Smash and Grab

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"You might think we're all about loot and plunder, smash and grab tactics, but the Guristas are more than that. We're about power, betrayal, and fear. That is our currency, our lifestyle, our credo."

Smash and Grab is the Guristas epic arc. Like all pirate epic arcs this too takes place in null security space.


Smash and Grab features enemy NPCs mostly in frigates and some in destroyers and cruisers. rather than the large fleets of cruisers, battlecruisers, and battleships found in the empire arcs. The rewards for Smash and Grab are in line with most of the other epic arcs, often totaling several hundred million ISK, including a Gila BPC and Dread Guristas ECM Multispectral Jammer.

Though most players won't care about their standings with the Guristas, completing this arc can improve standing by several full points. While epic arc faction standing gain does not cause derived standing gains or losses to other factions some missions involve very small Gallente standing loss due to ship kills and possibly as high as 1.209 standing loss with Caldari State due to ship kills.


Smash and Grab takes place in null security space, so pilots will want to plan accordingly and be ready to escape any unexpected PvP. As the epic arc might suggest, the Venal region is is controlled by the Guristas pirate faction, so pilots will be able to dock up in systems that have stations if the need arises. But keep in mind that the region has very few NPC stations. While operating in nullsec does mean that warp bubbles may be present, interceptors are a suggested ship for the arc, so they may not end up posing a threat. Pilots should, however, still be familiar with how bubbles work and how they affect both inbound and outbound warps.

Ships and fits

On paper, any of the following frigate-class ships will meet the mission restrictions:

An interceptor is the most popular choice due to its immunity to warp bubbles. A destroyer has superior firepower and tank however, those setups placed a much greater demand on the pilot, and are inherently riskier to fly.

Many of the NPCs hit hard and move fast, so ships will need a some tank, good propulsion, and most likely a web -- the last item is especially important if you're flying a close-range setup such as hybrid blasters.

Pirate arc runner kiter
Crow: Pirate arc runner kiter
[Crow, Pirate arc runner kiter]
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II
Light Missile Launcher II

1MN Afterburner II
Target Painter I
Medium F-S9 Regolith Compact Shield Extender

Damage Control II
Micro Auxiliary Power Core II

Small Anti-EM Screen Reinforcer I
Small Ionic Field Projector I

Scourge Fury Light Missile

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CITA 118.5
Pirate arc thrasher
Thrasher: Pirate arc thrasher
[Thrasher, Pirate arc thrasher]
250mm Light 'Scout' Artillery I, Phased Plasma S
250mm Light 'Scout' Artillery I, Phased Plasma S
250mm Light 'Scout' Artillery I, Phased Plasma S
250mm Light 'Scout' Artillery I, Phased Plasma S
250mm Light 'Scout' Artillery I, Phased Plasma S
250mm Light 'Scout' Artillery I, Phased Plasma S
250mm Light 'Scout' Artillery I, Phased Plasma S

Medium Ancillary Shield Booster, Cap Booster 50
Optical Compact Tracking Computer, Tracking Speed Script
5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive

Gyrostabilizer II
Gyrostabilizer II

Small Projectile Burst Aerator I
Small Projectile Metastasis Adjuster I
Small Projectile Locus Coordinator I

Cap Booster 50 x1
Tracking Speed Script x2
Phased Plasma S x2
Optimal Range Script x1

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  • Use MWD to crash gate if you jump into a camp.
  • MWD will also help to burn long distances in missions.
  • Take advantage of your range if incoming DPS is too high.
  • When facing frigates you can split weapons to two groups to kill two frigates in single volley.
  • Downgrade gyrostabilizers to compact if CPU doesn't fit. Swap rigs for CPU rigs if it still won't fit.
  • Consider carrying Depleted Uranium ammo to reduce pressure on your ship's limited tank during more difficult missions.

Regardless of the chosen ship and fitting, pilots should carry modules for travel and combat:

  • Nanite Repair Paste or Cap Booster chargers (if the fit requires them)
  • Nanofibers
  • Warp Core Stabilizers
  • Damage modifiers (Ballistic Controls, Magnetic Field Stabilizers, etc.)
  • Warp Disruptor/Scrambler

Mobile depot is required to refit due to low number of stations.

