Recon (Guristas Pirates) (Level 2)

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Recon is a multi part mission with three parts. The first part is different for each faction but the second and third part are always same for all factions.

Recon (1 of 3)

Level 2
Type Encounter
Faction Guristas
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Ship suggestion Battlecruiser

Pocket 1

First Wave

Frigate 1+ x Frigate Pithi Anarchist
Battlecruiser 1+ x Battlecruiser Pithi Death Dealerr
Cruiser 1+ x Cruiser Dire Pithi Nullifier

Second Wave

Frigate 1+ x Frigate Pithi Guerilla
Elite Cruiser 2+ x Elite Cruiser Dire Pithi Eraser/Annihilator

Third Wave

Frigate 1+ x Frigate Pithi Guerilla
Cruiser 1+ x Cruiser Pithi Abolisher
Elite Cruiser 1+ x Elite Cruiser Dire Pithi Abolisher

Fourth Wave

Frigate 1+ x Frigate Pithi Supremacist
Cruiser 1+ x Cruiser Pithi Abolisher
Elite Cruiser 1+ x Elite Cruiser Dire Pithi Abolisher

Pocket 2

First Wave

Elite Frigate 3 x Elite Frigate Dire Pithi Plunderer
Elite Cruiser 4 x Elite Cruiser Dire Pithi Eraser

Second Wave

Frigate 4 x Frigate Pithi Nihilist
Elite Cruiser 3 x Elite Cruiser Dire Pithi Abolisher


  • To Blitz - take a fast frigate with afterburner. As soon as you warp into pocket 1, burn for the gate and warp. You'll need at least 200-300 points of tank, as you'll take a little fire. Once you drop out of warp in pocket 2, the mission will complete, and you can warp out before the bad guys can lock you.
  • Hint - The name of this mission suggests NOT to fight (avoid fight) ! It contains MANY BC NPCs (those named Dire xxxx) with 72% least resistance (most at 90%) - very hard to destroy even with a well fit BC. Then again, who plays L2 security mission(s) with a BC ! I used another tactics (with a destroyer) - used my Afterburner for some 20-25 min to draw the NPC fleet away from the acceleration gate (they can hit you at 50km+), then warped out from the battlefield and warped in again (NPC fleet was 250km+ away). Next I flew to the acceleration gate before they approach. The same is true for the second pocket - Avoid fight (with NPCs with insane resistance) !

Recon (2 of 3)

Level 2
Type Encounter
Faction Mercenaries
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Damage to resist Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Ship suggestion Cruiser (Full Clear)

Single gated pocket.

Fly to the acceleration gate which has been locked down by the mining corporation. See if they will let you through. Then report back to your agent.

The gate is a "large collidable object", make sure to turn that on in your overview to see it. Approach the gate. The gate is located approximately 60 to 75 km from warp in.

When you get close [10 km], or attack the station, there is an ambush. Fly to the gate, trigger the ambush, warp out.

  • Completion Trigger is based on distance to the gate and not on triggering the ambush.
  • If you attack the station and trigger the ambush you will have to approach the gate anyway.
  • Mining Station drops random loot, but has a large amount of hp.


Frigate 6 x Frigate Mercenery Elite Fighter
Frigate 3 x Frigate Mercenary Fighter
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Mercenary Commander
Sentry 2 x Sentry Angel Light Missile Battery
Sentry 2 x Sentry Tower Sentry Guristas I

Recon (3 of 3)

Level 2
Type Reconnaissance
Objective Scout the area
Faction None
Damage to resist Electromagnetic damageThermal damageKinetic damageExplosive damage Omni
Ship suggestion 10k+ EHP and Omni Tank or Pure Speed
Extra Gas Cloud Damage

  • No enemies
  • No Structures
  • You warp directly into a cloud. The gate is 60km away, activate it to complete the mission.
  • Use a fast ship with an afterburner and a buffer tank (like shield extenders) to get to the gate as fast as possible and before the final wave hits.

Toxic cloud:

  • Waves deal all kinds of damage evenly and occur at 5 seconds and every 20 seconds thereafter, for 10 waves.
  • Every wave has 4 separate damage types.
  • Total unresisted damage starts at about 200 (50 per type) and slightly goes up to about 1400 (350 per type).
  • The final wave will be more than 4000 (more than 1000 per type) unresisted damage.
  • The solution for the average level 2 mission runner is obviously not to get hit by the final wave.


There is a very large number of asteroids (91 in total) in the pocket after the Toxic Cloud:

  • 30x Plagioclase
  • 16x Pyroxeres
  • 45x Veldspar

Note that the asteroids will be gone when you complete the mission.