ship suggestion Cruiser
Extra Prop mod for 2nd Pocket (ships at 55-100km)
Mission briefing
Yes, I do and I think this is something you'll love <Pilot>.

We have a bit of a problem on our hands with a recently fired employee of ours. He was working as a deep cover agent for us, and now he is threatening to release all the information to DED about what we have been doing. We cannot have this happen. If he does make it to the DED headquarters in <System>, Impetus will face serious repercussions. Eliminate this threat as soon as possible to ensure that he doesn't get the information to DED agents. I'll put into your way-points where he was last seen. Return here and let me know that he is dead.

Video: [Omen July 2011]

1st Pocket

Initial Group, 15km (auto-aggro)

Frigate 4 x Frigate Render/Decimator/Sunder Alvi
Reinforcement 10-20 Seconds after warp-in, 15km

Frigate 4 x Frigate Render/Decimator/Sunder Alvi


Structure 1 x Bunker random commodities

2nd Pocket

On arrival group A is on grid the other groups warp in quickly. All groups are on grid before you are really out of warp.

Pop-up - Incoming Transmission:
Greetings, traveler. We are here on top secret business, and absolutely do not want to be disturbed. I expect you to turn your little tush around and head back your merry way. If you insist on bothering us, we will be forced to destroy you. You’ve had your warning, now go.
Group A, on grid ~60km
Elite Frigate 2 x Elite Frigate Mercenary Elite Fighter
Group B, warp in ~80km
Elite Frigate 2 x Elite Frigate Mercenary Elite Fighter
Group C, warp in ~105km
Elite Frigate 3 x Elite Frigate Mercenary Elite Fighter
Group D, warp in ~25km, Auto aggro
Elite Frigate 2 x Elite Frigate Mercenary Elite Fighter

3rd Pocket

Pop-up - Mission Info
As you enter the final area of this deadspace pocket, you notice the informant, Joshuwa Minden, idly floating by his mobile residence. You wonder to yourself, how could a man commanding a lone frigate survive in this hellish place, infested by rogue drones. But such thoughts quickly evaporate as you notice yorself being locked, and attacked.
On grid, 20km

Frigate 1 x Frigate Joshuwa Minden [Ex-Secret agent]
Sentry 1 x Sentry Tower Sentry Drone I

0.388 Gurista rep loss from destroying the Sentry Tower


Structure 1 x Scanner Post
Structure 1 x Mobile Residence [Habitation Module] May drop implants, Ammo, Drone


Noteworthy loot
Date Source Loot Est. value (ISK)
20220820 Pocket 2 - Mercenary Elite Fighter Prototype “Arbalest” Rapid Light Missile Launcher 1,115,042
Pocket 3 - Mobile Residence Zainou ‘Gnome’ Shield Operation SP-903 19,200,000
Inherent Implants ‘Lancer’ Small Energy Turret SE-603 15,100,000
Eyfir and Co.’Gunslinger’ small projectile turret SP-603 1,300,000
Zainou ‘Deadeye’Small Hybrid Turret SH-603 1,300,000
20230407 Pocket 2 - Mercenary Elite Fighter Small Focused Modulated Energy Beam I 817,100
Pocket 3 - Mobile Residence Inherent Implants ‘Lance’ Controlled Bursts CB-703 20,000,000
20240212 Pocket 2 - Mercenary Elite Fighter Misc modules 100,000
Pocket 3 - Mobile Residence Inherent Implants 'Noble' Remote Armor Repair Systems RA-703 17,400,000
20240212 Pocket 2 - Mercenary Elite Fighter Misc modules 163,000
Pocket 3 - Mobile Residence Eifyr and Co. 'Gunslinger' Small Projectile Turret SP-603 2,250,000
Pocket 3 - Mobile Residence
Eifyr and Co. 'Gunslinger' Motion Prediction MR-703 17,000,000
Eifyr and Co. 'Gunslinger' Small Projectile Turret SP-603 1,360,000
Zainou 'Gnome' Shield Operation SP-903 16,400,000
20250118 Pocket 3 - Mobile Residence Inherent Implants 'Noble' Remote Armor Repair Systems RA-703 17,800,000