The Gallente Archaeologist

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The Gallente Archaeologist is a nine part storyline mission chain.. It consists of encounters with some low volume courier missions in between. The encounters are mostly against Gallente Federation but in part 3 you face Mordu's Legion.

Unlike usually, the Gallente Federation NPCs are weakest against thermal while kinetic is still a good damage to deal. So if you have a bonus towards kinetic (for example Tengu or Cerberus), you still best deal kinetic. The exception are the Federation Navy Orion battleships, which have a very high kinetic resistance and you should always avoid to deal kinetic to them.

The final mission gives a command mindlink as a reward and in the mission in between you can loot a number of 3% hardwiring implants, gallente faction guns, and a lot of gallente dog tags.

The Gallente Archaeologist - The Unsuspecting Traveler (1 of 9)

The Gallente Archaeologist - The Unsuspecting Traveler (1 of 9)
Level 4 Storyline
Type Encounter
Objective Acquire 25 VIPs (75 m³)
Faction Gallente Federation
Best damage to deal Thermal damage ThKinetic damage Kin
Damage to resist Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Standing loss -0.24 to Gallente Federation

Video: Blitzer Tengu

Mission briefing
I'm happy to announce that we just spotted a transport ship owned by the Archaeological Agency of Caille University not far from a stargate in this system. It is being escorted by some rather menacing Navy ships, and therefore we've been a bit wary to attack it. I'm sure it got lost and took a wrong jump somewhere along its travel route, no sane captain of a civilian transport ship would travel through these parts on purpose.

You probably guessed it but I'd like you to do the dirty work. Fly off to their current location and eliminate the escort. If the transport freighter puts up a fight then destroy it as well, but try to bring back as many of its passengers as you can. These civilian transport ships can be a goldmine for those in the kidnapping / ransom business, if you know what I mean. I'm sure the Gallenteans will pay a handsome amount of ISK for their precious archaeologists, if taken alive.

One pocket

The last ship destroyed drops the mission items.

At 90 km
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 8 x Frigate Federation Navy Officer
Elite Frigate 4 x Elite Frigate Federation Navy Gamma I Support Frigate Stasis Webifier
Battleship 2 x Battleship Federation Navy Dominix/Megathron
Hauler 1 x Industrial Gallente Transport Ship


The ships drop meta modules and following dog tags:

8 Federation Navy Command Sergeant Major Insignia I
1 Federation Navy Fleet Colonel Insignia I
1 Federation Navy Fleet Colonel Insignia II
4 Federation Navy Sergeant Insignia III

The Gallente Archaeologist - The Identification (2 of 9)

The Gallente Archaeologist - The Identification (2 of 9)
Level 4 Storyline
Type Courier
Objective Deliver 1 DNA Sample (0.1 m³)
Ship suggestion Travel Interceptor or another fast ship.
Mission briefing
Welcome back <character name>. I'm excited here, we're pretty sure that the passengers you captured in a previous mission are of a very wealthy or important family. We can't say for certain yet, but there's something about them ...

Anyway, I'd like you to transfer a sample of their DNA to <destination station>, where Zunbar Alefon, our expert on Gallentean internal affairs, is located. Hopefully he will be able to find a match for them in his gigantic DNA database and give us some information on their backgrounds. And don't tell ANYONE what you're up to, I'd rather keep a low profile on this for the time being, the fewer members of Archangels that know about this the better.

Deliver the mission item, DNA Sample (0.1 m³), to a station several jumps away.

The Gallente Archaeologist - The Bounty Hunter (3 of 9)

The Gallente Archaeologist - The Bounty Hunter (3 of 9)
Level 4 Storyline
Type Encounter
Objective Acquire 25 Prisoners (187.5 m³)
Faction Mordu's Legion
Best damage to deal Kinetic damage KinElectromagnetic damage EM
Damage to resist Kinetic damage KinThermal damage ThBattleships deal almost purely kinetic damage. Smaller things deal both kinetic and thermal

Video: Blitzer Tengu

Mission briefing
The morning prison guard shift met with a grisly scene. All of the guards on the 5th deck on the last shift had been brutally murdered and some of the prison cells had been forcibly opened. 2 of the prisoners that you captured in a previous mission were missing. We are quite certain that this was the work of a bounty hunter, as he obviously intended to rescue these specific prisoners. We immediately banned all craft from leaving the station, but it was too late. However we have compiled a list of those who left the station this morning and we've narrowed it down to 3 suspects. We know the location of each of them, they haven't managed to leave the system yet. I'll upload their locations one by one, do whatever it takes to bring back those prisoners!

