In all honesty, I find it just unbelievable that in this day and age we are expending actual capsuleer man-hours, not to mention the time and effort of your crew, and asking actual spaceships to travel interstellar distances only to shift around a cargohold of something as pitiable as actual garbage. Garbage. Especially the type we've got here, which takes up a bunch of room, has to be stored in nonporous containers, and, frankly, is starting to smell.
Nonetheless, here we are. We could have this cargo sent down planetside and destroyed, except that while those people are perfectly happy to toss up any number of shipments with whatever trinkets the station clientele is demanding that week, they have frothing conniptions if we so much as suggest that we might want to send anything like this back down in return. The merest whisper of it is enough for them to drag out the lawyers. It's not as if they don't have the space.
You aren't too big to help out, I trust. All we need you to do is haul this smelly, half-liquidized garbage to another station, where they'll have ways to get rid of it without endless complaints or moral qualms. I swear, if the PR department would just let us stop accepting all these colony refugees, we wouldn't have this problem.
Actually, forget I said that last part.