What's In a Name

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What's In a Name is a Level 1 mission consisting of 5 sub-missions. It involves combat with Rogue Drones and the Gallente Federation.

Part 1 (Change Of Address)

Level 1
Type Encounter
Objective Give the diplomats enough time to evacuate. Engage any hostiles.
Factions Rogue DronesGallente Federation
Best damage to deal Electromagnetic damage EMThermal damage ThKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Explosive damage ExKinetic damage KinThermal damage ThKinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Ship suggestion Destroyer
Rewards 36,000 ISk + 52 LP + 38,000 ISK (time completion bonus)
Mission briefing
So get this: There's some big high society party going on. All the best and brightest are there. So this one Gallente dignitary is completely hammered and starts mouthing off to everyone. He even goes right up to an admiral and calls our side "a bunch of humorless egg-jockeys". Right to his face!

So now it's this whole thing. The higher-ups are protesting by pulling out of the embassy. I think it's a stronger statement than they really should be making, but they're going ahead with it. They need you to provide security while they pull out. Rumor has it some jingoist factions of the Gallente will try to make a move on the ambassadaors to spark more conflict. Patrol the area outside the embassy until the dignitaries have completed their withdraw.

Single Pocket

  • No rats on warp-in.
  • All the rats spawn in at around 6-10km

Group 1 (auto-aggro)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Drone 2 x Drone Belphegor Apis
Frigate 2 x Frigate Infester Alvi

Group 2 (auto-aggro)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Drone 3 x Drone Belphegor/Mammon Apis
Frigate 2 x Frigate Infester Alvi

Group 3 (auto-aggro)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Drone 4 x Drone Belphegor Apis
Frigate 1 x Frigate Infester Alvi

Group 4 (auto-aggro)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 1 x Frigate Gallente Nationalist


Part 2 (Smile When You Call Me That)

Level 1
Type Encounter
Objective Destroy the Gallente Broadcast Tower
Ship suggestion Destroyer
Rewards 15,000 ISk + 20 LP + 20,000 ISK (time completion bonus)
Mission briefing
The Gallente media is painting both the Caldari and Amarr as overly sensitive ninnies because of the pullout. So there's going to be a little accident with one of the Gallente communication arrays.

Go make sure that accident happens.

Single Pocket

  • No rats on warp-in.
  • The Broadcast Tower is tough, so shoot the Fuel Depot.

WD EWAR CollapseL

Structure 1 x Broadcast Tower
Structure 1 x Fuel Depot


  • Mission contains no enemy ships.
  • Video: Corax

Part 3 (Poke)

Level 1
Type Encounter
Objective Approach the battleship, but do not shoot it!
Faction Gallente Federation
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Ship suggestion Destroyer
Rewards 21,000 ISk + 25 LP + 21,000 ISK (time completion bonus)
Mission briefing
New plan. It's a bit riskier, but it should get the message across.

There's a Gallente battleships "practicing maneuvers" in the region. You're going to practice maneuvers too--right across their bow. Pass by their ship as close as you can. It will scare the hell out of them.

But please, whatever you do, do not fire on the battleship. It will win that fight.


  • Nothing in here but an acceleration gate.

Pocket 1

  • Approach the Battleship, but ***do not shoot it!***
  • Mission complete when you are within 3km.

Initial Group, 18km
WD EWAR CollapseL

Battleship 1 x Friendly Battleship Gallente Battleship


  • Mission contains no enemy ships.
  • Video: Corax

Part 4 (Thorny)

Level 1
Type Encounter
Objective Investigate reports of Gallente buildup. Pull out immediately upon contact with the enemy.
Faction Gallente Federation
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Ship suggestion Destroyer
Rewards 25,000 ISk + 27 LP + 21,000 ISK (time completion bonus)
Mission briefing
Starting to get mixed reports of Gallente buildup. Ships are moving out of stations. Reserves are being called up. We don't know what's going on, but it needs to be investigated. I'm giving you the most likely location for a convergence, if there is one. Report back when you know what is going on.


  • Nothing in here but an acceleration gate.

Pocket 1

  • Ships do not need to be engaged.
  • Approach the Federation Navy Station and mission will flag complete when you get within 47km.

Initial Group, 56-110km
WD EWAR CollapseL

Sentry 8 x Sentry Gallente Cruise Missile Battery
Frigate 6 x Frigate Federation Insidiator/Praktor Balra
Cruiser 6 x Cruiser Federation Praktor Ouragos/Optioon
Battleship 10 x Battleship Federation Praktor Hexeris

Mission Objective
WD EWAR CollapseL

Structure 1 x Federation Navy Station


  • If you stay in Pocket 1 for too long, a group of 6 Federation Hastile/Clavis will spawn on you.
  • Video: Corax

Part 5 (Smelling Sweet)

Level 1
Type Courier
Objective Transport 1x Political Envoy to destination station
Ship suggestion Fast frigate or shuttle
Rewards 10,000 ISk + 11 LP + 9,000 ISK (time completion bonus)
Mission briefing
There's a difference between being taken seriously and letting the inmates run the asylum. Diplomacy must resume, even if to only keep things just below war being declared.

It's a strange game, friend. I don't think even the diplomats freely understand it. Still, this is one of those times diplomats are useful again.

Take our envoy over to New Caldari Prime - Moon 1 - Poksu Mineral Group Mineral Reserve. From there he will meet with the Gallente envoy to begin non-public negotiations. If all goes well, the situation will simply vanish from the public's consciousness and life will continue as normal.