When you warp to the mission you face three acceleration gates. The mission items drop in the room behind the left gate to Taisu.

Left gate to Taisu

Mission items drop after destroying the central top group.

WD EWAR CollapseL

Next to warp in:
Cruiser 7 x Cruiser Mordus Lion
Battleship 1 x Battleship Mordus Mammoth
central top (30 km away)
Cruiser 4 x Cruiser Mordus Leopard
Battleship 2 x Battleship Mordus Mammoth/Sequestor
Battleship 1 x Battleship Taisu Magdesh Taisu Magdesh's Insignia
central bottom (40 km away)
Cruiser 10 x Cruiser Mordus Bobcat/Lion/Leopard
Battleship 1 x Battleship Mordus Phanti
left (35 km away)
Battleship 3 x Battleship Mordus Gigamar
right (35 km away)
Frigate 3 x Frigate Mordus Bounty Hunter
Cruiser 4 x Cruiser Mordus Cheetah
Battleship 2 x Battleship Mordus Sequestor

Middle gate to Korrani

WD EWAR CollapseL

Group 1 (20 km)
Frigate 5 x Frigate Mercanary Wingman
Cruiser 5 x Cruiser Mercenary Corporal
Battleship 2 x Battleship Mercenary Overlord
Group 2 (40 km)
Cruiser 12 x Cruiser Mercenary Commander/Lieutenant
Group 3 (65 km)
Frigate 5 x Frigate Bounty Hunter Rookie
Cruiser 5 x Cruiser Mercenary Lieutanant
Cruiser 1 x Cruiser Korrani Salemo Korrani's DNA
Battleship 1 x Battleship Mercenary Overlord

Right gate to Jared

WD EWAR CollapseL

20 km
Frigate 3 x Frigate Mercanary Wingman
Battleship 1 x Battleship Mercenary Overlord
Battleship 1 x Battleship Jared Kalem
Sentries (20-36 km
Sentry 6 x Sentry Tower Sentry III

The Gallente Archaeologist - The Results (4 of 9)

The Gallente Archaeologist - The Results (4 of 9)
Level 4 Storyline
Type Courier
Objective Deliver an Encoded Data Ship (0.1 m³)
Ship suggestion Travel Interceptor or another fast ship.
Mission briefing
I received a response from Zunbar Alefon, the person that was supposed to identify the prisoners that you captured in a previous mission. Apparently, one of them is a very famous Gallente archaeologist, Karzath Pinazi, distantly related to Senator Tarek Pinazi! This is an incredible stroke of fortune for us, capturing a relative of a Gallente senator and famous icon is almost unheard of. I've no doubt that he will get us a mighty fine ransom. The only bad news is that this will probably bring a lot of bounty hunters into our backyard ... but hey, we have you to deal with that problem.

Now, on to your assignment. I need you to go to <destination station name> with a data chip that I'll have dropped off into your hangar. This chip contains all of our demands towards the Gallente Federation in exchange for the release of the prisoners. In it, we also threaten them with the slaying of their dear archaeologist team if they dare to launch a full scale assault on our station. I'm pretty sure that will keep them at bay for the time being.

Deliver the mission item, Encoded Data Ship (0.1 m³), to a station several jumps away.

