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(Created page with "__NOTOC__{{survival copy}} {{Missiondetails |Name=Halt the Invasion, Level 4 |Level=4 |Type=Encounter |Objective= |Faction=Minmatar Republic |Faction1=Blood Raiders |Faction2=...")
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__NOTOC__{{survival copy}}
{{update|Info on wave 2 is needed}}
|Name=Halt the Invasion, Level 4
|Objective= Destroy
|Faction=Minmatar Republic
|Faction1=Minmatar Republic
|Faction1=Blood Raiders
|DamageToDeal=Exp vs. Ships, any vs. Gate
|WebPoint=Elite rigates
|DamageToResist=Exp/Kin (some EM/Therm)
|EWAR=Target painting
|WebPoint=Chief Republic Hrakt (in first spawn)
|ShipSuggestion=Speedtanker + Stealthbomber, Pilgrim
|Extra=Target painters
Space type: Normal with gates. MWD works. Bookmark will bring you to the gate.<br>
'''Blitz:''' Destroy "Minmatar Occupied Stargate" (Large Collidable Structure). It has about 145k-150k HP and no noticeable regen.
===Single Pocket===
===Single Pocket===
Aggro from all ships on warp in.
Aggro from all ships on warp in.
4x Frigates (Republic Tribal Baldur / Takan) '''Target Painter: Baldur'''<br><br>
8x Cruisers (Republic Nutia / Republic Tribal Jarpur / Manadis / Venis)<br>
Republic Tribal Baldur frigates and Republic Pytara/Ymir battleships will use target painters.
4x Battleships (Republic Jotun / Sigur / Republic Tribal Pytara / Tribal Ymir) '''Target Painter: Pytara & Ymir'''<br><br>
Reinforcements Wave 1:<br>
wave 1 will arrive when the stargate takes structure damage. Aggro on arrival.<br>
This will arrive when the stargate is down to structure. Aggro on arrival.
Wave 2 will arrive when stargete has 70% structure left.
1x Elite Frigate (Chief Republic Hrakt) '''Web / Scramble'''<br>
5x Elite Cruisers (Chief Republic Klaki / Manadis / Orsin / Rodul) '''Target Painter: Orsin'''<br><br>
{{NPCTableHead|Initial defenders}}
Reinforcements Wave 2:<br>
{{NPCTableRow|Frigate|4|Republic Tribal Baldur/Takan|ewar = TP }}
This will arrive when the stargate is down 2/3 structure. Aggro on arrival.
{{NPCTableRow|Cruiser|8|Republic Nutia/...}}
(Needs shiptypes and numbers)
{{NPCTableRow|Battleship|4|Republic Jotun/Sigur/...|ewar = TP}}
Destroy "Minmatar Occupied Stargate" (Large Collidable Structure). It has about 145k-150k HP and no noticeable regen.
{{NPCTableHead|Wave 1}}
{{NPCTableRow|Elite Frigate|1|Chief Republic Hrakt|ewar = Web|point = yes}}
{{NPCTableRow|Elite Cruiser|8|Chief Republic Klaki/...|ewar = TP}}
{{NPCTableHead|Wave 2}}
[[Category:Mission reports]]
[[Category:Mission reports]]

Revision as of 09:33, 8 September 2019

This page should be updated due to game changes.
Reason: Info on wave 2 is needed

Level 4
Type Encounter
Objective Destroy
Faction Minmatar Republic
Best damage to deal Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Damage to resist Explosive damage ExKinetic damage Kin
Warp disruption Elite rigates
EWAR Target painting

Blitz: Destroy "Minmatar Occupied Stargate" (Large Collidable Structure). It has about 145k-150k HP and no noticeable regen.

Single Pocket

Aggro from all ships on warp in.

Republic Tribal Baldur frigates and Republic Pytara/Ymir battleships will use target painters.

wave 1 will arrive when the stargate takes structure damage. Aggro on arrival.
Wave 2 will arrive when stargete has 70% structure left.

Initial defenders

Frigate 4 x Frigate Republic Tribal Baldur/Takan Target Painter
Cruiser 8 x Cruiser Republic Nutia/...
Battleship 4 x Battleship Republic Jotun/Sigur/... Target Painter

Wave 1

Elite Frigate 1 x Elite Frigate Chief Republic Hrakt Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Elite Cruiser 8 x Elite Cruiser Chief Republic Klaki/... Target Painter

Wave 2

 ? x ?  ?