For some missions pilots may feel the need to swap out agility for tank, or vice versa. While traveling home with loot, warp stabilizers may provide some peace of mind. For pilots who are supremely confident in their piloting skills and don't mind the risk, there are fights to be had in Venal, so those pilots may wish to bring a warp scrambler/disruptor. However, PVP is strongly discouraged during this arc. Losing a mission item will result in failure, and pilots must wait three months to start the arc over again.

General Tactics

  • Think of this like a PVP mission with some PVE sprinkled in. The big difference here is that you're not going to be PVP'ing head-on -- you're going to be PVP'ing by out-piloting, outsmarting, and avoiding your enemies.
  • Periodically check your star map for ship kills, pod kills, and jumps in the last hour. Compare these systems against your mission route to see if you can avoid those systems, or wait until the action has subsided.
  • Keep an eye on local, but never speak. You don't want to give away the fact that you're active.
  • The D-scan button is hotkeyed these days, so there's no excuse not to mash it constantly. Do a 360 scan every few seconds while running your missions. Look for combat scanner probes first and foremost (this is the only way pirates can find you inside a mission's deadspace pocket), but also keep an eye out for other ships so you know who's active in the system. You'll see lots of assault frigates and interceptors flown by other missioners and those hunting them.
  • Some missions include waves of frigates and destroyers that can be quite punishing. Don't be afraid to cherry pick a few, dock up, repair, rinse, and repeat.
  • Once you accept a mission you should minimize the agent conversation window instead of closing it. This way, once your objectives are complete the window will pop back up, giving you a clear indication that your work is done.

Starter Agents

Pick any one of these agents below. Those running this arc should be well versed in the mechanics of effective standing already so all you need is 3.0 effective standing with the stating agent, the agent's corporation or the agent's faction. You will also need to have over -2.00 standing with the agent, agent's corporation and agent's faction.

All these agents will lead you directly to the first chapter.

Arment Caute

  • 3.00 standing with either Federal Intelligence Office or- Gallente Federation
  • Mission name: Enemy of my Enemy
  • Location: Orvolle System (Beacon in space: Arment Caute's Lachesis)
  • Mission type: Report to given agent.

Atma Aulato

  • 3.00 standing with either Ytiri or Caldari State
  • Mission name: Turning Coat
  • Location: Obe System (Beacon in space: Atma Aulato's [shiptype])
  • Mission type: Report to given agent.

Yada Vinjivas

  • 3.00 standing with either Guristas (corp) or Guristas (faction)
  • Mission name: Recruitment Drive
  • Location: Taisy System (Beacon in space: Yada Vinjivas's [shiptype])
  • Mission type: Report to given agent.


The epic arc can be split to three distinct achapters with two different paths for the last chapter. Many of the missions can be accepted and completed remotely.

Chapter 1: Probation

  1. Intelligence Mining
  2. Planning the Operation
  3. A Sabotage 101
  1. B Brassy Faced Bastard
  2. Upward Momentum

Chapter 2: For Fun and Profit

  1. Miscommunication
  2. Fuel Gauge
  3. Knockout Punch
  4. Culling the Weak

Chapter 3: Internal Security (Irichi Path)

  1. Threat Assessment
  2. Dread Pirates
  3. Rabbit Hole
  4. Passing the Buck

Chapter 3: Internal Security (Kori Path)

  1. Smoke and Mirrors
  2. Foxfire
  3. Spy Games


At the end of Mission 7 you should have a nice reward:

  • Reward: 1 Dread Guristas ECM Multispectral Jammer

At the end of Mission 11b or 12a you should have your final mission reward:

  • Reward: 1 one run Gila blueprint copy + Guristas Pirates faction standing (30% base faction standing increase)

Each mission will also give Guristas corporation standings.

Be careful getting your loot out. It was a lot of work to get through all this and it would be a pity to lose your rewards on your way back to highsec.

External Links/Guides

Complete Guide on EVE Files