The Gallente Archaeologist - Sudden Strike (5 of 9)

The Gallente Archaeologist - Sudden Strike (5 of 9)
Level 4 Storyline
Type Encounter
Faction Gallente Federation
Best damage to deal Thermal damage ThKinetic damage Kin
Damage to resist Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Warp disruption Warp disruption frigates
Standing loss -0.24 to Gallente Federation

Video: Tengu

Mission briefing
After you delivered the data chip in your last mission, I've been flooded with reports of Gallente Navy sightings in <system name>. A number of our gangs have been wiped out, and it's not considered safe anymore for a pirate to venture too far out into space in these parts. I'm positive that this new offensive is the direct result of the data chip we sent falling into the hands of the Navy generals. They know what we're up to and it's only a matter of time before the Gallente media get a hold of the story.

I didn't expect the Navy to venture this close to our station, after all we've threatened to kill the prisoners. But they seem intent on keeping their distance, this is just a ploy of theirs to frighten us. But by disrupting our trade routes and ambushing our patrols in <system name>, all they accomplish is raising the price on our demands.

I want you to head out into the outer reaches of this system and eliminate 4 Navy groups. After we have given them the taste of defeat, then it will be time to deliver our new demands. Off you go.

Notes: The best damage to deal is thermal but kinetic is mostly ok except against the Orion battleships which have a very high kinetic resist.

Blitz: Destroy the first group in the last room. But you have to destroy all the NPCs in room 1 to 3, to take the gates.

Room 1

Group 1 (at 0 km)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Frigate 1 x Elite Frigate Federation Navy Gamma II Support Frigate Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Federation Navy Torax
Battleship 1 x Battleship Federation Navy Megathron
Group 2 (at 55 km)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Cruiser 8 x Cruiser Federation Navy Torax
Battleship 2 x Battleship Federation Navy Dominix
Group 3 (at 65 km)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 5 x Frigate Federation Navy Officer
Elite Frigate 4 x Elite Frigate Federation Navy Gamma II Support Frigate Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Battleship 2 x Battleship Federation Navy Megathron/Orion
Group 4 (at 90 km)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Frigate 3 x Elite Frigate Federation Navy Gamma II Support Frigate Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Cruiser 5 x Cruiser Federation Navy Vexor
Battleship 2 x Battleship Federation Navy Dominix/Megathron

Room 2

Group 1 (at 30 km)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Frigate 3 x Elite Frigate Federation Navy Gamma I Support Frigate Stasis Webifier
Cruiser 7 x Cruiser Federation Navy Thorax
Battleship 1 x Battleship Federation Navy Orion
Group 2 (at 55 km)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Cruiser 5 x Cruiser Federation Navy Vexor
Battleship 2 x Battleship Federation Navy Megathron
Group 3 (at 65 km)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Frigate 5 x Elite Frigate Federation Navy Gamma II Support Frigate Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Battleship 3 x Battleship Federation Navy Dominix/Megathron

Room 3

Group 1 (at 30 km)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Cruiser 5 x Cruiser Federation Navy Thorax
Battleship 3 x Battleship Federation Navy Megathron/Orion
Group 2 (at 60 km)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 10 x Frigate Federation Navy Officer/Soldier
Battleship 2 x Battleship Federation Navy Megathron/Orion
Group 3 (at 65 km)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 10 x Frigate Federation Navy Maulus/Soldier
Elite Frigate 1 x Elite Frigate Federation Navy Squad Leader 3% hardwiring implant

Room 4

Group 1 (at 20 km)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Frigate 3 x Elite Frigate Federation Navy Gamma II Support Frigate Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Frigate 5 x Frigate Federation Navy Officer
Battleship 2 x Battleship Federation Navy Orion
Group 2 (at 55 km)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Frigate 4 x Elite Frigate Federation Navy Gamma II Support Frigate Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Cruiser 7 x Cruiser Federation Navy Thorax
Elite Cruiser 1 x Elite Cruiser Captain Jerome Leman 3% hardwiring implant
Battleship 4 x Battleship Federation Navy Megathron/Orion


Besides the 3% hardwiring implants, a lot of Gallente dog tags drop as well as normal meta modules.

