Recon (3 of 3) (Level 2)

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Parts: 1 of 3 (Serpentis), 1 of 3 (Blood Raiders), 1 of 3 (Guristas Pirates), 1 of 3 (Sansha's Nation), 1 of 3 (Angel Cartel), 2 of 3, 3 of 3

Level 2
Type Reconnaissance
Objective Scout the area
Faction None
Damage to resist Electromagnetic damageThermal damageKinetic damageExplosive damage Omni
Ship suggestion 10k+ EHP and Omni Tank or Pure Speed
Extra Gas Cloud Damage
Mission briefing

The next area you'll be scouting is known to be filled with hazardous, radioactive materials. It used to be a waste dump for the Caldari State, but it also contains no mineral wealth at all so it's not a popular attraction for gold diggers fortunately.

I know there is still an acceleration gate inside the area and I want you to make sure it's still functioning and doesn't send you straight into something deadly. It's a dangerous job, but I'm not paying you for garbage hauling now am I. Get to it and report back to me with your findings!

  • No enemies
  • No Structures
  • You warp directly into a cloud. The gate is 60km away, activate it to complete the mission.
  • Use a fast ship with an afterburner and a buffer tank (like shield extenders) to get to the gate as fast as possible and before the final wave hits.

Toxic cloud:

  • Waves deal all kinds of damage evenly and occur at 5 seconds and every 20 seconds thereafter, for 10 waves.
  • Every wave has 4 separate damage types.
  • Total unresisted damage starts at about 200 (50 per type) and slightly goes up to about 1400 (350 per type).
  • The final wave will be more than 4000 (more than 1000 per type) unresisted damage.
  • The solution for the average level 2 mission runner is obviously not to get hit by the final wave.


There is a very large number of asteroids (91 in total) in the pocket after the Toxic Cloud:

  • 30x Plagioclase
  • 16x Pyroxeres
  • 45x Veldspar

Note that the asteroids will be gone when you complete the mission.