The Essence of Speed

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Level 1 Storyline
Type Courier
Objective Deliver 32x Crate of Refined C-86 Epoxy Resin (320 m3)
Mission briefing
As you probably know all too well, speed is the lifeblood of the Republic's defense fleets, particularly for the smaller frigates and cruisers. There's a lot that goes into it: low-density reactor cores, kinesthetic maneuvering thrusters, hyper-responsive gyroscopic stabilizers. All the housings are built using nano-alloy rather than the more heavyweight materials the other empires use; it was simply more convenient back when the ships were first designed, but it gives them that little bit of extra boost that's become our signature.

Our R&D specialists have been working on a new formula for the C-86 thermal epoxy resin used on engine housings and other parts of the propulsion systems; I want you to take this batch over to <Station> for application and field testing.

Info Blurb: Speed-Tanking
Smaller ships rely upon their speed and smaller signature radius to make it difficult for larger ships to track and target them. The heat output from propulsion systems increases signature radius, making a small target much easier to track; the greater the speed, the greater the heat production. Specialized coatings help to reduce the effect and prevent expansion of the parts within propulsion systems, helping them to operate much more efficiently.