The Gallente Archaeologist - Repercussions (6 of 9)

The Gallente Archaeologist - Repercussions (6 of 9)
Level 4 Storyline
Type Encounter
Faction Gallente Federation
Best damage to deal Thermal damage ThKinetic damage Kin
Damage to resist Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Warp disruption Warp disruption frigates
Standing loss -0.24 to Gallente Federation

Video: Tengu

Mission briefing
Your attack on the Navy groups has had unforeseeable consequences. Instead of backing off, they have taken their offensive to another level. We've noticed an unusually large concentration of their ships at a location within <system name>, and a construction freight or two heading their way. We're quite sure they are planning on building something there, probably a military outpost from which they intend to launch a major offensive against this station. We can't let them start building that outpost! I want you to personally see to it that their convoy and all of the ships defending the area are destroyed immediately.

Blitz: Destroy the industrials named "Construction Freight".

Notes: The best damage to deal is thermal; but kinetic is mostly okay except against the Orion battleships, which have a very high kinetic resist.

Ungated Pocket

at 30 km
WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Frigate 5 x Elite Frigate Federation Navy Gamma II Support Frigate Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Cruiser 5 x Cruiser Federation Navy Torax
Battleship 2 x Battleship Federation Navy Megathron/Orion
Hauler 3 x Industrial Construction Freight


4 Federation Navy Fleet Colonel Insignia II	
5 Federation Navy Fleet Major Insignia I
5 Federation Navy Sergeant Insignia III

The Gallente Archaeologist - The New Demands (7 of 9)

The Gallente Archaeologist - The New Demands (7 of 9)
Level 4 Storyline
Type Courier
Objective Deliver an Encoded Data Ship (0.1 m³)
Ship suggestion Travel Interceptor or another fast ship.
Mission briefing
Your last strike against the Navy forces in <system name> sent them into a disarray. That should keep them in check for a day or two. Meanwhile, I'd like you to bring our new demands to <destination station>. This time they better comply, or we might just go through with all of our threats. We've already decapitated one of the prisoners, which we believe to be a personal aid of Karzath. The footage has been compiled into the data disk along with our demands.

Deliver the mission item, Encoded Data Ship (0.1 m³), to a station several jumps away.

The Gallente Archaeologist - Final Attempt (8 of 9)

The Gallente Archaeologist - Final Attempt (8 of 9)
Level 4 Storyline
Type Encounter
Faction Gallente Federation
Best damage to deal Thermal damage ThKinetic damage Kin
Damage to resist Kinetic damage KinThermal damage Th
Warp disruption Warp disruption frigates
Standing loss -0.24 to Gallente Federation
Mission briefing
I'm glad you're back <character name>. The Gallente Navy have gone mad! They've sent an entire fleet of ships to attack this station. They must be utterly insane, if even one of them steps foot in here the prisoners heads will roll! I need you to undock at once and meet the Navy head on before they get within firing range of the station, bring everyone you can, I suspect you'll need all the help you can get. You'll be supplied with a bookmark of course, now get moving!

Video: Tengu February 2021]

You have to destroy the Federation Navy Fleet Commander in room 4.

Notes: The best damage to deal is thermal; but kinetic is mostly okay except against the Orion battleships, which have a very high kinetic resist.

Room 1

Group 1 (at 45 km)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 8 x Frigate Federation Navy Officer
Elite Frigate 5 x Elite Frigate Federation Navy Gamma II Support Frigate Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Cruiser 5 x Cruiser Federation Navy Thorax
Battleship Battleship Federation Navy Dominix/Orion
Group 2 (at 65 km)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Frigate 4 x Elite Frigate Federation Navy Gamma I Support Frigate Stasis Webifier
Cruiser 6 x Cruiser Federation Navy Vexor
Battleship 2 x Battleship Federation Navy Dominix

Room 2

Group 1 (at 45 km)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Cruiser 6 x Cruiser Federation Navy Thorax
Battleship 4 x Battleship Federation Navy Dominix/Megathron
Group 2 (at 50 km)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Cruiser 6 x Cruiser Federation Navy Thorax
Cruiser 6 x Cruiser Federation Navy Raid Leader 3% hardwiring implant
Battleship 4 x Battleship Federation Navy Dominix/Megathron
Group 3 (at 60 km)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Frigate 5 x Elite Frigate Federation Navy Gamma II Support Frigate Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Cruiser 5 x Cruiser Federation Navy Thorax
Battleship 3 x Battleship Federation Navy Dominix/Megathron/Orion

