AIR New Player Experience

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This page should be updated due to game changes.
Reason: Road to fanfest update - Mining mystery tour

"Meet the Association for Interdisciplinary Research (AIR), a new technology-focused organization making a splash on New Eden's corporate landscape. AIR's main goal is the pursuit of scientific knowledge through a variety of research and development endeavors. One such endeavor is the AIR Capsuleer Training Program, a project designed to help pilots achieve their dreams of becoming the best and brightest Capsuleers in New Eden."

AIR New Player Experience is a tutorial available after Character Creation that teaches brand new capsuleers about New Eden.

You will learn:

You will meet:

  • Aura, your trusty AI companion
  • Ballin Ferrus, Commander of AIR Security
  • Vesper Calytrix, AIR's Vice President of Operation

To advance the tutorial, either complete the objective or click "Next" or "Continue" button.


Find a Ship

Aura, your AI companion.

Aura, your on-board AI, tells you someone has destroyed an Association for Interdisciplinary Research (AIR) cloning facility. You are in a Capsule and need to find a Ship.

  1. Rotate and zoom your Camera to locate a Ship, an Astero.
  2. Left click the highlighted Ship.
  3. Using the Selected Item interface, click Approach. Your Capsule will start flying towards the Astero.
  4. Once you are in range, click Board Ship. You will take control of the damaged Astero.


Ballin, Commander of AIR Security.

Ballin Ferrus, Commander of AIR Security, has arrived with a civilian transport fleet. Join them and evacuate to a rendezvous point.

An anomaly cloaking a structure.
  1. Click on Ballin Ferrus' Ship in the Overview interface. Click Approach.
  2. Once near, Ballin will boost your Shields and repair your Armour. Wait until the fleet enters and then exits warp.
  3. Select the Anomaly, then click Approach.

Defend the Fleet

A hostile fleet will attack the civilian transport fleet. Defend them as best as you can.

Hostile Fleet

Frigate 3 x Frigate Hostile Frigate
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Hostile Cruiser
Battleship 2 x Battleship Hostile Battleship Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
  1. Select Ballin Ferrus' ship, then click Orbit.
  2. Select the Hostile Frigate, click Orbit. Left click to active the Afterburner module.
  3. Once near, click Lock Target. Left click both Turret modules to open fire.
  4. Select the Hostile Cruiser, Orbit, Lock Target and use the Stasis Webifier module to slow it down. Left click both Turret modules to open fire.
  5. Select the Hostile Battleship, Orbit, Lock Target and use the Multispectral ECM module.
  6. Die! The Hostile Battleships will destroy both your Ship and your Capsule.

A New Clone

Vesper, AIR's Vice President of Operation.

After your Capsule is destroyed, you will wake up in a new Capsule in your Home Station. Vesper Calytrix, AIR's Vice President of Operation, will help you get back on your feet: equip a module, train Skills and travel to meet the Career Agents.

  1. Click Board my Corvette in the Station Services Panel to board a new Ship.
  2. Open your Inventory by clicking the Inventory button in the NEOCOM. Here you can see what Ships and Items you have stored in the Station.
  3. Open up your Item Hanger to see the Small Armour Repairer I module.
  4. Open your Fitting interface. Here you can see your Ship statistics. Drag-and-drop your Small Armour Repairer I module from your Item Hanger to an empty Low Slot in the Fitting interface.
  5. The Small Armour Repairer I module is grey. Bring it Online by clicking on it in the Fitting interface.
  6. You do not have the Skills required to activate the module. Fear not because a Skillbook has appeared in your Item Hangar. Hover over it and click Inject Skill to learn it.
  7. Open your Skill interface, then open the AIR Skill Plan, then finally click Add skills to training queue
  8. Click Apply Skill Points and Confirm to quickly learn the new Skills. This process is called Skill Injection.
  9. Go back, close the Skill interfaces and click on the grayed out Small Armour Repairer I module in your Fitting interface to Online it.
  10. Close the Fitting and Inventory interfaces.
  11. Open your Agency interface. Here you can see just some of the opportunities New Eden has to offer. Click Agents and Missions, then Career Agents, then Set Destination.
  12. Your destination is just a few jumps away. When ready undock your Ship by pressing Undock.
  13. Click the highlighted yellow Stargate, then click Jump.
  14. Continue Warping and Jumping until you reach your destination. Once there, click Dock to enter the Station.
  15. Open your Agency interface again. Click Start Conversation and Accept the Career Agent Mission.