Unauthorized Military Presence (Angel Cartel) (Level 4)

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This article details the Level 4 Angel Cartel version of this mission. For other variants, see Unauthorized Military Presence (disambiguation).

Level 4
Type Encounter
Objective Retrieve 10x Militants (20 m3)
Faction Angel Cartel
Best damage to deal Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Damage to resist Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Warp disruption Elite frigates
EWAR Target Painting
Mission briefing
We've spotted an unauthorized Angel Cartel personnel transport ship flying through Boystin. Cargo scanners revealed a load of militants on board, no doubt a part of a ground force intended to strike a target near here. We don't know where they are headed or what they're up to, but we definitely want to find out. I request that you intercept the transport and capture the men on board. Bring them back to us for questioning.

We believe the escort team is split up into a few groups. If you strike fast and hard, you'll probably avoid getting swarmed by them all at once. Just keep a look out for any stray ships, we don't want them escaping back to their homebase to report the incident.

Video: [Ishtar (Blitz) August 2014], [Nightmare March 2013], [Paladin April 2012], [Gila, January 2021]

Your job is to intercept an Angel Cartel transport shop carrying unauthorized militants.


  • Eliminate the small group at the initial gate.
  • Destroy the 3rd group in second room. MJD is perfect for approaching them.
  • Loot the Marines from the Transport wrecks. Return to agent.


Acceleration gate to the pocket is at 23km. Gate is locked until all ships are destroyed.

Initial defenders (20-30 km)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Destroyer 2 x Destroyer Gistior Defiler/Haunter
Cruiser 3 x Cruiser Gistum Liquidator/Marauder
Battlecruiser 2 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Primus/Legionnaire

Single pocket

The 3rd Group has a proximity aggro of about 80km, attacking it will draw room aggro. Ship amounts in each group may vary.

Mission is marked completed after group 3 is destroyed. Remember to also loot the militants.

Initial defenders
WD EWAR CollapseL
Group 1 (80 km, Minmatar Commercial Station Ruins)
Frigate 2 x Frigate Gistii Nomad
Elite Frigate 1 x Elite Frigate Arch Gistii Impaler/Hunter Stasis Webifier
Cruiser 6 x Cruiser Gistum Crusher/...
Battlecruiser 1 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Legionnaire
Battleship 4 x Battleship Gist Commander/General
Group 2 (75-90 km, Manufacturing Facility Control Tower)
Frigate 2 x Frigate Gistii Nomad/...
Cruiser 2-3 x Cruiser Gistum Smasher/... Target Painter
Battlecruiser 2-3 x Battlecruiser Gistatis Primus/Legionnaire
Group 3 (100 km, Ripped Superstructure)
Frigate 3 x Frigate Gistii Hunter/...
Cruiser 6 x Cruiser Gistum Phalanx/Breaker/Defeater Stasis Webifier
Battleship 2 x Battleship Gist Warlord/War General
Hauler 1 x Industrial Angel Cartel Personnel Transport Drops the needed Militants.

Loot, Salvage & Bounty

Loot & Salvage: 3.83 mil
Bounty: 3.3 mil


16x Veldspar asteroids (2- 36km).