The Gallente Archaeologist - The Results (4 of 9)

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This mission is a part of the mission chain The Gallente Archaeologist

The Gallente Archaeologist - The Results (4 of 9)
Level 4 Storyline
Type Courier
Objective Deliver an Encoded Data Ship (0.1 m³)
Ship suggestion Travel Interceptor or another fast ship.
Mission briefing
I received a response from Zunbar Alefon, the person that was supposed to identify the prisoners that you captured in a previous mission. Apparently, one of them is a very famous Gallente archaeologist, Karzath Pinazi, distantly related to Senator Tarek Pinazi! This is an incredible stroke of fortune for us, capturing a relative of a Gallente senator and famous icon is almost unheard of. I've no doubt that he will get us a mighty fine ransom. The only bad news is that this will probably bring a lot of bounty hunters into our backyard ... but hey, we have you to deal with that problem.

Now, on to your assignment. I need you to go to <destination station name> with a data chip that I'll have dropped off into your hangar. This chip contains all of our demands towards the Gallente Federation in exchange for the release of the prisoners. In it, we also threaten them with the slaying of their dear archaeologist team if they dare to launch a full scale assault on our station. I'm pretty sure that will keep them at bay for the time being.

Deliver the mission item, Encoded Data Ship (0.1 m³), to a station several jumps away.