Striking Down Two Flies In One Swing (Sansha's Nation & Mercenaries) (Level 1)

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Level 1
Type Encounter
Objective Destroy Repair Station
Factions Sansha's NationMercenaries
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage ThKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage ThKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Extra Normal space

Mission briefing
We've discovered a small repair station in <System> which by itself is no issue, but when our patrols scanned the site they detected a gang of our rivals in the area. This particular repair station is owned by a local mercenary corporation, which obviously allows our enemies to operate it and are therefore just asking for retribution.

I would like you to do us all a favor and remove this repair station from existence. It's not registered in our database and this mercenary corporation is late on their tribute, which gives us a perfectly valid reason to obliterate them.

Be on your way now.

Agent message after accepting mission:
Oh and be on the lookout for the mercenary gang that owns the repair outpost, I doubt they will look kindly upon you attacking their precious structure.

Single Pocket

Despite what the mission description says, the repair station belongs to Sansha's Nation so expect a hefty decrease on your standings with them after you destroy it.

Blitz: Destroy Repair Station, then report to your mission agent.

Station is 38km away, attack it to proceed
WD EWAR CollapseL

Structure 1 x Repair Station Repairs nearby ships On hit spawns Wave 1, on destruction spawns Wave 2 and completes mission objectives
In the local chat after attacking Repair Station:
Hidden sentry guns and a local pirate gang have come into view.

Pirate Captain: We were just about to make use of this fair repair station and then you come in and make a scene. How inappropriate. I'll have to make sure you learn some manners.

Wave 1, 35-50 km, spawns on attacking Repair Station
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 4-8 x Frigate Centii Servant/Minion
Sentry 4 x Sentry Point Defence Battery

In the local chat after Repair Station destruction:
A gang of mercs has showed up.

Merc Captain: We detected some disturbances in the area and came to take a look. *slight pause*. What is the meaning of this! Do you know how much money it cost us to buy that repair station and maintain it? I'll have your head on a platter and sell your clones to Sansha's slave camps for this outrage, fool!

Wave 2, 40 km, spawns on Repair Station destruction
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 5 x Frigate Mercenary Rookies/Fighters
Agent message after completing the mission:
Excellent, that repair station should no longer be of any use to our enemies.


21 x Scordite and 40 x Veldspar asteroids.