Room 3

Group 1 (at 22 km)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Cruiser 5 x Cruiser Federation Navy Thorax
Battleship 2 x Battleship Federation Navy Dominix/Orion
Group 2 (at 40 km)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Frigate 5 x Elite Frigate Federation Navy Gamma II Support Frigate Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Cruiser 5 x Cruiser Federation Navy Thorax
Battleship 2 x Battleship Federation Navy Megathron/Orion
Group 3 (at 58 km)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Frigate 12 x Frigate Federation Navy Officer/Soldier
Cruiser 4 x Cruiser Federation Navy Thorax
Battleship 2 x Battleship Federation Navy Megathron/Orion

Room 4

Sentry Group (at 30-60 km)
WD EWAR CollapseL

Sentry 4 x Sentry Gallente Sentry Gun
at 80 km
WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Frigate 4 x Elite Frigate Federation Navy Gamma II Support Frigate Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Cruiser 7 x Cruiser Federation Navy Thorax
Battleship 1 x Battleship Federation Navy Orion
Battleship 1 x Battleship Federation Navy Fleet Commander 3% hardwiring implant

Room 5 (bonus room)

at 0 km
WD EWAR CollapseL

Cruiser 2 x Cruiser Federation Navy Vexor
at 40 km
WD EWAR CollapseL

Elite Frigate 10 x Elite Frigate Federation Navy Delta/Gamma II Support Frigate Warp Disruptor Stasis Webifier
Cruiser 8 x Cruiser Federation Navy Thorax
Battleship 3 x Battleship Federation Navy Dominix/Orion
Battleship 1 x Battleship Federation Navy Fleet Commander 3% hardwiring implant
Battleship 1 x Battleship General Luther Veron 3% hardwiring implant, Luther Veron's Head
Sentry 4 x Sentry Gallente Sentry Gun


The commanders also have a chance to drop faction modules, a lot of meta modules drop and following dog tags:

18 Federation Navy Command Sergeant Major Insignia I
 8 Federation Navy Fleet Captain Insignia I
10 Federation Navy Fleet Colonel Insignia I
29 Federation Navy Fleet Colonel Insignia II
 2 Federation Navy Fleet Commander Insignia
42 Federation Navy Fleet Major Insignia I
 1 Federation Navy Raid Leader Insignia
 6 Federation Navy Sergeant Insignia I
21 Federation Navy Sergeant Insignia II
19 Federation Navy Sergeant Insignia III

The Gallente Archaeologist - The Conclusion (9 of 9)

The Gallente Archaeologist - The Conclusion (9 of 9)
Level 4 Storyline
Type Courier
Objective Deliver one VIPs (3,0 m³)
Ship suggestion Travel Interceptor or another fast ship.
Rewards Command Mindlink
Mission briefing
Rejoice, <charactre name>, the Federation have finally caved in. They have vowed to meet our demands once the prisoner and his cargo have been transferred safely to <destination station>, where their agents will pick it up. Ironically enough, we have no idea what cargo they were jammering about, everything that was on board the cargo ship containing the archeologists you captured originally was destroyed along with the ship. No wonder they were so adamant at retrieving whatever it was they were after. Karzath Nuoki was only a smokescreen, whatever he was transporting towards Gallente space was extremely valuable. It's unfortunate we will never find out what it was, as I'm sure you never saw anything suspicious in the wreckage of the cargo ship other than the stranded archeologists ... but just to be on the safe side, I had some of my men search your hangar just in case you have been less than honest with us. No hard feelings I hope.

And as you probably guessed, I want you to do the honors of transporting the prisoner to <destination station>, where our agents will hand him along with a cargo container filled with various junk to our Gallente 'friends'. Once this final assignment has been completed, I ... err we will be able to enjoy the fruits of our hard work. In other words, I'll be rich!

Deliver the mission item, VIPs (3,0 m³), to a station several jumps away.