The Score (Blood Raiders)

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This article details the Level 2 Blood Raider variant of this mission. For other variants, see The Score (disambiguation).

Level 2
Type Encounter
Objective Time to settle the score. Go and destroy all the ships at the encounter.
Faction Blood Raiders
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage Th
EWAR Tracking disruption (Corpii Collector/Seeker)
Ship suggestion Heavy frigate, cruiser
Mission briefing
Aye I do, <Pilot>. We got reports of a Blood Raider patrol in this sector. Our surveillance patrol reports they are scouts providing intel back to their leaders for a much larger raiding party. We cannot have them discover our weak points or gather any intel on our convoy travel routes. Teach them a lesson for us, <Pilot>.

Single pocket

Blitz: Killing group 3 will complete the mission

WD EWAR CollapseL
Group 1 (35-40km)
Frigate 2 x Frigate Corpii Collector/Seeker Tracking Disruptor
Destroyer 1 x Destroyer Corpior Converter
Group 2 (40-45km)
Frigate 5 x Frigate Corpii Follower/Seeker
Group 3 (55-65km)
Frigate 3 x Frigate Corpii Herald/Upholder
Destroyer 1 x Destroyer Corpior Templar
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Corpum Arch Reaver